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State Papers of Henry VIII

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  1. B) Think of situations or microdialogues consisting of a statement (or a question) and a reply to it using the words mentioned above.
  2. C) Comment on the character of the landlady. Prove your statement.
  3. From The Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Patents Vol. 1321 Number 2August 14
  4. Henry A. Fitzhugh
  5. Page 134: Francis I referred to “riding her” [Mary] as “my hackney”. Gives dates of affair of Mary and Henry as 1519 to approximately 1525.
  6. Read a short article about the United States of America. Then match the words in bold to the definitions.
  7. State authorities of Ukraine


Volume I, 3348, 9 October 1514.

M. Boleyne “Gentlewoman appointed to have abidden in France with the French Queen.”


Volume I, 3357, 12 October 1514.

Names of … ladies retained by the King [Louis XII] to do service to the Queen … Madamoyselle Boleyne.


Volume III, 1539, 11 February, 1520, Book of Payments.

The King offered on Saturday (4th February) at the marriage of Mr Care and Mary Bullayn, 6s 8d.


Volume III, 3358, 23 September, 1523.

Expenses of the ship Mary Boleyn, 100 tons, Wm. Symonds, Capt., 79 men, £352 8s 6d.


Volume VI, 4409, 23 June, 1528, Brian Tuke to Wolsey.

Mr. Cary … is dead of the sweat. [See VIII, 453, p.174 below.]


Volume VII, 177, dated 13 February, 1534.

Original is in Lisle Papers, Vol. VI, 23, now filed on microfiche at the Public Record Office as S.P.3/6, 23. Signed by Mary Cary (sic) and Sir William Kingston. The footnotes in the State Papers suggest she is the original writer.


Volume VII, 1554, 19 December, 1534.

Chapuys (Ambassador) to the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (Vienna Archives): Refers to Mary being sent from Court “guilty of misconduct” (malefice) where it was not thought proper for her to be seen pregnant (enciente).


Volume VII, 1655, Letter from Mary Stafford to Thomas Lord Cromwell, not dated, but calendared as 1534. Original document is “Howard’s Lett., 525”; no one at the PRO could identify this. A search of the Historical Manuscript Commission index on the internet revealed 46 Howard family archives in various locations in England. A search of the British Library Online Catalogue was unsuccessful.

The text of the State Paper is as follows:

Desires him [Cromwell] to be good to her poor husband [Sir William Stafford] and herself. He is aware that their marriage, being clandestine, displeases the King and Queen. “But one thing, good master Secretary, consider; that he was young, and love overcame reason. And for my part I saw so much honesty in him that I loved him as well as he did me; and was in bondage, and glad I was to be at liberty; so that for my part I saw that all the world did set so little by me, and he so much, that I thought I could take no better way but to take him and forsake all other ways, and to live a poor honest life with him; and so I do put no doubts but we should, if we might once be so happy to recover the King’s gracious favor and the Queen’s. For well I might a had a greater man of birth and a higher, but I ensure you I could never a had one that should a loved me so well nor a more honest man” Begs him to put her husband “to the King’s grace that he may do his duty as all other gentlemen do;” and persuade his majesty to speak to the Queen who is rigorous against them. “And seeing there is no remedy, for God’s sake help us; for we have been now a quarter of a year married, I thank God, and too late now to call that again. Wherefore it is the more almons to help [us]. But if I were at my liberty and might choose, I ensure you, master Secretary, for my little time, I have tried so much honesty to be in him, that I had rather beg my bread with him thanto bethe greatest Queen christened.” Begs, as he has the name of helping all that need, he will help them; among all his suitors none more require his pity. “Pray my lord my father [the Earl of Wiltshire] and my lady to be good to us,” and desire “my lord of Norfolk and my lord my brother” to do the same. “I dare not write to them, they are so cruel against us. But if with any pain I could take with my life I might win their good wills, I promise you there is no child living would venture more than I” – “And being that I have read in old books that some for as just causes have by kings and queens been pardoned by the suit of good folks, I trust it. shall be our chance, through your good help, to come to the same.” Signed.

To the right worshipful &c., master Secretary.

Mary had married William Stafford secretly and without approval. This letter was an attempt to get them both back into Court, but they were unsuccessful.


Volume VIII, 453, p.174, 29 September, 1538, Windsor Castle Accounts.

William Carey died on 10 June 20 Hen. VIII, 10 June, 1528.


Volume VIII, 567. Calendared 1535, before 20 April.

This is the letter from John Hale, Vicar of Isleworth, to the Council, wherein he states:

“Moreover, Mr Skydmore [a monk at St Bridget’s Priory] dyd show to me yongge Master Care, saying that he was our suffren Lord the Kynge’s son by our suffren Lady the Qwyen’s syster, whom the Qwyen’s grace myght not suffer to be yn the Cowrte.” The original of this is in the PRO.


Volume X, 450, 10 March, 1536. Bishop of Faenza to Prothonotary Ambrogio. Refers to Ass. M.S. 8715, f.220b. British Library. This is the original quote regarding Mary’s morals in France “… whom the French King knew here in France “ per una grandissima ribalda at imfame sopre tutte.”

Volume X, 909, 19 May, 1536 [day of Anne’s execution]

Refers to King Henry’s affair with her [Anne’s] sister… and this would make Elizabeth a bastard.


Volume X, 911, 19 May, 1536 [day of Anne’s execution]

“… four young ladies followed her” [to the scaffold], but are not named.


Volume XIV, 572(3), 22 November, 1539. For the Reception of Anne of Cleves.

Names of those appointed to receive Anne of Cleves: “…young Stafford that married the Lady Cary…”


The following references mention property conveyed and acquired to William and Mary Stafford: Vol. XIV, 236 (p.74), 28 September, 1539, Lady Mary Carie for arrears due from Tynemouth Priory, £66 13s 4d.; Vol. XIV, 854, 25 April, 1539; Vol. XV, 517, 15 April, 1540, 611, April 1540, 31 Hen. VIII, pp.286-7, no.22&23.; Vol. XVI, 779, April 1541, no.22, 1308, October 1541, no.7&12.; Vol. XVII, 258, f.52, April 1542, 362(1), no.1, May 1542.; 1012(58), October 1542 [very large land grant, 1st mention of Catherine Carey & husband].; Vol. XVIII, 623(66), May 1543, I,223(p.123).; Vol. XIX, 80(26), p.40, 141(71) p.84.; Vol. XX, 418(f.86), 21 Sept. 1545.; 496(46) p.226.; Vol. XXI, 643(f.86), 12 Dec. 1544; 1106(72) p.579, June 1546; 717(12) p.355, 1546.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 97 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Page 134: Francis I referred to “riding her” [Mary] as “my hackney”. Gives dates of affair of Mary and Henry as 1519 to approximately 1525.| Edward III to Edward & Alexander Fitzhugh

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