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Season 10. Episode 6

Читайте также:
  1. Episode 28: Christmas
  2. Jamie’s School Dinners, episode 2
  3. Jamie’s School Dinners, Episode 3
  5. Parsimonious Seasonal Model
  6. Read the following texts about four seasons. (Прочитайте следующие тексты о временах года.)
  7. Season 10. Episode 2

- Is Monica not here?

- No.

- Then I'll tell you. My agency was ___________________ for a big account, and they got it. It's my first national commercial.

- Cool.

- And I don't want to brag, but a lot of the ideas were mine. Hell, you weren't there. All the ideas were mine.

- That's great. Hey, can you ___________________ me in it?

- I really don't think you're right for the part.


- But I really don't think you're right for this... The part calls for a ___________________ college professor.

- I can do that! "Hello! I'm your professor, when I'm not busy thinking of important things or... "professing"... I like to use..." Oh, what's the product?

- Software that ___________________ interbusiness networking ___________________!?


- I'll call him.

- Now, is there anything I could do to, you know, ___________________ him _____?


- Look, come on, please? It's not like I'm asking you for some crazy favor. This is what I do for a living. I am a professional actor. Man, I'm two hours late for work. Here's my ___________________. It's got all the commercials that I've been in.


- Charlie. My God, you look absolutely stunning.

- Well, I am having a good ___________________ day.


- Girls. Girls. Stop. Okay, we'll flip a coin. ___________________, she's Rachel's. ___________________, she's Monica's. ___________________. Monica, she's yours.

- No, that landed in your food.

- No, no, that's okay. You won ___________________ and ___________________. I'm so sad.


- And Dr. Geller, when is my birthday?

- What? I…

- Care to ___________________ a guess?


- And that's how I know you didn't watch the tape.

- He really is a ___________________.


- Anyway, I decided to offer you the grant.

- Really?

- There is just one small ___________________.

- I have to break up with Charlie?

- Hey, you got one right.


- All right, fine. You can keep it. As long as you don't mind that she's ___________________.

- Hey, what? What?

- Well, legend has it, Joey, that she comes alive when you're asleep.


- I know I may be way out of ___________________ here, but is there any chance you would take me back?

- Maybe.


- Gladys?

- For the third time this week. Man, this does not get old.

- You're ___________________!

- Oh, don't be such a baby. Please.

Episode 7

- It's really crazy. The hall, the dress, the food. I had no idea how expensive this was.

- Yeah, it is really pricey. I _____________ when I first heard the numbers.

- So, what did you two do about it?

- It was pretty simple, actually. I came up with some ______-_______ solutions, wrote out a list and Monica told me to go to hell.


- So I think I'm just about done here. Unless you have any bad stuff hidden somewhere, like porn or cigarettes?

- What? No.

- Chandler.

- I don't, and I'm offended by the _____________.


- All right, if you must know, I had a _____________ _____________ incident when I was little.

- Seriously?

- Yes. I was 4 years old. And I was on the _________ and then all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain. And to get me out, my mom had to cut a big __________ of my hair. And it was uneven for weeks.


- Okay. Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Stand up straight. Big smile.

- Hello. Is this the _____________ residence?


- I'm sorry. I can't imagine giving up my one wedding day like that.

- Well, we're different. I don't care about having a huge party. This is really nice for you, but. Oh, please. I put this on and I just look like… Well, _____.


- Where you gonna do it?

- City Hall.

- Oh, that sounds nice. I was just there for _____________ duty. They've really _____________ that place ______.


- Okay, careful. Okay. She's smiling. Look at that, she does like it.

- See, I told you.

- Oh, my God. Look at her, she's a little _____________.


- Hey, it's none of my business. Besides, this is probably a good thing. We've really been spoiling the children, what with all the food and warm clothing.

- That's not fair. A person's wedding is important. And especially to me. I didn't have a graduation party. And I didn't go to _____________. And I spent my __________ ___ being chased around a _________ yard by an escaped mental patient who, in his own words, wanted to: "Kill me, or whatever." So I deserve a real celebration. And I'm not gonna let some _____________ little man make me feel badly about it.

- She could've been talking about either one of us.


- Your place is just lovely.

- Thank you.

- Yes, this building does have a _____________, family feel to it.


- You never told me about that guy and your _________ ____. I'm sorry about that.

