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To bed now with much haste.

He waves the children away and they scamper off.

(Smiles) All chips off ancient block.

As he turns to go out,

Discovering Minerva, Captain Hallett, a policeman and a doctor. Hallett is questioning Minerva.

HALLETT: Nothing has been touched?


HALLETT: Good. All right, doctor.

Hallett motions in the direction of the veranda, and the doctor nods and exits to veranda.

HALLETT: All right. Now, from the beginning. You live here?

MINERVA: (Resents his brusque tone) I'm visiting.


MINERVA: (Sharply) "Hmmm" nothing, my good man, I'm the...his sister.

The doctor appears in the doorway and calls.

DOCTOR: Captain Hallett.


Hallett crosses and both he and the doctor go to the veranda.

The doctor and Hallett are leaning over the body of Dan.

DOCTOR: Stabbed through the heart. Not been dead an hour. And look at this (Turns the body over so that one arm falls limply) Arm broken. This job was done by either a very powerful man or someone well versed in the Japanese art of Jiu Jitsu.


He turns and goes back into the living room.

Minerva sits stiffly upright in her chair and as Hallett approaches her, looks at him a little belligerently.

HALLETT: Now, let's see. What did you say your name was?

MINERVA: I didn't say. I wasn't asked. Minerva Winterslip.

HALLETT: The doctor tells me Mr. Winterslip has been dead a very short while. If you can give me any idea as to...

MINERVA: I can give you a very definite idea. It happened within two minutes of fifteen past one.

HALLETT: (Stares at her) You're sure of that?

MINERVA: Certainly, I'm sure. I got the time from the wrist watch of the person who committed the murder.

HALLETT: (Astonished) You...what! You saw him!

MINERVA: (Coldly) I didn't say that. I said I saw his wrist watch. The dial was illuminated. And if it will be of any assistance to you, the numeral indicating the hour two, was slightly obscured.

HALLETT: Well! You certainly had your wits about you.

MINERVA: Where else should they be?

Minerva rises and crosses to a window as if to draw the blind. Suddenly she bends a trifle, looking out into the garden and exclaims:

MINERVA: There! In the bushes!

Without waiting for Hallett, Minerva makes a dash for the door. Hallett follows.


Minerva comes upon a crouching figure and is about to seize hold of it when the figure straightens and we recognize the bland face of Chan. Hallett comes hastily up and exclaims:

HALLETT: Oh, Charlie. What are you doing out here?

CHAN: Like when eating orange. Start outside and work to center.

Chan shows him a small white object he has picked up.

Small cigarette butt in Chan's fingers.


MINERVA: Who is this man?

HALLETT: This is Mr. Chan, Miss Winterslip. (Explaining to Chan) Miss Winterslip is a sister to the deceased man.

CHAN: Most unfortunate. Be generous to accept my most unworthy condolence.

MINERVA: What has he to do with this?

HALLETT: Mr. Chan will have charge of his case.

MINERVA: (With asperity) Charge of the case? A Chinaman!

CHAN: Humbly suggest not to judge wine by barrel it is in.

MINERVA: Well, I never...I see where I'll have to send to Washington for assistance. The idea!

CHAN: It is not easy to make fire in cold stove. Politely request cooperation for good of all. (To Hallett) May we proceed to scene of most upsetting crime?

They all turn and start back into the house.


It is evident that Chan has been questioning Minerva for some time and she shows signs of fatigue.

MINERVA: I've told you all I know about it.

CHAN: Most helpful. Thank you so much. The servants?

MINERVA: I'll call them.

She crosses to the thin curtains that hang from the dining room doorway. As she does so, Chan quickly crosses to the door on the opposite side of the room and pulls it open. Both Koahla and Kamaikui have been leaning against it, crouching. They now come into the room.

CHAN: To be found listening to what is not meant for your ears is to show that you have something to conceal. (To Koahla) Speak! What do you know about this lowly deed?

