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  1. ТЕСТ: Infinitive or –ing form


Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) a lot.

A) to read

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to be reading

E) is reading



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) now.

A) to be reading

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to read

E) is reading



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) since morning

A) to be reading

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to read

E) is reading



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He seems (to read) all the books in the library

A) to be reading

B) to have read

C) to have been reading

D) to read

E) is reading



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

We expect (to be) back in two days.

A) to have been

B) is being

C) was been

D) was being

E) to be



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He expected (to help) by the teacher.

A) to help

B) to have been helped

C) to have been helping

D) is helping

E) to be helped



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

The children seem (to play) since morning.

A) to have been playing

B) is playing

C) has been playing

D) were playing

E) to be playing



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I saw him …(enter) the room.

A)to enter



D)having entered





Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

She seems (to work) at this problem ever since she came here.

A) to work

B) to have been working

C) was working

D) being worked

E) to have worked



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I am sorry (to break) your pen.

A) to have broken

B) to have been broking

C) to break

D) was breaking

E) to be broken



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I want (to take) you to the concert.

A) to have been taking

B) to have taken

C) to take

D) was taking



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I want (to take) you to the concert by my father.

A) to have been

B) to be taken

C) to take

D) was being

E) to be



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

She hoped (to help) her friends.

A) to be helped

B) to have helped

C) to have been helping

D) to be helping

E) to help



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

I hope (to see) you soon.

A) to see

B) to have seen

C) to have been seeing

D) was seeing

E) to be seeing



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

They seemed (to quarrel): I could hear angry voices from behind the door.

A) to been quarreling

B) to have been quarreling

C) to have quarreled

D) to be quarreling

E) to quarrel



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

They are supposed (to work) at the problem for the last two months.

A) to work

B) to have worked

C) to be worked

D) had worked

E) to have been working



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

The only sound (to hear) was the snoring of grandfather in the bedroom.

A) to hear

B) to have been hearing

C) to be heard

D) to have heard

E) was hearing



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

They seemed (to wait) for ages.

A) to have been waiting

B) to wait

C) to have waited

D) waited

E) were waiting



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

He began writing books not because he wanted (to earn) a living.

A) to have earned

B) to have been earning

C) to be earned

D) to earn

E) earning



Choose the right variant:

It isn’t difficult ___________ this textbook.


B)in order to understand

C)for understanding

D)to understand




Choose the right translation:

На нее приятно смотреть

A)She is pleasant to look for

B)she is pleasant to look at

C)She is pleasant to look about

D)She is pleasant to look up

E)She is pleasant to look



Choose the right translation:

Ребенку не с кем играть

A)the child had nobody to play

B)the child has somebody to play with

C)the child has nobody to play with

D)the child has nobody to play to

E)the child has not nobody to play with



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

You seem (to look) for trouble.

A) to look

B) to have been looking

C) to be looked

D) to have looked

E) to be looking



Open the brackets choosing the right form of the infinitive:

It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning.

A) to be snowing

B) to have snowed

C) to be snowed

D) to have been snowing

E) to snow



Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Я рад, что рассказал вам эту историю.-Сізге бұл әңгімені айтқаныма қуанып тұрмын.

A) I am glad to have told you this story

B) I am glad to have been told this story

C) I am glad to be told this story.

D) I am glad to have been telling this story

E) I am glad told this story



Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Я хочу познакомить вас с этой артисткой.-Мен сізді мына әртіспен таныстырғым келеді.

A) I want to introduce you to this actress.

B) I want to be introduced to this actress.

C) I want to be introduced to you.

D) I want to have been introducing to this actress.

E) I wanted to introduce to this actress.



Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Я хочу, чтобы меня познакомили с этой артисткой.- Мені мына әртіспен таныстырғанды қалаймын.

A) I want to be introduced to you.

B) I want to introduce you to this actress.

C) I want to have been introducing to this actress.

D) I wanted to introduce to this actress.

E ) I want to be introduced to this actress.


Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Мы очень счастливы, что пригласили его на вечер.-Біз оны кешке шақырғанымызға өте қуаныштымыз.

A) We are happy to have invited him to the party

B) We are happy to have been invited him

C) We are happy to have been invited to the party.

