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Canadian Wonder Tales

Читайте также:
  2. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  3. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
  4. Ask, complain, dream, enquire, hear, know, learn, protest, speak, talk, think, wonder
  5. Canadian Parliament consists of 2 Houses- the elected House of Commons and the Senate

by Cyrus Mac Millan

Канадские волшебные сказки и легенды

(из собрания Сайруса МакМиллана)


Адаптировал Андрей Удовиченко


Метод чтения Ильи Франка




ONCE very long ago in the days (однажды давным-давно в те дни) when Canada was owned by the French (когда Канада принадлежала французам; to be owned by — принадлежать; to own — владеть) there lived on the banks of a great river a wicked lawyer (жил да был на берегах большой реки злой адвокат; wicked — злой, нечестный) who was in love with a baker's wife (который был влюблен в жену булочника).


Canada ['kxnqdq], great ['greIt], wicked ['wIkId], lawyer ['lOIq]


ONCE very long ago in the days when Canada was owned by the French there lived on the banks of a great river a wicked lawyer who was in love with a baker's wife.


He tried in various ways (он пытался различными способами = что только не пытался он сделать; various — различный, разнообразный; way — способ, путь) to get rid of the baker (избавиться от булочника; to get rid of — избавиться, отделаться), but without success (но без успеха). They lived not far from the Seigneur (они жили недалеко от сеньора /землевладельца, вельможи/) who owned all the land around and was very powerful (который владел всей землей в округе и был очень могущественным).


various ['veqrIqs], seigneur ['seInjq:], without [wI'Dqut], success [s(q)k'ses]



He tried in various ways to get rid of the baker, but without success. They lived not far from the Seigneur who owned all the land around and was very powerful.


Now, in front of the Seigneur's palace there was a great lake of more than twelve thousand acres (так вот, перед дворцом этого сеньора было огромное озеро размером более 12 000 акров; palace — дворец, роскошный особняк). One morning the lawyer went to the palace and knocked at the door (однажды утром: «одним утром» адвокат пошел ко дворцу и постучался в дверь).


front [frAnt], palace ['pxlIs], acre ['ekq], morning ['mO:nIN], knock [nOk]


Now, in front of the Seigneur's palace there was a great lake of more than twelve thousand acres. One morning the lawyer went to the palace and knocked at the door.


When the Seigneur came out, he said to him (когда сеньор вышел, он обратился к нему; to come out — выходить; to say — говорить, сказать), "Sire, there is a man not far from here (сир, тут недалеко есть человек) who boasts that in less than twice twenty-four hours (который хвастается, что меньше, чем за двое суток: «дважды двадцать четыре часа») he can change this lake into a beautiful meadow (он может превратить это озеро в прекрасный луг; to boast — хвастаться, гордиться; to change — изменять, превращать) covered with grass (покрытый травой) that would give hay enough for all your horses (который давал бы достаточно сена для всех ваших лошадей) and would be to the great advantage of the colony (и был бы очень полезен для всего нашего поселения; to be to advantage — приносить пользу; colony — группа людей, проживающая на новой для них территории, колония)."


boast ['bqust], beautiful ['bju:tqfql], meadow ['medqu], cover ['kAvq], grass [grQ:s], advantage [qd'vQ:ntIG], colony ['kOlqnI]


When the Seigneur came out, he said to him, "Sire, there is a man not far from here who boasts that in less than twice twenty-four hours he can change this lake into a beautiful meadow covered with grass that would give hay enough for all your horses and would be to the great advantage of the colony."


Then the Seigneur said (после чего сеньор спросил), "Who is this man (кто этот человек)?" The lawyer answered (адвокат отвечал), "He is no less than the baker (он не кто иной, как булочник) who furnishes your household with bread (который снабжает ваше хозяйство хлебом; household — семейство, семья, домочадцы, домашние, хозяйство, двор, дом)." So the Seigneur said (и тогда сеньор сказал), "I will send for him (я пошлю за ним)."


answer ['Rnsq], baker ['beIkq], furnish ['fq:nIS], bread [bred]


Then the Seigneur said, "Who is this man?" The lawyer answered, "He is no less than the baker who furnishes your household with bread." So the Seigneur said, "I will send for him."


