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Acharya S: The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold (Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois, 1999).

Allen D.S. and Delair J.B.: The Day The Earth Nearly Died (Gateway Books, Bath, 1995).

Baigent, Michael, Leigh, Richard, and Lincoln, Henry: Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Corgi Books, London, 1983).

Baker, Dr. Douglas: The Opening Of The Third Eye (Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, England, 1977).

Boulay, R.A.: Flying Serpents And Dragons, The Story Of Mankind's Reptilian Past, new revised edition (The Book Tree, P.O. Box, 724, Escondido, California, 92033,1997).

Boyd, Andrew: Blasphemous Rumours (Fount Paperbacks, an imprint of HarperCollins, London, 1991).

Bramley, William: The Gods Of Eden (Avon Books, New York, 1993).

Bullock, Alan: Hitler, A Study In Tyranny (Pelican Books, London, 1960).

Christopher, Alex: Pandora's Box, Volumes 1 and 2 (Pandora's Box, 2663, Valleydale Road, Suite 126, Birmingham, Alabama, 35224).

Churchward, Albert: The Origin And Evolution Of Religion (Kessinger Publishing Company, 1997). Churchward, Colonel James: The Lost Continent Of Mu; The Children Of Mu;The Sacred Symbols Of Mu; The Cosmic Forces Of Mu, books one and two (All available through the David Icke website).

Conforto, Giuliana: LUH, Man's Cosmic Game (Edizioni Noesis, 1998).

Crowley, Aleister: Magick In Theory And Practice (Dover, USA, 1929).

Deane, Reverend John Bathhurst: The Worship of the Serpent (J.G. and F. Rivington, London, 1833). DeCamp, John W.: The Franklin Cover Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, And Murder In Nebraska (AWR Inc.. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1992).

DeMeo. Professor James: Saharasia: The 4000 bce Origins Of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare And Social Violence, In The Deserts Of The Old World (Natural Energy Works, USA, 1998).

Dickhoff, Robert E: Agharta (Health Research, PO Box 850, Pomeroy, WA, USA 99347Health Research, U.S.A., 1996).

Doane, T.W.: Bible Myths And Their Parallels In Other Religions (Health Research, first published 1882).

Dujardin, Edouard: Ancient History Of The God, Jesus (Watts and Co., 1938).

Emery, Professor W.B.: Archaic Egypt (Penguin Books, UK, 1961).

Findlay, Arthur: The Curse Of Ignorance, A History Of Mankind (Headquarters Publishing Company, London, first published, 1947).

Finkelstein, Norman: The Holocaust Industry (Verso Books, July 2000).

Fix, Wm R.: Pyramid Odyssey (Jonathan James Books, Toronto, Canada, 1978).

Flem-Ath, Rand, and Colin Wilson: Atlantis Blueprint: Unlocking The Mystery Of A Long-Lost Civilisation (Little Brown. London, 2000).

Foot, Paul: Who Framed Colin Wallace? (Macmillan, London, 1989).

Fox, Dr. Loreda: The Spiritual And Clinical Dimensions Of Multiple Personality Disorder (Books of Sangre de Cristo, Salida, Colorado, 1992).

Frawley, David: Gods, Sages And Kings: Vedic Secrets Of Ancient Civilization (Passage Press. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1991).

Gardner, Sir Laurence: Bloodline Of The Holy Grail (Element Books, Shaftesbury, Dorset, 1996). Gordon, Professor Cyrus: The Common Background Of Greek And Hebrew Civilisation (W.W. Norton and Company, New York, 1965).

Graves, Robert: The White Goddess (Octagon Books, New York, 1972).

Hall, Manly P.: America's Assignment With Destiny, The Adepts In The Western Tradition (Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, 1979), part five.

Hall, Manly P.: The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, California, the Golden Jubilee Edition, 1988).

Hansen, Lucille Taylor: The Ancient Atlantic (Amherst Press, Amherst, Wisconsin,1969).

Harrison, Jane, Themis: A Study Of The Social Origins Of Greek Religion (Peter Smith Publishing, Glouster, Massachusetts, 1974).

Hoagland, Richard: Monuments On Mars (North Atlantic Books, California, USA, 1996).

Horn, Dr Arthur David: Humanity's Extraterrestrial Origins (A. and L. Horn, PO Box 1632, Mount Shasta, California 96067, 1994).

Jacobs, David M.: The Threat: The Secret Agenda (Simon and Schuster, New York,1988).

Jackson, John: Christianity Before Christ (American Atheists, 1985).

Keel, John A.: The Mothmen Prophecies (Signet Books, New York, 1976).

Keel, John A.: Our Haunted Planet (Fawcett Publications, USA, 1971).

King, Francis: Satan And Swastika (Mayflower Books, London, 1976).