- Oh, it ended okay. One of my friends __________ him.

- At least you'll get a proper wedding. You really deserve that.

- Yeah, I really do. You know, I had nothing growing up. Just like the kids I took the money from.

- No. No, no. I see where this is going. Don't make me go back there.

- Look, I can't have a wedding with this money now. It's _________.

- Fine, we'll give the money back.


- So that was the baby's room. What room should we see next?

- Any room that isn't behind this couch.

- Some people don't ______ him, but I think he's really funny.


- Well, maybe I'm wrong. I'm sorry.

- Hey, too late for apologies. Okay? You broke my heart. Do you know how many women I had to sleep with to _________ _________ you?


- We're back.

- Are you here to take more money? Because I think what you're looking for is an _________.

- No, no, we're here to give the money back.

- Yeah. Because you know what? It's all about the children. Although it's also about the wedding. All right, here. No. Oh, God.

- If I haven't said so already, sir, congratulations.

- Okay, look, enough, all right? I'm _________ _____ and _________ my _______ _______. As your future husband, I'm gonna make this decision for us.

Episode 8

- That don't sound like you. That's Monica talking!

- No, no, we made this decision together!

- She's _______________ words in your _______________!

- Not you _______________words in peoples' _______________, you put turkey in peoples' _______________.


- Oh… Pheobe, all babies are beautiful!

- Oh, okay.

- Phoebe, just the idea of _______________one baby against another, I mean you know in judging who is cuter, just for a _______________?

- And a thousand dollars.

- It's something I am very interested in! Oh, please, do not tell Ross. He still believes that what's on the inside is important. Okay. And Emma needs a _______________ _______________ for the competition. Where am I gonna get a _______________ _______________ on Thanksgiving?

- Well, I was thinking…

- Take the clothes off Joey's Cabbage _______________ Kid!


- Okay, let's see. The turkey is in the oven, the _______________ is ready.

- You know, you always cook this meal all by yourself. Let me help this year.

- Oh, Chandler, that's sweet! But you don't have to do everything Dr. Phil tells you to do.

- I am serious, just le me do something. Not the turkey or the stuffing, nothing _______________ - _______________.

- Let me see... Oh, the cranberry sauce! It's easy, and normally no one cares about it!


- But you can't leave now. There was this one baby Haley who has been _______________ to win to win but he got _______________, he has to stay home. This competition just _______________ _______________ _______________, folks!

- Phoebe, it's just too weird. I just saw a 1-year-old running around with _______________ on.

- Oh, I know. We should've been more prepared.


- Phoebe, you have to calm down.

- Okay. Rachel, the hottest babies in the ______ - __________ area are in this room right now. I overheard one of the judges say that not one of them _______________ a _______________ to Emma.


- I can't believe Chandler's missing this.

- I'm sorry he's not here. But I gotta say, I am really enjoying nacho chair.

- Yeah, I'd probably enjoy it more if you didn't keep _______________ my hand _______________.

- Yeah!

- These seats are great.


- Nobody's here? Monica's gonna kill us.

- Yeah, where were you?

- Well…

- Yeah, what's with the trophy?

- Well, we were at a _______________ _______________.

- And I won.

- You won an adult Thanksgiving Day ___________ ___________?

- Yes. Y-E-S. Yes.

- Let me see this. "Grand Supreme Little Darling, New York Division"?

- That's me.

- You entered Emma in a beauty _______________?

- And it looks like she put makeup on her.


- Everything's so distorted. It looks like Joey has a giant hand. That says "Rangers" on it. They went to the game.

- Oh, they are _____ for a _______________ of pain.

- Ross' shirt is torn.

- They're late and they're _______________.


- We could say that Monica told us 5:00, not 4:00. That way we're right on time. Or we could plant _______________ in the apartment and call the _______________ on her.

- That would be a good way to get rid of all the _______________ we have lying around.


- Well, let's just go in there and face them.

- I'm not going in first. I bet that _______________ on Monica's forehead is _______________ like crazy.

- I hate that thing. It's like a _______________ of _______________.

- Oh, hey, I have an idea! Why don't we play _______________, _______________, _______________, and whoever loses, goes in first.

- All right, I'm in.


- Monica put something in our oven this morning.

- You touch that, and you will be sorry!

- Guys, I'd listen to her. The vein is bigger than I've ever seen it!

