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It was done. The body pointed straight in the direction of the island, and the compass read duly E.S.E. and by E.

Читайте также:
  1. An island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 1 страница
  2. An island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 2 страница
  3. An island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 3 страница
  4. An island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 4 страница
  5. An island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 5 страница
  6. An island, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean 6 страница
  7. Bass Management or Redirection

3. 'I thought so,' cried the cook; 'this here is a p'inter. Right up there is our line for the Pole Star and the jolly dollars. But, by thunder! if it don't make me cold inside to think of Flint. This is one of his jokes, and no mistake. Him and these six was alone here; he killed em, every man; and this one he hauled here and laid down by compass, shiver my timbers! They're long bones, and the hair's been yellow. Ay, that would be Allardyce. You mind Allardyce, Tom Morgan?'


1. 'Ay, ay (так точно),' returned Morgan (ответил Морган), 'I mind him; he owed me money, he did, and took my knife ashore with him (я помню его, он был должен мне /денег/, и прихватил с собой мой нож на берег).'

2. 'Speaking of knives (говоря о ножах),' said another (сказал другой), 'why don't we find his'n lying round (почему бы нам не найти его лежащим поблизости = он где-нибудь тут)? Flint warn't the man to pick a seaman's pocket (Флинт не был таким человеком, чтобы лезть в матросский карман); and the birds, I guess, would leave it be (и птицы, думаю, оставили бы его лежать /тут/).'

3. 'By the powers, and that's true (черт возьми, ты прав)!' cried Silver.

4. 'There aint a thing left here (здесь ничего: «ни вещи» не осталось),' said Merry, still feeling round among the bones (сказал Мерри, шаря вокруг костей; to feel — чувствовать, ощупывать, разведывать), 'not a copper doit nor a baccy box (ни медной монеты, ни табакерки: «табачной коробочки»; doit — мелкая голландская монета /равная 1/8 голландского стивера, 1/2 английского фартинга/). It don't look nat'ral to me (это не выглядит понятно для меня = как-то странно; natural — настоящий, нормальный, понятный).'

5. 'No, by gum, it don't (да, черт побери, так и есть),' agreed Silver (согласился Сильвер); 'not nat'ral, nor not nice, says you (ненормально, и неприятно, говоришь). Great guns (черт побери: «большие пушки»)! messmates, but if Flint was living, this would be a hot spot for you and me (друзья, но если Флинт был бы жив, это было бы опасным местом: «горячим пятном» для нас с вами; hot spot — очаг военной и иной опасности). Six they were, and six are we (их было шестеро, и нас шестеро); and bones is what they are now (и кости — /все/, что от них осталось).


knife [naIf] baccy [`bxkI] natural [`nxtSqrql]


1. 'Ay, ay,' returned Morgan, 'I mind him; he owed me money, he did, and took my knife ashore with him.'

2. 'Speaking of knives,' said another, 'why don't we find his'n lying round? Flint warn't the man to pick a seaman's pocket; and the birds, I guess, would leave it be.'

3. 'By the powers, and that's true!' cried Silver.

4. 'There aint a thing left here,' said Merry, still feeling round among the bones, 'not a copper doit nor a baccy box. It don't look nat'ral to me.'

5. 'No, by gum, it don't,' agreed Silver; 'not nat'ral, nor not nice, says you. Great guns! messmates, but if Flint was living, this would be a hot spot for you and me. Six they were, and six are we; and bones is what they are now.


1. 'I saw him dead with these here dead-lights (я видел его мертвым вот этими глазами; dead-light — глухой иллюминатор),' said Morgan. 'Billy took me in (Билли водил меня /к его телу/; to take in — впускать, принимать /гостя/, осматривать). There he laid with penny-pieces on his eyes (он лежал с монетами на глазах; penny-piece — монета достоинством в пенни).

2. 'Dead — ay, sure enough he's dead and gone below (мертв — да, конечно, он мертв и лежит в земле: «спустился вниз»),' said the fellow with the bandage (сказал парень с повязкой /на голове/); 'but if ever sperrit walked, it would be Flint's (но если какому духу и бродить /по земле/, так это /духу/ Флинта; sperrit = spirit). Dear heart, but he died bad, did Flint (ведь он тяжело умирал, этот Флинт; dear heart — душа моя, Боже мой, вот те на)!'

3. 'Ay, that he did (да, так умирал),' observed another (заметил другой); 'now he raged, and now he hollered for the rum, and now he sang (то он буйствовал, то он орал, чтобы /принесли/ рому, а то пел; to holler — кричать, орать). "Fifteen Men" were his only song, mates («Пятнадцать человек» была его единственной песней, приятели); and I tell you true, I never rightly liked to hear it since (скажу вам по правде, мне никогда с тех пор не нравилось слышать ее). It was main hot, and the windy was open (было ужасно жарко, окно было открыто; main — главный, основной, полный; windy = window), and I hear that old song comin' out as clear as clear (и я слышал, как та старинная песня звучала так ясно, так ясно; to come out — выходить, появляться, послышаться) — and the death-haul on the man already (и смертельная тяга на человеке уже = а ему уже пора отправляться на тот свет).'

4. 'Come, come (ну хватит, хватит),' said Silver, 'stow this talk (бросьте этот разговор; to stow — укладывать, убирать, прекращать). He's dead, and he don't walk, that I know (он мертв и не ходит /больше по земле/, это я знаю); leastways, he won't walk by day and you may lay to that (по крайней мере, он не станет ходить днем, уж поверьте). Care killed a cat (заботы хоть кого в могилу сводят: «забота уморила кошку»). Fetch ahead for the doubloons (вперед, за дублонами; to fetch — приносить, доставать, получать; ahead — вперед).'