D) We were happy to invite you to the party

E) We are happy to have been inviting him



Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Мы очень счастливы, что нас пригласили на вечер.-Біз кешке шақырылғанымызға қуаныштымыз.

A) We are happy to have been invited him

B) We were happy to invite you to the party

C) We are happy to have been invited to the party

D) We are happy to have invited him to the party

E) We are happy to have been inviting him


$$$ 32

Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Дети любят, когда им рассказывают сказки.- Балалар өздеріне ертегі айтқанды сүйеді.

A) Children like to tell the fairy tales

B) Children like to have been told fairy tales.

C) Children like to be told fairy tales

D) Children like to be told fairy tales

E) Children like to have telling fairy tales



Translate into English using the right form of the infinitive:

Он не выносит, когда ему лгут.- Ол өзіне өтірік айтқанды жек көреді.

A) He hates to be told lies

B) He likes to be told lies.

C) He hated to be told lies.

D) He had hated to be told tales

E) He wants to be told lies



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

To cut a long story short

A) сказать по правде \ шынтуайтқа келгенде

B) короче говоря \ қысқаша айтқанда

C) начнем с того что\ мынадан бастайық

D) по меньшей мере\ ең аз дегенде

E) мягко выражаясь\ сыпайы айтқанда



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

To say nothing of

A) начнем с того что\ мынадан бастайық

B) сказать по правде\ шынтуайтқа келгенде

C) мягко выражаясь\ сыпайы айтқанда

D) короче говоря\ қысқаша айтқанда

E) не говоря уже о\ оны айтпағанның өзінде



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

To tell the truth.

A) короче говоря\ қысқаша айтқанда

B) мягко выражаясь\ сыпайы айтқанда

C) не говоря уже о\ оны айтпағанның өзінде

D) сказать по правде\ шынтуайтқа келгенде

E) по меньшей мере\ ең аз дегенде



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

To begin with.

A) начнем с того что\ мынадан бастайық

B) сказать по правде\ шынтуайтқа келгенде

C) говорят что\ айтып жатыр

D) начинать с самого начало\ ең басынан бастау

E) уже начали\ бастап кетті



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

To say the least of it.

A) короче говоря\ қысқаша айтқанда

B) по меньшей мере\ ең аз дегенде

C) сказать по правде\ шынтуайтқа келгенде

D) трудно угодить\ жағу қиын

E) мягко выражаясь\ сыпайы айтқанда



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

To put it mildly.

A) приятно смотреть\ қарау жағымды

B) трудно иметь дело\ тіл табысу қиын

C) желать лучшего\ айтарлықтай емес (одан да жақсырақ болуын тілеу)

D) мягко выражаясь\ сыпайы айтқанда

E) не говоря уже о\ оны айтпағанның өзінде



Translate into English the following set expressions using the right form of the infinitive:

He is hard to please.

A) с ним трудно иметь дело\ онымен тіл табысу қиын

B) ему трудно угодить\ оған жағу қиын

C)на него приятно смотреть\ оған қарау өте жағымды

D) не говоря уже о него\ ол туралы айтпағанның өзінде

E) он не доволен\ ол риза емес



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

He hasn’t come yet. He must still ….

A) work

B) be working

C) has worked

D) are work

E) worked



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

I made up my mind…my father as soon as I returned home.

A) telling

B) to telling

C) to tell

D) tell

E) told




Choose the right form of the infinitive:

Would you like … out with us?

A)to go




E)to have gone



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

I would like … the USA.

A) to visit

B) visit

C) visiting

D) to visiting




Choose the right form of the infinitive:

We expect them…. us this summer.

A) to visit

B)to have visited

C) to visited

D) to be visit

E) to be visited



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

We are glad … the summer in the Crimea.

A) to spend

B) to have spent

C) to had spent

D) to be spend

E) to spent



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

It seems … outside.

A) to rain

B) to rained

C) to been raining

D) to be raining

E) to have raining



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

She likes …tennis.

A) to play

B) to be played

C) be have played

D) to be play

E) to been played




Choose the right form of the infinitive:

It is difficult … a friend who knows all about you and still likes you.

