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From the History of the City

Читайте также:
  1. A brief History of the Hotel Industry
  2. Early history
  3. History of Big Ben.
  5. Language history
  6. Moulakis Б (ed.). The promise of history: essays in political philosophy. Berlin (West). - New York, Grueter, 1986. - P. 5.


Гуманітарний факультет


Кафедра “Іноземні мови”


Методичні вказівки

до розмовної теми “Харків”

З розвитку комунікативної компетенції

Для студентів 2 курсу всіх спеціальностей


(англійська мова)


Харків, 2005 р.

Методичні вказівки розглянуті та рекомендовані до друку на засідання кафедри “Іноземні мови” грудня 2005, протокол №


Метою цих методичних вказівок є подальший розвиток навичок усного мовлення (діалогічного, монологічного), систематизація та розширення словниковго запасу з теми: “Харків”. Методичні вказівки містять:


1. Основний та додаткові тексти з теми “Харків”.

2. Короткі діалоги з цієї ж тематики.

3. Дотекстові вправи з введенням нових слів та словосполучень та післятекстові вправи.

4. Граматичні таблиці та вправи.


Дотекстові та післятекстові вправи мають проблемний характер. Діалоги призначені для розвитку усного мовлення. Система граматичних вправ має на меті активізацію та закріплення граматичного матеріалу з теми: “Умовні речення”. Додаткові тексти призначені для розвитку навичок переглядового та ознайомчого читання.



Exercise 1. Answer the following questions about your feelings, associations and memories of Kharkiv.

1. Were you born in Kharkiv and do you consider yourself a native citizen of Kharkiv?

2. Did any of your ancestors live in this city? If yes, when and where? What were they?

3. Are you interested in the past of your native city? What are you interested in?

4. Do you think it is wise to spend money on the reconstruction of the old buildings of Kharkiv, or it would be better to build new houses with this money?

5. Do you have a favourite place in Kharkiv where you like to walk with your friends? Speak about it.

6. The citizens of Kharkiv are proud of the monument to Taras Shevchenko, which they think to be the most beautiful and expressive in the world. What do you think of this?


Exercise 2. Read and remember the following words, word-combinations and their Ukrainian equivalents. Repeat them after the teacher. Try to memorize them. They will help you in discussing the oral topic, the text for supplementary reading and dialogues.


1. to consider - вважати

2. most probably – найбільш імовірно

3. to flow through – протікати через

4. to organize a settlement – формувати поселення

5. Ukrainian peasants – українські селяни

6. handicrafts and market trade – ремесло та ринкова торгівля

7. an advantageous position – сприятливе положення

8. to suffer immense losses – зазнати величезних втрат

9. in the north-eastern part – в північно-східній частині

10. to carry the title – носити звання

11. temperate continental climate – помірно континентальний клімат

12. industrial output – промислове виробництво

13. production capacity – обсяг виробництва

14. brief intervals – короткі проміжки

15. international significance — міжнародне значення

16. to meet the demands – відповідати вимогам

17. to make accessible – робити доступним

18. to make the contribution – робити внесок

19. military equipment – військове обладнання

20. investigation – дослідження

21. chamber music – камерна музика

22. to spend leisure time – проводити дозвілля

23. to offer possibilities – пропонувати можливості

24. cult edifices – культові споруди

25. to retain traditions – зберігати традиції

26. outstanding feature – видатна риса

27. in terms of – виходячи з

28. to sit on one’s hands – сидіти склавши руки

29. environment – навколишнє середовище


Exercise 3. Give the synonyms to the words given below:

Production - Opportunity -
Enormous - Building -
Location - Short -
To bear - Profitable -
Prominent - To hold -
Characteristic - Armature -
To arrange -  


Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:

1. Most probably, the city received its name after the river which was flowing through Kharkiv.

2. The first settlers were Ukrainian peasants and Cossacks.

3. The town gradually turned from a military fort into a centre of handicrafts and market trade.

4. The first railway line in Kharkiv was built in 1869 which gave a new impulse to the development of trade and industries in the city.

5. Nowadays the Kharkiv region occupies the sixth position in Ukraine in terms of its industrial output.

6. Transport enterprises of all kinds in the city will meet the transport demands of national economy and population.

7. The city has also an international airport and a large railway junction of international significance.

8. The city’s young people can spend leisure time both in more than 50 disco clubs and other pleasure places.

9. One can enjoy classical architecture looking at the impressive buildings designed by the famous architect O.Beketov.


Exercise 5. The aim of this task is to get general information about city’s history:

From the History of the City

Foundation of the city. 1654. This year is considered the year of the foundation of the city Kharkiv. What is the origin of the city’s name? There is a legend about it. Long ago, there was a farmstead of a rich peasant in this place. His name was Khariton, but people called him Kharko, and the place where he lived was called Kharkоv’s farmstead. After that the whole place was named Kharkiv. But, most probably, the city received its name after the river which is flowing through Kharkiv. Its name is Kharkiv, too. The other river which is flowing through Kharkiv is the Lopan. A settlement was organized in the place where both rivers meet. The first settlers were Ukrainian peasants and Cossacks. This place was well protected. From three sides there were swampy banks and from the fourth side it was surrounded by a vast forest.

However, the town gradually turned from a military fort into a centre of handicrafts and market trade. It had an advantageous position at the cross-roads of trade routes connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg with Kyiv, the Crimea and the Caucasus. That provided for the town’s direct trade ties with the countries of Western Europe, the Near East and the Balkan Peninsula.

The next period of the city development (from the middle of the 18th – to the middle of the 19th centuries) is characterized by the city’s development into the administrative regional centre. But the city industry had been represented by small-scale handicraft and semi-handicraft manufactures.

1869 was another important year in Kharkiv’s history – the first railway line in the city was built and it gave a new impulse to the development of trade and industries. Several new plants, factories and the first electric power station were opened. The city started to turn into an industrial centre.

From December 1917 to June 1934 with few brief intervals Kharkiv was the capital of the Soviet Ukraine. The Great Patriotic War proved to be a very serious test for the city and its inhabitants. During the war the city suffered immense material and human losses. In the 1950s – 1980s Kharkiv remained a significant industrial and research centre despite the destructive consequences of the Second World War. A new stage in the city’s development started with the declaration of Independence of Ukraine.


Exercise 6. Answer the questions to the text:


1. What year is considered the year of the foundation of the city Kharkiv?

2. What is the origin of the city?

3. Who were the first settlers?

4. What period is characterized by the city’s development into the administrative regional centre?

5. When was the first railway line built in Kharkiv?

6. When was Kharkiv the capital of the Soviet Ukraine?

7. When did a new stage in the city’s development start?


Exercise 7. Complete the sentences:

1. 1654 is considered the year of ………

2. ……… was organized in the place where two rivers meet.

3. It had an advantageous position at ……… connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg with Kyiv, the Crimea and the Caucasus.

4. The city’s industry ……… small-scale handicraft and semi-handicraft manufactures.

5. ……… was the capital of the Soviet Ukraine.

6. ……… the city suffered immense material and human losses.

7. A new stage in the city development started with the ……….


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