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Our University

Читайте также:
  1. Watson В., trans. 1964. Chuang Tzu, basic writings. New York: Columbia University Press. Рус. пер.: Чжуан-Цзы / Пер. с кит. В.В.Малявина М.: Мысль, 1995.
  2. Пекинский Университет Иностранных Языков / Beijing Foreign Studies University


The Belarusian State Economic University is one of the oldest and biggest higher educational institutions in the Republic of Belarus. It got this name only in 1992. Earlier it was known as the Belarusian State Institute of National Economy which was founded in 1933.

The University has a developed infrastructure, which provides training and research within twelve schools:

- School of Management;

- School of Accounting and Economics;

- School of Finance and Banking;

- School of International Economic Relations;

- School of Commerce Economics and Management;

- School of Marketing;

- School of Law;

- School of Language Studies;

- School of Psychological and Teaching Updating;

- School of Pre-University Training;

- Higher School of Tourism;

- Higher School of Business and Management.

The University trains specialists in the fields of economics, management and law.

Students are taught various majors: banking, finance and crediting, advertising, accounting, commodity expertise, economic cybernetics and others.

The University is provided with all modern facilities. Numerous tutorial rooms, large lecture halls, computer and video/audio classrooms, a wonderful library, several reading halls, cosy canteens and cafes are at the students’ disposal.

The University has a Research Center, an International Relations Division and a Publishing Center. The university library is one of the best supplied and equipped in the country.

The academic year is divided into two terms: the winter term and the summer term. At the end of the course of study students have their final state exams. Upon graduation students obtain a BA (Bachelor of Arts) degree. As we are external students, we come to the University twice a year to pass our preliminary tests and examinations. We have to combine work and studies. It is not easy but we try our best to get good knowledge and become highly qualified specialists.


Post-reading activities


1. Match the words on the left to those on the right. Make 10 word partnerships and translate them into Russian.


1. educational a. exams

2. state b. canteens

3. tutorial c. cybernetics

4. preliminary d. majors

5. external e. institution

6. cosy f. tests

7. economic g. students

8. various h. rooms

9. modern i. specialists

10.qualified j. facilities


2. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian collocations.


1. высшее учебное заведение; 2. международные экономические отношения; 3. подготовительный факультет; 4. в распоряжении студентов; 5. современные технические средства; 6. многочисленные аудитории; 7. учебный год; 8. зачеты; 9. выпускные экзамены; 10. студенты заочного отделения; 11. в конце курса обучения; 12. после окончания вуза; 13. совмещаем работу и учебу.


3. Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

1. Students are taught many … specialities.

a) numerous b) various c) foreign d) qualified

2. Rooms where students have their practical classes are called…

a) lecture halls b) recreations c) canteens d) tutorial rooms

3. The University … training and research within twelve schools.

a) obtains b) educates c) provides d) founds

4. Students who study by correspondence are known as…

a) internal students b) external students c) inner students d)outer students

5. Upon graduation students … a BA degree

a) provide d) supply c) try d) obtain

4. Complete the sentences.


1. The Belarusian State Economic University was earlier known as….

2. … are at the students’ disposal.

3. The University is provided with ….

4. We come to the University twice a year to ….

5. … students obtain a BA degree.

6. Training and research are maintained within …


5. Say whether the following statements are true or false.


1. The Belarusian State Economic University was founded in 1933.

2. There are a number of video and computing classrooms at the University.

3. The academic year is divided into three terms.

4. External students come to the University once a year.

5. At the end of the course of study students have their final state exams.

6. It’s not difficult to combine work and studies.


6. Answer the following questions.


1. What was the original name of the University?

2. How many schools are there at the University?

3. What school do you study at and what determined your choice?

4. How do you find the teaching facilities?

5. How often do you arrive at the University?

6. Is it easy or difficult for you to combine work and studies?


7. Get ready to discuss the following.

There are both state and commercial higher educational institutions in Minsk. You’ve chosen a state university. What motivated you?


Read Text B using the dictionary and do the following tasks.


1. Think of the title to the text.

2. Make up 5-6 questions of different types.

3. Give a short summary of the text.

Text B

The Belarusian government considers education a major vehicle of social advancement. Most of the expenditure on education in Belarus comes from the state budget. Education is compulsory for all children from 6 to 16.

The system of education in Belarus, as the basis for development of intellectual, cultural, scientific and personnel potential, includes more than 5,000 pre-school institutions and nearly the same number of comprehensive schools, gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, 42 higher and 151 secondary special educational institutions. In higher education a great part of institutions are commercial high schools. Institutions of higher education fall into four types: University, Academy, Institute and Higher College.

There are 180 students per 10,000 people in the Republic of Belarus. Per every 1,000 people engaged in the economy there are 331 specialists with higher or vocational education.

The Republic of Belarus possesses significant scientific and technical potential for solving major social and economic problems, fundamental research and development.

Unit 3. MINSK

Дата добавления: 2015-08-10; просмотров: 347 | Нарушение авторских прав

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