- Oh, my God, it's _______________ _______________!

- That's worse than no food.

- All you got was Monica's _______________ _______________ _______________.


- It's too late for apologies.

- Fine, let's just go. I don't need your stupid dinner.

- That would be a lot more convincing if you weren't _______________.


- I'm stuck.

- Joey, that is not gonna work.

- No, seriously. I'm really _______________in here.

- I'll pull you through.


- To Monica and Chandler and that _______________ - ____ girl in Ohio.

- I'm just so happy you guys are finally getting a kid.

- I know.

- Have you considered _______________?

Episode 9

- She is only a couple months pregnant and she liked our application. But, who knows if she's gonna like us.

- Oh come on, she is gonna love you guys.

- Oh, thank you. But we're really trying not to get our ___________ ____.

- And a lot could still get ____ ____ ____.

- Yeah, I mean this girl could decide against adoption, or like another couple better.

- What are you gonna name it?

- I could develop a ___________ in which I talk and talk and no one hears a word.


- So who's your friend?

- Oh, that's Sarah. No. Don't you get any ideas. I'm not ___________ you ___ with any more of my friends.

- Why? Why?

- Because you'll date her once, sleep with her, then forget she exists.


- So it's Monica and Chandler? l only know you as "______ CRW3381 5/D. "

- That's what our friends call us.

- ___________, you know, you're just such an amazing couple. It's kind of ___________.

- I don't know about that.

- Are you kidding me? I mean, it's enough that you're a doctor. But on top of it, you're married to a ___________?

-I don't think that's exactly…

-Let her finish, doctor.


- Hey, look, I take a girl out, she can order whatever she wants. The more the better, all right?

- Just don't order a garden salad and then eat my food! That's a good way to ___________ some fingers.

- Thank God you're here. Listen to this.

- What?

- Joey and my friend are out last night, having dinner, and she ___________ ___________ and takes a few of his fries…

- Oh, no!


- Well, I still think that is a stupid reason not to call someone again. You are calling her, okay? And if you need to, then just get an extra plate of fries for the table.

- I like that. A sharing ___________. Yeah. Yeah, I'll order some extra fries. Maybe a plate of ___________ rings. Yeah. Yeah. And a ___________ cocktail. And some Buffalo ___________. Maybe… Maybe an individual pizza, huh? And some ___________ sticks. What were we talking about?


- Wow, this place is ___________.

- We should just go. I'm not gonna find anything here. This stuff is ridiculous.

- Oh, this place is great!

- Rach, come on, I'm not gonna wear any of this. Nothing silver.

- Why?

- Okay, nothing with hair. And nothing with ___________ on it!


- So, what do you think?

- I think we're not wearing the same shirt anymore.

- Yeah. Yeah, Rachel picked it out for me. She told me to trust her, and you know what? I'm glad I did. I ___________ quite a few ___________ on my way over here.

- Dude, I really don't think you should be wearing that.

- I see.


- She likes Doctor Chandler and ___________ Monica.

- If you think about it, I'm kind of like a ___________. I mean, as a chef, I serve God by feeding the hungry and poor.

- Your ___________ ___________ is ___________!

- Come on, I just… I think we've been given an opportunity.


- Help yourself. What's mine is yours.

- Wow, are those ____________ __________?

- Yes, they are my ___________ ___________. How about those fries, though, huh?

- They are delicious.

- Yeah.


- Fine. Sorry, I didn't think it was that big a deal.

- No, I'm sorry. l... I'm ___________, okay? It's just, when it comes to food, I have certain rules, okay? I mean there are things you do, and, you know, things that you don't do.


- I really am sorry about, you know, before. And I want to make sure you know I really do like you.

- Sure, just not as much as ___________.

- Well, ___________ ___________...

- Chocolate ___________ for the lady.

- Cheesecake for the gentleman.

- Excuse me, sir. There seems to be some sort of red crap on my cheesecake.

- Yes, that's a raspberry ___________.

- I'm so stupid ordering cheesecake, trying to be healthy.


- What are you doing? I thought you don't share food?

- Sure I do. ___________?

- No. lf I can't have your ___________, you can't have my dessert. This is a ___________-___________ ___________.


- Hi.

- Hey.

- So these are the ___________ forms for an open adoption. There's a lot to go over, but I'll explain as we go through.

- Is that a picture?