KOAHLA: (Surily) I go sleep early. Know nothing.

MINERVA: (Sharply) You weren't asleep when I called you. You weren't even in your room.

KOAHLA: Went for drink water.

CHAN: More later. (To Kamaikui) And you?

KAMAIKUI: Many people here tonight.

CHAN: Who?

KAMAIKUI: No see. Go to bed early. But cannot sleep. Hear loud talk. First man he shout and go. Then woman and man shout and go. Everybody come and shout and go and come back. Mr. Winterslip shout too.

CHAN: You understand what they say?


Now over the scene comes the loud, righteous voice of Amos.

AMOS' VOICE: The wages of sin are death.

They all turn quickly to find Amos standing tall and fanatic looking in the doorway.

MINERVA: (Nervously) For goodness sakes! (To everybody) This is Mr. Winterslip, my brother.

AMOS: (Entering the room) I warned you as to the outcome of all this, Minerva.

Chan approaches Amos quietly as latter seats himself in the nearest chair and drops his straw hat on the floor beside him.

CHAN: You mention warning of outcome. Humbly ask you tell what you know of this.

AMOS: I know one thing! You cannot live a life of sin, and hope to be rewarded in the hereafter.

CHAN: Profound wisdom, but not helpful at present. How did you learn of crime?

AMOS: My sister called me on the phone and I notified the police.

CHAN: You live but short distance?

AMOS: Yes.

CHAN: Why did you not come right over? Were you already in bed?


CHAN: What have you been doing since telephone call?

AMOS: I have been praying for his soul.

MINERVA: (With asperity) That doesn't help these gentlemen either, Amos. (Thinking) Now that I think of it, I remember a man named Egan calling on the phone a dozen times. Dan refused to talk to him. Perhaps....

CHAN: Egan...Reef and Palm Hotel. Most helpful. Thank you so much.

Chan turns slowly away from Amos and crosses the floor as if he is thinking deeply. Suddenly his sharp eyes encounter something on the floor. He quickly stoops.

BIG CLOSEUP of Chan's hand picking up a piece of seaweed and turning it over once or twice, investigating it.

Chan straightens and puts the seaweed in his pocketbook without a word, although both Minerva and Amos have observed his action with curiosity. As Minerva is about to question him concerning it, Chan quickly diverts her by looking at his watch and saying:

CHAN: Time most rapidly flying to three o'clock. Humbly suggest we all try to get sleep.

MINERVA: (Indignantly) Sleep! With the murderer prowling about free.

CHAN: Only make haste when catching flea.

MINERVA: Really, Mr. Chan.

Chan picks up his hat and crosses to the door. Turning:

CHAN: Good night. Worry not. What is to be is to be and inscrutable fates very busy arranging program.

Chan leaves. Minerva and Amos sit in silence for a long moment, and then Minerva suddenly remembering, exclaims:

MINERVA: Poor Barbara. What shall I tell her when she gets off the boat in the morning?

AMOS: (Sanctimoniously) No matter how painful, the truth is always best.

He picks up his hat, rises and starts for the door. Minerva looks after him, her brows knit. As he reaches the door, she calls sharply:


AMOS: (Turns) What is it?

MINERVA: (Slowly) What do you know about this, Amos?

Amos shows nervousness and is almost too greatly astonished:

AMOS: I? You must be mad, Minerva.

He turns hastily and leaves.

Minerva gazes after him wonderingly, then rising, starts across the room as if to turn out the lights, when coming to the veranda she hears native voices raised in violent argument. She starts for the veranda.

KOAHLA AND KAMAKUI'S VOICES: (Vident argument in native tongue)

Kamaikui and Koahla are discovered in what amounts almost to a struggle. Kanaikui is clutching something and Koahla is trying to wrest it from her.

MINERVA: (Coming into scene) What's going on here?

Koahla looks at her furtively and then slinks away. Kamaikui approaches Minerva holding some object in her outstretched hand.

