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The importance of learning foreign languages for the system of education in Kazakhstan

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Language Centre BEST supports the trinity of languages, ranging from 5-years in all stages of education whether it is kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school or university. Despite the fact that the Language Center is not a public institution partially pursuing the same objectives concerning learning foreign languages. If the government restricted with only accentuated the development of the English language in the language center all depends on the student that does not change the overall strategy rather trinity of languages. Below summarizes the influence of English on the educational system, as a structural element that in the future will be of great importance not only in narrow circles. It will lead our country to a new level, which will be the most advanced country among non-European and English-speaking countries, becoming the most important partner and will bring the culture of Kazakhstan in a row with the West. It would not be advisable not to set such a task. Language Center BEST is just a grain in the background of all this, then what to talk about themselves citizens studying foreign languages ​​. Certainly all this long and never-ending process.

Trinity of languages ​​

In 2007, Kazakhstan adopted at the state level, "cultural project" Trinity of languages ​​"" - Kazakh, Russian and English. However, this idea had both supporters and opponents. Chairman of the Russian Community of Kazakhstan stated that "... the question of studying the Kazakh language Russian youth can take over."

Dean of the Faculty of Philology of the Kazakh National University Kanseit Abdezuly rated this project as one of the main priorities of state policy.

Director of the Center for the Study of Central Asia and Kazakhstan University of Seattle (USA), William Fierman May 15, 2008 opened in Almaty at the international scientific-theoretical conference "multilingualism: language - consciousness - culture" praised the idea as a right, but stressed that the Kazakh language problem lies in the fact that it is the state language, low demand.

