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Читайте также:
  1. References
  2. References
  3. References & Background Notes

Bennich-Bjorkman, Li 2007. "The Cultural Roots of Estonia's Successful Transition: How Historical Legacies Shaped the 1990s", East European Politics & Societies 21, pp. 316-347.

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Hydzik, James 2006. "The Observer's 'Persons of the Year' 2006", in; The Ukrainian Observer, Issue 227, http://www.ukraine-observer.com/Articles/227/973, last accessed on 2 October 2008.

Kolodii, Antonina 2002. Na shliakhu do hromadians'koho suspil'stva. Teoretychni zasady і sotsiokul'turni peredumovy demokratychnoi transformatsii v Ukraini. L'viv: Chervona Kalyna.

Koreni travy. Hromadians'ke suspii'stvo v Ukraini: stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku 2003. Kyiv: Europe Foundation XXI.

Ruts, Svitlana, with assistance from Lyuba Palyvoda 2006. Civil Society in Ukraine: "Driving Engine or Spare Wheel for Change?" CIVICUS Civil Society Index Report for Ukraine. Kyiv.

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"Non-Governmental Think Tanks in the Present-day Socio-political Context: Problems and Challenges" 2007, in: National Security and Defence No. 6 (90), 24-34 (no author).

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Schade, Jeanette 2002. „Zivilgesellschafi'' - eine vielschichtige Debatte, 1NEF Report 59 (lnstitut fur Entwicklung und Frieden der Gerhard-Mercator-Universitat Duisburg).

Stepanenko, Viktor 2008. Hromadians'ke suspii'stvo v Ukraini: Demokratychni orientyry ta real'na praktyka, an unpublished analytical report in the framework of the "Democracy Audit" project.

Stewart, Susan 2009. Zivilgesellschaftliche Demokratieforderung der Europaischen Union: Estland, Makedonien und die Ukraine im Vergleich, in: Erdmann, Gero and Kneuer, Marianne (eds.), Externe Faktoren der Demokratisierung. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 261-282, forthcoming.

Subtelny, Orest 1988. Ukraine: A Elistory. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Ukraina: rik pislia vyboriv. Monitoring rehioniv 2007. Prepared by the Laboratory of Legislative Initiatives, the Civic Network "Opora", and the Committee of Voters of Ukraine. Available at http://www.parlament.org.Ua/docs/files/8/1200058184_ans.pdf, partially in English, last accessed on 19 September 2008.

"Ukrainian Think Tanks as an Element of Civil Society: Social Status, Influence, Cooperation with Partners" 2007, in: National Security and Defence No. 6 (90), 10-23 (no author).

USA1D (United States Agency for International Development) NGO Sustainability Index, http://www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/dem_gov/ngoindex/, last accessed on 2 October 2008.

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