The lawyer went away (адвокат ушел), and the Seigneur sent a letter to the baker saying that he wanted to see him (а сеньор послал булочнику письмо, в котором говорилось, что он хочет видеть его; to send — посылать; letter — письмо). The poor baker thought he was to get his pay for the bread (бедный булочник подумал, что должен получить = получит плату за хлеб; to think — думать; to get one’s pay — получить плату) he had provided for the Seigneur and all his servants and soldiers (которым он снабжал сеньора и всех его слуг и солдат; to provide — снабжать, доставлять). So he was very glad, and went quickly to the palace and knocked at the door (поэтому он был очень рад, быстро пошел ко дворцу и постучался в дверь). When the Seigneur came out (когда сеньор вышел), he asked what was wanted of him (он /булочник/ спросил, что ему угодно: «что он хотел от него»).


poor ['puq], thought [TO:t], servant ['sq:vqnt], soldier ['squlGq], palace ['pxlIs]


The lawyer went away, and the Seigneur sent a letter to the baker saying that he wanted to see him. The poor baker thought he was to get his pay for the bread he had provided for the Seigneur and all his servants and soldiers. So he was very glad, and went quickly to the palace and knocked at the door. When the Seigneur came out, he asked what was wanted of him.


The Seigneur answered that he had heard of his boast (сеньор сказал, что он слышал, как булочник хвастался; to hear of /about/ — услышать о чем-л.; to boast — хвастаться) that in less than twice twenty-four hours he could change all the lake into a beautiful meadow (что меньше, чем за двое суток: «дважды двадцать четыре часа» он может превратить это озеро в прекрасный луг) covered with grass and clover (покрытый травой и клевером; to cover — покрывать, закрывать) that would feed all the Seigneur's horses (которым можно было бы накормить всех лошадей сеньора) and would be a great advantage to the colony (и который принес бы большую пользу всему поселению; advantage — выгода, польза, преимущество; colony — сообщество, поселение, группа людей). Now, unless within twice twenty-four hours the lake was changed into a meadow (так вот, если через двое суток озеро не превратится: «не будет превращено» в луг; unless — если не; to change into — превращать в / изменять), the baker should be hanged before the door of the palace (булочника повесят: «булочник будет повешен» перед воротами дворца; to hang — вешать, казнить).


hour [aVq], colony ['kOlqnI], unless [qn'les]


The Seigneur answered that he had heard of his boast that in less than twice twenty-four hours he could change all the lake into a beautiful meadow covered with grass and clover that would feed all the Seigneur's horses and would be a great advantage to the colony. Now, unless within twice twenty-four hours the lake was changed into a meadow, the baker should be hanged before the door of the palace.


Then the Seigneur turned away and the baker went out discouraged (потом аудиенция закончилась: «потом сеньор ушел» и булочник вышел /из дворца/, поникнув головой; to turn away — отворачиваться, уходить, покидать; discouraged — унылый, обескураженный, удрученный; courage — смелость) for he did not know what to do (потому что не знал, что ему делать). He walked off into the woods and sat down on a log to weep (он отправился в лес, сел на бревно и заплакал; to walk off — уходить, удаляться; log — бревно; to weep — плакать). After a long time (прошло много времени: «после долгого времени») an old woman came along (и какая-то старушка проходила мимо; to come along — неожиданно приходить) and asked what was the matter (и спросила его, что случилось; what’s the matter? — что случилось, что не так?).


discourage [dIs'kArIG], know [nqu], after ['Q:ftq], woman ['wumqn]


Then the Seigneur turned away and the baker went out discouraged, for he did not know what to do. He walked off into the woods and sat down on a log to weep. After a long time an old woman came along and asked what was the matter.