A) to find

B) to have found

C) to be finding

D) find

E) found



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

Ann tried … two birds with one stone.

A) to kill

B) to has killed

C) to be killing

D) have been killed

E) have killed



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

Good – buy! I am so pleased … you.

- The pleasure is mine.

A) to meet

B) to be meeting

C) to have been meeting

D) to have met

E) have meeting



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

I made her … the truth.

A) to tell

B) tell

C) to telling

D) tells

E) told



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

Will you … my question?

A) answer

B) to answer

C) answered

D) answers

E) have answered



Choose the right form of the infinitive:

He can … you if you want.

A) to help

B) helped

C) help

D) helps

E) has helped



Find the sentence in which Passive Indefinite is used:

A)To improve your pronunciation you should record yourself and analyze your speech.

B)To play chess was his greatest pleasure.

C) The problem is too difficult to solve

D) Nature has many secrets to be discovered yet

E)Would you like to listen to good music?



Choose the right variant:

She didn’t let her mother …(to go)away.


B)to go



E)having gone



Choose the right variant:

My mother _____________ do my homework before I go out.

A)makes me

B)helps me

C)gets me

D)lets me

E)forces me



Choose the right variant:

They wanted … (cross) the river.



C) to have crossed

D)to cross




Choose the right variant:

What makes you … (think) you are right?


B)to think


D)to have thought



$$$60 Choose the right variant:

You always make me …(laugh).


B)to laugh



E)to laughed




Choose the sentence in which the Gerund is used:

A)He admitted stealing.

B)She was stealing the money from father’s pocket.

C)I saw her steal the money.

D)She had been stealing my thoughts.

E)He is going to steal her this evening.


Define the form of the given example:


A)Participle 2

B)Infinitive Perfect

C)Infinitive Passive

D)Infinitive Simple




Choose the right variant:

Ann can’t help (laugh) when she sees you.

A)having laughed

B)to laughed


D)to laughing




Choose the right variant:

This book is worth (read).

A)to read


C)to reading


E)to have read



Choose the correct answer:

She is a very practical woman and good … running things.







Choose the correct answer:

I must be going. I’m afraid … missing my train.








Choose the correct answer:

They suspect her … telling lies.








Choose the correct answer:

I wonder what prevented him … going to the country on Sunday.








Choose the correct answer:

She is a nice girl and we are looking forward … seeing her again.








Choose the correct answer:

After a long time they succeeded … finding a cheap hotel in the suburbs of London.








Choose the correct answer:

You know he’s always complaining … having problems with her neighbours.








Choose the correct answer:

Somebody told me that he had taken … drinking after his wife’s death.








Choose the correct answer:

My brother has given up (smoke). He thinks it’s a waste of money.

A)to smoking

B)to have smoked



E)to smoke



Choose the correct answer:

My watch wants:

A)to repair

B)to repairing

C)to have repaired





Choose the right variant:

All the happiness of my life depends … your loving me.








Choose the correct answer:

He has always dreamt … visiting other countries.








Choose the correct answer:

The machine needs (clean)

A)to cleaning

B)to clean


D)to have cleaned




Choose the correct answer:

He persisted … trying to solve that difficult problem:








Choose the correct answer:

I object … his borrowing money from you.







$$$20.. Choose the correct answer:

Do you mind him (examine) by a heart specialist?

A)to examine

B)to have examined


D)being examined

E)been examined



Choose the correct answer:

He had a strange habit of (interfere) in other people’s business.

A)to interfere




E)being interfered



Choose the correct answer:

The cold weather prevented the girls … going for long walks.








Choose the correct answer:

The teacher of mathematics did not approve … his pupils dreaming.








Choose the right answer:

He gave up the idea … ever hearing from her.








Choose the correct answer:

He is good at (to repair) cars.


B)to repair

C) repairing

D)being repaired




David was tired of (to scold) all the time.


B)being scolded


D)have scold

E)have been scold


$$$ 27

Choose the correct answer:

The Bronze Horseman is worth (to see)

A)to see


C)being seen


E)have seen



Choose the correct answer:

They accuse him … having robbed the house.