5. We started, certainly (мы двинулись /дальше/, конечно); but in spite of the hot sun and the staring daylight (но несмотря на жаркое солнце и яркий дневной свет), the pirates no longer ran separate and shouting through the wood (пираты больше не бежали раздельно и не перекрикивались через деревья), but kept side by side and spoke with bated breath (а держались бок о бок и говорили, затаив дыхание; to bate — убавлять, уменьшать, ослаблять). The terror of the dead buccaneer had fallen on their spirits (ужас мертвого пирата упал на их душевное состояние = такой сильный ужас внушил им мертвый пират).


bandage [`bxndIG] hollered [`hOlqd] separate [`seprIt] buccaneer [bAkq`nIq]


1. 'I saw him dead with these here dead-lights,' said Morgan. 'Billy took me in. There he laid with penny-pieces on his eyes.

2. 'Dead — ay, sure enough he's dead and gone below,' said the fellow with the bandage; 'but if ever sperrit walked, it would be Flint's. Dear heart, but he died bad, did Flint!'

3. 'Ay, that he did,' observed another; 'now he raged, and now he hollered for the rum, and now he sang. "Fifteen Men" were his only song, mates; and I tell you true, I never rightly liked to hear it since. It was main hot, and the windy was open, and I hear that old song comin' out as clear as clear — and the death-haul on the man already.'

4. 'Come, come,' said Silver, 'stow this talk. He's dead, and he don't walk, that I know; leastways, he won't walk by day and you may lay to that. Care killed a cat. Fetch ahead for the doubloons.'

We started, certainly; but in spite of the hot sun and the staring daylight, the pirates no longer ran separate and shouting through the wood, but kept side by side and spoke with bated breath. The terror of the dead buccaneer had fallen on their spirits.


Chapter XXXII (глава 32)
The Treasure Hunt — The Voice Among the Trees (поиски сокровищ — голос среди деревьев)

PARTLY from the damping influence of this alarm (отчасти от успокаивающего влияния этого страха; to damp — уменьшать, ослаблять, смягчать; alarm — тревога, смятение, страх), partly to rest Silver and the sick folk (отчасти чтобы дать отдохнуть Сильверу и больным пиратам; folk — люди, народ, определенная группа), the whole party sat down as soon as they had gained the brow of the ascent (вся команда сделала привал, как только они достигли вершины плоскогорья; to sit down — садиться, устраиваться; to gain — получать, добиваться; достигать, добираться; ascent — восхождение, подъем, крутой склон).

The plateau being somewhat tilted towards the west (/поскольку/ плоскогорье было немного наклонено к западу), this spot on which we had paused commanded a wide prospect on either hand (с того места, где мы остановились, открывался широкий вид в обе стороны; prospect — вид, панорама). Before us, over the tree-tops, we beheld the Cape of the Woods fringed with surf (впереди, над вершинами деревьев, мы видели Мыс Леса, окаймленный прибоем); behind, we not only looked down upon the anchorage and Skeleton Island, but saw (позади мы не только смотрели сверху на стоянку и Остров Скелета, но и видели) — clear across the spit and the eastern lowlands (прямо за косой и восточной низменностью: «низкой землей»; lowland — низменность, равнина, долина) — a great field of open sea upon the east (огромное поле = простор открытого моря на востоке). Sheer above us rose the Spy-glass, here dotted with single pines, there black with precipices (прямо над нами возвышалась Подзорная Труба, где усеянная одиночными соснами, а где зияющая пропастями; here and there — там и сям, кое-где; precipice — обрыв, пропасть). There was no sound but that of the distant breakers, mounting from all round (не было /слышно/ ни звука, кроме /шума/ далеких бурунов, поднимавшегося со всех сторон), and the chirp of countless insects in the brush (и стрекотания бесчисленных насекомых в кустарниках; chirp — чирикание, щебетание, трескотня). Not a man, not a sail upon the sea (ни людей, ни паруса на море); the very largeness of the view increased the sense of solitude (сама широта панорамы усиливала чувство одиночества).


influence [`Influqns] ascent [q`sent] precipice [`presIpIs] countless [`kauntlIs]


PARTLY from the damping influence of this alarm, partly to rest Silver and the sick folk, the whole party sat down as soon as they had gained the brow of the ascent.

The plateau being somewhat tilted towards the west, this spot on which we had paused commanded a wide prospect on either hand. Before us, over the tree-tops, we beheld the Cape of the Woods fringed with surf; behind, we not only looked down upon the anchorage and Skeleton Island, but saw — clear across the spit and the eastern lowlands — a great field of open sea upon the east. Sheer above us rose the Spy-glass, here dotted with single pines, there black with precipices. There was no sound but that of the distant breakers, mounting from all round, and the chirp of countless insects in the brush. Not a man, not a sail upon the sea; the very largeness of the view increased the sense of solitude.


1. Silver, as he sat, took certain bearings with his compass (Сильвер, когда сидел = во время отдыха, сделал измерения по компасу).

2. 'There are three "tall trees" (здесь три «высоких дерева»)' said he, 'about in the right line from Skeleton Island (/расположенных/ почти в одну линию от Острова Сокровищ). "Spy-glass Shoulder (Склон Подзорной Трубы)," I take it, means that lower p'int there (думаю, означает вот это более низкое место = эту впадину). It's child's play to find the stuff now (детская забава = пустяковое дело — найти сокровища теперь; stuff — материал; нечто, относящееся к чему-л., составляющее суть чего-л., штука, штуковина). I've half a mind to dine first (я не прочь пообедать сначала; to have half a mind to do — быть не прочь сделать).'