He said he was very miserable; he was going to be hanged in twice twenty-four hours (он сказал, что он несчастен /в отчаянии/ и что его собираются повесить через двое суток; to be miserable — быть несчастным);for the Seigneur had commanded him to change all the lake into a meadow (потому что сеньор приказал ему превратить озеро в луг), covered with grass and clover, and he was not able to do it (покрытый травой и клевером, а он не может: «не был способен» этого сделать; grass — трава; clover — клевер). Now, this old woman was a good fairy in disguise (так вот, эта старушка была переодетой доброй феей; fairy — фея, добрая волшебница; in disguise — переодетый, замаскированный) and when the baker had done speaking she told him not to be troubled but to go to sleep (и когда булочник закончил свой рассказ: «закончил говорить», она сказала ему не беспокоиться, а идти и лечь спать; to be troubled — волноваться, беспокоится).


miserable ['mIz(q)r(q)bl], command [kq'mQ:nd], clover ['klquvq], fairy ['feqrI], disguise [dIs'gaIz] troubled [trAbld]


He said he was very miserable; he was going to be hanged in twice twenty-four hours; for the Seigneur had commanded him to change all the lake into a meadow, covered with grass and clover, and he was not able to do it. Now, this old woman was a good fairy in disguise and when the baker had done speaking she told him not to be troubled but to go to sleep.


She gave him a wand just like a broken stick (она дала ему волшебную палочку, которая была похожа на сломанный прутик; to give — давать; wand — /волшебная/ палочка, прутик), which she told him to wave before he slept (и сказала взмахнуть ею прежде, чем он уснет; to tell — говорить; to sleep — спать); it had great power, she said (она сказала, что палочка обладает огромной силой), and while he slept it would bring to pass whatever he desired (и что пока он будет спать, она выполнит все, что он пожелает; to bring to pass — осуществлять / приводить в исполнение; to desire — жаждать, сильно желать).


wand [wOnd], power ['pauq], pass [pQ:s], desire [dI'zaIq]


She gave him a wand just like a broken stick, which she told him to wave before he slept; it had great power, she said, and while he slept it would bring to pass whatever he desired.


So he waved the wand and went to sleep (и он взмахнул палочкой и уснул; to wave — развеваться, размахивать, махать; to go to sleep — засыпать). When he had slept an hour, he was awakened by the smell of hay (не проспал он и часа, как его разбудил запах сена: «когда он проспал час»; to be awakened by smb. — быть разбуженным кем-л.; smell — запах, аромат), and when he looked about him (и когда он осмотрелся вокруг; to look about — оглядываться по сторонам, осматриваться), he saw that the lake was all gone (он увидел, что озеро /полностью/ исчезло), and that there was only a small river that ran through the middle of a beautiful meadow down to the great river not far away (и только небольшая речка бежала среди прекрасного луга и неподалеку впадала в большую реку; to run through — пробегать через, протекать через).


awaken [q'weIk(q)n], when [wen], through [Tru:], river ['rIvq]


So he waved the wand and went to sleep. When he had slept an hour, he was awakened by the smell of hay, and when he looked about him, he saw that the lake was all gone and that there was only a small river that ran through the middle of a beautiful meadow down to the great river not far away.


The good fairy was still by his side (добрая фея все еще была рядом; to be by smb.’s side — быть рядом с кем-л.). She told him to go to the Seigneur and show him what he had done (она сказала ему идти к сеньору и показать ему, что он сделал). He went to the palace (он пошел ко дворцу), and when he came near (и когда он подошел ближе), he saw the Seigneur looking out of the window at the meadow, and all the men and horses at work making hay (он увидел сеньора, выглядывающего из окна на луг и всех людей и лошадей, занятых уборкой сена).


near ['nIq], meadow ['medqu], horse [hO:s]


The good fairy was still by his side. She told him to go to the Seigneur and show him what he had done. He went to the palace, and when he came near, he saw the Seigneur looking out of the window at the meadow, and all the men and horses at work making hay.