KAMAIKUI: I find this here on porch. He try to take it.

She hands the object to Minerva who takes it and looks down at it curiously.

MINERVA: To whom does it belong?

KAMAIKUI: Many, many years, Mr. Dan have this and more just like it. Last month he give this to woman down beach.

MINERVA: Don't mention this to anyone, Kamaikui.


MINERVA: Thank you. Good night.

Kamaikui leaves and Minerva looks down again at the object she is holding.

INSERT of Minerva's hand holding the brooch which we last saw in Arlene Compton's possession.



John and Minerva. John is pacing back and forth.

JOHN: But Aunt Minerva, this is incredible.

MINERVA: It isn't incredible. It's a horrible fact, and we've got to face it. Something must be done about it.

JOHN: The best thing we can do is take the next boat for Boston.

MINERVA: I'm not leaving here until we get to the bottom of this. (Scornfully) I hope you don't expect Amos to take care of it!

JOHN: He could be as helpful as you.

MINERVA: (Dryly) Thank you. And now, John Quincy, I'll tell you something else. (With provoking calm) Not only am I staying, but you are too.

JOHN: (Impatiently) In heaven's name, why?

MINERVA: There's Barbara.

JOHN: But Jennison's been acquainted with all these facts. Since he and Barbara are going to be married, he certainly will take care of her affairs.

MINERVA: All that doesn't find the murderer.

JOHN: How about that Oriental Sleuth you told me about?

MINERVA: (With scorn) A Chinaman! Why, even the police in Boston need prodding. When I lost my little dog, Abigail, I finally had to see the police commissioner before I got the slightest aid in recovering her. (Triumphantly) But they found her! And that's what I want you to do. Accompany this Mr. Chan, and keep him from falling asleep under palm trees.

JOHN: (Sighs) Where do I find the Honorable Mr. Chan?

MINERVA: Dozing at his desk in the police station, I'm sure.

JOHN: (Dryly) Hail, the new detective!

John picks up his hat and leaves.

The door is partly open. Her luggage still unpacked is in the room. Barbara, wearing the clothes she has arrived in that morning, reclines on a chaise longue, weeping brokenly. Jennison, very tender and solicitous, is with her.

BARBARA: But I can't understand it, Harry. You know Daddy doesn't have an enemy in the world.

JENNISON: He shouldn't have had. He was one of the finest men I ever knew.

BARBARA: (Suddenly) Uncle Amos! He always hated Dad! Oh, no! I can't believe that!

She sobs.

Jennison bends over her, taking her hand and kissing it gently.

JENNISON: Please don't, Barbara.

BARBARA: (Controlling herself) It's so good to have you, Harry. You'll take care of everything?

JENNISON: Of course, dear.

There is a light knock on the partly opened door and Minerva enters with a cup of hot coffee for Barbara. As she crosses the room, Minerva says:

MINERVA: I want you to drink this, child.

JENNISON: (Preparing to leave) I've got to go now, Barbara. Try and get some rest, won't you?

Barbara makes a pathetic attempt to smile bravely.

BARBARA: I'll try.

Jennison kisses her on the forehead.

JENNISON: I'll be back soon.

Jennison leaves.

Barbara clings to Minerva who sets the coffee down and puts her arms around the girl.

MINERVA: There, there, dear.

Jennison's roadster is parked here. Jennison comes from the house. At the same time Amos is walking along driveway on his way to the house. They meet at the car.

AMOS: Ah, I was wanting a word with you.


AMOS: I feel it is my duty to take a hand in my brother's affairs....go over his private papers, in fact.

JENNISON: (Firmly) Barbara has asked me to attend to all that, Mr. Winterslip.

AMOS: (Raising his voice) I am the logical one, I should think.

JENNISON: (Crisply) After all, I am his attorney.

AMOS: That is exactly why I make my request. Perhaps I know more about your association with my brother than you think.