3. 'I don't feel sharp (мне не очень хочется; sharp — острый, резкий),' growled Morgan (проворчал Морган). 'Thinkin' o' Flint — I think it were — as done me (размышление о Флинте, думаю, это повлияло на меня = как вспомнил Флинта, так сразу аппетит отбило).'

4. 'Ah, well, my son, you praise your stars he's dead (что ж, сын мой, благодари свою судьбу, что он мертв; to praise — хвалить; star — звезда),' said Silver.

5. 'He were an ugly devil (он был безобразным дьяволом),' cried a third pirate, with a shudder (воскликнул третий пират, вздрагивая); 'that blue in the face, too (и рожа вся была синяя)!'


growled [grauld] praise [preIz] devil [devl]


Silver, as he sat, took certain bearings with his compass.

2. 'There are three "tall trees" ' said he, 'about in the right line from Skeleton Island. "Spy-glass Shoulder," I take it, means that lower p'int there. It's child's play to find the stuff now. I've half a mind to dine first.'

3. 'I don't feel sharp,' growled Morgan. 'Thinkin' o' Flint — I think it were — as done me.'

4. 'Ah, well, my son, you praise your stars he's dead,' said Silver.

5. 'He were an ugly devil,' cried a third pirate, with a shudder; 'that blue in the face, too!'


1. 'That was how the rum took him (это так на него действовал ром),' added Merry (добавил Мерри). 'Blue (синий)! well, I reckon he was blue (полагаю, он был синим). That's a true word (это верное слово = именно так и было).'

2. Ever since they had found the skeleton and got upon this train of thought (с того времени, как они нашли скелет и стали следовать этому ходу мыслей), they had spoken lower and lower, and they had almost got to whispering by now (они говорили все тише и тише, и почти перешли на шепот теперь), so that the sound of their talk hardly interrupted the silence of the wood (так что звук их разговора едва нарушал тишину леса). All of a sudden, out of the middle of the trees in front of us (вдруг из гущи деревьев = из рощи перед нами), a thin, high, trembling voice struck up the well-known air and words (тонкий, высокий дрожащий голос затянул хорошо знакомую песню и /такие/ слова; to strike up — начинать(ся) /о музыке/; запеть; air — воздух; мелодия, песня): —

3. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest (пятнадцать человек на сундук мертвеца) —
You-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum (йо-хо-хо, и бутылка рому)!'


thought [TLt] whispering [`wIspqrIN] high [haI]


1. 'That was how the rum took him,' added Merry. 'Blue! well, I reckon he was blue. That's a true word.'

2. Ever since they had found the skeleton and got upon this train of thought, they had spoken lower and lower, and they had almost got to whispering by now, so that the sound of their talk hardly interrupted the silence of the wood. All of a sudden, out of the middle of the trees in front of us, a thin, high, trembling voice struck up the well-known air and words: —

3. 'Fifteen men on the dead man's chest —
You-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!'


1. I never have seen men more dreadfully affected than the pirates (я никогда не видел людей, ужаснее напуганных, чем эти пираты; to affect — действовать, влиять; волновать, поражать). The colour went from their six faces like enchantment (краска сошла с шести лиц = они все побледнели, словно по волшебству; to enchant — околдовывать, опутывать чарами); some leaped to their feet, some clawed hold of others (одни вскочили на ноги, другие вцепились друг в друга; to claw hold of — вцепиться, схватить когтями или лапами); Morgan grovelled on the ground (Морган распростерся на земле; to grovel — лежать ниц; пресмыкаться).

2. 'It's Flint, by — — (это Флинт, клянусь…)!' cried Merry (воскликнул Мерри).

3. The song had stopped as suddenly as it began (песня остановилась так же неожиданно, как и началась) — broken off, you would have said, in the middle of a note (оборвалась, можно сказать, на середине ноты), as though someone had laid his hand upon the singer's mouth (будто кто-то положил руку на = зажал рот певцу). Coming so far through the clear, sunny atmosphere among the green tree-tops (проносясь в прозрачном солнечном воздухе среди зеленых верхушек деревьев), I thought it had sounded airily and sweetly (по-моему, она /песня/ звучала весело и приятно; airily — грациозно, беспечно); and the effect on my companions was the stranger (но эффект, /произведенный/ на моих спутников, был странным).

4. 'Come (хватит),' said Silver, struggling with his ashen lips to get the word out (сказал Сильвер, стараясь своими мертвенно-бледными: «пепельными» губами произнести слово; to struggle — бороться; пытаться изо всех сил; ash — зола, пепел), 'this won't do (так не пойдет). Stand by to go about (приготовьтесь к маневру = давайте, бодрее). This is a rum start, and I can't name the voice (это странное явление, и я не могу назвать голос = понять, кто это): but it's someone skylarking — someone that's flesh and blood, and you may lay to that (но это кто-то дурачится — кто-то, кто имеет плоть и кровь, это точно; to skylark — проказничать, забавляться, шутить; skylark — жаворонок).'


еnchantment [In`tSRntmqnt] grovelled [`grOvqld] airily [`eqrIlI] skylarking [`skaIlRkIN]


I never have seen men more dreadfully affected than the pirates. The colour went from their six faces like enchantment; some leaped to their feet, some clawed hold of others; Morgan grovelled on the ground.

