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The Bolt that Holds the Ikea Empire Together.

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  1. Single Parent Households

Преподаватель: Шитикова Елизавета Владимировна

Вариант 1

I. Translate into Russian. Give the tense and aspect form of the verb:

1. He left for Moscow.

2. She studied many languages.

3. When I saw him, he was going home.

4. He was much spoken about.

5. The text has already been translated by them.

II. Open the brackets:

1. These books (return) to the library yesterday.

2. Why your task (not do)?

3. This room (use) only on special occasions.

4. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.

5. Usually the street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday.

III. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs (must, may, can, could, have to, be to, needn’t, should, ought to) or their equivalents:

1. All of us… be in time for classes.

2. … I use your book?

3. She… have already written her test.

4. … he have told such silly things?

5. He … to help them. They … his help.

IV. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. He said that he already (read) the book.

2. She said that the bus (come) soon.

3. My friend said that he (not do) that work without my help.

4. We knew that he not (to be able) to make this work himself and (decide) to help him.

5. We saw that our teacher just (to go out).

V. Translate into English:

1.Вам следует сказать ему об этом.

2. Ты умеешь играть на гитаре?

3. Он сказал, что уже видел этот фильм.

4. Вчера мне принесли очень интересную книгу.

5. Не может быть, что он уже ушёл.

VI. Insert all the necessary tense-form:

1.I have not visited the place yet. I (to go) there tomorrow.

2.Our train (to start) at 8 p. m. tomorrow, so if you (to come) at 5 o’clock we (to pack) still.

3.You (to have) dinner by the time I come back?

4.You probably (not, to see) her since those summer holidays.

5.Gerald, if you (to go away) with Lord Illingworth, go at once. Go before it (to kill) me.

6.As she turns to go, she finds that Bella (to enter) and (to star) at her.

7.When the Gadfly raised his head the sun (to set) and the red glow (to die) in the west.

VII. Ask all possible questions:

1. She translates the texts very quickly.

2. We broke a vase yesterday.

3. The salary was received five days ago.

VII. Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree. Translate into English:

Я умнее, чем мой друг.

Это задание важнее.

Они учатся хуже.

VIII. Give the description of your kitchen. (10 sentences)

IX. What is the latest news in the world?

What holidays do you like and why?

X. Translate into English.

25 декабря - Рождество. Это веселый праздник для многих людей в разных странах. На протяжении нескольких недель до Рождества люди заняты. Они посылают поздравительные открытки друзьям и родственникамю Вы можете купить открытки или сделать их сами.

Люди покупают елку и украшают ее игрушками, разноцветными шарами, конфетами.

В канун Рождества люди кладут подарки под елку. Когда дети ложатся спать, они кладут чулки рядом с кроватками.

Ночью приходит Дед Мороз. У него большой мешок с подарками. Он кладет подарки в детские чулочки. Счастливого Рождества!

XI. Read and translate the text. Answer the questions. What other interesting information can you find about IKEA and Ingvar Kamprad?

The Bolt that Holds the Ikea Empire Together.

Ingvar Kamprad is no ordinary multi-billionaire. The founder of the Ikea furniture empire travels economy class, drives a 10-year-old Volvo and buys his fruit and vegetables in the afternoons, when prices are often cheaper. Ask him about the luxuries in his life and he says: ˝ From time to time, I like to buy a nice shirt and cravat and eat Swedish caviar. Mr Kamprad is one of Europe’s greatest post-war entrepreneurs. What began as a mail-order business in 1943 has grown into an international retailing phenomenon across 31 countries, with 70,000 employees. Sales have risen every single year. The Ikea catalogue is the world’s biggest annual print run-an incredible 110m copies a year. And Mr Kamprad has grown extraordinarily rich. He is worth $13.4bn (£8.7bn) and is the 17th richest person in the world, according to Forbes, the US magazine. The concept behind Ikea’s amazing success is unbelievably simple: make affordable, well-designed furniture available to the masses. And then there is Mr Kamprad himself- charismatic, humble, private. It is his ideas and values that are at the core of Ikea’s philosophy.

Best known for his extremely modest lifestyle, he washes plastic cups to recycle them. He has just left his long-standing Swedish barber because he found one in Switzerland, where he lives, who charges only SFr14 (£6) for a cut. ˝That’s a reasonable amount,˝ he chuckles. All Ikea executives are aware of the value of cost-consciousness. They are strongly discouraged from travelling first or business class. ˝There is no better form of leadership than setting a good example. I could never accept that I should travel first class while my colleagues sit in tourist class,˝ – Mr Kamprad says. As he walks around the group’s stores, he expresses the feeling of ˝togetherness˝ physically, clasping and hugging his employees. This is very uncharacteristic of Sweden. ˝Call me Ingvar,˝ he says to staff. The informality and lack of hierarchy are emphasised by his dress style, with an open-necked shirt preferred to a tie. Mr Kamprad has had both personal and business battles. He has fought against dyslexia and illness. One of Mr Kamprad´s characteristics is his obsessive attention to detail. When he visits his stores, he talks not only to the managers but also to floor staff and customers. A recent visit to six of the group’s Swedish stores has produced ˝100 details to discuss˝, he says. By his own reckoning, his greatest strength is choosing the right people to run his businesses.

