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The Science of Race

J.P.Guk. The Racial Roots of the Slavs E.F.Morozov. The rebellion of the Untouchables

O.M.Gusev. The Neanderthal Man: the Secret of his Disappearance V.A.Sidorov. The Socio-Biological Foundations of the Forming of



The Racial Demography

P.T.Burdukov, A.D.Orlov. The Demography as the Continuation of the Politics

V.A.Bashlachev. The Russian Racial Book-Keeping


The Racial Psychology

S.E.Ermakov. The Racial Archetypes, the Ethnical Psychology and the Environment

R.L.Perin. The National Instinct

A.A.Smirnov. The Russian Solider as a Mirror of the Russian National Character





The Social Anthropology

A.K.Belov. The Theory of the State and the Russian Outlocks S.V.Gorodnikov. The State and Archetypal Splits

A.N.Savelyev. The Russians According to the Passport and According to the A.N.Kolyev. The Truth of the Russian Law

The Biopolicy

J.J.Vorobyevski. The Vampirism as a Sign of our Epoch V.B.Avdeyev. The New Tradition and the Racial Modernizing


The Eugenics

P.S.Yanycharov. The Problem of the Applied Eugenics V.B.Avdeyev. The Genetic Socialism



The Instruction ―About the Main Criteria when Selecting the Staff for the Service in the Organs of the Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the USSR‖

The Instruction ―About the Secret Medical and Psycho-physiological Inspection of the Arrested and Sentenced Citizens‖





La race et l’idee russe (preface)


Le Russes dans l’histore de la race

V.E.Larionov. Les aspects raciaux et genetiques de l’histore ethnique du peuple russe

S.N.Marotchkine. Le peuple. Le milien. Le caractere A.M.Ivanov. ―L’esprit russe‖ sans chair

S.Kirilline. L’aspect racial du ―probleme ukrainien‖ S.V.Khatountsev. Les Slaves, les Paraslaves et les Slaves faux V.L.Maknatch. Le Nord russe: le sand et l’esprit

F.I. Fenyev. L’expansion raciale de Russie dans sa lutte pour l’espace


Le science de la race

J.P.Guk. La racines raciales des Slaves E.F.Morozov. La rebellion des intouchables

O.M.Goussev. L’homme de Neandertal: le secret de la dispartion V.A.Sidorov. Les fondements sociobiologiques de formation de nationalite


La demographie raciale

P.T.Bourdjukov, A.D.Orlov. La demographie comme un prolongement de la politique

V.A.Bachlatchev. La balance raciale russe


La psychologie raciale

S.E.Ermakov. Les archetypes raciaux, la psychologie ethnique et l’environnment

R.L.Perine. L’instinct nacional

A.A.Smirnov. Le soldat russe comme un miroir du caractere national russe


Дата добавления: 2015-08-05; просмотров: 59 | Нарушение авторских прав

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