- Yeah. It's a ___________ they took of the baby last week. I thought you might want to see it.


- Yeah, but the important thing to know about us is how much we would care for this little baby.

- So you lied to me before?

- Well, we "___________ ___________ ___________." See? I could be a ___________.


Episode 10

- There's something going on with them.

- Look! He's getting into the car with her.

- That doesn't mean anything.

- Oh, yeah? Well, let's see.

- Okay, ______________ ______________.


- Okay, quick. We gotta find a cab and follow them.

- Yeah, okay. Let me just grab my night-vision _______ and my ______ gun.

- I got them.


- So… What did you think of the house?

- It's everything we've been looking for.

- Isn't it? And what about the amazing ______________ coating the crown molding and the ______________ windows in the attic?

- And the wiggle woms and the zip zorps!


- Monica, you understand what we're saying, right?

- Yeah. Sure. I mean, I'm ______________, obviously. Did you think the neighborhood was homey?

- Hey.

- You son of a bitch.

- Is it me, or have the greetings gone downhill around here?


- You put an offer on a house?

- It's so sweet.

- It really is. It has this big yard that leads down to this stream. And then there's these old ______________ trees.

- Oh, again with the nature. What are you, ______________?

- Look, I know this is really hard, and we're really sorry.


- I got it!

- If we win, they have to get rid of the ______________.

- That's interesting!

- If you win we give up the bird. But if we win we get your apartment.

- Deal!


- She really left.

- I know.

- Thank you.

- No problem, ______________.


- A little toast here. Ding, ding!

- This isn't exactly the kind of Thanksgiving you planned but for me this has been really great. I think because it didn't involve divorce or ______________ vomiting. If you had gone to Vail or if you had been with your family, or if you didn't have syphilis and stuff we wouldn't be all together. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm very thankful that all of your Thanksgivings sucked. That's so sweet!

-Thank you.

- Here's to a lousy Christmas!

- And a crappy New Year!

-______________, ______________!


- Hello?

- It's Nancy. They responded to our offer.

- And?

- Okay. Thanks. They passed. They said they won't go a penny under the ______________ ______________.

- We can't afford that.

- I know.


- All right, everybody open them.

- Wow, this is so beautiful!

- These are the ones I was looking at in the store!

- I know.

- Oh, I love this!

- A meatball ______________!

- Thanks!

Episode 11

- Hey, I hear she's single again. You think should I ask her out?

- Are you asking permission to ______________ the ______________?

- Yes, please.


- Alright, I say we ______________ a ______________, neither of us will go out with Missey Golberg.

- You got it.

- Alright, so that's Missey Golberg, Phoebe Kate and Molly Ringwalt, neither of us can go out with 'em.

- Those are the ______________.


- Sir, I know it can be ______________ for regular people to be around celebrities. But, relax, I'm just like you. Only better ______________ and ______________.


- Phoebs, I, I... There isn't gonna be any flying about. We actually thought we were a little too ______________ for stuff like that.

- Ok. I see what you're doing, that's fine. This is all there is, just tea, ok. Mmh, ______________.

- Seriously, Phoebs, this is not gonna be that kind of a party.

- Really? So this is my big ______________ in a married life? Rachel, this is the only ______________ party I'm ever gonna have. I've got a big ______________ of wines in my purse.


- You put this on sandwich.

- Salami, ______________, jam.

- It's white.

- Paper, snow, a ghost!

- It's made from eggs.

- Chickens?

- ______________.

- You put this on a hamburg.

- Ketchup.

- Yes. Stop.

- ______________.


- Do you remember my roommate, Chandler Bing?

- Sure, he was in your "Band".

- It's been 16 years, but the ______________ ______________ still hurt.

- Sorry.

- That's ok.

- Uhm, anyway, he and I both really liked you a lot, but we didn't wanna anything to ______________ our friendship, so we knida ______________ a ______________ that neither of us could ask you out.

- Really?

- Yeah. Why?

- Well, Chandler and I used to make out... a lot.

- You did?

- Yeah, we'd go to the science lab _______________ _____________.

- And on my ______________?


- Wow, wow, she ______________.

- This is how I look when I'm turned on.

- You were talking about me before.


- Oh, look, officer...

- Oh dammit, ahh. Big surprise, the ______________ of ______________ has feelings.


- So, I made out with Agerin and you made out with Missey.

