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The Present Perfect tense

Читайте также:
  1. Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or Present Perfect).
  2. Task 15. Вставьте глагол to be в Present, Past или Future Indefinite.
  3. Task 16. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
  4. Task 5. Вставьте глагол to be в форме Present Simple.
  5. Task 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past, Future Simple Passive.
  6. Task 9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Perfect или Past Simple.


The Present Perfect is formed by means of the Present Indefinite of the auxil­iary verb to have and Participle II of the notional verb.

In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject.

In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb.

e.g. I have worked.

Have I worked?

I have not worked.

The Present Perfect falls within the time sphere of the present and is not used in narration where reference is made to past events. The Present Perfect has three distinctive uses.

1. Present Perfect I is used to denote a completed action connected with the present. The action took place in the past and the circumstances under which it occurred are not mentioned. It is the happening (событие, случай) itself that matters (имеет значение) in the speaker’s opinion, the circumstances of the action are not important at the moment.

e.g. I have seen the film.

The Present Perfect is generally used when the time of the action is not given. It is also used when there is an adverbial modifier of time in the sentence that denotes a period of time which is not over yet: today, this morning, this week, this month, this year, etc. e.g. I haven’t read the newspaper today.

But: if the period is over or reference (ссылка) is made to a particular past point of time within that period, the Past Indefinite is used.

e.g. I wasn’t very well this morning, but I’m all right now.

The Present Perfect is often used with such adverbs as: just (in the meaning «только что»), not... yet, already, before, always, ever, never, often, sel­dom, recently, lately, of late, etc.

e.g. Have you heard from him lately?

But: these adverbs may be used with any tense required by the sense.

e.g. You are always wasting your money on something!

It was already getting dark.

He’ll never be a teacher.

He was studying to be a pianist, but he never touches the piano now.

Note: with just now the Past Indefinite is used.

e.g. I told you just now I had never had time for much fun.

The Present Perfect is not used when there is an indication of past time in the sentence. In this case the Past Indefinite is used as we are interested in the time of the action.

The Present Perfect is not used in questions introduced by when as in this case the speaker is interested in the time of the action.

e.g. When did you arrive?

2. Present Perfect II is used to express an action which began before the mo­ment of speaking, has been going on up to the present and is still going on. This grammatical meaning is mainly expressed by the Present Perfect Continuous. In this meaning the Present Perfect is used with verbs which can’t have the Continuous form.

e.g. I have known the lady all her life.

I have loved her since she was a child.

The Present Perfect is preferred to the Present Perfect Continuous in negative sentences.

e.g. She hasn’t written to me for a year.

Present Perfect II is associated with certain time indications (указания) - either the whole period of duration of the action is indicated or its starting point. a) To denote the whole period of duration different time expressions are used. They are in­troduced by the preposition for (sometimes in, or no preposition at all): for an hour, for the last few years, for so long, for ages, in years, in the last few days, so far (до сих пор), all one’s life, these three years, so long, these last three days, etc.

e.g. I haven’t had any troubles so far.

I have wanted to go to Egypt all my life.

c) To indicate the starting point of the action the adverb since (or a preposi­tional phrase with since or a clause introduced by the conjunction since ) is used.

e.g. I haven’t seen him since.

He has been here since the morning.

I have known her since she was a child.

Note: In the clause introduced by since the Past Indefinite is used to indicate the starting point of an action.

Be careful not to use the Present Perfect in the sentences with a prepositional phrase with for if the period of duration belongs to the past time sphere. In such cases the Past Indefinite is used.

e.g. We lived in Moscow for 5 years and then moved to St. Petersburg.

I stayed with my uncle for two weeks last summer.

The same is true of questions beginning with How long?

e.g. How long were you there last month?

3. Present Perfect III is found in adverbial clauses of time introduced by the conjunctions when, before, after, as soon as, till, until where it used to express a future action. It shows that the action of the subordinate clause will be accomplished before the action of the principal clause, which is usually expressed by the Future Indefinite. The Present Indefinite is often found in this type of subordinate clauses if it is not necessary to stress the idea of the action being completed.

e.g. As soon as we have had tea, we’ll go to inspect your house. I’ll tell him about it, when I see him. I’ll call you after I have seen him.

4. The Present Perfect is not used in the following cases:

1. Что вы сказали? - What did you say?

2. Я не слышал вашего вопроса. - I didn’t hear your question.

3. Где вы купили книгу? - Where did you buy the book?

4. Теперь я понял. - Now I understand.

5. Я слышал, что Мэри в Москве. - I hear that Mary is in Moscow.

6. Мне сказали, что Мэри в Москве. - I am told that Mary is in Moscow.

7. Я забыл, где он живёт. - I forget where he lives.

8. Я забыл название книги. - I forget the title of the book. (a certain fact)

Compare: I have forgotten to ring her up (a certain action).



Ex.1. You are writing a letter to a friend and giving news about people you both know. Use the given words to make sentences and put the verb into the correct form.

e.g. Phil/find a new job - Phil has found a new job.

