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Differences of spelling.

The reform in the English spelling for American English was introduced

by the famous American lexicographer Noah Webster who published his first

dictionary in 1806. Those of his proposals which were adopted in the

English spelling are as follows:

a) the delition of the letter «u» in words ending in «our», e.g. honor,


b) the delition of the second consonant in words with double consonants,

e.g. traveler, wagon,

c) the replacement of «re» by «er» in words of French origin, e.g.

theater, center,

d) the delition of unpronounced endings in words of Romanic origin, e.g.

catalog, program,

e) the replacement of «ce» by «se» in words of Romanic origin, e.g.

defense, offense,

d) delition of unpronounced endings in native words, e.g. tho, thro.


Differences in pronunciation

In American English we have r-coloured fully articulated vowels, in the

combinations: ar, er, ir, or, ur, our etc. In BE the sound / /

corresponds to the AE /^/, e.g. «not». In BE before fricatives and

combinations with fricatives «a» is pronounced as /a:/, in AE it is

pronounced / / e.g. class, dance, answer, fast etc.

There are some differences in the position of the stress:



add`ress adress la`boratory


re`cess `recess re`search


in`quiry `inquiry ex`cess


Some words in BE and AE have different pronunciation, e.g.



/`fju:tail/ /`fju:t l/ /`dousail /

/dos l/

/kla:k/ /kl rk/ /`fig /


/ `le3 / / li:3 r/ /lef`ten nt/


/ nai / /ni: r/ /shedju:l/


But these differences in pronunciation do not prevent Englishmen and

American from communicating with each other easily and cannot serve as a

proof that British and American are different languages.


Words can be classified according to the period of their life in the

language. The number of new words in a language is always larger than the

number of words which come out of active usage. Accordingly we can have

archaisms, that is words which have come out of active usage, and

neologisms, that is words which have recently appeared in the language.



Кременецький обласний гуманітарно-педагогічний інститут

імені Тараса Шевченко

кафедра іноземної філології




(питання для самостійного опрацювання)


для спеціальності 6.010100 Педагогіка і методика середньої освіти. Мова та література. Англійська мова



Кременець, 2007



Питання для самостійного опрацювання

General problems of word meaning

1. Semasiology in the XIX-th – beginning of the XX-th century.

2. From the history of semantics in this country (contribution by A. A. Potebnya, M.M. Pokrovskiy).

3. Nature and structure of lexical meaning. Word and notion. Lexical meaning and notion.

4. Types of lexical meanings and methods of their studying.


Etymological background of ME vocabulary

5. Etymological analysis.


Problems of Semasiology

6. Semantic structure of the word and methods of its studying.

7. Types of word motivation and their interrelations.

8. Syntagmatic relations in Lexicology.

9. Paradigmatic relations in Lexicology.

10. Reasons, types and ways of semantic changes.

11. Regulations in semantic changes.


English Lexicography

12. English Lexicography. Basic notions of English Lexicography.

13. Historical development of British and American Lexicography.14. Classification of dictionaries.



Рекомендована література:

1. В.В. Левицкий. Семасиология. – Винница: Нова Книга, - 512 с.

2. Arnold I. The English Word. – M. – L., «Просвещение», 1977.

3. Aнтрушина Г.Б., Афанасьєва О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка.: Учеб. пособие для студентов – Москва. „Дрофа” – 2000. – 288 с.

4. Раевская Н.М. English Lexicology. Видавництво „Вища школа” – Київ, 1971.

5. Kveselevich D.I., Sasina V.P. Modern English Lexicology in Practice. – Nova Knyha Publishers. – Вінниця – 2003. – 128 с.

6. Internet resources.



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