The two men look at each other with repressed antagonism, each showing a certain wariness. Jennison shrugs.

JENNISON: Very well. Would this evening suit you?

AMOS: Right now would be even better.

JENNISON: I'm sorry. I have some other business to attend to now and I promised to spend the remainder of the day with Barbara.

AMOS: Very well, then, this evening.

Jennison glares after him, gets in his car and drives off.

Amos continues on into the house.

Chan is seated alone at a table near the window as we see printed in reverse on the window:


A Japanese waiter comes to the table with a piece of pie and places it in front of Chan. Chan inspects the pie gravely and then calls:

CHAN: Waiter!

The waiter returns.

Be kind to summon proprietor of his unworthy establishment.

WAITER: Please to state your complaints. I am also proprietor.

CHAN: This sector of pie appears most unhygienic. It is my unfortunate lot to look for fingerprints in my profession. But when they appear in pie, they are neither helpful nor tasty.

The waiter picks up the pie and exits with it. John Quincy enters the cafe, looks around, sees Chan and comes to his table.

JOHN: Mr. Chan?

CHAN: Most correct.

JOHN: They told me over at the station that I'd find you here. I am John Quincy Winterslip.

CHAN: (Rises) Most honored. Pray accept this unworthy chair.

JOHN: (Sitting down) I arrived on the 'President Tyler' this morning from Boston. Dan Winterslip was my uncle.

CHAN: Most unfortunate and disagreeable homicide. It is proper for me to infer that you wish to speak of distressing incident?

JOHN: Yes. I'd like to accompany you in your investigations. I won't pretend that I'll be of much assistance, but I promise not to be a hindrance.

CHAN: Your desire is my great delight. If for no other reason than your refreshing employment of extravagant English which is rare here. Most helpful to my meager vocabulary.

JOHN: Have you formed any theory as yet regarding the crime?

CHAN: Theories like fingerprints...everybody has them. Only facts and motives lead to murderer. (Suddenly remembering) Oh, thousand pardons! Dry up plate of soup, perhaps?

JOHN: No, thank you.

CHAN: Then let us be on our way. We shall gather us to Captain Hallett and make for the Reef and Palm Hotel. (Calls) Proprietor!

Chan picks up the slip on the table which is his check. The waiter comes into the scene.

CHAN: I pay most unwillingly. Anxiously await day when law considers such food major crime.

WAITER: Thank you.

Chan and John leave the restaurant.


Chan's antiquated Ford is parked at the curb. Chan and John come into scene. Chan removes huge lock from front wheel of car. John watches him, amused.

JOHN: (Dryly looking car over) I suppose you carry insurance, too?

CHAN: Every kind. (With elaborate gesture) Please to enter. A most humble chariot but always reliable like model wife.

JOHN: (Looking Ford over) Sort of Model T wife, eh?

CHAN: Just so, good joke.

Chan and John get in car. Chan unlocks and works several contraptions. Chan steps on the starter, a bit nervously but when the car responds and motor starts, he sighs with relief and they start out.


It is a weather-beaten frame building, part of it is extending on rickety piling out over the water. A riotous garden surrounds it on the rear and two sides. Chan and John drive up in Chan's Ford. Behind them comes Hallett in his car. All three get out of cars.

HALLETT: (Looking at John) Who's this?

CHAN: Great pleasure in presenting nephew of deceased man. It is his wish to accompany us.

HALLETT: (Gruffly) Well, all right, but just leave the actual business of all this to us.

JOHN: (Stiffly) I never intended otherwise, I assure you.

They start for the dilapidated stairway leading up to the entrance of the hotel when Egan comes running down the stairs. He is about to brush past the three men when Hallett stops him.

HALLETT: Hey, you, Jim Egan, just a minute.

EGAN: (Turning) Yes?

HALLETT: We want a few words with you.

EGAN: I'm frightfully sorry, old man, but I have a most pressing date and I'm late as it is. Some other time....