The functioning of the English language in the educational space of Kazakhstan Globalization processes occurring in the world, the growing dynamics of modern society, expansion of international contacts and co-operation led to the spread and strengthening of the role of English as the leading language of modern civilization. According to Internet sources, English is the native language for about 375 million people, and statistics on the use of English as a second language are differentiated from 470 million to one billion people. The English language can be characterized as a means of social, economic, educational and cultural development of society. In this regard, the global economy and culture are interconnected and interdependent in the political, social and technological aspects. The trends of world development clearly reflected in the Kazakh reality. Currently, language picture of Kazakhstan is a unique linguistic space, which is characterized by a sociolinguistic and demographic complexity and represents a multilingual society, which is home to more than 100 ethnic group. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kazakh language is the state language of Kazakhstan. Along with the Kazakh language, the Russian language has the status of a language of international communication and retains a strong position due to historical processes taking place in Kazakhstan in the period of the Soviet Union. The entry of the Republic of Kazakhstan into the world community, as well as the impact of the political, economic, social and cultural globalization on communication requires the definition of the role and place of English in social and communicative space of the country and the development of complex problems of its operation in various fields. Thus, the integration processes taking place in Kazakhstan, led to the dynamic development of the English language, which affected all spheres of activity. Consequently, one of the priorities of language policy in Kazakhstan is the all-round development of the English language and the extension of its operations. An illustration of this is launched in 2007. The project "Trinity of languages" in which the English language is attributed to the special status of - the language of integration into the global economy. In the "State program of functioning and development of languages ​​for 2011-2020" one of the target indicators is to increase the proportion of the population of the republic, English speaking (2014 - 10%, in 2017 - 15%, 2020 - 20%); the proportion of people owning three languages ​​(Moldovan, Russian and English) (2014 - 10%, in 2017 - 12%, 2020 - 15%). It should be noted that in his speech at the XIX session of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed "the importance and role of the English language, opening the Kazakhstan window into the world of innovation, technology and business". A special role in this process is assigned to the educational system, taking into account the general trends of world development. For example, in 2004 the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan launched the experiment on early (from the 2nd class) English language in 32 schools of the republic. At present, their number reaches 165. According to statistics, in 2007, the total number of schools with English language training was 2, in 2008 - 4, in 2009 and 2010. - 6 and 7 respectively. The number of students in schools with English language learning students was 418 in 2007, 883 - in 2008, 1060 - in 2009, in 1207 - in 2010. As the Minister of Education and Science Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov, the education system will be implemented Trinity of languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English, and "English language training will be implemented from the first grade in all schools in Kazakhstan next year." The Minister said: "There will be reformed all the standards of education. And here a fundamental issue for us - the provision of equal opportunities for education the younger generation ". [6]Thus, it is clear that English occupies a leading position in the educational space of Kazakhstan, resulting in a high interest in the problem of language contact in general and in particular the code switching. In this regard, in the educational sphere in Kazakhstan more noticeable phenomenon of Kazakh-British switching codes, which requires a detailed study of this problem. Code switching, alternating the use of two languages ​​in the speech plays an essential role in Multilingual and multicultural societies where the language contacts are inevitable. This phenomenon is of great interest in the field of foreign language teaching. It may be noted that the center of gravity of heated discussions are aspects such as attitude to switch codes and reasons for switching codes in the process of learning a foreign language. Large repercussions problem switching codes in the process of learning foreign languages, which was the impetus for a variety of theoretical and practical studies. According to Martin-Jones (2000), research in this direction began in the 1980s. When scientists began to use audio recordings made during class, whose analysis was the basis for many linguistic research. It should be noted that the attitude towards the phenomenon of switching codes, has been a mixed reaction among those who are directly involved in this issue. Thus, the use of the native language in the speech of students in learning foreign languages ​​until recently was seen as a negative phenomenon, which prevents full assimilation of the language. The main reason for this was the fact that the switching of codes considered accidental mixing of the two languages, so students are not allowed to freely switch from one language to another.considered that the use of only the target language in the classroom promotes productive language acquisition creates a real, authentic environment, and any switching adversely affects the process of learning a foreign language. point out a supporting role switching codes to achieve the communication, and, in particular, in learning a foreign language. For example, according to Skinner, the exclusion of the native language affects the absorption of a foreign language and delays the formation of concepts, since all ideas and thoughts are generated using the native language. [The use of the native language promotes the assimilation of grammatical material, reduces the time to explain some difficult concepts, tasks, and introduces the audience to the real environment of learning a foreign language. Interest scientists also causes a problem switching codes in speech teachers. The alternating use of two languages ​​in a speech teacher can occur spontaneously and unconsciously, either intentionally targeted. Very relevant to the process of switching codes in two ways. According to some scientists, learning only the second (foreign) language allows students to immerse themselves in this foreign environment. Others researchers believe that the exclusion of the mother tongue in teaching a foreign language is limited to "the possibility of learning a language» («the possibilities of language teaching»). The above-mentioned study of linguists have made an enormous contribution to the study of switching codes in the educational environment. However, we note that most of these studies were conducted in countries where the languages ​​coexist, similar in structure (for example, European) and, in