- Well, I guess we're ______________.


- What's the matter, you never saw a fifty-year-old stripper cry before?

- You know what, it's fine, we'll pay you.

- No, no, you're right. Who am I kidding? I should've hung up that break-away ______________ years ago.

Episode 12

- Oh hey, Joey. Listen, I need to ask you something. Ok, you know how my step-dad's in prison? Yeah, well, listen, he was supposed to get a weekend __________________ so he could come to the wedding tomorrow. But he just called and uhm, well apparently, __________________ iceman in the exercise yard, just couldn't wait until Monday.

- So he can't come?

- No. And so there's no one to walk me down the __________________.


- Hello. Hey, ok, stop screaming! Ok, so __________________. Alright, so __________________, either way, I don't know. It doesn't matter to me.

- Well, it matters to me!

- Well, I don't care, so you pick.

- Did you just _________ _____ ____me?


- You know what I just realized? We have no idea what we're doing in the wedding tomorrow.

- Yeah, I thought we'd be __________________. But wouldn't they've just asked us by now? When did they ask you to be a __________________?

- Uh... November?


- Oh, Phoebs, __________________ that ____________. That has pork in it.

- I thought the pot __________________ is supposed to be vegetarian.

- Yeah, I changed them. I sent you a fax about it.

- Well, I don't have a fax machine.

- Huh! Well there are going to be a few surprises.


- You both wanna do it? Uh, there's only room for one.

- Pick me! I look great in __________________ and I will not steal __________________.

- No, Mike, no. You wanna pick me! I mean, watch!

- Uhm, I really don't feel very comfortable making this decision.


- Where is Rach?

- She's in her room, why?

- I have to talk to her about this __________________ situation, ok?

- I'm not gonna watch Chandler up there while I'm sitting in the seat like some __________________.


- Uh, did you guys know that there's a giant ice sculpture in the hall?

- Oh my god, what's it doing here?

- Ah, I guess it got sent to the __________________ address as opposed to __________________ address. Oh, what a __________________!

- Oh my god! Everything is such a mess. Why is this happening to me?


- Wait, no. But Chandler, hello, aren't you scared of dogs?

- I'm not scared. I just take little Chappy and... He can __________________ my fear! My throat is __________________!

- Oh, I guess I'm in the wedding, then. Ha-ha! He stinks!


- Level 1 __________________! I repeat, Level 1, this is not a __________________! We've got a situation, the __________________ just called

he's snowed in, he can't make it.

- Oh, no.

- Oh hey, don't worry. I'm still __________________ from your wedding.

- Really?

- Yeah. You think I'd give up being a __________________ and start paying the ride of subway?


- I got married! Could someone get me a coat? I'm __________________ freezing.


- Come on, Chappy, do your business, make! I did not _________ _____ ____ this.

Episode 13

- So why is Erica coming to visit you?

- Because we want to get to know her better and she's never been to NY, so she wants to see all the tourist spots, you know, __________________ of __________________, __________________ __________________ __________________...


- Honey. I'm so sorry.

- Is he ok?

- Yeah, they said he's gonna be fine. But he's still __________________ __________________.


- Ross, please, don't be so scared of him.

- I am not scared of him, I'm really sick.

- He's still under __________________, so he's pretty much ______________.

- I'm feeling better.

- Oh, my god.

- Oh, wow, that ear and nose hair __________________ I got him was just __________________ __________________ ______ __________________, huh?


- Did the TV wake you?

- No, when you put your feet up on my bed, you __________________ _____ my __________________.


- I just don't want to be alone tonight.

- Ok, well, I can, maybe __________________ a sleeping bag or...


- We won't know that until we do it, won't we?

- No, uh look, uhm... You are upset about your father and you're feeling __________________. And I just don't feel it will be right if I'd like be, you know, __________________ __________________ of you.



- Yeah, it's almost definitely him.

- How is that now?

- Well, there is a chance it's another guy. I mean, I've only ever been with 2 guys but they sort of __________________.

- So, what does the other guy do?

- Does he go to the college, too?

- No, he's in prison.

- Uh, was he __________________ __________________ of something?

- No. He killed his father with a __________________. But other than that he's a great guy.


- Ok, can you really __________________ dance?

- No.

- Off the resume. __________________?

- No.

- __________________ __________________?

- Would fall off a lot.


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