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Intranet Local log onto network card

Читайте также:
  1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\CDRom

satellite server terminals WAN (Wide Area Network)

LAN is pronounced "lan", and stands for 1_________________ Area Network. In a typical LAN, there is a central network 2_________________ which supports a number of 3_________________. Users have to 4_________________ the network server. Pages of information that can be viewed within a LAN are called

an 5_______________. A number of LANs connected to each other via 6_________________ or other form of __communication are called a 7_________________. To be used as network terminals, each computer

needs to have a 8_________________ installed.

Задание 4. Что означают следующие аббревиатуры? Расшифруйте их на английском языке и переведите письменно.


Задание 5. Ответьте письменно на следующие вопросы интервьюера.
1. Why do you think you will be successful in this job?

2. What are your qualifications for this position?

3. Do you like working with the public?

4. How do you relate to people from diverse cultures?

5. What did you like the most / the least about your last job?

6. Describe your work ethic.

7. What kind of compensation are you looking for?

Задание 6. Взяв за основу данный образец, составьте своё собственное сопроводительное письмо для устройства на работу.


Образец сопроводительного письма

Software Developer / Engineer (C# / C++) - Cover Letter Sample

Mgr. John McCounter
Director of Application Development and Software
National OJSC Programming
Bill Gates' Avenue 11

Reaction to Job Offer Programmer - Software Engineer C # and the Microsoft Platform

Dear Mr. McCounter,

I am applying for job offer Programmer - Software Engineer C # and the Microsoft platform, published during this week on the job server AcestaJob.info.

I am convinced that I am a good candidate to job position Programmer - SW Engineer. I have been working on job positions programmer, developer and software engineer since 1998 in. I have experiences in development of information systems and development of applications and software for various purposes, including applications to work with desktop workstations and servers to mobile devices.

Cooperation with retail chains and sales goods via retailers is most appropriate way of my work. For the successful implementation in key account management, I graduated on University of Chicago, defended my thesis Business Strategy for Long-term Cooperation with Retail Chains and I was awarded an MBA. I have attended the courses focused on negotiation, sales tactics and business strategies too.

I am improving my knowledge in the field of programming and application development by studying and completing appropriate training courses. I graduated the engineering program at the University of Unicorn focused on object-oriented programming and programming languages C #, C + + and JAVA. I studied courses focused on platform for training companies certified by Microsoft. Selected courses are listed in the attached CV and complete list can be sent on request.

I see the possibility to work in your company as opportunity to deepening my knowledge and contribute to development of promising software.

I hope that you will evaluate my CV positively and I will have the opportunity to present myself in the next round of the selection process in your company.

Best regards,

Malcolm Software Developer Malcolm Software Developer
Email: Malcolm - developer-sw@h o t m a i l. i n f o
Phone: 12345 12345 12345
Microsoft Avenue 1, Palo Alto


Задание 7. Напишите 5-6 вопросов, которые бы Вы хотели задать интервьюеру, чтобы больше узнать о своей будущей работе.

Задание 8. Внимательно прочитайте текст и определите, верны ли приведенные после него высказывания. Письменно переведите первые два абзаца.

Type-based design

In some cases, designers rely on words to convey a message, but they use words differently from the ways writers do. To designers, what the words look like is as important as their meaning. The visual forms, whether typography (communication designed by means of the printed word) or handmade lettering, perform many communication functions. They can arrest your attention on a poster, identify the product name on a package or a truck, and present running text as the typography in a book does. Designers are experts at presenting information in a visual form in print or on film, packaging, or signs.

When you look at an “ordinary” printed page of running text, what is involved in designing such a seemingly simple page? Think about what you would do if you were asked to redesign the page. Would you change the typeface or type size? Would you divide the text into two narrower columns? What about the margins and the spacing between the paragraphs and lines? Would you indent the paragraphs or begin them with decorative lettering? What other kinds of treatment might you give the page number? Would you change the boldface terms, perhaps using italic or underlining? What other changes might you consider, and how would they affect the way the reader reacts to the content? Designers evaluate the message and the audience for type-based design in order to make these kinds of decisions.

Symbols, logos and logotypes

Symbols and logos are special, highly condensed information forms or identifiers. Symbols are abstract representation of a particular idea or identity. The CBS “eye” and the active “television” are symbolic forms, which we learn to recognize as representing a particular concept or company. Logotypes are corporate identifications based on a special typographical word treatment. Some identifiers are hybrid, or combinations of symbol and logotype. In order to create these identifiers, the designer must have a clear vision of the corporation or idea to be represented and of the audience to which the message is directed.

1. To designers the meaning of the word is more important than what it looks like.

2. Designers are good at presenting information in an audio form.

3. Designers analyze the message and the audience for type-based design.

4. Symbols are specific representation of any idea or identity.

5. Logotypes are identifications based on a special typographical word treatment.


4 Вариант

Задание 1. Напишите на английском языке полностью следующие цифры, уравнения и формулы:

For example: = 3 the fourth root of 81 is equal to three


1. 2, 572, 941

2. 0.003

3. 108 12 = 9

4. 5


6. 27 %

7. a b




Задание 2. Опишите на английском языке следующий график, используя образец, данный во втором задании первого варианта:


Задание 3. Вставьте слова из списка по смыслу.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-14; просмотров: 242 | Нарушение авторских прав

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