2. 'It's Flint, by — —!' cried Merry.

3. The song had stopped as suddenly as it began — broken off, you would have said, in the middle of a note, as though someone had laid his hand upon the singer's mouth. Coming so far through the clear, sunny atmosphere among the green tree-tops, I thought it had sounded airily and sweetly; and the effect on my companions was the stranger.

4. 'Come,' said Silver, struggling with his ashen lips to get the word out, 'this won't do. Stand by to go about. This is a rum start, and I can't name the voice: but it's someone skylarking — someone that's flesh and blood, and you may lay to that.'


1. His courage had come back as he spoke (его мужество вернулось, когда он говорил), and some of the colour to his face along with it (и немного цвета /вернулось/ к его лицо = лицо порозовело также; along with — вместе, помимо, как и). Already the others had begun to lend an ear to this encouragement (уже и другие начали прислушиваться: «давать ухо» к его приободрению), and were coming a little to themselves (и немного приходили в себя), when the same voice broke out again — not this time singing (когда тот же голос раздался снова — на этот раз не поющим), but in a fainter distant hail, that echoed yet faint among the clefts of the Spy-glass (а доносящимся слабым далеким окриком, который отразился эхом еще слабо в расселинах Подзорной Трубы).

2. 'Darby M'Graw (Дарби Макгроу),' it wailed (завывал он; to wail — вопить, причитать, выть) — for that is the word that best describes the sound (потому что это слово лучше всего описывает тот звук) — 'Darby M'Graw (Дарби Макгроу)! Darby M'Graw (Дарби Макгроу)!' again and again and again (снова, и снова, и снова); and then rising a little higher, and with an oath that I leave out (затем стал немного громче, и с ругательством, которое я опускаю, /произнес/), 'Fetch aft the rum, Darby (сходи за ромом, Дарби)!'

3. The buccaneers remained rooted to the ground (пираты так и остались /стоять/, /словно/ приросли к земле; to root — пускать корни; укореняться, приковать), their eyes starting from their heads (/при этом/ их глаза вылезли из головы = на лоб полезли). Long after the voice had died away they still stared in silence, dreadfully, before them (долго после того, как голос замолк, они еще глядели молча, /объятые/ ужасом, вперед; to die away — гаснуть, замолкать, замирать).


courage [`kArIG] describes [dIs`kraIbz] dreadfully [`dredfulI]


His courage had come back as he spoke, and some of the colour to his face along with it. Already the others had begun to lend an ear to this encouragement, and were coming a little to themselves, when the same voice broke out again — not this time singing, but in a fainter distant hail, that echoed yet faint among the clefts of the Spy-glass.

2. 'Darby M'Graw,' it wailed — for that is the word that best describes the sound — 'Darby M'Graw! Darby M'Graw!' again and again and again; and then rising a little higher, and with an oath that I leave out, 'Fetch aft the rum, Darby!'

The buccaneers remained rooted to the ground, their eyes starting from their heads. Long after the voice had died away they still stared in silence, dreadfully, before them.


1. 'That fixes it (дело ясное; to fix — устанавливать; прикреплять; укреплять; устраивать, улаживать)!' gasped one (выдохнул один; to gasp — дышать с трудом, ахать). 'Let's go (пойдем /отсюда/).'

2. 'They was his last words (это были его последние слова),' moaned Morgan (простонал Морган), 'his last words above board (его последние слова перед смертью: «над бортом»).'

3. Dick had his Bible out, and was praying volubly (Дик достал Библию и /стал/ молиться усердно; volubly — многословно, бойко, без запинки). He had been well brought up, had Dick, before he came to sea and fell among bad companions (он был хорошо воспитан, прежде чем он вышел в море и попал в плохое общество = связался с пиратами; to bring up — растить, выкармливать, воспитывать; to fall among — попасть в какое-либо /часто дурное/ общество).

4. Still, Silver was unconquered (и все-таки Сильвер был неподчинен = не был сломлен; to conquer — завоевывать; подчинять, подавлять). I could hear his teeth rattle in his head (я слышал, как стучали его зубы); but he had not yet surrendered (но он все-таки не сдавался; to surrender — сдаваться, уступать, подчиняться).

5. 'Nobody in this here island ever heard of Darby (никто на этом острове никогда не слыхал о Дарби),' he muttered (бормотал он); 'not one but us that's here (никто, кроме нас).' And then, making a great effort (а затем, делая большое усилие), 'Shipmates (ребята),' he cried (крикнул он), 'I'm here to get that stuff, and I'll not be beat by man nor devil (я здесь для того, чтобы получить деньги, и меня не остановить ни человеку, ни дьяволу; to beat — бить; превосходить, побеждать). I never was feared of Flint in his life, and, by the powers, I'll face him dead (я никогда не боялся Флинта при жизни, и, черт возьми, я встречу смело его мертвого = не испугаюсь и мертвого; to face — стоять лицом, смотреть смело в лицо, встречать без страха). There's seven hundred thousand pound not a quarter of a mile from here (менее чем в четверти мили отсюда лежат семьсот тысяч фунтов). When did ever a gentleman o' fortune show his stern to that much dollars (разве когда-нибудь джентльмен удачи показывал свою корму = отворачивался от такой кучи денег), for a boosy old seaman with a blue mug — and him dead, too (из-за суетливого старого моряка с синей мордой, к тому же — мертвого; boosy = busy — деятельный, беспокойный, горячий)?'


volubly [`vOljubl] unconquered [An`kONkqd] quarter [`kwLtq]


1. 'That fixes it!' gasped one. 'Let's go.'