HALLETT: (Like a bullet) Now!

EGAN: (Without raising his voice) Impossible. I've got to get down to the dock within five minutes....

Hallett seizes Egan by the arm and begins to force him back up the stairs again.

HALLETT: Inside, you.

EGAN: (Furious) Take your hands off me, you...

HALLETT: Watch your step, Egan, I guess you know why we're here.

EGAN: I haven't the slightest idea.

HALLETT: I suppose you don't know that Dan Winterslip was murdered last night.

EGAN: So I read in the morning paper. But I still don't know why you're here.

Hallett again urges Egan up the stairs.

HALLETT: You were the last person to see him alive. Now stop stalling and come inside.

The four of them mount the stairs.

There are two exits in the lobby, which has a picturesque shabbiness. A beachcomber has slipped in when Egan went out, perhaps to get a glimpse of a newspaper from "home". When Hallett, John, Egan and Chan enter, the beachcomber makes a hasty silent exit. Egan indicates chairs and they all seat themselves.

EGAN: I'm certain you'll soon find you're making a big mistake...so if you will just be as brief as possible. I have to get to the dock.

CHAN: Last night you telephone Mr. Winterslip. Wished to cancel engagement with him. He insisted upon seeing you. You went to his house some time after eleven as he most urgently requested. Conversation with him was exciting one. Voices were elevated. It is not quite so?

EGAN: (Nervously) Quite.

The men are all seated with their backs to the exits, engrossed in their conversation. We see the beachcomber move stealthily past the open doorway and glance in as he passes. Then he moves away.

CHAN: Every fence has two sides. Humbly suggest you tell yours.

EGAN: (He takes out a cigarette case and with shaking fingers lights a cigarette) I did make an appointment with Winterslip for last night, but I changed my mind. I telephoned to tell him so but he insisted upon keeping it, so I went shortly after eleven.

HALLETT: Who let you in?

EGAN: Winterslip was waiting in the garden. We talked there for a while then went inside. We talked a half an hour about...the...er...business that brought me. Then I left and came right home.

CHAN: Your clerk... (Waving hand toward desk) ....saw you come in?

EGAN: I have no clerk.

CHAN: You and Mr. Winterslip were good friends?

EGAN: In the twenty-three years I have been here, I never spoke to him until the other morning on the telephone.

CHAN: Then you were acquainted with him previous?

EGAN: (Hesitantly) Yes, slightly. So slightly that Winterslip had completely forgotten it.

CHAN: But your memory retained it and after twenty-three years you called him on sudden business.

EGAN: I did.

CHAN: Thank you so much. And now please what was that business?

EGAN: I can't tell you.

HALLETT: Oh, yes, you can.

EGAN: (Quietly) Never.

HALLETT: You'd better come along with me. You'll tell it to the prosecutor.

Now Egan is angry. He crushes the cigarette he has been smoking in a tray and rises.

EGAN: Now, look here. I have told you once, my business with Winterslip was my own.

Calmly Chan leans over and picks up the cigarette stub. He gazes happily at it, then takes a small box from his pocket, opens it, takes out the stub he found in the garden, comparing them.

Two cigarette stubs in Chan's fingers, each bearing the name "Corsican".

CHAN'S VOICE: (Says aloud) "Corsican" and the same cigarette.

CHAN: You always smoke these, Mr. Egan?

EGAN: (Startled) No.

CHAN: They are not for sale here on the Island, Mr. Egan. Please let me see your case.

Egan reluctantly hands over his case. Chan finds half a dozen of the same brand of cigarettes in the case. From these he looks inquiringly at Egan.

EGAN: (Nervously) They were given to me.

CHAN: Who was generous person, please?

EGAN: I'm...I'm afraid I can't tell you that either.

John is viewing the proceedings with superior distaste.

JOHN: Why not arrest him, Captain Hallett? It's pretty obvious he's implicated.

