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SEAL (Enterprise)

The signatures of persons

accepting pass/fail exam on practice (SDU)

“_____”__________20 ___year.


Suleyman Demirel University

Industrial Practice Diary


(Name and Surname)

Faculty___ Economics and Administrative Sciences __________________


Department ______________________________________________


Course ______ 3 _________________________________________



Serves as a permission on practice and

appended to the report





  1. Professional practice is a major part of educational process, which serves to the purposes of extending theoretical knowledge, the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills of work according acquiring specialty. The passing of professional practice is obligatory.
  2. To the practice are admitted students who completely finished educational plan.
  3. Before departure practice the student is obliged to receive from chair: a) the program, б) the individual task on course or diploma work, в) a diary of professional practice with the filled direction on practice.
  4. In order of improvement of preparation to practice the student should acquaints with program and the maintenance of forthcoming works, to collect and study the recommended reference literature, to receive from the supervisor of practice necessary consultations on organization and a technique of works.
  5. The student fills the diary of professional practice personally. Records about the executed works and excursions are made as required, but not less than once per week, is assured by the signature of the supervisor of practice. Before departure practice the student is obliged to receive the characteristic from the enterprise.
  6. The report on practice is made by the student in accordance with instruction of the program of practice and additional instructions of practice supervisor on enterprise.
  7. In the report the following questions are considered:

- The general information about practice,

- Targets and terms of practice,

- Methods of work

- Briefly about the maintenance and performance of the individual task, the analysis and the message on separate questions.

VII. CHARACTERISTIC OF STUDENT’S WORK (with indication of a degree of his theoretical preparation, quality of the done work, a labor discipline and lacks if they took place).




Signature of practice supervisor (SDU) ___________________________









Signature of representative of enterprise


SEAL (Enterprise)

NOTE: The report is as required illustrated by pictures, schemes, photos and etc.

  1. The report on individual tasks is made by the student in accordance with a theme of course or diploma work following the instructions of the advisor of course or diploma work, in terms for them established.
  2. At the end of practice the students are obliged to bring the:

- Diary,

- Report on professional practice,

- Characteristics from the practice supervisors.

  1. The report on professional practice is protected by the students before specially organized commission, consisting of 2-3 persons under the direction of professor (senior lecturer). The defense of the work has public character.
  2. Unsatisfactory mark or undelivered report entail repeated passage of professional practice and in case of showing by the student of careless attitude to practice, offence of discipline and full preparation on program of practice will lead to leaving for the second year or dismiss from the University. Terms and conditions of repeated passage of practice are established in each separate case by the rector of University.
  3. The estimation of results is taken into account during consideration of a question about fixing the grant together with examination results on theoretical courses. When professional practice of the current semester in conformity with the curriculum comes to an end after the term established for realization of examination, the mark on practice is take into account together with marks received on examination of the following semester.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-03; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав

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