2. 'They was his last words,' moaned Morgan, 'his last words above board.'

Dick had his Bible out, and was praying volubly. He had been well brought up, had Dick, before he came to sea and fell among bad companions.

Still, Silver was unconquered. I could hear his teeth rattle in his head; but he had not yet surrendered.

5. 'Nobody in this here island ever heard of Darby,' he muttered; 'not one but us that's here.' And then, making a great effort, 'Shipmates,' he cried, 'I'm here to get that stuff, and I'll not be beat by man nor devil. I never was feared of Flint in his life, and, by the powers, I'll face him dead. There's seven hundred thousand pound not a quarter of a mile from here. When did ever a gentleman o' fortune show his stern to that much dollars, for a boosy old seaman with a blue mug — and him dead, too?'


1. But there was no sign of re-awakening courage in his followers (но в его приверженцах не было признака вновь пробуждающейся храбрости); rather, indeed, of growing terror at the irreverence of his words (напротив, /были признаки/ растущего страха из-за непочтительности его слов /обращенных к привидению/; reverence — почтение; почтительность).

2. 'Belay there, John (довольно, Джон; belay — довольно! стоп! хватит!)!' said Merry. 'Don't you cross a sperrit (нет оскорбляй привидение; to cross — перекрещивать, пересекать; противодействовать, противоречить).'

3. And the rest were all too terrified to reply (все остальные были слишком напуганы, чтобы ответить). They would have run away severally had they dared (они бы разбежались в разные стороны, если бы посмели; severally — отдельно, порознь); but fear kept them together, and kept them close by John, as if his daring helped them (но страх держал их вместе и близко к Джону, словно его смелость помогала им). He, on this part, had pretty well fought his weakness down (он, со своей стороны, довольно неплохо подавил свою слабость = страх; to fight — сражаться).

4. 'Sperrit (привидение)? Well, maybe (что ж, может быть),' he said. 'But there's one thing not clear to me (но мне не ясно одно). There was an echo (было эхо). Now, no man ever seen a sperrit with a shadow (итак, никто никогда не видел, /чтобы/ у привидения /была/ тень); well, then, what's he doing with an echo to him, I should like to know (итак, что же он делал с эхом = откуда же взялось тогда эхо, хотел бы я знать)? That aint in natur', surely (это не нормально, ведь правда)?'


irreverence [I`revrqns] severally [`sevrqlI] echo [`ekqu] shadow [`Sxdqu]


But there was no sign of re-awakening courage in his followers; rather, indeed, of growing terror at the irreverence of his words.

2. 'Belay there, John!' said Merry. 'Don't you cross a sperrit.'

And the rest were all too terrified to reply. They would have run away severally had they dared; but fear kept them together, and kept them close by John, as if his daring helped them. He, on this part, had pretty well fought his weakness down.

4. 'Sperrit? Well, maybe,' he said. 'But there's one thing not clear to me. There was an echo. Now, no man ever seen a sperrit with a shadow; well, then, what's he doing with an echo to him, I should like to know? That aint in natur', surely?'


1. This argument seemed weak enough to me (этот довод показался мне весьма слабым). But you can never tell what will affect the superstitious (но вы никогда не можете сказать, что подействует на суеверных /людей/), and, to my wonder, George Merry was greatly relieved (и, к моему удивлению, Джордж Мерри почувствовал сильное облегчение).

2. 'Well, that's so (да, это так),' he said. 'You've a head upon your shoulders, John, and no mistake (/ну и/ голова у тебя на плечах, Джон, бесспорно: «никакой ошибки»). 'Bout ship, mates (поворот, приятели; about-ship — поворот /команда/, менять курс, ложиться на другой галс)! This here crew is on a wrong tack, I do believe (эта команда на ложном пути, полагаю = мы просто взяли не тот курс). And come to think on it, it was like Flint's voice, I grant you (а если подумать, то это было похоже на голос Флинта, вроде бы; to grant — разрешать, давать согласие, допускать), but not just so clearaway like it, after all (но не прямо-таки столь несомненно похож на его, в конце концов; to clear away — очищать, убирать; рассеивать /сомнения/). It was liker somebody else's voice now — it was liker — — (скорее это был чей-то еще голос, скорее…)'

3. 'By the powers, Ben Gunn (клянусь дьяволом, /это голос/ Бена Ганна)!' roared Silver (проревел Сильвер).

4. 'Ay, and so it were (да, точно),' cried Morgan, springing on his knees (крикнул Морган, вскакивая /с земли/ на колени; to spring — отскочить, подскакивать, прыгать). 'Ben Gunn it were (это был Бен Ганн)!'

5. 'It don't make much odds, do it, now (это не делает большой разницы = а какая разница)?' asked Dick. 'Ben Gunn's not here in the body, any more'n Flint (Бен Ганн здесь не во плоти — привидение, как и Флинт; any more than — не больше чем, как и).'


аrgument [`RgjHmqnt] superstitious [sjHpq`stISqs] grant [grRnt]


This argument seemed weak enough to me. But you can never tell what will affect the superstitious, and, to my wonder, George Merry was greatly relieved.

2. 'Well, that's so,' he said. 'You've a head upon your shoulders, John, and no mistake. 'Bout ship, mates! This here crew is on a wrong tack, I do believe. And come to think on it, it was like Flint's voice, I grant you, but not just so clearaway like it, after all. It was liker somebody else's voice now — it was liker — — '

3. 'By the powers, Ben Gunn!' roared Silver.