Egan turns a glare of intense dislike to John. Hallett rises.

HALLETT: Come on, Egan.

EGAN: If you'll just wait until this afternoon....

HALLETT: Get your hat.

Egan suddenly becomes a figure which strongly appeals to the sympathy.

EGAN: Gentlemen, if you'll just wait a moment or two. You've done me out of the pleasure of meeting my daughter at the dock. (He glances at the clock above the desk) The 'Matsonia''s been in fifteen minutes and she'll be here in a moment.

JOHN: (Annoyed) I say, haven't we wasted enough time already?

CHAN: Time only wasted when sprinkling perfume on goat farm.

Now into the scene comes Carlotta Egan, with her suitcase. John recognizes her as the girl he has met on the ferry and looks on in astonishment as she drops her grip and runs into Egan's arms.

CARLOTTA: Dad! Where were you? You've never missed meeting me be---- (She suddenly becomes aware of the other men and asks slowly) What is the matter?

EGAN: I've a little business in the city, Carlotta, dear. If I'm not back soon, you take charge.

CARLOTTA: (Nervously) What's happened?

HALLETT: I'm sorry, Miss, but your father's being held for questioning in a murder case. Come on, Egan.

Hallett firmly leads Egan away. Carlotta stands there bewildered. John steps up to her.

JOHN: Perhaps I can explain. I don't suppose you remember me?

CARLOTTA: Of course I do, the missionary.

She brushes past John, runs to the door and sees:

Egan getting into Hallett's car. Hallett gets in and the car starts off.

Carlotta watches the car disappear. John comes up to her and Carlotta turns quickly to him.

CARLOTTA: What has happened.

JOHN: My uncle was murdered.

CARLOTTA: Oh! And you blamed my father?

JOHN: I'm awfully sorry, but the evidence made it appear....

CARLOTTA: (Flaring) What evidence? How dare you even think my father could do such a thing! It's too bad you threw away that high hat.

Carlotta is ready to weep with anger and anxiety. She turns on her heel and leaves. John looks helplessly after her. Chan, who has been shrewdly observing this, approaches John, who is looking off in the direction taken by Carlotta.

JOHN: Perhaps Egan is not guilty, Mr. Chan. Do you think we've been too hasty?

CHAN: Perhaps - Hasty accuse, leisurely repent.

Chan and John are going out of the hotel on Chan's speech.

John and Chan come to Chan's car - Chan takes big old-fashioned lock off wheel. They get in. Again Chan is uncertain as to response of car. He steps on starter and is gratified with the car's immediate response. Car starts out.

Chan's expression is blandly noncommittal as they ride. John looks worried. Presently he says:

JOHN: There's something that's been on my mind all along, Mr. Chan.

CHAN: Humbly suggest....shoot.

JOHN: A strong-box I was bringing to my Uncle Dan from San Francisco was stolen from me on the way over. You see, it was like this.....

As John starts to tell about the box, CAMERA STOPS, and we see the beachcomber slip from behind palm tree and watch car disappear.


Amos and Minerva are having tea.

AMOS: (Severely) Of course, I'm not in a position to exert any authority but I feel very strongly against it. The idea of a child planning marriage so soon after her father's death is little short of sinful.

MINERVA: Well, it seems that Mr. Jennison has to leave for China next week, and will be gone a year. The poor child feels she'll be better off away, forgetting it, than alone here.

AMOS: Even so, it's disgraceful. There's such a thing as respect for the dead.

MINERVA: (Sighs) There must be, Amos.

AMOS: Jennison is showing me Dan's papers tonight. Perhaps I'll find some information of importance. You know, I have never trusted Jennison.

John comes into the scene, tosses his hat on a chair and sits down.

JOHN: Hello.

MINERVA: What news.

JOHN: They've arrested Egan, but the more I think about it, the less I believe him guilty.

MINERVA: It seems to me you're all forgetting the wrist watch.