most cases belong to the same language family. We believe that for generalization and a more complete and accurate picture of the process of switching codes and its impact on language acquisition, it is necessary to consider it as example different languages, for example, Kazakh and English. In this regard, the article discusses the problems of the Kazakh-British switching codes in the educational space of Kazakhstan. The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of the English language in the educational space of the country, the determination of the place and role, as well as the specifics of functioning of English in higher education (in particular, the determination of the ratio of students to the Kazakh-British switching code). To achieve this goal we have set the following research questions:1) the perception of Educational switching codes;2) switching codes and the emotional state of the students;3) switch of codes and its impact on language learning;4) switching codes and social orientation of students.The study was based on a survey conducted among university students in Astana with different levels of knowledge of the English language.. The interest of the students of Kazakhstan universities dictated by the fact that this age is characterized by the formation of their own social, ethnic, political, ideological views, and a single-minded and fast-paced group unit of society. For the study was designed questionnaire, which consists of three blocks distributed as follows: Block A - Information about the participants; Block B - definition of the role and status of the English language; Block C - the ratio of students to switch codes. Each question has several answers, drawn up in accordance with a 5-point Likert scale that ranged from 1 - strongly agree, 2 - disagree, 3 - disagreed, 4 - do not agree, and 5 - Hard to tell. The results were analyzed using SPSS 16.The survey involved 100 students of 1-4 courses, studying English as a foreign language. All participants in the survey are the Kazakhs live in Astana. The average age of 20 years respondents. Coverage of respondents curriculum evenly distributed: 25% of students are studying in the first year, 20 - second, 25 - in the third and 30% - in the fourth year.The native language for all participants is the Kazakh language. Distribution of respondents by level of English language proficiency is presented in Table 1. As can be seen from Table 1, most students rated themselves according to the degree of proficiency as the Intermediate-users (46%) and Upper-Intermediate-users (35%). It should be noted that the question "Do you think that you need to improve your current knowledge of English?" 99% of respondents answered positively. The English language is of interest to 96% of the respondents said that the relevance of the study. Analysis of the data showed that 83% of respondents have a positive attitude to switch codes, 17% related to the phenomenon under consideration is negative. As can be seen from Table 2, 46% of respondents believe that switching codes leads to a weakening of the Kazakh language, the same number of respondents (46%) disagree with this statement, 8% were undecided. 32% of students agreed with the statement that the switching of codes leads to a weakening of the English language, 62% disagree with this statement, and 6% were undecided. 57% of respondents indicated that switching codes leads to an improvement of the English language and 37% of respondents disagree with this statement. On the question of the language of instruction 49% of respondents said they prefer to exercise was conducted in English only, and 63% more likely to switch codes during class. For example, 66% of respondents believe that switching codes in question contributes to a productive language acquisition.For 61% of students switching code indicates a high level of proficiency, 32% of respondents disagree with this statement, 45% of the students referred to switch codes to underserved language proficiency, while half of the respondents (50%) disagree with this statement. According to poll results, according to the students, switch code has a positive effect on the emotional state. 71% of respondents believe that they like when speaking Kazakh switched to English. 57% of students agreed with the statement that the switching of codes helps to feel satisfaction in their studies. As can be seen from Table 5, the majority of students (57%) are much more comfortable and easier to master training when switching from English into the Kazakh language. More than half of respondents said that switching codes helps to feel less tense in the classroom. Also, 65% of students feel less lost in the classroom when switching from English into the Kazakh language. However, it should be noted that 59% of respondents felt emotional discomfort when the speaker is switched from one code to another. In the statement, "The simultaneous use of the Kazakh / Russian and English languages ​​in speech gives me pleasure," 47% said yes. In general, you will notice that in the psychological aspect of switching codes is regarded as a positive phenomenon. As shown in Table 4, switching codes promotes mastery of the English language. For example, 52% of respondents said that switching codes helps to understand difficult words. 66% of students believe that this phenomenon contributes to the mastery of difficult concepts. For 57% of respondents switched from English to Kazakh language promotes better assimilation of English grammar. Most students (73%) believe that switching codes helps in the process of teaching English in the classroom. 60% of respondents said that switching from English into Kazakh language contributes to the success of the assignment. As seen in Table 5, 58% of respondents agree with the view that switching code defines their identity, while 29% do not believe that it is possible to determine the identity by switching codes. From the data, it seems that 58% of respondents agreed with the statement in daily life often switched. 72% of respondents believe that society respects them again when you switch codes. 58% of respondents believe that society considers them less intelligent when they switch from one language to another, while at the same time, 46% of students think that society considers them more intelligent when they switch from one code to another. According to Table 5, only 34% of respondents feel integrated with the company when you switch codes, and 43% of respondents disagree with this statement. The isolation from society at switching codes feel 38% and 39% of students do not feel isolated. In the course of our study was to determine the attitude of Kazakh students in Kazakh-British switching codes. Our results showed that, overall, perceived switching codes to train as a positive phenomenon. It was found that interest in learning increases when switching codes as difficult linguistic material faster and more easily absorbed by switching to the native language. Also, students are less susceptible to stressful situations. It creates a favorable environment for the students and the learning process becomes more efficient. They do not feel lost and gain satisfaction in the process of learning the language. However, as mentioned above, many respondents annoying switching codes that, rather, due to the fact that while having the use of only English in most cases, the teacher is encouraged, and switching codes is regarded as a negative phenomenon.