Koestler, Arthur: The Thirteenth Tribe — The Khazar Empire And Its Heritage (Hutchinson, London, 1976).

Lanctot, Guylaine: The Medical Mafia (Here's The Key, Inc. Canada, 1995).

Leedom, Tim C. (editor): The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read (Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Iowa, USA, 1993. Available from the Truthseeker Company, PO Box 2872, San Diego, California 92112).

Maggiore, Christine: What If Everything You Thought You Knew About AIDS Was Wrong (Health Education AIDS Liaison, Los Angeles Chapter, 1996).

Mott, Wm. Michael: Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures (Hidden Mysteries, Texas, 2000). Available direct through the David Icke website.

O'Brien, Cathy, and Phillips, Mark: Trance-Formation Of America (Reality Marketing Inc., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 1995).

Oldham, C.F.: The Sun And The Serpent: A Contribution To The History Of Serpent Worship (London, 1905). Based on papers read before the Royal Asiatic Society in 1901.

Pinkham, Mark Amaru: Trie Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom (Adventures Unlimited, Illinois, USA, 1997).

Rollins: Ancient History, edited by Edward Farr (Hurst & Co., New York, Vol.2, circa 1907. Roney-Dougal, Serena: Where Science And Magic Meet (Element Books, Shaftesbury,1991). Rauschning, Herman: Hitler Speaks (London, 1939).

Sagan, Carl: The Dragons Of Eden (Ballantine Books, New York, 1977).

Schnoebelen, William J.: Mormonism's Temple of Doom (Triple J Pub., Idaho Falls, Idaho Falls: 1987). Shaw, Jim: The Deadly Deception (Huntington House Inc. Lafayette, Louisiana, 1988).

Sinclair, Ian, Health: The Only Immunity (published by Ian Sinclair and available from 5 Ivy Street, Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 2112).

Springmeier, Fritz, and Wheeler, Cisco: The llluminati Formula To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave (Springmeier, SE Clackamas Road, Clackamas, Oregon, 97015, 1996).

Springmeier, Fritz: The llluminati Bloodlines (Ambassador House, Westminster, Colorado, 1999). Temple, Robert: The Sirius Mystery (Destiny Books, Vermont, USA, 1998).

Trench, Brinsley Le Pour: The Sky People (Award Books, New York, 1970).

Velikovsky, Immanuel: Ages in Chaos (Doubleday Co., New York, 1952).

Velikovsky, Immanuel: Earth in Upheaval (Dell Publishing Co., New York, 1955).

Velikovsky, Immanuel: Worlds in Collision (Pocket Books Simon & Schuster, New York,1950).

Waddell, L.A.: Egyptian Civilisation, Its Sumerian Origin And Real Chronology (available from Hidden Mysteries through the David Icke website).

Waddell, L.A.: The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons (Christian Book Club, California, 1924).

Waddell, L.A.: The British Edda (Christian Book Club, California, 1929).

Waddell, L.A.: Makers Of Civilisation (Luzac and Company, 1929).

Walker, Barbara: The Woman's Dictionary Of Symbols And Sacred Objects (Harper-Collins,1988). Walker, Barbara G.: The Woman's Encyclopaedia Of Myths And Secrets (Harper Collins, San Francisco, 1983).

Walden, James L: The Ultimate Alien Agenda (Llewellyn Publications, St Paul, Minnesota, 1998).

Wheless, Joseph: Forgery In Christianity (Health Research, 1990).

Most of these books are available through bookends at: www.davidicke.com

The special section for books in this bibliography is: http://www.bridgeoflove.com/bookstore/matrix/


[1]Я знаю, что строго говоря правильне называть коллектив овец — скопление, а не стадо, но я предпочитаю стадо так привычнее.


[2]Jim Shaw, The Deadly Deception (Huntington House Inc, Lafayette, Louisiana, 1988), p 103


[3]33 степени шотландского Обряда и 10 степеней Йоркского обряда, оба включают Синие Степени, конечно.


[4]Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry, p 819


[5]The Deadly Deception, pp 65 and 66


[6]And The Truth Shall Set You Free, pp 321 to 324


[7]The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read, edited by Tim C. Leenon (Kendall/Hunt Publishing, Iowa, USA, 1993) p 137. Available from the Truth Seeker Company, PO Box 2872, San Diego, California 92112


[8]Wm R. Fix, Pyramid Odyssey (Jonathan-James Books, Toronto, Canada, 1978) pp 12 to 13


[9]Alan F. Alford, Gods Of The New Millennium, scientific proof of flesh and blood gods, (Hodder and Stoughton, London. 1996), p 52


[10]Colin Wilson, tlantis: At Last, Could This Be The True Secret Of The Lost Continent», London Daily Mail, September 30th, 2000


[11]там же


[12]John A. Keel, Our Haunted Planet (Fawcett Publications, USA. 1971), p 14


[13]там же


[14]там же, p 15


[15]там же


[16]See the books of James Churchward: The Lost Continent Of Mu; The Children Of Mu; The Sacred Symbols Of Mu; The Cosmic Forces Of Mu, books one and two. They are available through the David Icke website


[17]Professor James DeMeo, Saharasia: The 4000bce Origins of Child Abuse, Sex-Repression, Warfare and Social Violence, In the Deserts of the Old World (Natural Energy Works. USA, 1998).

