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Flight of fancy

9. restraint = the ability to control or moderate one's impulses, passions, etc.

10. rarity = a rare person or thing, esp. something interesting or valued because it is uncommon

By any measure

To bring buzz around

13. to turn away orders – отклонять заказы

To earn sb enormous respect

15. to go under – терпеть неудачу (в делах), разоряться

16. recession = a temporary depression in economic activity or prosperity

17. tacky = 1) shabby or shoddy; 2) ostentatious and vulgar; 3) (of a person) dowdy; seedy

18. trite = clichéd, banal

19. to go downhill = to decline; deteriorate

20. perspective = viewpoint

21. to enamour – to inspire with love; captivate; charm

22. sit-in – сидячая забастовка

23. fortuitously = by chance

24. to mess about = to occupy oneself trivially

25. tank top – a sleeveless upper garment with wide shoulder straps and a low neck, usually worn over a shirt, blouse, or jumper

Charcoal suit

27. bomber jacket – куртка "пилот" = a short jacket finishing at the waist with an elasticated band, usually having a zip front and cuff ed sleeves

28. knowledgeable = intelligent

29. sophisticated = having refined or cultured tastes and habits

30. assertive = 1) confident and direct in claiming one's rights or putting forward one's views; 2) given to making assertions or bold demands; dogmatic or aggressive


32. approachable = friendly

33. unpretentious – скромный, простой, без претензий, modest, not making claim to distinction or importance undeservedly

34. indecisive = irresolute

35. untrustworthy = not worthy of being trusted

36. distant = remote in manner; aloof

37. impish = mischievous

38. stuffy = dull


Shaving foam

Hair trimmer

Nail scissors

43. comb = a toothed device of metal, plastic, wood, etc., used for disentangling or arranging hair

Styling mousse

Nail file

46. blusher = a cosmetic applied to the face to imbue it with a rosy colour

47. moisturiser – увлажняющий крем

Polish remover

Eye liner

Lip gloss

51. tweezers = a small pincer-like instrument for handling small objects, plucking out hairs, etc.

52. sideburns = a man's whiskers grown down either side of the face in front of the ears

53. moustache = the unshaved growth of hair on the upper lip, and sometimes down the sides of the mouth

Facial hair

55. dinnerjacket = tuxedo (tux) = a man's semiformal evening jacket without tails, usually black with a silk facing over the collar and lapels

56. bow tie = a man's tie tied in a bow, now chiefly in plain black for formal evening wear

Ball gown

After-shave lotion

Nail polish

Eye shadow



63. waistcoat = a man's sleeveless waistlength garment worn under a suit jacket, usually buttoning up the front

64. sandals = light shoes consisting of a sole held on the foot by thongs, straps, etc.

65. wellingtons – веллингтоны, резиновые сапоги

66. collar = the part of a garment around the neck and shoulders, often detachable or folded over

67. cuff = he part of a sleeve nearest the hand, sometimes turned back and decorative

68. shoelace = a cord or lace for fastening shoes

69. razor = a sharp implement used esp. by men for shaving the face

70. foundation = a cosmetic in cream or cake form used as a base for make-up

71. stockings = a pair of close-fitting garments made of knitted yarn to cover the foot and part or all of the leg; socks

72. sweater = a garment made of knitted or crocheted material covering the upper part of the body, esp. a heavy one worn for warmth

73. woolly jumper = a knitted or crocheted wooly garment covering the upper part of the body

74. blouse; sweatshirt

75. necklace = a chain, band, or cord, often bearing beads, pearls, jewels, etc., worn around the neck as an ornament, esp. by women; earring (=an ornament for the ear, usually clipped onto the lobe or fastened through a hole pierced in the lobe), bracelet (= an ornamental chain worn around the arm or wrist)

76. dungarees = a casual denim (джинсовая ткань) garment (одежда, attire, outfit) consisting of trousers with a bib attached, usually worn by women or children

77. hipsters = trousers cut so that the top encircles the hips

78. stilettos = very high-heeled shoes

79. kilt = a knee-length pleated (складчатый) skirt

80. hanger = a curved piece of wood, wire, plastic, etc., fitted with a hook and used to hang up clothes

81. to lick one’s lips = to anticipate or recall something with glee or relish

82. to hold one’s breath = to wait expectantly or anxiously

83. to drum one’s fingers

84. to shrug one’s shoulders

85. to wrinkle one’s nose

86. to purse one’s lips

87. to clench one’s fists

88. to raise one’s brow

89. to shake/nod (in assent) one’s head

90. to twist one’s hair

91. evening wear – вечернее платье, одежда для торжественных случаев

92. cosmetic surgery = surgery performed to improve the appearance, rather than for medical reasons

Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 45 | Нарушение авторских прав

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