Читайте также: |
Immigration Control Platform (ICP) http://www.immigrationcontrol.org/ (anti-immigration org)
Irish Nationalism Website http://irish-nationalism.net/forum/
Alleanza Nazionale (AN) National Alliance - http://www.alleanzanazionale.it/ (anti-immigration party)
Lega Nord (LN) League North - http://www.leganord.org/ (anti-immigration party) 8,3% in 2008 election.
Tricolour Flame (Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore, MS-FT) http://www.fiammatricolore.net (anti-immigration party)
La Destra (LD) - http://www.partitoladestra.com/ (Nationalism) 2,4% in 2008 election in joint coop with Fiamma Tricolore
Fronte Sociale Nazionale - http://www.frontenazionale.it (anti-immigration party)
Forza Nuova - http://www.forzanuova.org - (nationalist movement)
Destra Nazionale http://www.destranazionale.org (nationalist org)
Alternative Democratic Reform Party (Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei) right wing: http://www.adr.lu/
VivaMalta – http://www.vivamalta.org (Nationalist media site)
Imperium Europa (IE) - http://www.imperium-europa.org/home.asp (Nationalist media site)
Maltese Nationalist Party - http://www.pn.org.mt/
National Action - http://www.azzjoninazzjonali.org/
Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) Freedom Party http://www.pvv.nl/ (anti-immigration) 5,9% in 2006 election, Geert Wilders
Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) List Pim Fortuyn (dissolved)) (anti immigration)
NVB http://www.nationalistischevolksbeweging.nl/ (Nationalist org)
Dietse Kameraden http://www.dietsekameraden.com/ (Nationalist org)
Nederlandse Volks Unie - NVU - http://www.nvu.info/ (Racial Conservative)
Fremskrittspartiet (FRP) Progress Party http://www.frp.no/ (moderate, anti-immigration) 22,1% in 2005 election
NorgesPatriotene (anti-immigration party/org) http://www.norgespatriotene.org
Federlandspartiet http://fedrelandspartiet.no/ (nationalist party)
Popular Party - The Democratic and Social Centre - People's Party (Centro Democrático e Social - Partido Popular) (CDS-PP) moderate anti-immigration: http://www.cds.pt/
Partido Nacional Renovador, PNR - National Renewal Party http://www.pnr.pt/ (nationalist party) 0,2% in 2005 election
Frente Nacional (Radical micro party)
The People's Monarchist Party - http://www.ppm.pt
New Democracy Party - http://www.pnd.pt
Nationalist websites/blogs:
In Spain the scene of radically restrictionist parties is very fragmented. The leading but tiny restrictionist party Democracia Nacional has contested the last two Spanish general elections as the head of a coalition named Plataforma España and Frente Español.
La Falange (Falange Española de las J.O.N.S.) (tiny political party + militant movement,) - http://www.falange.es HQ in Madrid. Vastly reduced in size and power today, three smaller organisations under the Falange banner received 27,166 votes between them in the 2004
España 2000 - http://www.esp2000.org - anti-immigration party,
Has taken Valencia by storm, winning councillors in three town halls. Minor presence in Catalonia, Granada and Madrid.
Alianza Nacional - www.alianzanacional.es - anti-immigration party,
Democracia Nacional - http://www.democracianacional.org – (anti immigration party) DN won three seats last election and is led by Manuel Canduela, founding member of the nationalist band División 250.
Fuerza Nueva (New Force) www.fuerzanueva.org – anti immigration party
Plataforma per Catalunya (PxC) http://www.pxcatalunya.com (anti immigration party) gained 17 councillors in Catalonia last election
The Partido de Acción Demócrata Española (PADE) won 20 councillors in Madrid and Guadalajara.
The new anti-immigration parties gained 50 extra councillors in Spain’s local elections in 2007. Expect the 2011 elections to see a further boom in this field - unless Spain manages to combat prejudices and consolidate growing multiculturalism at the community level.
Moviment Social Republicà de Catalunya http://es.geocities.com/msrcatalunya/ (nationalist Catalunya)
Estado Nacional Europeo http://www.n-europa.org/
Carlist Traditionalist Communion - http://www.ctcarlista.org/
Sverigedemokraterna (SD) Swedish Democrats www.sverigedemokraterna.se (anti immigrant party) 4% on national level and 11% in Malmø last election
Nationaldemokraterna (ND) National Democrats www.nationaldemokraterna.se (anti immigrant party)
SMR/Svenska Motståndrörelsen/Swedish Resistance Movement and Nationell Ungdom/National Youth, share this site - http://www.patriot.nu/ (nationalist movement)
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