4. 'Ay, and so it were,' cried Morgan, springing on his knees. 'Ben Gunn it were!'

5. 'It don't make much odds, do it, now?' asked Dick. 'Ben Gunn's not here in the body, any more'n Flint.'


1. But the older hands greeted this remark with scorn (но матросы постарше встретили это замечание с насмешкой; scorn — презрение, насмешка, пренебрежение).

2. 'Why nobody minds Ben Gunn (да никому дела нет до Бена Ганна; to mind — следить, обращать внимание; остерегаться, тревожиться),' cried Merry; 'dead or alive, nobody minds him (мертв он или жив, никто его не боится).'

3. It was extraordinary how their spirits had returned (было необычно /видеть/, как их мужество вернулось), and how the natural colour had revived in their faces (и как естественный цвет = румянец вновь заиграл на их лицах; to revive — оживать; приходить в себя; восстанавливать). Soon they were chatting together, with intervals of listening (вскоре они болтали друг с другом, с паузами слушания = иногда прислушиваясь); and not long after, hearing no further sound (и немного погодя, не слыша дальнейших звуков), they shouldered the tools and set forth again (они взвалили на плечи инструменты и двинулись дальше), Merry walking first with Silver's compass to keep them on the right line with Skeleton Island (Мерри шел первым с компасом Сильвера, чтобы вести их /команду/ по верной линии по отношению к Острову Скелета). He had said the truth: dead or alive, nobody minded Ben Gunn (он сказал правду: мертвого или живого, никто не боялся Бена Ганна).

4. Dick alone still held his Bible, and looked around him as he went, with fearful glances (один Дик по-прежнему держал Библию и бросал по сторонам, когда шел = идя, испуганные взгляды); but he found no sympathy, and Silver even joked him on his precautions (но он не находил сочувствия, и Сильвер даже шутил над его предосторожностями).


еxtraordinary [Ik`strLdqnqrI] fearful [`fIqful] sympathy [`sImpqTI] precaution [prI`kLSn]


But the older hands greeted this remark with scorn.

2. 'Why nobody minds Ben Gunn,' cried Merry; 'dead or alive, nobody minds him.'

3. It was extraordinary how their spirits had returned, and how the natural colour had revived in their faces. Soon they were chatting together, with intervals of listening; and not long after, hearing no further sound, they shouldered the tools and set forth again, Merry walking first with Silver's compass to keep them on the right line with Skeleton Island. He had said the truth: dead or alive, nobody minded Ben Gunn.

Dick alone still held his Bible, and looked around him as he went, with fearful glances; but he found no sympathy, and Silver even joked him on his precautions.


1. 'I told you (я говорил тебе),' said he — 'I told you, you had sp'iled your Bible (я говорил, что ты испортил свою Библию). If it aint no good to swear by, what do you suppose a sperrit would give for it (если она не годится для того, чтобы на ней клясться, почему ты думаешь, что привидение испугается ее; to swear by — клясться на чем-л.; to give — давать; уступать; отходить)? Not that (нет уж)!' and he snapped his big fingers, halting a moment on his crutch (и он щелкнул большими пальцами /перед носом Дика/, остановившись на миг на костыле; to halt — останавливаться, делать привал).

2. But Dick was not to be comforted (но Дика нельзя было успокоить); indeed, it was soon plain to me that the lad was falling sick (скоро мне стало ясно, что этот парень заболевал); hastened by heat, exhaustion, and the shock of his alarm (ускоряемая жарой, истощением и страхом; to hasten — спешить, торопить, ускорять; shock — удар; потрясение, шок), the fever, predicted by Doctor Livesey, was evidently growing swiftly higher (лихорадка, предсказанная доктором Ливси, очевидно стремительно усиливалась: «была очевидно растущей быстро выше»).

3. It was fine open walking here, upon the summit (было легко и свободно идти здесь, на вершине); our way lay a little downhill, for, as I have said, the plateau tilted towards the west (наш путь лежал немного вниз по склону, потому что, как я сказал, плоскогорье наклонялось к западу). The pines, great and small, grew wide apart (сосны, большие и маленькие, росли далеко друг от друга: «широко отдельно, в стороны»; apart — в стороне, отдельно, порознь); and even between the clumps of nutmeg and azalea (и даже между группами = среди зарослей мускатного ореха и азалий), wide open spaces baked in the hot sunshine (широкие открытые пространства пеклись в жарком солнечном свете; to bake — печь, запекать; обжигать). Striking, as we did, pretty near north-west across the island (идя по острову довольно близко к северо-западу; to strike — ударять; направляться, сворачивать /как правило с указанием направления/), we drew, on the one hand ever nearer under the shoulders of the Spy-glass (мы приближались, с одной стороны, все ближе к склону Подзорной Трубы), and on the other, looked ever wider over that western bay where I had once tossed and trembled in the coracle (с другой стороны, видели все шире ту западную бухту, где меня однажды кидало и кружило в челноке; to tremble — дрожать; колыхаться, трястись).


halting [`hLltIN] hasten [`heIsqn] exhaustion [Ig`zLstSqn] coracle [`kOrqkl]


1. 'I told you,' said he — 'I told you, you had sp'iled your Bible. If it aint no good to swear by, what do you suppose a sperrit would give for it? Not that!' and he snapped his big fingers, halting a moment on his crutch.

But Dick was not to be comforted; indeed, it was soon plain to me that the lad was falling sick; hastened by heat, exhaustion, and the shock of his alarm, the fever, predicted by Doctor Livesey, was evidently growing swiftly higher.