He is determined that the group will not go public, because short-term shareholder demands conflict with long-term planning. ˝I hate short-term decisions. If you want to take long-lasting decisions, it’s very difficult to be on the stock exchange. When entering the Russian market, we had to decide to lose money for 10 years.˝

Mr Kamprad has been slowly withdrawing from the business since 1986, when he stepped down as group president. He maintains that he is still ˝too much involved and in too many details˝, although he admits to a distinct reluctance to withdraw altogether. The question is: can there be an eternal Ikea without Mr Kamprad? Does the group depend too much on its founder? Will the empire continue, as control of Ikea gradually moves to Mr Kamprad´s three sons?

From the Financial Times

Answer the questions.

1. Why is the founder of IKEA not an ‘ordinary’ multi-billionaire? What are luxuries for him?

2. How did his company start?

3. How many people are there in the IKEA furniture empire?

4. What’s the main philosophy of IKEA’s success?

5. Prove that Ingvar Kamprad leads an extremely modest lifestyle.

6. What is the best form of leadership according to the IKEA’s executives?

7. How is the company’s feeling of “togetherness” expressed by the author of the article?

8. What is Ingvar Kamprad’s greatest power, according to his own words?

9. What was the company’s prediction when they entered the Russian market?

10. What’s Ingvar Kamprad’s attitude towards short-term decisions?

11. Would you like to work for him?

12. When is the correct time for a leader to leave his company?

13. What does abbreviation IKEA mean?

14. What winning formula is behind Ikea's success?

XII. Last term you were to speak the topic about yourself at the exam. Write a resume. The general information how to write a resume is given below.

XIII. Write down 3 topics. Be ready to discuss them.

My University.

My plans for future.




Вариант 2.

I. I. Translate into Russian. Give the tense and aspect form of the verb:

1. You are playing chess, aren’t you?

2. These toys are made in Japan.

3. The text is being translated at the moment.

4. The letter had been written before we came.

5. I am often asked at the lessons.

II. Open the brackets:

1. These books (return) to the library yesterday.

2. Why your task (not do)?

3. This room (use) only on special occasions.

4. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.

5. Usually the street (sweep) every day, but it (not sweep) yesterday.

III. Fill in the gaps with modal verbs (must, may, can, could, have to, be to, needn’t, should, ought to,) or their equivalents:

1. You don’t look well. You … go to the doctor.

2. In winter we … often skate.

3. I … to return the books to the library before my summer holidays.

4. Our classes …to start at 8.45.

5. … you play the piano before?

IV. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form:

1. He said that he already (read) the book.

2. She said that the bus (come) soon.

3. My friend said that he (not do) that work without my help.

4. We knew that he not (to be able) to make this work himself and (decide) to help him.

5. We saw that our teacher just (to go out).

V. Translate into English:

1. Мой друг сказал, что скоро вернётся.

2. Концерт должен был начаться в 18.00.

3. Об этой книге много говорят.

4. Ты должен заботиться о своих родителях.

5. Моя мама сказала, что она сейчас занята.

VI. Insert all the necessary tense-form:

1.I have not visited the place yet. I (to go) there tomorrow.

2.Our train (to start) at 8 p. m. tomorrow, so if you (to come) at 5 o’clock we (to pack) still.

3.You (to have) dinner by the time I come back?

4.You probably (not, to see) her since those summer holidays.

5.Gerald, if you (to go away) with Lord Illingworth, go at once. Go before it (to kill) me.

6.As she turns to go, she finds that Bella (to enter) and (to star) at her.

7.When the Gadfly raised his head the sun (to set) and the red glow (to die) in the west.

VII. Ask all possible questions:

Wives spend husbands’ salaries.

I ate a tasty turkey yesterday.

She congratulated me with birthday.

VIII..Use the adjective in the comparative or superlative degree. Translate into English.

Я перевожу тексты лучше, чем мой дядя.

Этот фильм более интересный.

Она такая же ответственная, как и я.

IX. Give the description of the house of your dream. (10 sentences)

X. What is the latest news in the world?

What holidays do you like and why?

XI. Translate into English.

Рождество – это веселый праздник для многих людей в разных странах. В Великобритании, в Лондоне, каждый год на Трафалгарской площади размещают большую елку. Это подарок англичанам от жителей Норвегии. Много людей приходит на площадь в новогоднюю ночь. Люди поздравляют друзей и родственников с Рождеством и желают счастья, удачи и здоровья в новом году.

На рождественский ужин принято готовить индейку с картофелем, овощи и пудинг.

На следующий день после рождества никто не работает. В этот день состоятельные люди дарят еду и подарки бедным. Новый год не празднуется в Европе так же широко, как и в России. В новогоднюю ночь люди загадывают желания и дают себе обещания – чего они постараются не делать, или, наоборот, достичь в следующем году.


XI. Translate the text into Russian and answer the questions:

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