Also see article on http://www.davidicke.net/tellthetruth/history/saharasian.html


[18]Professor W.B. Emery, Archaic Egypt (Penguin Books, UK, 1984)


[19]For further details of these legends and accounts all over the world, see When The Earth Nearly Died by D.S. Allen and J.B. Delair (Gateway Books, Bath, 1995)


[20]The Children Of Mu and all Churchward's books are essential reading to any researcher of ancient history


[21]там же


[22]там же


[23]там же


[24]там же. Also see The Atlantis Connection


[25]там же


[26]там же


[27]Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Encarta Learning Zone, http://encarta.msn.com/index/conciseindex/6D/06D05000.htm


[28]When The Earth Nearly Died, p 31


[29]там же


[30]Maurice Ewing, ew Discoveries On The Mid-Atlantic Ridge», National Geographic magazine, November 1949, pp 614, 616


[31]When The Earth Nearly Died, p 3227 Charles Berlitz, Atlantis, The Eighth Continent (Fawcett Books, New York, 1984), pp 96 to 101


[32]Charles Berlitz, Atlantis, The Eighth Continent (Fawcett Books, New York, 1984), pp 96 to 101


[33]When The Earth Nearly Died, pp 25 to 28


[34]там же


[35]tlantis: At Last, Could This Be The True Secret Of The Lost Continent», London Daily Mail, September 30th, 2000, pp 42 to 44


[36]там же


[37]там же


[38]там же


[39]там же


[40]там же


[41]там же


[42]там же


[43]там же


[44]там же


[45]там же


[46]там же


[47]Mark Amaru Pinkham, The Return Of The Serpents of Wisdom (Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois, 1996), p 8


[48]там же, p 9


[49]там же


[50]там же


[51]там же, pp 22 and 23


[52]See Richard Hoagland's book, Monuments On Mars (North Atlantic Books, California, USA, 1996)


[53]Brian Desborough, The Great Pyramid Mystery, Tomb, Occult Initiation Ceremony or What? a document supplied to the author in 1998 and also published in the California Sun Newspaper, Los Angeles


[54]там же


[55]Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon, Pyramids Of Montauk (Sky Books, New York, 1995), p 129


[56]Our Haunted Planet, pp 19 and 20


[57]See Immanuel Velikovsky's books, Ages In Chaos (Doubleday & Co., New York, 1952), Worlds In Collision (Pocket Books Simon & Shuster, New York, 1950), Earth In Upheaval (Dell Publishing Co..New York, 1955). These are available through the David Icke website


[58]Quoted in Our Haunted Planet, p 80, from the book, Worlds in Collision


[59]See the Zecharia Sitchin books, The 12th Planet, Stairway to Heaven, The Lost Realms, When Time Began, The Wars Of The Gods And Men, and Genesis Revisited (Avon Books, New York). It is worth remembering, however, that for whatever reason, Sitchin will simply not accept the existence of a reptilian or serpent race, despite the scale of evidence


[60]The Great Pyramid Mystery


[61]Our Haunted Planet, pp 132 and 133


[62]там же


[63]The Great Pyramid Mystery


[64]там же


[65]The translations of Zecharia Sitchin


[66]The Great Pyramid Mystery


[67]Genesis, Chapter 8, verse 4


[68]R.A. Boulay, Flying Serpents And Dragons, The Story Of Mankind's Reptilian Past. New revised edition (The Book Tree, PO Box, 724, Escondido, California, 92033, 1997), pp 124 and 125


[69]W.T. Samsel article: he Aliens Are Among Us» for the David Icke e-magazine, Volume 9. January 15th, 2000. Available on the David Icke website


[70]Родословная Рептилий является основной темой этой книги, но есть другие рассы внеземного происхождения. Источники майя и чероки в Северной и Центральной Америке, а также греческие историки, Апполодор и Диодор, утверждают, что Плеяды были домом как для белой расы так и для рептилий, которые прибыли в Атлантиду и соединялись с людьми, чтобы посеять большую рассу людей.