It was fine open walking here, upon the summit; our way lay a little downhill, for, as I have said, the plateau tilted towards the west. The pines, great and small, grew wide apart; and even between the clumps of nutmeg and azalea, wide open spaces baked in the hot sunshine. Striking, as we did, pretty near north-west across the island, we drew, on the one hand ever nearer under the shoulders of the Spy-glass, and on the other, looked ever wider over that western bay where I had once tossed and trembled in the coracle.


1. The first of the tall trees was reached, and by the bearing, proved the wrong one (первое из высоких деревьев было достигнуто = к которому мы подошли, по положению оказалось неправильным). So with the second (то же было со вторым). The third rose nearly two hundred feet into the air above a clump of underwood (третье поднималось почти на две сотни футов в воздух над группой подлеска = над зарослями); a giant of a vegetable, with a red column as big as a cottage (/это был/ великан растительного /мира/, с красным стволом размером с небольшой дом; column — колонна, столб, опора), and a wide shadow around in which a company could have manoeuvred (и широкой тенью, под которой /целая/ рота могла бы маршировать; to manoeuvre — проводить маневры). It was conspicuous far to sea both on the east and west (оно было заметно с моря издалека, как с востока, так и с запада), and might have been entered as a sailing mark upon the chart (и могло быть отмечено на карте как мореходный знак; to enter — входить; вписывать /в книгу/, регистрировать).

2. But it was not its size that now impressed my companions (но не размер его впечатлил моих спутников); it was the knowledge that seven hundred thousand pounds in gold lay somewhere buried below its spreading shadow (а знание, что семьсот тысяч фунтов золотом лежат где-то зарытые под ее раскидистой тенью). The thought of the money, as they drew nearer, swallowed up their previous terrors (мысль о деньгах, когда они подошли ближе, поглотила их прежние страхи). Their eyes burned in their heads (их глаза горели); their feet grew speedier and lighter (их шаги становились поспешнее и легче); their whole soul was bound up in that fortune (вся душа их была поглощена: «связана» этим богатством), that whole lifetime of extravagance and pleasure, that lay waiting there for each of them (той целой жизнью расточительности и удовольствий, что ожидала: «лежала, ожидая» там каждого из них).


vegetable [`veGItqbl] conspicuous [kqn`spIkjuqs] extravagance [Ik`strxvqgqns]


The first of the tall trees was reached, and by the bearing, proved the wrong one. So with the second. The third rose nearly two hundred feet into the air above a clump of underwood; a giant of a vegetable, with a red column as big as a cottage, and a wide shadow around in which a company could have manoeuvred. It was conspicuous far to sea both on the east and west, and might have been entered as a sailing mark upon the chart.

But it was not its size that now impressed my companions; it was the knowledge that seven hundred thousand pounds in gold lay somewhere buried below its spreading shadow. The thought of the money, as they drew nearer, swallowed up their previous terrors. Their eyes burned in their heads; their feet grew speedier and lighter; their whole soul was bound up in that fortune, that whole lifetime of extravagance and pleasure, that lay waiting there for each of them.


1. Silver hobbled, grunting, on his crutch (Сильвер ковылял, ворча, на костыле); his nostrils stood out and quivered (его ноздри раздувались и дрожали; to stand out — отходить, выступать); he cursed like a madman when the flies settled on his hot and shiny countenance (он ругался как сумасшедший, когда мухи садились на его горячее и блестящее /от пота/ лицо); he plucked furiously at the line that held me to him (он дергал яростно за веревку, которая привязывала меня к нему), and, from time to time, turned his eyes upon me with a deadly look (и время от времени смотрел на меня убийственным взглядом). Certainly he took no pains to hide his thoughts (конечно, он не прилагал никаких усилий, чтобы скрыть свои мысли); and certainly I read them like print (и, конечно, я мог читать их, как в книге; print — оттиск, шрифт, печатное издание). In the immediate nearness of the gold, all else had been forgotten (в непосредственной близости золота все другое было позабыто); his promise and the doctor's warning were both things of the past (и его обещания, и предостережение доктора были позабыты: «вещами прошлого»); and I could not doubt that he hoped to seize upon the treasure (и я мог не сомневаться, что он надеется захватить сокровища), find and board the Hispaniola under cover of night (найти и сесть на Испаньолу под покровом ночи), cut every honest throat about that island (перерезать все честные глотки на острове = всех нас), and sail away as he had at first intended, laden with crimes and riches (и отплыть, как он вначале намеревался, нагруженный преступлениями и богатством).