Dear Chris,

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

1. Charles /go /Brazil.

2. Jack and Jill /decide /to get married.

3. Suzanne /have /a baby.

4. Monica /give up /smoking.

5. George /pass /his driving-test.


Ex.2. Write sentences with already.

e.g. Don’t forget to post the letter. – I’ve already posted it.

1. Don’t forget to phone Torn. 2. Why don’t you read the paper? 3. Shall I pay the waiter? 4. Do your exercise now. 5. Read this hook, it’s very interesting. 6. I want you to learn the new topic. 7. Will you wash the dishes? 8. You must learn this poem by heart. 9.Why don’t you eat anything? 10. Don’t forget to send a telegramme to your parents.


Ex.3. Read the situation and write a suitable sentence. Use the given verb.

e.g. Tom is looking for his key He can’t find it. (lose) - He has lost his key.

1. Ann’s hair was dirty. Now it is clean. (wash)

2. Tom was 80 kilograms. Now he weighs 70. (lose weight)

3. The car has just stopped because there isn’t any more petrol in the tank. (run out of petrol)

4. Yesterday Bill was playing football. Now he can’t walk and his leg is in plaster. (break)

5. Father bought a packet of cigarettes yesterday. Now the packet is empty. (smoke)

6. I was well yesterday. Now I have a sore throat. (to catch a cold)

7. My friend was here a few minutes ago. But now she is out. (go home)


Ex.4. Ask questions using the given words. Let your fellow-students answer them.

e.g. You ever /be /to Italy? - Have you ever been to Italy?

1. You ever /be /to South America?

2. You /read /any English books?

3. You /live /in this town all your life?

4. How many times /you /be /in love?

5. What’s the most beautiful country you /ever /visit?

6. You ever /speak /to a famous person?

7. How many countries /you /visit?

8. You /read "Hamlet"?

9. You ever /drive a car?

10. You ever /play tennis?


Ex.5. Answer the questions in the negative using the words in brackets.

e.g. When did you last smoke? (for two years)

- I haven’t smoked for two years.

1. When did it last rain? (for ages) 2. When did they last visit you? (since June) 3. When did they last write to you? (since last summer) 4. When did you last play tennis? (for a long time) 5. When did you last eat caviar? (never) 6. When did you last drive? (for six months) 7. When did you last go to Spain? (never) 8. When did you last call your parents? (for a month) 9. When did you last wear this dress? (for a year) 10. When did you last work in the University reading-room? (since Wednesday).


Ex.6. Complete the answers to these questions. Use the verbs in brackets.

e.g. Is it a beautiful painting? (see) - Yes, if s the most beautiful painting I’ve ever seen.

1. Is it a good film? (see) - Yes, if s the best...

2. Is it a long novel? (read)-Yes, it’s the…

3. Is she an interesting person? (meet) - Yes, she’s the most…

4. Is it a difficult exercise? (do) - Yes, it’s the most...

5. Is he a clever boy? (teach) - Yes, he is the...

6. Is it a good song? (hear) - Yes, it’s the best...

7. Is he a faithful husband? (meet) - Yes, he’s the most...

8. Is it a fiinny joke? (hear) - Yes, it’s the...

9. Is it a big city? (visit) - Yes, it’s the...

10. Is he a talented musician? (know) - Yes, he is the most…


Ex.7. Write questions and answers as shown in the example.

e.g. Jack is driving a car but he’s very nervous and not sure what to do.

You ask: Is this the first time you’ve driven a car?

Jack: Yes, I’ve never driven a car before.

1. Len is playing tennis. He is not very good and doesn’t know the Riles.

You ask: Is this the first time…

Len: Yes, I’ve...

2. Sue is riding a horse. She doesn’t look very confident or comfortable.

You ask:


3. Maria is in England. She’s just arrived and it’s very new for her.

You ask:


4. Olga is trying to speak to an Englishman. But she doesn’t understand him well enough. You ask:



Ex.8. Complete the sentence. Use so far and the Present Perfect.

e.g. I saw Tom yesterday but I haven’t seen him so far today.

1. It rained a lot last week but it... much so far this week.

2. We ate a lot yesterday but we... much so far today.

3. It snowed a lot last winter but it... so far this winter.

4. I played tennis a lot last year but... this year.

5. She worked hard last term but... this term.

6. I watched television yesterday evening …this evening.

7. My favourite football team won a lot of matches last season but they …many matches so far this season.

8. I was late for the lessons three times last week but …this week.


Ex.9. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect or the Past Simple.

Dear Mary

How are you? I (not hear) from you for a long time, so I thought I’d drop you a line and give you some of our news. The most important thing to tell you is that we (find) a new house to buy! We (go) to see it last week, and we think it’s wonderful. We (agree) on a price last night, and with a bit of luck, we might be in it in a couple of months’ time. We (not try) to sell our house yet, but I don’t think it will be difficult. I’m going to the estate agent’s this after­noon.

Do you know that Joanna, our eldest daughter (be) in the Far East for the past six months. She was in Melbourne for a while, but now she (leave) Australia and (go) to Indonesia. She’s going to spend a few weeks there and then she’s coming home. She’s having a really good time Jason (fall) in love with a lovely girl called Rosene! He (meet) her at a party last week, and he thinks she’s the most beautiful girl he ever (see). I don’t know how long the romance will last – we’11 see!