Also revealed the ratio shift codes to success in learning. Most students responded unanimously that switching codes promotes effective language acquisition: they quickly learn difficult words and concepts, explanation of difficult parts of grammar in their native language also promotes adequate mastery of the language. In general, students consider that switching codes contributes to the process of learning English. The study determined that the switching of codes determines the identity of the respondent. As mentioned above, switching code also defines the respect of society for the individual. Apparently, this phenomenon is explained by the positive attitude of students to the process of switching codes. However, students consider themselves less intelligent when they switch from one language to another. We think that the students dominate the views on the use of languages, according to which only pure use of language defines human intelligence. Approximately the same number of students feelings of isolation and integrate with society, i.e., for some students to switch codes helps to integrate with society, and some PCs connect with isolation from society. The problem today is considered switching codes in various aspects, and one of the most important among them is the attitude the student or the person speaking. Code switching in the educational environment - a phenomenon the inevitable and necessary. We believe that it makes it possible to sufficiently complete mastering of the English language. This article is an attempt to determine the ratio of students to switch codes and requires further investigation, as the issue at hand has a huge range of outstanding issues.

In recent years, a substantial correction in the country's language policy, introduced in 2007, adopted by the cultural project "Trinity of languages", which caused a mixed reaction in the community. The project identified the near-term development of languages ​​in Kazakhstan. There have been significant changes in the program of development of languages, language learning in secondary and high school.Different objectives and language levelThe Soviet system of education is perhaps the most advanced in the world, still had a weak link. This teaching of foreign languages ​​- the Soviet government decided that their in-depth study is not necessarily the majority of the population, except for a narrow circle of specialists. On the lower level it was delivered learning of foreign languages ​​in national schools - they studied mainly in Russian. At present, should be welcomed in-depth study of foreign languages, especially in the context of the globalization of education. Another thing is how the Kazakhstan organized language training. The "Trinity of languages" was approved by the Presidential Decree of 20 November, 2007. The decree called for amendments and additions to the "State program of functioning and development of languages ​​for 2001-2010". In particular, it noted: "the introduction of English in business communication", "improving the quality of English language teaching in all secondary schools, colleges, higher education institutions," "improve the quality of textbooks and teaching materials in English for educational organizations primary, secondary and general education, and to address issues of development of education in three languages ​​"," along with the state and Russian languages ​​must be addressed and issues of training of civil servants to English language ", etc. The project was selected as a separate domestic policies. Kazakhstan should be perceived worldwide as a highly educated country whose population can use three languages. They are: Kazakh language - the state language, the Russian language - the language of interethnic communication, and English - the language of successful integration into the global economy ", - said Nursultan Nazarbayev. The main objectives of the project "Trinity of languages" can be summarized as follows. In the field of application of the Kazakh language: the expansion of the scope of the state language, providing unification of the rules of modern literary language, improvement and systematization of lexical fund, the introduction of full terminological system, addressing the computerization of the language, improving teaching methodology. In relation to the Russian language: the preservation of common cultural features of the Russian language, operate in the field of science and education, the creation of new distance learning programs, educational materials, interactive electronic textbooks. Activities in English include: expansion of international cooperation in order to communicate with foreign language culture, ensuring affordable instructional literature for collective and self-study, revision of curricula, strengthening requirements for the system and the process of training future teachers of a foreign language, teacher training for teaching the natural science and mathematics in English. These objectives characterize different status and level of development of languages. For the Kazakh language - is, above all, the formation of the body language and the achievement of its compliance status of the state language and its computerization, etc. Creating a body language (the language normalization, full lexical and terminological bases, etc.), the information base language requires a lot of time, money, linguistic work (in Russian and English, these problems have been solved or resolved in a timely manner). With the adoption of the "Trinity of languages" funding for the study and development of languages ​​has increased 20 times, but the lion's share goes to learning English. English - from the first grade. This situation can be illustrated by the example of the state educational order for training specialists with higher education in full-time education. Number of grants for the 2010-2011 academic year in the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" - 470 "Russian language and literature "- 200" English "- 710. In the 2011-2012 academic year, respectively: 470, 150, 710 grants. In the 2012-2013 academic year: 423, 100, 720 grants. With the adoption of the "Trinity of languages" in Kazakhstan, there is a tendency of strengthening and strengthening the position of the English language, which the state encourages the high volume of the state order. This year, 165 Kazakh schools started an experiment on entering into the curriculum of second grade English classes, the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science. Since September 2013 begins the phased introduction of English language from Grade 1, which has already been approved state educational standards. It is noted that the work will start gradually and on the implementation in pilot mode of study in schools of some subjects in English. These activities are carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the President's instructions on introduction of the trinity of languages ​​(a second-grader 165 schools of Kazakhstan began to learn English. Http://inform.kz/rus/article/2496761). Already 33 schools from the first grade students learn English. In recent years there has been a gradual change in the priorities of language in Kazakhstan. On the face of language policy, in which the training of specialists in English, teaching English at the school is at a high level. When introduced in the near future to study in the schools of some subjects in English, such a practice in the state language in Russian (National) schools are still not being used, ie, In this respect the English language takes precedence over the state language. In-depth study of the English language makes pupils Kazakh schools intensively study the Russian language - quality dictionaries, books for learning English in Russian. In the study of foreign languages ​​most Kazakh language "pushed aside" - it is not claimed in their study. In-depth study of two world languages ​​- Russian and English - is fraught with the displacement of the Kazakh language of education. This situation will remain until such time until you overcome the dependence of the Russian language in the English language in the Kazakh audience. For trilingual education need to create educational base of the state language for learning foreign languages ​​to prepare high-quality dictionaries, textbooks, translated literature, foreign language teachers for the Kazakh school. The Kazakh schools, departments of universities Kazakh foreign language must be studied in the Kazakh language, rather than Russian; develop and implement a methodology for teaching English to Kazakh audience. In-depth, but foreign Trinity of languages clearly showed such an acute problem as a weakness or lack of inter-language links in the Kazakh language. Cross-language communication, dictionaries, translations not only the basis for the study of foreign languages. This pledge of the proceeds of the world of information in the Kazakh language and the development of adequate lexical tools, direct borrowing from foreign languages.