[71]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 7


[72]там же, p 21


[73]там же, p 22


[74]там же, p 40


[75]там же, p 7


[76]там же, p 9


[77]Robert Temple, The Sirius Mystery (Destiny Books, Vermont, 1968), p 86


[78]там же, pp 11 and 12


[79]там же, p 11


[80]там же, p 268


[81]там же, p 86


[82]там же, p 232


[83]там же, p 68


[84]там же


[85]там же, p 3


[86]там же, p 68


[87]там же


[88]Sirius background: http://www.britannica.eom/seo/s/sirius/


[89]The Sirius Mystery, pp 26 and 28


[90]там же, pp 85 and 86


[91]See article he Dogons and the Sirius Mystery»: http://www.cco.net/~trufax/fol/fol5.html


[92]See http://www.easternstar.org/


[93]The Sirius Mystery, p 85


[94]там же, p 96


[95]там же, p 268


[96]там же


[97]там же, p 137


[98]там же, p 60


[99]там же, p 278


[100]там же, p 76


[101]там же, p 279


[102]там же, p 96


[103]London Daily Mail, article liens Under The Sea», Saturday. November 11th, 2000, pp 48 to 51


[104]The Sirius Mystery, p 300


[105]Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa, Song Of The Stars (Station Hill Openings, Barrytown, New York, 1996), p 130


[106]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 25


[107]там же, many references


[108]там же, p 15


[109]там же


[110]там же


[111]Quoted in Our Haunted Planet, p 95


[112]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 17


[113]там же, p 30


[114]там же, p 34


[115]там же, p 31


[116]там же, p 34


[117]там же, p 39


[118]Jane Harrison, Themis, A Study Of The Social Origins Of Greek Religion, (Peter Smith IPublishing, Glouster, Massachusets. 1974); Robert Graves, The White Goddess (Octagon Books. New York, 1972)


[119]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, many references to these peoples


[120]там же, p 41


[121]там же


[122]там же, p 78


[123]See Holy Blood, Holy Grail (Corgi Books, London, 1982)


[124]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 41


[125]там же, p 42


[126]там же, p 34


[127]там же


[128]там же, p 8


[129]там же, p 9


[130]Sir Laurence Gardner: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/ringlords1.html


[131]L.A. Waddell, Egyptian Civilisation, It's Sumerian Origin, And Real Chronology, and Sumerian Origin Of Egyptian Hieroglyphs, p 2 (I will source this as Egyptian Civilisation from this point!)


[132]там же, p 9


[133]там же, p 11


[134]там же, p 13


[135]L.A. Waddell, British Edda (Christian Book Club, Hawthorne, California, 1930), introduction


[136]там же


[137]L.A. Waddell. The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons (Christian Book Club, Hawthorne, California, 1924)


[138]Egyptian Civilisation, p 28


[139]там же, p 21


[140]там же, p 14


[141]там же, p 18


[142]там же, p 17


[143]там же, p 2


[144]там же, pp 22 and 23


[145]там же, p 41


[146]там же, p 42


[147]там же, p 72


[148]там же, pp 71 and 72


[149]там же, p 73


[150]там же


[151]там же, pp 72 and 73 Atlantis revisited 67


[152]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 30


[153]Arizona Gazette, April 1909


[154]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons


[155]там же, p 65


[156]An approximate date suggested by the research of L.A. Waddell


[157]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 81


[158]Our Haunted Planet, p 51


[159]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons, p 231


[160]Professor Alexander Thorn, Megalithic Sites Of Britain, published in 1967


[161]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 217


[162]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons


[163]Egyptian Civilisation, p 13


[164]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons


[165]там же


[166]там же


[167]там же


[168]там же


[169]Quoted by Bob Quinn in Atlantean, Ireland's North African And Maritime Heritage (Quartet Books, London, 1986.)


[170]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons, p 27


[171]Egyptian Civilisation, pp 60 to 70


[172]там же, p 64


[173]там же, pp 63 and 64


[174]там же, p 66


[175]там же, p 67


[176]там же


[177]там же, p 68


[178]там же


[179]там же


[180]там же


[181]Lorraine Evans, Kingdom Of The Ark (Simon & Schuster, London, 2000)


[182]Quoted by the UK national media when the book was launched


[183]Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 3


[184]David Hatcher Childress, Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology, http://www.farshore.force9.co.uk/india.htm


[185]там же


[186]Genesis. Chapter 6, verses 1–4


[187]Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 187 to 194


[188]там же


[189]Our Haunted Planet, p 38


[190]там же, p 59


[191]там же


[192]Detailed in Flying Serpents And Dragons


[193]The Sirius Mystery, p 155


[194]там же


[195]Egyptian Civilisation, p 21


[196]The Sirius Mystery, p 157


[197]там же


[198]там же


[199]там же


[200]Barbara G. Walker, The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets (Harper San Francisco, 1983), p 399