Choose the correct answer:

The child insisted on (to send) home at once.


B)to send

C)being sent




Choose the correct answer:

Jane thought … leaving Lowood after Miss Temple’s marriage.








Form the Gerund Simple of the verb “lie”:

A)To be lied
B) To be lying
C) To have lied
D) To lie
E) lying



State the form of the Gerund:

On being told the news she turned pale.

A) Indefinite Active

B) Perfect Active

C) -

D) Indefinite Passive

E) Perfect Passive



State the form of the Gerund:

Watching football matches may be exciting enough, but of course it is more exciting playing football.

A) Indefinite Active

B) Perfect Active

C) -

D) Indefinite Passive

E) Perfect Passive



Choose the right variant:

He is fond of... speeches in public.

A) make

B) makes

C) making

D) doing

E) to make



Choose the right variant:

Much depends... your making a decision at the right time.

A) to

B) at

C) about

D) on

E) of



Choose the right variant:

I like … in winter.

A) ski

B) skiings

C) skiing

D) have ski

E) had ski



Choose the right variant:

My cold prevents me from … out.

A) going

B) go

C) gone

D) went

E) goes



Put in the gerund:

The difficulties … the plants are overcome in our country.

A) to rebuilding

B) at rebuilding

C) rebuild

D) of rebuilding

E) rebuilded



Choose the right variant:

Our group took part … celebrating the 150-th anniversary of Abai yesterday.

A) in

B) to

C) at

D) on

E) after



Choose the right variant:

The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid....

A) of falling
B) from falling

C) to fall

D) to falling

E) fall


Choose the right variant:

... a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.

A) Finding
B) After finding
C) Having find
D) We found

E) Founding



Choose the right variant:

She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t help....

A) laughing
B) to laugh

C) that she laughed

D) loving

E) be laugh



Choose the right variant:

Paul lives in Berlin now. He likes... there.

A) living

B) live

C) lived

D) living of

E) left



Choose the right variant:

When Lisa came to Britain, she had to get used... on the left.

A) driving
B) to driving
C) to drive

D) drove

E) drive



Choose the right variant:

I am thinking... a house. Do you think that’s a good idea?

A) to buy

B) of to buy

C) of buying

D) bought

E) buy



Choose the right variant:

The hungry boy was accused _____ stealing apples.

A) of
B) for

C) to

D) off

E) under



Choose the right variant:

Are you keen _____ singing?

A) Of

B) On

C) With

D) off

E) under



Choose the right variant:

The poor teacher is fed up _____ repeating the same thing over and over again.

A) Of

B) On

C) With

D) Off

E Under



Choose the right variant:

We won _____ finding the shortest way out.

A) In

B) To

C) By

D) off

E) under



Choose the right variant:

There is no point _____ telling the truth.

A) In

B) To

C) By

D) off

E) under



Choose the right answer:

Before … to London you should get a visa.

A) to go

B) goes

C) being gone

D) going

E) by going



Choose the right answer:

After … in Paris Van Gogh moved to Arles.




D)being live

E)has lived



Choose the right answer:

… a language every day is the best way of learning it.

A) speak







Choose the right answer:

The grass in the garden is very dry, it needs ….

A)to water



D)being watered

E)to be watered



Choose the right answer:

I enjoy … to music.


B)To listen


D)Having listened

E)To listening



Choose the right answer:

Mike stopped … six months ago.

A) to smoked

B) smoking

C) smoke

D).in smoking

E) being smoked



Choose the right answer:

Stop …, please.

A) to talk

B) talking

C) talks

D) talked

E) being talked



Choose the right answer:

In spite … problems he kept on smiling.

A) to face

B) for facing

C) of facing

D) by facing

E) facing



Choose the right answer:

In spite.. very generous to other people, he is strict with me.


B)of being

C)for being

D)he has been

E)to be



Choose the right answer:

Several people insisted … the old man to cross the road.

A) to help

B) helping

C) help

D) on helping

E) helps



Дата добавления: 2015-07-20; просмотров: 174 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: The Passive Voice | The cases … by skilled workers. | Мodal verbs | Direct and Indirect Speech |
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B) D) has to| Participle

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