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Aquarius (20.01-18.02) Водолей

People born under the sign of Aquarius are very loyal, sociable, interested insport and politics, but they can be a little unstable at times.

Pisces (19.02-20.03) Рыбы

Romantic, emotional, sympathetic if you have a problem, but pessimistic.

Aries (21.03-19.04) Овен

Energetic, artistic, warm, generous, but they can also be aggressive.

Taurus (20.04-20.05) Телец

Calm, patient, hardworking, friendly, but also very materialistic.

Gemini (21.05-20.06) Близнецы

Witty, clever, talkative, but a little impatient.

Cancer (21.06-22.07) Рак

Kind, humorous, helpful, but sometimes very moody.

Leo (23.07-22.08) Лев

Sociable, but can often be vain as well.

Virgo (23.08-22.09) Дева

Hard-working, practical, punctual, but also a little fussy and very critical.

Libra (23.09-22.10) Весы

Artistic, friendly, pleasant, but also lazy.

Scorpio (23.10-21.11) Скорпион

Passionate, brave, extremist but sometimes a little cruel.

Sagittarius (22.11-21.12) Стрелец

Cheerful, optimistic, talkative, living dangerously.

Capricorn (22.12-19.01) Козерог

Sensible, organized, polite, serious, but conservative.

XI*. Writing: What are your stars telling you?




Read the text and answer the questions.


If I have to buy something, I can go either to a market, or to a shop. Both shops and markets have their own advantages. At a market one can easily get whatever he wants without wandering from one place to another. It is very convenient and saves you a lot of time. But on the other hand, markets are sometimes dirty and one can never be sure of the goods he has bought are of supreme quality. That’s the reason why I prefer shops to markets, especially that recently there appeared a lot of supermarkets 1, where one can find any food he needs. As for clothes, books, china, you can find them all at a department store.

When one comes to a shop, he should come up to a counter and choose whatever he wants to buy. He can also consult the shop assistant to make the right choice. Then the customer goes to the cash desk and pays for what he buys.

But apart from department stores and supermarkets there exist a lot of small shops that specialize in selling just a few kinds of goods. The grocer’s is a place where one can buy flour, sugar and goods in cans. If you need some fruit or vegetables, you can get them at the greengrocer’s. My favourite shop is the confectioner’s, because it’s the place where all kinds of sweet and tasty things are sold, such as sweets, cakes, tarts and other things. A confectionery is often located in the same building with the baker’s, where the customers are offered a great variety of bread and buns. If you need any meat, fish or poultry for your dinner, you should go to the butcher’s, fishmonger’s or poultry’s.

Our house is situated within easy reach of shops and I know all of them because it’s me who does the shopping in our family. A shoe shop, dress shop, draper’s, stationer’s and bookshops are just at a stone’s throw (ид. рукой подать) from our place. As for china and furniture shops, watchmaker’s and jeweller’s, we have to go there by bus. But these are shops that we very seldom go to.

[1] At the supermarket:

meat section

fish section

fruit and vegetable section

bakery section

grocery section

drinks section

confectionary section

dairy products section

freezes section

ready prepared food

counter(если в секции есть продавец)


you take or pick up


Answer the questions:

1) How often do you go shopping?

2) Who does the shopping in your family?

3) Do you like shopping? Why? Why not?

4) What shops do you prefer?


What do you call:

1) a person whose job is to receive or pay out money in a shop;

2) the desk in a shop where you pay;

3) a shop where you can buy medicines, beauty products ets;

Fill in the blanks:

At a … one can easily get whatever he wants.

Recently there appeared a lot of … where one can easily find any food he needs.

As for clothes, books, china, you can find them all at a ……

You can consult the … to make the right choice.

The … is a place where one can buy flour, sugar and goods in cans.

If you need some fruit or vegetables, you can get them at the ….

My favourite shop is a …, because it’s the place where all kinds of sweet and tasty things are sold.

At the … the customers are offered a great variety of bread and buns.

If you need any meat you should go to the….

If you need fish or poultry for dinner you should go to … or ….

Match the kinds of places where you can buy things with their definitions.


department store

shopping centre


a large shop divided into smaller parts, in each of which different types of goods are sold.

a large shop selling mainly food where one serves oneself.

a group of shops of different kinds, planned and built as a whole.

an open place where people meet to buy and sell goods and foods.

IV. Say at what shops you can buy the following:

Sugar and tea, bread, buns and rolls; meat; fish; fruit and vegetables; chicken; sweets and chocolate; coffee, milk, sour cream and butter; some beef and pork or mutton; half a duck; a loaf of brown bread; a bar of chocolate, a water-melon or pears.

V. Work on the dialogues:

A. Good morning. I’m looking for a CD player.

B. They are over there by the window.

A. Where can I pay?

B. At the checkout.


A. Can I help you?

B. Yes, please. I’m looking for a pullover for myself.

A. Pullovers are over there. How do you like this one?

B. I like it. How much is it?

A. It’s $40. Do you want to try it on?

B. Yes, certainly.

A. The fitting rooms are over there.


A. Добрый день! Вам помочь?

B. Yes, please.I am looking for a warm sweater.

A. Свитера в середине зала. Я могу показать их вам. Какой цвет Вы бы хотели?

B. Light blue or green.

A. Как Вам нравится вот этот?

B. It’s not bad. Do you have it in my size?

A. Да, вот, пожалуйста.

B. Good. I think I will take it.

VI. Be ready to talk on the following topics.

Your visit to a supermarket.

Describe a department store.

Say why you prefer to buy your things ready-made (or have them made to measure).

Say what it is considered good or poor taste in dress.

Speak about a holiday rush in shops.

VII. Open dialogue:

A. Are you being attended, Madam? Can I help you?


A. We’ve got a rich choice of woolen suits of all shades. Will you try this one?


A. Certainly. Here it is. Try it on. This way, please. Here is the fitting-room.

B. …….

A. You may pay here. Thank you. Come again.


VIII. Read the text and answer the questions.

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