[201]Antiquities Of The Jews


[202]See the translations of Zecharia Sitchin


[203]Our Haunted Planet, p 150


[204]Information from the Boston Historical Genealogical Society. Boston, Massachusetts


[205]Reuter's Report, October 17th, 2000


[206]там же


[207]The early history of the Merovingians can be found in Fredegar's Chronicle, a copy of which exists in the National Library of Paris


[208]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots, And Anglo Saxons


[209]See the chapter, The Goddess and the King, pp 411 to 469


[210]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 256


[211]More background on the Aeneas legend can be found at http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~awiesner/vergil/comm2/legend/legend.html




[213]Phillip Eugene de Rothschild, personal correspondence with the author


[214]The Sirius Mystery, pp 140 to 142


[215]Our Haunted Planet, p 144


[216]Frans Kamp in conversation with the author


[217]Quoted in Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 67


[218]Correspondence with the author


[219]W. T Samsel in an article for the David Icke website: Concerning the Reptilian Agenda, http://www.50megs.com/davidicke/icke/magazine/vol7/agenda.html


[220]Flying Serpents And Dragons, pp 39 and 40


[221]там же, p 40


[222]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, pp 47 and 48


[223]там же, p 49


[224]Quoted from a pre-publication manuscript. The book is now in print and can be obtained through Bookends on the David Icke website: www.davidicke.com — highly recommended


[225]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 99


[226]там же, pp 140 and 141


[227]Jane Harrison, Themis, A Study Of The Social Origins Of Greek Religion (Peter Smith Publishing, Glouster, Massachusetts, 1974)


[228]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, pp 104 and 105


[229]там же, p 257


[230]The Book Of Enoch is available from Hidden Mysteries through the David Icke website


[231]Correspondence with the author


[232]Quoted in Flying Serpents And Dragons, pp 179 to 181


[233]Correspondence with the author


[234]Flying Serpents And Dragons


[235]там же, p 7


[236]Genesis, chapter one, verse 26


[237]Quoted in Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 153


[238]там же


[239]там же, p 1


[240]John Rhodes website: http://www.reptoids.eom/ind2.htm#mexannmark


[241]Michael Mott's book, Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures, is an excellent account of these stories and how they fit with experience today


[242]По некоторой необъяснимой причине Зечария Сичин отказывается принять существование змеиной или рептильной рассы в древнем мире, несмотря на гору доказательств. Во время беседы со мной в Канкуне, Мексика, в 1998, он сказал мне, что не было никаких доказательств существования таких рас. Позже он наклонился вперед через стол и сказал: «Не идите туда». Как Вы можете видеть, я принял его совет.


[243]Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 92


[244]Quoted in Gods Of The New Millennium, p 223


[245]The translation of Zecharia Sitchin


[246]Gods Of The New Millennium, pp 226 and 227


[247]Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (The Philosophical Research Society. Los Angeles, California, 1988), p Al


[248]An excellent source of information on this story is The Temple And The Lodge by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, published by Arcade Publishing, New York, in 1989


[249]See Manly P. Hall's America's Assignment With Destiny, The Adepts Of The Western Tradition, published by the Philosophical Research Society. Los Angeles, California, in 1979


[250]Translations of Zecharia Sitchin


[251]The Reptilian Agenda, part one, with Credo Mutwa and David Icke


[252]Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 31


[253]там же


[254]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 650


[255]Reverend John Bathhurst Deane, The Worship Of The Serpent (J.G. and F. Rivington, London, 1833)


[256]Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 7


[257]там же, p 9


[258]там же, p 10


[259]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 903


[260]там же, p 41


[261]там же


[262]там же


[263]там же, p 48


[264]Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures


[265]Fritz Springmeier, The llluminati Bloodlines (Ambassador House, Westminster, Colorado, 1999), pp 163 to 185


[266]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 50


[267]там же, pp 53 and 54


[268]там же, p 51


[269]там же




[271]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 52


[272]Flying Serpents And Dragons, pp 48 to 50


[273]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 67


[274]там же, pp 66 and 67


[275]там же


[276]там же, pp 68 and 69


[277]там же, p 65


[278]там же


[279]там же, p 66


[280]там же, p 87


[281]там же


[282]там же, p 155


[283]там же, p 154


[284]там же, p 180


[285]там же, p 55


[286]там же, pp 60 and 61


[287]там же


[288]там же, p 63


[289]там же, pp 62 and 63


[290]Lucille Taylor Hansen, The Ancient Atlantic (Amherst Press, Amherst, Wisconsin, 1969)


[291]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 63


[292]там же, p 64


[293]там же, p 84


[294]там же


[295]там же, p 178


[296]Correspondence with the author


[297]For more on British dragon legends and a host of other ancient and modern reptilian information, see the award-winning Reptilian Agenda archives at www.reptilianagenda.com part of the David Icke website.


