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III задание)

III задание)

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы хотите поступить на курсы иностранного языка. Позвоните на курсы и узнайте, где они находятся, каковы сроки обучения, сколько стоит обучение и что необходимо для поступления.


- Good morning! Is it the office of the English language courses?

- Yes, good morning. What can I do for you?

- You see I am going to join your courses and I’d like to find out some specific information about them. Can you help me?

- With pleasure.

- Will you tell me where the courses take place?

- Write down our address, please. It’s at 5 Gorky Street.

- Thank you. What are the terms of study?

- It’s up to you to decide. Two variants are available. You can study either 6 months or 1 year, depending on the initial level of your knowledge, and the level you would like to obtain. So our experienced teachers will make all the necessary recommendations.

- How much does the study cost?

- It costs either 5 or 10 thousand roubles, according to your previous choice.

- What is necessary for entering your courses?

- Come to this address on the 3rd of September at 4.00 p.m. with your passport. You’ll have to take a preliminary interview with our teachers and fill in an application form.

- Thank you very much.

- You are welcome.

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, планируете, что будете делать в выходные. Спросите, когда он/она свободен/свободна, обсудите, чем вам заняться, почему именно этим.


- Hello, Tom!

- Hi, Olga!

- How are you?

- I’m fine. Thanks and you?

- I’m fine too. Remember, we wanted to discuss our plans for the weekend?

- O.K. I’m so looking forward to going out somewhere.

- Could you tell me what time you will be free on Saturday?

- I suppose 6 o’clock p.m.

- Fine. What about going to the disco? A lot of my classmates will be there too. You can make friends with them.

- That’s a good idea but I think it’s too noisy and stuffy inside as the weather is rather hot now. I think we can go there next time. I would like to spend the weekend in the open air.

- O.K., we can go to the park not far from the center of our town. There’s a wonderful lake in it and the nature is beautiful.

- Great! You know, I study Arts and perhaps it will give an idea for my new landscape.

- So it’s settled. I’ll call for you around 6 p.m.

- Good-bye.

- Bye. See you.




Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы с зарубежным другом, который гостит в вашем городе, собираетесь поехать на экскурсию. Обсудите с другом, куда и когда лучше всего пойти/поехать; кого с собой пригласить. Примите совместное решение.


- Hello, Tom!

- Hello, Olga!

- How are you?

- Fine, thank you, and you?

- I’m fine too. Remember, we wanted to discuss where to go on an excursion in our town. What shall we do? We have two possibilities: to go to the museum or around our town. What would you prefer? I suggest our going to the museum. They are showing a very interesting exhibition, dedicated to the history of our town there.

- Sounds interesting, but as for me I would like to go around your town because I want to have our excursion in the open air.

- O.K. We can see our parks and squares, our schools, the Alley of Victory, our ancient churches and The Palace of Culture. But what is the most suitable time for you tomorrow?

- I think 5 o’clock p.m.

- O.K. fine. I will be free, too. But I think we can take my cousin with me. She will come to see me tomorrow. How do you feel about it?

- That’s a good idea.

- So it’s settled. We’ll call for you at 5 o’clock p.m. tomorrow. I hope we’ll have a good time.

- Good-bye. See you.

- Bye.


Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Вы должны написать статью о защите окружающей среды в школьный журнал, который издаётся на иностранном языке. Обсудите с редактором, какие проблемы следует осветить, как назвать статью, к какому сроку её сдать.


- Good morning!

- Morning!

- Can I speak to the editor?

- Yes, please. I’m listening.

- Will you help me?

- Certainly!

- I am to write an article in English in my school magazine about the environmental protection. And I would like to consult you on some items. Would you mind giving me some advice?

- No, that’s all right. What interests you most of all?

- I’d like to know what problems should be covered in my article.

- I suppose all the environmental problems are very important, but the problems of pollution, contamination, massive deforestation, acid rains and global warming on the planet are necessary to be covered.

- What title can I give to the article?

- It’s up to you to decide. One of the possible variants is “Why Should Technology Bring Apology To Ecology?”

- Good idea! Thank you. And when is my article to be ready?

- I think you have a fortnight to do it.

- Thank you very much. Good-bye.

- You’re welcome. Good-bye.


Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш класс выиграл конкурс, и вам дали грант. Объясните иностранному журналисту, от кого вы получили грант, за что и что вы планируете купить на полученные деньги для школы.

- How do you do!

- How do you do! What’s your name?

- My name is Olga. And what’s your name?

- I’m Mr. Brown, a British journalist.

- Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too. I hear your class has won a competition and got a grant recently. Can you tell me more about it?

- O.K. I’ll try to do my best.

- First of all, will you tell me what kind of competition it was?

- Well, it was a kindergarten territory improvement competition.

- And who did you get that grant from?

- We got it from our Local Authorities.

- Have you already planned where this money will go?

- Yes, we are going to spend one part of it on buying new equipment for our school parties, and the other part on buying toys for Children’s Home.

- Good idea! Thank you very much for this interesting interview. I think our readers will find it interesting too, and perhaps, will follow your example.

- You are welcome.

- Good bye.

- Bye.


III задание)

Разыграйте с учителем следующую ситуацию. Ваш друг вернулся из поездки в страну изучаемого языка. Расспросите его о поездке: где он был, что произошло на него наибольшее впечатление и почему.


- Hello, Dima!

- Hello, Olga!

- I haven’t seen you for a long time! How are you getting on?

- I’m O.K. And you?

- I’m fine too. I hear you’ve just returned from some English-speaking country. Where have you been?

- You see, I spent two weeks in Great Britain. I stayed there with my pen friend’s family.

- Wonderful! And what cities did you visit?

- I visited London and its suburbs.

- I envy you a little. I think you were greatly fascinated by its beauty. What places of interest made the greatest impression on you?

- Oh! London is a city that you will never forget. It is full of places of interest. I saw The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Greenwich Observatory with my own eyes! We also visited Madam Tussaud’s Museum last Friday.

- What famous wax models did you see there?

- There were a lot of them! But I personally liked the Queen’s family: the Queen, her husband, their children and other members of the Royal family. You know it is an unforgettable experience!

- I wish I had been with you in London. Perhaps I’ll visit it some day too.

- I think you’ll enjoy your stay there. But I’m afraid I have to go. Good-bye!

- Bye. See you later.



Дата добавления: 2015-07-12; просмотров: 307 | Нарушение авторских прав

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