He knocked at the door (он постучался в дверь) and when the Seigneur came downstairs (и когда сеньор спустился /к нему/ по лестнице; downstairs — вниз /по ступенькам/, низ, нижний этаж здания, нижняя часть здания), he asked him if he was satisfied (он спросил, доволен ли он; satisfied — удовлетворенный, довольный; to satisfy — удовлетворять). The Seigneur said he was not satisfied (сеньор сказал, что он недоволен), because the river had been left running through the middle of the meadow (потому что в центре луга осталась река; to run — бежать; течь). The baker told the Seigneur that the river had been left to provide water for the animals and to help in making hay (булочник сказал сеньору, что реку он оставил, чтобы животным было где попить: «река была оставлена, чтобы обеспечить животных водой» и чтобы помочь в заготовке сена; animal — животное, зверь), because there was so much hay (потому что сена было так много) that all the horses in the land could not draw it (что все лошади в округе не могли бы свезти его; to draw — тащить) and it would have to be brought in boats (и его пришлось бы перевозить на лодках). Then the Seigneur was satisfied and sent the baker away (сеньору это понравилось: «тогда сеньор был доволен» и он отослал булочника /домой/; to send away — отсылать; away — прочь).


downstairs ['daun'steqz], satisfied ['sxtIsfaId], provide [prq'vaId], draw [drL]


He knocked at the door, and when the Seigneur came downstairs, he asked him if he was satisfied. The Seigneur said he was not satisfied, because the river had been left running through the middle of the meadow.

The baker told the Seigneur that the river had been left to provide water for the animals and to help in making hay, because there was so much hay that all the horses in the land could not draw it and it would have to be brought in boats. Then the Seigneur was satisfied and sent the baker away.


Soon the wicked lawyer came again (вскоре снова пришел злой адвокат), and the Seigneur showed him the meadow and the men and women and horses making hay (и сеньор показал ему луг и мужчин, и женщин, и лошадей, заготавливающих сено). The lawyer was much surprised to see all this, but he did not say so (адвокат очень удивился, когда увидел все это, но не подал и виду: «но не сказал этого»; to be surprised — удивляться: «быть удивленным»).


men [men], women ['wImIn], surprised [sq'praIzd]


Soon the wicked lawyer came again, and the Seigneur showed him the meadow and the men and women and horses making hay. The lawyer was much surprised to see all this, but he did not say so.


Instead, he told the Seigneur (вместо этого он сказал сеньору) that he had no doubt the baker could do a great deal more than that (что он не сомневается, что булочник мог бы сделать гораздо больше этого; to have no doubt — не сомневаться: «не иметь сомнения»; a great deal more — гораздо больше); the baker, he said, had boasted that he could make a "tiens-bon-la" for the Seigneur (этот булочник, сказал он, хвастался, что он мог бы сделать «держи-ка там крепко» /франц./ для сеньора) that would be worth a great deal more than the meadow (что было бы гораздо ценнее, чем луг; worth — цена, стоимость, ценность, стоящий) and would be a great advantage to the colony (и принесло бы огромную пользу всему поселению; advantage — выгода, польза, преимущество).


instead [In'sted], doubt ['daut], worth [wq:T], advantage [qd'vRntIG]


Instead, he told the Seigneur that he had no doubt the baker could do a great deal more than that; the baker, he said, had boasted that he could make a "tiens-bon-la" for the Seigneur that would be worth a great deal more than the meadow and would be a great advantage to the colony.


"What is a 'tiens-bon-la' (что такое «держи-ка там крепко»)?" asked the Seigneur (спросил сеньор). "I do not know (я не знаю)," answered the lawyer (отвечал адвокат); "but the baker said he could make one (но булочник сказал, что может это сделать)." "I will send for him (я пошлю за ним)," said the Seigneur (сказал сеньор). So he sent for the baker, who was just making his bread (и он послал за булочником, который в это время пек хлеб; to make — делать).


ask [Q:sk], know [nqu], lawyer ['lOIq], bread [bred]


"What is a 'tiens-bon-la'?" asked the Seigneur. "I do not know," answered the lawyer; "but the baker said he could make one." "I will send for him," said the Seigneur. So he sent for the baker, who was just making his bread.