[298]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 244


[299]там же


[300]там же


[301]там же, p 245


[302]там же, p 251


[303]там же, pp 250 and 251


[304]там же, p 80


[305]там же, p 260


[306]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 906 and 1,028


[307]там же, p 1,028


[308]там же, p 907


[309]Flying Serpents And Dragons, p 43


[310]там же


[311]Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips, Trance-Formation Of America, The True Life Story Of A CIA Mind Control Slave (Reality Marketing, PO Box 27740, Las Vegas, Nevada, 89126, 1995), pp 209 and 210. This book is available through the David Icke website and Bridge of Love, UK


[312]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 41


[313]The Reptilian Agenda, parts one and two. Credo Mutwa with David Icke, is available from Bridge of Love. See the back of the book


[314]There is a longer list of Bohemian Grove participants in Fritz Springmeier's Bloodlines Of The llluminati. This is available through Bookends on the David Icke website. Bohemian Grove list can be found between pages 479 to 505


[315]Correspondence with the author


[316]See article hape-shifting Polymer Gels» at http://scientificamerican.com/news/110900/4.html


[317]Said in recorded conversations with the author


[318]See http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/


[319]They Live (Alive Rims, 1988)


[320]See http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/


[321]Book of Revelation, chapter 12, verse 9 and chapter 20, verses 2 and 3


[322]I found this story of Maurice Doreal's experiences on http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton


[323]Correspondence with the author


[324]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 206


[325]там же, p 208


[326]там же


[327]The Sirius Mystery, p 147


[328]там же, p 159


[329]там же, pp 267 and 268


[330]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 210


[331]там же, pp 212 and 213


[332]In the 1960s, a document of uncertain background called Le Serpent Rouge came to light in the National Library in Paris containing the genealogy of the Merovingians, two maps of rance» in the Merovingian period, and a ground plan of St Sulpice, the Roman Catholic centre for occult studies in Paris. See The Biggest Secret, p 148


[333]You can read a summary of Sir Laurence Gardner's themes in a three-part article on http://www.nexusmagazine.com//starfire1.html


[334]L.A. Waddell, British Edda (Christian Book Club, Hawthorne, California, 1930). The origin of the Edda text is outlined in the introduction. This book is available through Hidden Mysteries at the David Icke website


[335]там же


[336]там же


[337]там же


[338]там же


[339]там же


[340]там же


[341]там же


[342]там же


[343]там же


[344]там же


[345]там же


[346]там же


[347]Caverns. Cauldrons. And Concealed Creatures


[348]See the Kara Parsons website, The Amazons: http://www.plu.edu/~parsonkj/


[349]Rafal T. Prinke, he Occult Meanings Behind Polish Heraldic Devices»: http://www.iac.net/~moonweb/archives/RTP/Polish1.html


[350]British Edda. Introduction


[351]там же


[352]там же


[353]там же


[354]там же


[355]там же


[356]там же


[357]там же


[358]Rafal T. Prinke, he Occult Meanings Behind Polish Heraldic Devices»: http://www.iac.net/~moonweb/archives/RTP/Polish1.html The dragon queens 165


[359]British Edda


[360]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 67. This is a superb reference book for making goddess and other connections


[361]British Edda


[362]там же


[363]там же


[364]там же


[365]Rollins, Ancient History (Hurst & Co.. New York, Vol 2, circa 1907


[366]British Edda


[367]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 1.058


[368]British Edda, p 249


[369]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 674


[370]там же, p 382


[371]там же, p 549


[372]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 201 and 202


[373]Trance-Formation Of America, pp 176 and 178


[374]For Sir Laurence Gardner's information about this see: http://www.nexusmagazine.com/ringlords1.html


[375]British Edda, Introduction




[377]The Deadly Deception, p 102


[378]там же


[379]Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p 819


[380]Details of the explanations that Jim Shaw was given can be found in The Deadly Deception, pp 142 to 146


[381]там же, p 149


[382]Told to the author by Arizona Wilder, a former other Goddess» in llluminati Satanic ritual


[383]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 23


[384]там же, pp 963 and 964


[385]там же, pp 382 and 383


[386]там же


[387]там же, p 378


[388]там же, p 382






[391]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 406


[392]Our Haunted Planet, pp 140 and 143


[393]See The Woman's Encylopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 963 and 964, for this background to the Sun Goddess legends and accounts


[394]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 100


[395]The Woman's Encylopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 905


[396]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 221


[397]там же, p 224


[398]там же, pp 224 and 225


[399]The Woman's Encylopedia Of Myths And Secrets, p 575


[400]там же, p 580


[401]The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, p 147


[402]Acharya S, The Christ Conspiracy, The Greatest Story Ever Sold (Adventures Unlimited, Kempton, Illinois, 1999). p 241. This book is available through the David Icke website


