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Electric Current and Electric Circuit

Читайте также:
  1. Electronic Circuit Components
  2. Electronic Circuit Components
  3. Integrated Circuit
  4. Integrated Circuit Technology
  5. The Electric Circuit and its Components
  6. Types of Electric Circuits

Electric current is the flow of electric charges. Potential difference causes charges to move. There are two kinds of electric current: alternating current and direct current.

Alternating current is an electric current which regularly changes its direction. Direct current is an electric current flowing in one direction only.

An electric circuit is a path through which an electric current flows. This is a complete path along which electrons can transmit their charges. Commonly an electric circuit includes a battery, generator, or magnetic means for producing current flow. The function of an electrical source is to produce the necessary electromotive force required for the flow of current through the circuit.

There are two basic kinds of electric circuits: series circuits and parallel circuits. In a series circuit the electric devices are connected so that the current flows from one device to another. Under such conditions the current flow is the same in all parts of the circuit, as there is only a single path along which it flows.

The parallel circuit provides two or more paths for the passage of current. The circuit is divided in such a way that part of the current flows through one path, and part through another. If the current flow is too great a fuse is used as a safety device to stop the current flow.


Exercise 3. Identify among the following words (a) nouns, (b) adjectives, (c) verbal forms, (d) adverbs.

Difference, regularly, direction, flowing, commonly, generator, producing, required, electrical, connected, passage, divided, safety, electromotive.



Exercise 4. Identify the tense and voice of the following verbs.

Causes, was flowing, can transmit, include, can be used, are connected, is divided.


Exercise 5. Write out five sentences with Non-Finite forms of the verbs (two - with the Infinitive, one - with the Infinitive and Past Participle, one - with the Present Participle, one - with the Gerund) from the text. Identify their functions. Translate the sentences.


Exercise 6. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. Potential difference causes charges to move.

2. An electric circuit includes a battery, generator, or magnetic means.

3. There are two basic kinds of electric circuits.

4. In a series circuit the components are connected end to end.


Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

1. What is electric current?

2. What two kinds of electric current are there?

3. What current regularly changes its direction?

4. What is an electric circuit?

5. What does an electrical source produce?

6. In what way is the parallel circuit divided?

7. What is a fuse used for?


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Електричний струм - це потік зарядів. 1. Электрический ток – это поток зарядов.
2. Різниця потенціалів змушує заряди рухатися. 2. Разность потенциалов заставляет заряды двигаться.
3. Постійний струм тече тільки в одному напрямку. 3. Постоянный ток течет только в одном направлении.
4. Електричне коло - це шлях, яким тече електричний струм. 4. Электрическая цепь - это путь, по которому течет электрический ток.
5. Електричне коло включає батарею, генератор або магнітні засоби. 5. Электрическая цепь включает в себя батарею, генератор или магнитные средства.

Варіант 4


Exercise I. Read the following words and word combinations. Memorize them:

electric current електричний струм электрический ток
flow потік; текти поток; течь
charge заряд, заряджена частка заряд, заряженная частица
through через, по через, по
conduct проводити проводить
cause змушувати, спричиняти заставлять, вызывать
potential difference різниця потенціалів разность потенциалов
electromotive force електрорушійна сила электродвижущая сила
conductor провідник проводник
electron електрон электрон
liquid рідина жидкость
ion іон ион
direct current постійний струм постоянный ток
alternating current змінний струм переменный ток
continuously безперервно непрерывно
direction напрям направление
alternately змінно, по черзі поочередно
series / parallel circuit послідовна / паралельна схема (коло) последовательная / параллельная схема (цепь)
component компонент, елемент компонент, элемент
arrange розташовувати размещать
in such a way таким чином таким образом
so that так, що так, что
entire увесь весь
pass проходити проходить
each кожний каждый
total загальний общий
resistance опір сопротивление
sum сума сумма
individual окремий отдельный
different різний разный
pathway шлях путь
branch гілка ветка
be switched on / off вмикатися / вимикатися включаться / выключаться
independently незалежно независимо
allow дозволяти позволять
use використання использование
by choice за вибором по выбору
comprise містити (в собі) содержать (в себе)
cell комірка, елемент ячейка, элемент
electron tube електронна лампа электронная лампа
capacitor конденсатор конденсатор
inductor котушка індуктивності катушка индуктивности
relay реле реле
fuse плавкий запобіжник плавкий предохранитель
switch перемикач переключатель



Exercise 2. Read and translate the text in writing.

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