Without the state of preparation of experts translation - scientific, artistic, etc., teachers of foreign languages ​​in the Kazakh language, and without dictionaries, textbooks can not be overcome isolation language and dependence on Russian as the language of translation and foreign language learning. Language situation complicates by the fact that the project "Trinity of languages" officially served as the three languages ​​(the trinity of languages), i.e. Obligatory, mass knowledge of three languages ​​rather than as trilingual education. Trilingual education - the study of two foreign languages ​​on the basis of the state language, which is in some European countries. This approach is more suitable for trilingual education in Kazakhstan. In England, we started in school to study two foreign languages ​​on the basis of the English language. Of course, some of the pupils, students, professionals in Europe speaks three languages.

By the way, this phenomenon occurs in many countries, including ours, but it does not have three languages. Unable to reach a real bilingualism in Kazakhstan started to trilingvizmu. After learning the Kazakh language in Russian schools does not give tangible results. When trilingual teaching the weak link in the Russian schools will be the official language. While the study of two world languages ​​on the basis of the Kazakh language in some linguistic gymnasiums gives good performance. Trilingual education is not contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, while the compulsory trilingualism does not meet the constitutional standard of languages. " The "Trinity of languages" needs careful sociolinguistic analysis; must be scientifically substantiate the educational language program as proposed by President Nursultan Nazarbayev on the study of three languages: Kazakh as the state, Russian as a language of international communication, English as the language of the world economy, ie as a foreign language. For in this case - is a language specialist, not a mandatory language.

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