[403]Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages (The Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, California, the Golden Jubilee Edition, 1988), p L


[404]Edouard Dujardin, Ancient History Of The God, Jesus (Watts and Co., 1938)


[405]The Christ Conspiracy, p 91


[406]Detailed in Flying Serpents And Dragons, pp 101 to 103






[409]See The Christ Conspiracy and The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read for more details on these connections


[410]Morals And Dogma Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry


[411]See Gerald Massey's books, Gnostic And Historical Christianity (Sure Fire Press. 1985), The Egyptian Book Of The Dead; and The Historical Jesus And The Mythical Christ. The latter two are both published by Health Research, USA


[412]The Christ Conspiracy, pp 192 to 193


[413]Albert Churchward, The Origin And Evolution Of Religion (Kessinger Publishing Company, 1997), pp 387 to 389


[414]The Christ Conspiracy, p 228


[415]Barbara Walker, The Woman's Dictionary Of Symbols And Sacred Objects (Harper-Collins,1988), p 482


[416]For the detailed background to the name Mary and its connections, see The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 602 to 616. This includes a section about Mary Magdalene


[417]Ephesians 5: 22–23. and 1 Timothy 2:10-11


[418]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 613 to 616


[419]John Jackson, Christianity Before Christ (American Atheists. 1985), p 185


[420]Joseph Wheless, Forgery In Christianity (Health Research, 1990), p 127


[421]The Christ Conspiracy, p 167 to 169


[422]там же, p 172


[423]там же, pp 169 to 171


[424]там же, pp 173 and 174


[425]там же, p 175


[426]там же, p 174 and 175






[429]Abelard Reuchlin, The True Authorship Of The New Testament (The Abelard Reuchlin Foundation, P.O. Box 5652, Kent, WA, USA, 1979)


[430]The Christ Conspiracy


[431]Quoted by Arthur Findlay in The Curse of Ignorance. A History of Mankind (Headquarters Publishing Company, London, first published, 1947)


[432]там же, p 637


[433]The Christ Conspiracy, p 71


[434]The Mystic Shrine: An Illustrated Ritual Of The Ancient Arabic Order Nobles Of The Shrine, 1975, pp 20 to 22


[435]Trance-Formation Of America, p 174


[436]Recorded conversations with the author


[437]See http://www.suite101.com/artlcle.cfm/ritual_abuse/43922


[438]Correspondence with the author




[440]Recorded conversations with the author and on the video, Revelations Of A Mother Goddess


[441]Recorded conversations with the author


[442]Correspondence with the author and posted at davidicke.com


[443]там же


[444]http://www.utlm.org/ and see also http://www.exmormon.org/stories.htm






[447]http://www.ufomind.com/ufo/updates/1998/jun/m09-009.shtml and see also http://www.sightings.com/ufo/screwingaliens.h


[448]David M. Jacobs, The Threat: The Secret Agenda (Simon and Schuster, New York, 1988), pp 131 and 132


[449]James L. Walden, The Ultimate Alien Agenda (Llewellyn Publications. St Paul, Minnesota, 1998), p 11


[450]там же, pp 141 to 153


[451]там же, p 35


[452]там же, pp 70 and 71


[453]там же, p 93


[454]там же, p 21


[455]http://www.reptilianagenda.com/exp/e100799d.html There are other accounts of reptilian experiences here also






[458]Alex Christopher speaking on KSEO Radio, USA, on April 26th 1996, transcript by the Leading Edge Research Group




[460]http://www.reptilianagenda.com/exp/e062600a.htmlhttp://users2.50megs.com/reptile/menuexper. ht






[463]Quoted by the Leading Edge Research Group. See also: http://www.reptilianagenda.com/research/r100699d.html


[464]See http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/


[465]http://www.reptilianagenda.com/exp/e101999b.html and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/research/r100799i.html


[466]liens Under The Sea», London Daily Mail. November 11th 2000, pp 48 to 51


[467]там же


[468]Caverns, Cauldrons, And Concealed Creatures


[469]там же


[470]там же


[471]The Threat, pp 217 and 218


[472]там же, p 215




[474]Correspondence with the author




[476]Trance-Formation Of America, p 174


[477]Correspondence with the author


[478]Our Haunted Planet, pp 96 and 97


[479]The Woman's Encyclopedia Of Myths And Secrets, pp 16 and 17


[480]Our Haunted Planet, p 168


[481]там же, p 160


[482]там же, p 144


[483]See Dimensions: A Casebook Of Alien Contact (Ballantine Books, USA, 1988)


[484]Correspondence with the author


[485]Correspondence with the author


[486]Aleister Crowley, Magick Theory And Practice (Dover, USA, 1929), pp 94 to 95


