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Тренировочные упражнения

Читайте также:
  1. А сейчас идите к лошади и начните упражнения!
  2. Внетренировочные и внесоревновательные факторы в системе подготовки
  3. Внетренировочные и внесоревновательные факторы в системе подготовки
  4. Внетренировочные и внесоревновательные факторы в системе подготовки
  5. Внетренировочные и внесоревновательные факторы в системе подготовки
  6. Внетренировочные и внесоревновательные факторы в системе подготовки
  7. Внетренировочные и внесоревновательные факторы в системе подготовки

1. Отработайте чтение гласных звуков:
[i:] — meal, cheese, we, be, please, easy, even, speak, feel.
[i] — sit, regret, become, event, market, pocket, money,
[e] — test, centre, lesson, bed, breath, entrance, weather.
[q:] — her, term, turn, burn, first, girl, world, learn, myrtle.
[q] — doctor, farmer, answer, perhaps, permit, affair, sentence.
[a:] — part, large, class, pass, plant, ask, chance, after,
[] — funny, sun, son, love, month, cover, front, London,
[ju:] — new, you, few, University, union, Europe, due.
2. Прочитайте следующие слова. Помните, что их значение может зависеть от правильного произношения долгих и кратких звуков.
[i:] lead wheat cheeks seek feel neat eat
[i] lid wit chicks sick fill knit it
[а:] lark charm barn harm cart dark bard
[A] luck chum bun hum cut duck bud
[H] pool fool food lose cool wound boot
[u] pull full foot look cook would book
[q:] chalk court port horse board raw walk


3. Сопоставьте произношение звуков [i:], [i], [е], [Fq], [q:]. Обратите внимание на разницу в написании и значении слов.

teen tin see set we were men man
heat hit meal melt see sir bed bad
heal hill meet met team term pen pan
beat bit read red weak work send sand
peak pick lead led teen turn lend land
seat sit even event niece nurse then than
4. Сопоставьте произношение звуков [а:], [о:], [A], [P].
car core sharp shop sun song
star store last lost cut cot
far for heart hot none non
mark more clerk clock dull doll
park pork dark dock but bottle
farm form bark box front from

5. Сопоставьте произношение монофтонгов и дифтонгов.

men main tack take hat hight pin pine
pen pain sat sate fat fight film fine
wet wait cat Kate sad side myth my
sell sail fat fate man mine fifth five
pepper paper plan plane dad died typical type
pot point not no love low burn bone
spot spoilt god go done dole turn tone
John join hot home son snow learn alone
toss toys stock stone London lonely curly cosy
joy joint rock robe another alone first phone
olive oil top tope front froze work woke
Упражнения в чтении
1. Прочитайте следующие служебные слова, учитывая возможность произнесения гласной через нейтральный звук:
a, and, as, at, can, could, does, for, from, must, of, shall, some, the, them, to, was, were, would.
2. Отработайте произношение определенного the [Dq], [DI] и неопределенного а [q], an[qn] артиклей в разных позициях.
a planet, a theatre, a historic event, a foreign visitor, а busy street, a small house, a nice flat, a clever man;
an arm, an engineer, an experiment, an address, an example, an answer, an interesting book, an absent-minded man;
the distance, the ballet, the cheapest, the same, the whole, the rest, the seventeenth, the century, the Volga, the United States;
the University, in the evening, the assistance, the elder son, the early years, the adults, on the agenda.
3. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на произношение гласных букв в ударном и заударном слоге.
а — factory, planet, animal, attack, attempt
i — limit, building, similar, activity
e — medicine, enemy, entrance, editor, centre, pencil
о — story, orange, economy, column
u/y — money, Monday, study, upper, sunny, colour
4. Прочитайте следующие предложения, обращая внимание на произношение дифтонгов, долгих и кратких гласных. Найдите их русские эквиваленты.
Seeing is believing.
Greek meets Greek.
On Monday we start Russian classes.
The less men think the more they talk.
Fortune favours fools.
First come first served.
Come and look at the monkeys.
Put the cups in the cupboard.
It is written in simple English, isn’t it?

Dad cannot catch that.
Mary’s hair is fair.
Cromer is quite a quiet place.
It really seems to be clearing.
During August there were fewer viewers.
Late nights make me tired.
5. Выразительно прочитайте стихотворение. by Berta R.Hudelson
If many men knew If many men did
What many men know, What many men do,
If many men went The world would be better —
Where many men go, I think so; do you?
Задание для самоконтроля
1. Распределите слова по трем колонкам в зависимости от позиционной долготы гласного:
[laik] [fain] [q:] ['kouzi] [frAnt] ['pensl] [ski:] [kAt] [went]
[ti:T] [did] [rouz] [leit] [Ti:m] [fond] [fo:m] [ka:] [si:] [frei]
[neim] [du:] [ais] [buk] [fog] ['bAtq] [switS] [fo:k]
[ fo:ti] [trxm] [best] [fast] [ri:d] [kxp] [dres] [tent]
[ta:n] [taun] [meik].


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