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L i s t e n i n g

44. Listen to two teenagers, Jane and Mark, talking about their personality. What adjectives do they use to describe characters?


45. Listen again and mark the following statements T (true) or F (false):

1. Jane is light-minded.

2. Mark is dim.

3. People don’t like Mark because he is very determined.

4. Jane tries to be hard-working.

5. Mark enjoys studying.


46. Listen once more and answer the questions:

1. Why does Jane’s mother say she is light-minded?

2. Why is Mark critical?

3. Why does Mark study very much?

4. Why is Jane’s mother often angry with her?

5. Why do people think that Mark is boaslful?

* * *

S p e a k i n g

Translate the Russian sentences into English and vice versa. Then reproduce the dialogue in English with your partner.


  - Ты хочешь познакомиться с Джимом Смитом?  
  - Well, I don’t know anything about him. What does he look like?  
  - Он довольно высокий, широкоплечий, у него карие глаза и темные волосы. Он носит очки.  
  - Что он за человек?  
  - He is very reserved, polite, energetic and professional.  
  - Сколько ему лет?  
  - I don’t know exactly, but I guess he is about thirty.  
  - Он женат?  
  - No, he isn’t.  
  - Познакомь меня с ним.  
  - All right.  
  - I’ve heard you have a new boss. Do you like him?
  - Да, он трудолюбивый и с ним легко иметь дело.
  - What does he look like?
  - Он невысокого роста, полный, с овальным лицом. У него светлые волнистые волосы и он носит усы.
  - Did you have a chance to talk to him?
  - Конечно. Он очень вежлив и всегда открыт к новым идеям.
  - I am glad to hear that.
  - А Вы знакомы с ним?
  - No, I’m not. But I would like to.


48. Answer these questions about yourself

1. What are some characteristics of your personality?

2. What makes you happy?

3. What are some things that make you angry?

4. Are you happy with your personality?

5. Would you like to be different?

6. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person?

7. Are you shy? In which occasions are you shy?

8. Do you consider yourself selfish? Why?

9. Is your personality suited to your job?

10. In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed?

11. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)?

12. Do you think you can change a major characteristic of your personality if you try?

13. Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?

14. If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be?

15. What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

16. What personality traits do you consider important in a good friend / a boss / a partner?

17. Do you consider yourself to be even-tempered?

18. What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

Дата добавления: 2015-07-24; просмотров: 78 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: Introduction | Указательные местоимения | Tell about British character. Compare and contract it with Russian character. Use proverbs and quotations you know connected to the topic. | WILLIAM HOGARTH | MARGARET THATCHER | OSCAR WILDE | LEWIS CARROLL | MICHAEL FARADAY |
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