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I. TRUE OR FALSE. It was a sunny day

Читайте также:
  2. II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false.
  3. Right or false.
  4. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Comment your answer.


  1. It was a sunny day.
  2. Rebecca took some tools to her garden plot.
  3. She caught some dogs digging in the garden.
  4. The wind had blown in some paper.
  5. Rebecca was startled by the bark of a dog.
  6. Sheila O'Brien is a neighbor.
  7. Rebecca planned to plant vegetables.
  8. Sheila invited Rebecca for dinner that evening.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.

1. It had been ____________________ off and on for more than a ____________________, and the bright ____________________ was more than ____________________.

2. She noticed that some ____________________ had been digging in the ____________________.

3. She was ____________________ completely engrossed in the ____________________ before her.

4. She was somewhat ____________________ when she heard a ____________________ say: "What are you going to ____________________ this year?"

5. "Oh, just the ____________________ vegetables."

6. "Just let me ____________________ these tools away and I'll be ____________________ with you."

III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.

1. ____________________ bright and sunny

2. working ____________________

3. ____________________ the yard

4. ____________________ to herself

5. cut down old ____________________

6. ____________________ had blown in

7. come up ____________________

8. ____________________ of them

9. over for ____________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

  1. How did Rebecca prepare to work in her garden?
  2. What did she think had dug in her garden?
  3. What startled her?
  4. Who is Sheila O'Brien?
  5. Why had she come?






  1. Charles was speaking on the radio.
  2. His friends had told him what was going to happen.
  3. He had perfected his trade.
  4. He heard the news late at night.
  5. Charles was being replaced by a machine.
  6. The company was going to save millions of jobs.
  7. Charles was humiliated by the company.
  8. Charles's job was replaced by a machine.
  9. His skills were put in a computer.
  10. He had become a manager.


II. QUICK REVIEW: Write the words that best complete the sentence.

1. When he first heard the ____________________ on the radio, Charles could ____________________ believe it.

2. He had spent too many years ____________________ his trade to ____________________ that the time would come when __________________ would replace him and his ___________________.

3. The company was going to ____________________ machines and thereby ____________________ thousands of dollars in production ____________________.

4. He felt relieved that his ____________________ were not lost but, instead, ____________________ enough to be placed in a ____________________.

5. Now his job was to ____________________ rather than do the ____________________ himself.


III. CLOSE ATTENTION: Write the word that immediately precedes or follows the words below to fill in the blanks.

1. expect what ____________________

2. just couldn't accept ____________________

3. ____________________ his ears early

4. when the announcement ____________________

5. going to be ____________________

6. now, months ____________________

7. ____________________ were still producing

8. ____________________ than do the work ____________________

9. ____________________ up in the world

10. no longer a ____________________


IV. RECALL: Answer the following questions based on what you remember.

  1. How did Charles first hear the news?
  2. What was going to replace him?
  3. What was the company going to do?
  4. What was going to happen to Charles's job?
  5. Why did he feel relieved months later?
  6. What had he become?




Дата добавления: 2015-08-18; просмотров: 84 | Нарушение авторских прав

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