Maggie has some good news, too! She (won) first prize in a ballet exam. The exam was last week. She (have to) go to the Royal Ballet School in London for the whole day, and this morning we (get) a letter saying that she had won, so we’re all delighted. The last bit of news is that Pickles (the dog) (have) puppies! Three of them! They are gorgeous, but we don’t know what to do with them! I hope you’re all well. Write soon.




Ex.10. Complete the following sentences using the verbs in the Present Per­fect with the adverb since.

e.g. Mary had dinner in the canteen last Saturday.

- But she hasn’t had dinner there since.

1. She had a cold shower last weekend. 2. Mary’s mother made a cake last Sunday.

3. David repaired the TV-set last week. 4. Her friend played the pi­ano in 1995. 5. They had some practice in pronunciation yesterday. 6. David missed two lessons on Tuesday.

7. I was at the cinema last month. 8. The last time he put on his jacket was in winter.

9. I wrote a grammar test last week. 10. I met my classmates two years ago.


Ex.11. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite.

1. She (not turn on) the light since she (return) from her classes. 2. She (not go) to the University by bus since she (begin) to feel much better. 3. She (not sweep) the floor with a broom since they (buy) a vacuum cleaner. 4. They (not have) a dance since the exams (begin). 5. We (not have) a walk round the garden since winter (come). 6. We (not have) a break for lunch since we (be­gin) that important work. 7. We (not go) for a run in the country since it (begin) to rain. 8. She (not iron) the table cloth since she (put) it in the drawer of the wardrobe. 9. He (change) very much since I last (see) him. 10. The stu­dents (learn) a lot of new words since the term (begin).


Ex.12. Translate into English.

1. Вы написали контрольную работу? Покажите её мне. 2. Я давно видела эту пьесу. Я уже забыла её. 3. Я давно с ней познакомилась (get acquainted with). 4. Я давно её не видела. 5. Я давно пришла сюда. Я здесь с 9 часов. 6. Я только что видел Петра. Он недавно приехал из Москвы. 7. Простите, что вы сказали? Я не слышал вашего вопроса. 8. Я студентка факультета иностранных языков. Я учусь в университете уже три года. Мы много читаем по-английски. С начала учебного года мы прочли несколько книг по домашнему чтению. 9. моего друга нет на занятиях уже два дня. Я думаю, он заболел. 10. Что-то случилось (go wrong) с музыкальным центром, он не работает. Ты можешь починить его?


Ex.13. Answer the questions.

1. What are you going to do after you have done the shopping? 2. Who must you ask for permission to be present at the lesson after you have missed a les­son? 3. Are you allowed to speak with your neighbours before you have fin­ished writing the test-paper? 4. Can you leave the laboratory before you have switched off the tape-recorder? 5. Are you going to be an engineer after you have graduated from the University? 6. Will the teacher begin the lesson be­fore the students have stopped talking? 7. Will little Kate get sweets after she has had dinner?


Ex.14. Translate into English.

1. Ты всегда делаешь много ошибок в домашних упражнениях. Никогда не принимайся за упражнения, пока не выучишь правил по грамматике. 2. Переведите этот текст после того, как выучите все незнакомые слова. 3. Включите магнитофон, когда придут все студенты. Они собираются слушать новые диалоги. 4. Он хочет прочитать это роман. Я могу дать его только после того, как закончу читать сам.

5. Мы собираемся летом на Кавказ. Мы едем сразу же, как только Том сдаст все экзамены. 6. Не открывайте учебники, пока учитель не скажет вам это сделать. 7. Вы сможете прочитать это стихотворение с правильной интонацией после того, как прослушаете его не менее трёх раз. 8. Я не смогу дать вам определённого ответа, пока не поговорю с деканом. 9. Я переведу предложение после того, как проанализирую его. 10. Как только мы решим (solve) этот вопрос, я вам позвоню.


Ex.15. Translate into English.

1. Это самый лучший вратарь (goal-keeper), который когда-либо играл в этой команде. 2. Ты вернулся позавчера, не так ли? 3. Вы давно играете на этой сцене, мисс? Простите, я забыла ваше имя. 4. Сколько времени вы провели на море прошлым летом? 5. Когда они уехали? – Точно не знаю. Меня не было дома. 6. Я нахожусь здесь слишком долго. Я хочу уйти. 7. Ты ведёшь себя так с тех пор, как я впервые увидел тебя. 8. У меня никогда не было желания стать актёром. 9. Когда я была ребёнком, я никогда не болела. 10. Когда я был молод, я никогда не задерживался долго в одном городе. 11. Сегодня утром я встретил Тома на станции. 12. В последнее время я часто видел её имя а газетах. 13. Я думаю, Джек дома. Я видел, что несколько минут назад он вошёл в дом и ещё не выходил. 14. Я влюбился в неё, когда впервые увидел её в школе. С тех пор я не обращал внимания ни на одну другую девушку. 15. На прошлой неделе у нас была контрольная работа. Я долго готовился к ней и получил четвёрку.


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