JOHN: So we are! How stupid!

AMOS: I don't believe that will help us. (Turns directly to Minerva) That Compton woman I spoke of to you, Minerva. I think the real murderer has something to do with the life Dan led with that woman.

MINERVA: (Slowly) There might be some truth in it.

Minerva reaches for her handbag and takes out the brooch holding it up for them to see.

He gave her this a short time ago. Kamaikui found it here the night of the murder.

JOHN: (Excitedly) Why didn't you tell Chan about it?

MINERVA: (Coldly) This is not a matter for official prying. I intend to see her myself.

JOHN: I think I'd better do that.

AMOS: No - I will see her. Give me the brooch.

Chan's voice comes over the scene.

CHAN'S VOICE: The law is honest man's eyeglass to see better. Humbly suggest unworthy self as proper person.

They turn as Chan comes into the scene. He holds his hand out to Minerva, who after a second's hesitation, gives him the brooch.

CHAN: Thank you so much.

AMOS: Perhaps you're right. Let me know what you find out.

CHAN: Always enjoy to talk when words are important.

Amos exits.

Jennison is getting out of his car. Barbara is there meeting him - Amos passes them on his way home, and nods curtly.

BARBARA: (Looking after Amos) Uncle Amos has taken a very sudden interest in Dad's affairs. I don't think I like it.

JENNISON: I don't think he likes us either. But then what does he like?

BARBARA: He's so different from Dad. I sometimes wonder if they were really brothers.

JENNISON: (Tenderly) Barbara, I'm going to do my best to make you forget all this. Promise to help me.

BARBARA: You've been wonderful, Harry.

By this time they have arrived at the door of he house and they stop.

JENNISON: I hope you'll always think so.

He takes her in his arms and kisses her tenderly.



Steve is standing over Arlene, berating her. She is weeping.

STEVE: I said you was dumb, and I still say you're dumb.

ARLENE: Oh, Steve - how can you be so brutal

There is a knock at the door.

STEVE: Who is it?

CHAN'S VOICE: Police Department.

Steve and Arlene exchange a quick, frightened glance. Steve goes to the door, the CAMERA PANNING with him. He opens the door, and Chan steps in. He bows to Arlene.

CHAN: Mrs. Compton?


CHAN: Forgive intrusion, please - but I must ask you questions about Mr. Dan Winterslip.

Arlene gives a little moan and puts her handkerchief to her eyes.

You knew him well?

Steve intervenes.

STEVE: Whyn't you leave her alone? Can't you see she's all broken up?

Chan turns suavely on him.

CHAN: Sometimes beneath eyes that weep are teeth that laugh.

Arlene sits up indignantly.

Steve is tough.

STEVE: What's the idea of cracking wise?

CHAN: Wisdom is strong lever to pry knowledge loose. Maybe I have question for you, too

Under his gaze, Steve drops back a step.

ARLENE: What do you want to know?

CHAN: You were Mr. Winterslip's - er - er

He pauses, searching for a word.

- excuse poor English, please - friend?

ARLENE: He was my fiancй.

CHAN: A soft word does not scratch the tongue - His death was big surprise to you?

He bows.

She touches her eyes with the handkerchief and nods.

CHAN (Cont'd): When did you see him last?

Arlene changes her front. She is defiant.

ARLENE: How dare you make any insinuations! I don't know anything about poor Danny's death. I haven't seen him since last Friday.

CHAN: You were not there last night?


Chan extends his open hand, showing her the brooch.

CHAN: Pardon me, please.

Arlene gives a start as she sees the brooch.

ARLENE: That's mine - give it to me.

Chan shakes his head and puts the brooch in his pocket.

CHAN: It now belong to law. It was found in house of murdered man.

He stares steadily at her.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-24; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: По весу | CAST OF CHARACTERS | Mr. Egan. |
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Please, Amos, this is no time for nonsense... your brother is dead... murdered...| You were with him on night he was killed.

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