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Стандартные сокращения и коды

Читайте также:
  1. Б. Фаза непроизвольного мышечного сокращения
  2. Б. Фаза непроизвольного мышечного сокращения.
  3. В дальнейшем в сценарии следующие сокращения: Ц – Церемониймейстер, Т – Танцмейстер, М.Ш. – Маэстро Шлягер).
  4. Виды и режимы мышечного сокращения. Одиночное мышечное сокращение и его фазы. Сила и работа мышц. Правило средних нагрузок.
  5. Государственный бюджет и государственный долг. Пути преодоления дефицита государственного бюджета и сокращения государственного долга.
  6. Единообразие принципов и формы сокращения


AAIC Accounting Authority Identification Code

•AC Alternating current

АDE Above-deck equipment

AGC Automatic gain control

АM Amplitude modulation

AMVER Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System

AOR-E Atlantic Ocean Region (East).coverage area of Inmarsat satellite

AOR-W Atlantic Ocean Region (West), coverage area of Inmarsat satellite

ARQ Automatic Repetition request (mode of telex operation for point-to-point working

between two stations)

A1A Continuous wave telegraphy. Morse code

A2A Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a tone modulated carrier. Morse code: double sideband

A3E Telephony using amplitude modulation: double sideband

BDE Below-deck equipment

CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee

CCITT International Consultative Committee forTeIegraph and Telephone

CEPT Conference of European Postal and Telecommunications

10.2. Стандартные сокращения и коды_________________________________117



CES [Inmarsat] Coast Earth station

Ch Channel

COSPAS-SARSAT A satellite-aided search and rescue system based on low-altitude

near-polar-orbiting satellites and designed to locate distress beacons

transmitting on the frequencies 121.5 MHz and

406 MHz

CQ General call to all stations (used in the WT service)

CSS Co-ordinator surface search

DE Signal used in Morse telegraphy meaning 'This is'

DF Direction Finder

DSC Digital Selective Calling

EGC [INMARSAT] Enhanced group call

E-mail Electronic mail

EPIRB Emergency position-indicating radio beacon

ETA Estimated time of arrival

ETD Estimated time of departure

FAX Facsimile

FEC Forward Error Correction (mode of telex operation for broadcast purposes)

FM Frequency modulation

FSK Frequency shift keying

F1B Telegraphy using frequency modulation: Narrow band direct printing (Telex)

F3E Telephony using frequency modulation

GA+ Go ahead (used with telex)

GHz Gigahertz

GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System

GOC General Operator's Certificate

GPS Global Positioning System

G3E Telephony using phase modulation

HF High frequency (frequencies in the range 3-30 MHz)

HSD High speed data

H2A Telegraphy by the on-off keying of a tone modulated carrier, Morse code:

single sideband, full carrier

H3E Telephony using amplitude modulation: single sideband, full carrier

IC Integrated circuit

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

IF Intermediate frequency

IHO International Hydrographic Organization

1MO International Maritime Organization

INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization

IOR Indian Ocean Region, coverage area of Inmarsat satellite

ITU International Telecommunication Union

J3E Telephony using amplitude modulation: single sideband, suppressed carrier

kHz Kilohertz

kW Kilowatt

LSB Lower side band

LUT Local user terminal (type of station used in the COSPAS-SARSAT system)

MCC Mission Control Centre (type of station used in the COSPAS-SARSAT system)

10. СПРАВОЧНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ_________________________________________118


MERSAR Merchant Ship Search and Rescue Manual

MF Medium frequency (300-3000 kHz)

MHz Megahertz

MID Maritime Identification Digits

MMSI Maritime Mobile Sen/ice Identities

MRCC Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (often referred to as an RCC)

MS Maritime Safety Information

NAVAREA Short title of an areain the world-wide navigational warning service

Navtex Navigational telex

NBDP Narrow Band Direct Printing

NCS Network Co-ordination Station (for Inmarsat)

OBS Prefix for Meteorological telegrams

OCC Operations Control Centre (coordinating station for Inmarsat)

POR Pacific Ocean Region, coverage area of Inmarsat satellite

PSDN Public Switched Data Network PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

RCC Rescue Coordinating Centre (see also MRCC)

ROC Restricted Operator's Certificate

RT Radio telephony Rx Receiver

R3E Telephony using amplitude modulation: single sideband, reduced carrier

SAR Search and Rescue

SARSAT Search and Rescue satellite aided tracking

SART Search and Rescue Transponder (a homing device used in GMDSS)

Selcall Selective Calling

SELFEC Selective Forward Error Correction one-way communication system used on telex)

SES Ship Earth Station

SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea

SSB Single side-band

TOR Тelex over Radio

TV Television

Tx Transmitter, Transmission

UHF Ultra High Frequency

USB Upper side-bTand

UTC Universal Coordinated Time

VHF Very high Frequency (30-300 MHz)

VTS Vessel Traffic Service

W Watt

WARC World Administrative Radio Conference

WMO World Meteorological Organization

WRU Who are you? (used with telex)

WT Wireless Telegraphy (radiocommunication using Morse)

WWNWS World Wide Navigational Warning Service

Wx Weather


Дата добавления: 2015-07-26; просмотров: 74 | Нарушение авторских прав

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