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America, the most powerful European country

Читайте также:
  1. A European Declaration of Independence
  2. A European Declaration of Independence
  3. An official request/plead to all European patriots - Required administrative high priority tasks/objectives
  4. Are all European men weak minded cowards or are they just brainwashed?
  5. B. The Western European multiculturalist regimes subsidise multiculturalist newspapers
  6. B. Traffic in our country is on the right hand side.


America and Europe should not be seen as two separate and opposing entities, but two things in symbiosis. America is indeed a Christian European nation (in exile), and continuing the legacy of the European history of the Enlightenment. America is indeed the Empire of the Enlightenment; the Leftist Empire. And anyone being in doubt about such a statement should consider how America was the first European country to introduce a 100% income tax, and to elect someone raised as a Muslim to become president, etc. A Leftist empire will always be in denial about being an empire at all, as America evidently is.


And there we come to the second way in which Europeans are culpable. Europe found it very convenient to accept America as the new leader and its new role as the irresponsible teenager. Surely there is the trauma of the two world wars as a background for this. But there is even more the ideology from the Enlightenment. The Europeans accepted willingly to surrender to the American military, which has protected Europe ever since, is calling the shots and the setup of an "eternal" (organised) peace in Europe with no more wars.

But these were entirely different Europeans than the ones that had been running the show up until WWI. This old ruling class had been wiped out in a collaboration between America and the ideological movements of European socialists/liberals.


For example, recently a German friend was complaining to me about how GM wouldn't let Opel be bought by the Germans and made independent, at the behest of the US government. I remember thinking, "Well, stick up for yourselves!"


You are speaking of traitorous European marionette leaders under the current world order. And of the most wing-clipped nation of them all: Germany. They will never stick up for themselves, i.e. for their people (under the current cultural Marxist/multiculturalist regime).


What if Angela Merkel or her predecessors actually tried to get the US out of Germany? What's stopping her now, in light of limp-wristed Obama recently being elected?


I always come back to Gaventa's power theory and his three levels (dimensions) of power, where at the third level the oppressee is not even conscious about being oppressed, and has no concept of her own self-interest. Angela Merkel, as the other European leaders, is fully caught in this Matrix. Germany even more so, since the anti-German hatred by the "world community" won't accept even a teeny weeny sign of vitality from the Germans.


So as in any power relation, it all comes down to obeying the superior military might. That is, as long as there is this high military presence of American troops in Germany, Germany is afraid to do what is needed. America, being a Leftist Empire, is of course in denial about at all being an empire, and the oppressive nature of its actions, and how it’s all built on raw military power. So not only does Germany chose to obey the command of America, it has to pretend that it is a friendly relationship.



... we cannot and should not rely on aid from the American elites. They are as hostile as the EU elites.


And both of these traitorous groups deserve the same fate. Instead, it is more likely that the bulk of America's and Europe's citizenry will necessarily suffer Islam's continued predations until the tipping point is reached.

The tipping point will come when living with Muslims becomes more trouble than living without Muslims. You can bet the farm that this point will be reached. Islam assures this outcome and there is very little that Muslim nations can do to avert it. They have neither the strategic resources nor sufficiently developed military doctrine to prevail over an aroused and angry West.

The only variables that remain are exactly how many Westerners will have to die before the tipping point is reached and the number of Muslims that will die as a result of that tipping point being reached. Any delays only serve to up the butcher's bill on both sides.

Slow jihad is not invasive enough to overcome the West before it crosses the threshold of military reprisal for continuing Islamic atrocities. Islam's inherently radical nature prohibits the creation of any stasis or uneventful interregnum whereby slow jihad can prevail.

Non-practising Muslims are incapable of preventing further terrorist atrocities and such heinous crimes will assuredly expand in scope so as to inevitably bring down the West's wrath upon Islam. Of that you can be sure.


Дата добавления: 2015-07-17; просмотров: 154 | Нарушение авторских прав

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