[487]The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, p 251


[488]News Of The World, August 24th, 1997, pp 30 and 31






[491]Correspondence with the author


[492]Alan Bullock, Hitler, A Study In Tyranny (Pelican Books, London, 1960)


[493]Herman Rauschning, Hitler Speaks (London, 1939)


[494]там же


[495]Quoted by J.H. Brennan in Occult Reich (Futura, London, 1974) and Francis King in Satan And Swastika (Mayflower Books. London, 1976)


[496]там же


[497]Satan And Swastika


[498]Correspondence with the author


[499]там же


[500]Sunday Mirror, October 24. 1999


[501]там же


[502]Quoted by Andrew Boyd in Blasphemous Rumours (Fount Paperbacks, an imprint of Harper Collins. London, 1991), p 30


[503]The Deadly Deception, p 149


[504]See also http://www.davidicke.com/icke/index1a.html


[505]Who Owns Whom 1990: Australia & Far East, Merchants Of Debt, George Anders, KKR And The Mortgaging Of American Business (Basic Books, 1992); Sarah Bartlett, The Money Machine: How KKR Manufactured Power And Profit (Warner Books)


[506]Aleister Crowley, Magick Theory And Practice (Dover, USA, 1929), pp 95 and 95


[507]Full interview available through Hidden Mysteries at www.davidicke.com


[508]Dr. Loreda Fox, The Spiritual And Clinical Dimensions Of Multiple Personality Disorder (Books of Sangre de Cristo, Salida, Colorado), p 196


[509]Written in letters to a church minister and quoted in Blasphemous Rumours


[510]See http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/


[511]The Illuminati Formula, pp 126 to 150. For more about Billy Graham read Springmeier and Wheeler's book, or The Biggest Secret, or go to the Religious Archives on my website. www.davidicke.com. You will also find Graham material at http://www.deceptioninthechurch.com/polls.html and http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/8988/billy.htm


[512]Correspondence with the author


[513]The Illuminati Formula, p 133


[514]Correspondence with the author


[515]The Deadly Deception, pp 104 and 105


[516]Writing in his book The New World Order. See http://www.davidicke.com/icke/index1a.html








[520]David C. Martin, Mormon Miscellaneous, October, 1975, pp 11 to 16


[521]The Deadly Deception, p 29


[522]Mormon library archives


[523]See http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/


[524]ane's» experiences were detailed in correspondence with the author


[525]там же


[526]там же


[527]там же


[528]See Bloodlines Of The Illuminati, pp 313 to 364


[529]там же


[530]Correspondence with the author


[531]Игра слов: онанист и мерзкий тип в англ. языке пишутся одинаково (wanker)




[533]You will find the background to aspartame in the Medical Archives of the David Icke website and specific articles related to this section can be found at:



www. dorway. com




[535]More background to Prozac is in the Medical Archives of the David Icke Website. Articles specific to this section are:





[536]They Are Doping Our Kids: http://www.illuminati-news.com/doping_kids.htm


[537]How Psychiatry Is Making Drug Addicts Out Of America's School Children: http://www.wealth4freedom.com/truth/Ritalin.html


[538]They Are Doping Our Kids: http://www.illuminati-news.com/doping_kids.htm












[544]There is considerable background to vaccinations in the Medical Archives at the David Icke website and those specific to this section are:





[545]Ian Sinclair, Health: The Only Immunity (published by Ian Sinclair and available from 5 Ivy Street, Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 2112)


[546]See also http://www.davidicke.net/medicalarchives/badmed/vaccinemafla.html and http://www.davidicke.com/icke/articles/lanctot.html


[547]There is a long list of articles on AIDS in the Medical Archives of the David Icke Website


[548]See The Medical Mafia and



[549]там же






[552]London Sunday Times reported: on April 16th, 1995


[553]Nexus Magazine, summer 1994






[556]Giuliana Conforto, Man's Cosmic Game (Edizioni Noesis, 1998), pp 11 and 12


[557]там же, p 44


[558]Dr. Douglas Baker, The Opening Of The Third Eye (Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, England, 1977), p 13


[559]Quoted in Our Haunted Planet, p 179


[560]Bill used this line in many of his stage performances and videos


[561]See http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton and http://www.reptilianagenda.com/




[563]там же


[564]The Ultimate Alien Agenda, p 65


[565]Quoted in Our Haunted Planet, pp 170 and 171


[566]Man's Cosmic Game, p 24


[567]Our Haunted Planet, p 79


[568]там же, pp 69 and 70


[569]This communication was dated January 13, 2000


[570]Jason Cowley, he Icke Files», Independent On Sunday, The Sunday Review, October 1st, 2000, pp 6 to 9


[571]Билл Хикс заканчивал многие свои выступления такими словами.


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