2. Shaken as I was with these alarms (как ни был я потрясен этими тревогами), it was hard for me to keep up with the rapid pace of the treasure-hunters (было трудно поспевать за стремительной поступью охотников за сокровищами). Now and again I stumbled (я то и дело: «сейчас и снова» спотыкался); and it was then that Silver plucked so roughly at the rope and launched at me his murderous glances (и тогда Сильвер дергал за веревку так грубо и бросал на меня свои кровожадные взгляды; murder — убийство; murderous — убийственный). Dick, who had dropped behind us, and now brought up the rear (Дик, который отставал от нас и теперь замыкал шествие), was babbling to himself both prayers and curses, as his fever kept rising (бормотал себе /под нос/ молитвы и ругательства, по мере того, как его лихорадка продолжала усиливаться). This also added to my wretchedness (это также усугубляло мое несчастное положение; to add to — прибавлять, усиливать; wretched — бедный, жалкий, никудышный), and, to crown all, I was haunted by the thought of the tragedy that had once been acted on that plateau (и в довершение всего, меня преследовала мысль /о/ трагедии, которая когда-то разыгралась на этом плоскогорье; to haunt — появляться /о призраке/; преследовать, часто посещать), when that ungodly buccaneer with the blue face (когда этот безбожный пират с синим лицом) — he who died at Savannah, singing and shouting for drink (который умер в Саванне, горланя /песню/ и требуя выпивки) — had there, with his own hand, cut down his six accomplices (здесь собственными руками зарубил шестерых сообщников; to cut down — сражать, зарубить). This grove, that was now so peaceful (эта роща, которая теперь была такой мирной), must then have rung with cries, I thought (должно быть, тогда оглашалась /предсмертными/ криками, подумал я; to ring — оглашаться /чем-л. — with/; раздаваться, слышаться, доноситься); and even with the thought I could believe I heard it ringing still (и даже с мыслью = думая об этом, мне казалось, что я слышу, как они все еще звучат).


quivered [`kwIvqd] countenance [`kauntqnqns] seize [sJz] launched [lLntSt] murderous [`mq:dqrqs] haunted [`hLntId] accomplices [q`kOmplIsIz]


1. Silver hobbled, grunting, on his crutch; his nostrils stood out and quivered; he cursed like a madman when the flies settled on his hot and shiny countenance; he plucked furiously at the line that held me to him, and, from time to time, turned his eyes upon me with a deadly look. Certainly he took no pains to hide his thoughts; and certainly I read them like print. In the immediate nearness of the gold, all else had been forgotten; his promise and the doctor's warning were both things of the past; and I could not doubt that he hoped to seize upon the treasure, find and board the Hispaniola under cover of night, cut every honest throat about that island, and sail away as he had at first intended, laden with crimes and riches.

Shaken as I was with these alarms, it was hard for me to keep up with the rapid pace of the treasure-hunters. Now and again I stumbled; and it was then that Silver plucked so roughly at the rope and launched at me his murderous glances. Dick, who had dropped behind us, and now brought up the rear, was babbling to himself both prayers and curses, as his fever kept rising. This also added to my wretchedness, and, to crown all, I was haunted by the thought of the tragedy that had once been acted on that plateau, when that ungodly buccaneer with the blue face — he who died at Savannah, singing and shouting for drink — had there, with his own hand, cut down his six accomplices. This grove, that was now so peaceful, must then have rung with cries, I thought; and even with the thought I could believe I heard it ringing still.


1. We were now at the margin of the thicket (мы были теперь на краю зарослей = вышли из чащи).

2. 'Huzza, mates, altogether (ура, ребята, /давайте/ вместе = вперед)!' shouted Merry (закричал Мерри); and the foremost broke into a run (и /шедшие/ впереди кинулись бежать).

3. And suddenly, not ten yards further, we beheld them stop (внезапно, не пробежав и десяти ярдов, мы увидели, что они остановились). A low cry arose (поднялся тихий крик = громкий ропот). Silver doubled his pace, digging away with the foot of his crutch like one possessed (Сильвер удвоил скорость, роя землю основанием костыля = скача на деревяшке, как одержимый); and next moment he and I had come also to a dead halt (через миг мы с ним также встали как вкопанные; dead halt — внезапная, резкая остановка).

4. Before us was a great excavation, not very recent (перед нами была огромная вырытая яма, не самая недавняя), for the sides had fallen in and grass had sprouted on the bottom (потому что края обвалились и трава выросла на дне; to sprout — пускать ростки, вырастать, давать побеги). In this were the shaft of a pick broken in two (в ней была сломанная пополам рукоятка кирки) and the boards of several packing-cases strewn around (и доски нескольких ящиков валялись кругом; to strew — посыпать, разбрасывать, расстилать). On one of these boards I saw, branded with a hot iron, the name Walrus (на одной из этих досок я увидел выжженное каленым железом название Морж) — the name of Flint's ship (название корабля Флинта).

5. All was clear to probation (все было ясно; probation — испытание, доказательство). The cache had been found and rifled (тайник был обнаружен и расхищен; to rifle — стрелять из винтовки; обыскивать с целью грабежа): the seven hundred thousand pounds were gone (семьсот тысяч фунтов пропали)!


possessed [pq`zest] excavation [ekskq`veISn] sprouted [`sprautId] Walrus [`wLlrqs]


Дата добавления: 2015-10-23; просмотров: 168 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: We held a council in the cabin. | And at this poor Tom flashed out like a hero. | And at this there came suddenly a lowering shadow over his face; and he tightened his grasp upon my hand, and raised a forefinger threateningly before my eyes. | By good fortune Hunter pulled a good oar. We made the water fly; and the boat was soon alongside, and I aboard the schooner. | And, at that, up I jumped, and, rubbing my eyes, ran to a loophole in the wall. | Then he went the rounds, and saw, as he said, that all was clear. | My own accidental cut across the knuckles was a flea-bite. Dr. Livesey patched it up with plaster, and pulled my ears for me into the bargain. | At last the breeze came; the schooner sidled and drew nearer in the dark; I felt the hawser slacken once more, and with a good, tough effort, cut the last fibres through. | My face expressed a wonder so unaffected that he saw the needlessness of further questions. | So he pattered on, standing on the hill-top, with his crutch under his elbow, and one hand upon the side of the log-house — quite the old John in voice, manner, and expression. |
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Rapidly I described to him my adventures, and he heard me out in silence.| We were now at the margin of the thicket.

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