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This book contains a translation into Russian of the seventh book (the second part) of the Devibhagavata-purana. Ideological basis of this purana is Shaktism. Shaktism is one of three directions in Hinduism, side by side with Vishnuism and Shivaism, core of which is the cult of the Supreme Goddess, female principle, personifying in shapes of various Hindu goddesses and, first of all the wife of Shiva, known under names Devi, Kali, Durga, Parvati and others.
The history of this cult leaves in depth of centuries. The scientists think, that it was one of central cults in religion of the Indus civilization (23 – 18 centuries B. C.).
The Indus civilization comes in decline for the unknown reasons in the beginning of second millenium B. C. After this Aryan tribes invaded the northern part of India. The reverence of the goddesses was not typical for patriarchal society of Aryans. However gradually they begin to mix up with Dravids, descendents of the inhabitants of the Indus civilization, and the synthesis of cultures and religions of both peoples took place. As a result, in pantheon of religion, which received the name Hinduism, a lot of the goddesses entered, representing only various manifestations of the one Supreme Goddess.
There many sources for study of Shaktism, and Devibhagavata-purana is one of major ones. This purana is one of two wordings of famous Bhagavata-purana, mentioned in the lists of 18 mahapuranas. A question about which of two wordings was created earlier, and each later and (or) exposition of previous, is debatable.
In brief we shall present the postulates of Shaktism on the basis of a text of the DBP.
In its philosophy Shaktism is very much like Shivaism and densely closed with it, so, primordial Shakti acts as the wife of Shiva (I, 2, 19). Shakti appeares as force creating, supporting and destroying the world, as the energy, without which any living creature is not capable even to stir (I, 8, 31). Shakti personifies in all creatures of a female.
From six orthodox systems of the Indian philosophy Sankhya exerted the strong influence on Shaktism (I, 7, 29; III, 7 and so on).
In DBP the special attention is given to a problem of achievement of liberation. Yoga practice, applications of mantras and yantras, worship to murti (idol) of the Supreme Goddess are said to be methods of it.
As well as all the Hindus, the Shaktists accepts the concepts of karma, reincarnation, rough and thin bodies of the living creature. In social sphere they accept traditional division into four varnas and ashramas, and theory of four gains of life.
In the purana we meet a lot of myths and legends. Basically, these myths are common for Hindu literature, but some have completely original character.
The language of a text is enough simple. The basic poetric form is sloka. The poetric Sanskrit text is transferred on Russian by a free verse. Each separate numbered distich corresponds to every sloka. The division of the purana on the chapters and books is made according to the original. The translation includes a commentary, introductory articles and a map.
In the whole this book is intended for the prepared reader, which is familiar with philosophy and mythology of Hinduism.
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