When he had put the bread into the oven (поставив хлеб в печь: «когда он поставил хлеб в печь»; oven — печь), he went to the palace and knocked again (он пошел во дворец и снова постучался), and the Seigneur came to the door (и сеньор вышел на порог: «подошел к двери»). The Seigneur said (сеньор сказал): "I have heard that you boasted that you can make a 'tiens-bon-la' (слышал я, что ты хвастался, что можешь сделать «держи-ка там крепко») that would be worth more than the meadow (что было бы гораздо ценнее, чем луг) and a great advantage to the colony (и огромной пользой нашему поселению).


oven ['Av(q)n], palace ['pxlIs], worth [wq:T]


When he had put the bread into the oven, he went to the palace and knocked again, and the Seigneur came to the door. The Seigneur said: "I have heard that you boasted that you can make a 'tiens-bon-la' that would be worth more than the meadow and a great advantage to the colony.


Now you shall go home and make it (сейчас же иди домой и сделай это), and unless you bring it to me in twice twenty-four hours (и если ты не принесешь мне это через два дня), you shall be hanged before the palace gate (тебя повесят: «ты будешь повешен» перед /воротами/ дворца; to hang — вешать, казнить; gate — ворота, дверь, выход)." The baker asked, "What is a 'tiens-bon-la' (булочник спросил, что такое «держи-ка там крепко»)?" The Seigneur said, "I do not know, but I must have one within twice twenty-four hours (я не знаю, но это должно быть у меня через два дня)." Then he went into his palace again (после этого он ушел во дворец /опять/; to go into — входить).


hang [hxN], unless [qn'les], within [wI'DIn], again [q'ge(I)n]


Now you shall go home and make it, and unless you bring it to me in twice twenty-four hours, you shall be hanged before the palace gate." The baker asked, "What is a 'tiens-bon-la'?" The Seigneur said, "I do not know, but I must have one within twice twenty-four hours." Then he went into his palace again.


The poor baker went away more sorrowful than before (бедный булочник ушел еще более горестный = расстроенный, чем раньше; poor — бедный; sorrowful — печальный, убитый горем, скорбный; sorrow — печаль, скорбь). He had no idea of what a "tiens-bon-la" was (он понятия не имел, что такое «держи-ка там крепко»; idea — идея, мысль, план); but yet he knew he should be hanged unless he made one within twice twenty-four hours (но, тем не менее, он знал, что его повесят через двое суток, если он этого не сделает; to know — знать; to make — делать).


sorrowful ['sOrqful], before [bI'fO:], idea [aI'dIq]


The poor baker went away more sorrowful than before. He had no idea of what a "tiens-bon-la" was; but yet he knew he should be hanged unless he made one within twice twenty-four hours.


He went out into the forest again (он опять пошел в лес; to go out — выходить) and sat down on the same log as he had sat on before (и сел на то же бревно, на котором сидел до этого; to sit — сидеть садиться), and wept as hard as he could (и горько заплакал: «и заплакал так сильно, как мог»; to weep — плакать, рыдать). When he had cried himself to sleep (когда он проплакал столько, что уснул = плакал-плакал, да так и уснул), the good old fairy came again and waked him up and asked him what was the matter (снова появилась добрая старая фея, разбудила его и спросила, что случилось: «в чем дело»).


forest ['fOrIst], same ['seIm], log [lOg], hard [hRd], matter ['mxtq]


He went out into the forest again and sat down on the same log as he had sat on before, and wept as hard as he could. When he had cried himself to sleep, the good old fairy came again and waked him up and asked him what was the matter.


He told her that he should certainly be hanged this time (он сказал ей, что на этот раз его точно повесят; to tell — говорить, рассказывать; certainly — опеределенно, точно, без сомнения; time — время, срок; раз), for he had been ordered to make a "tiens-bon-la" for the Seigneur (потому что ему приказали сделать «держи-ка там крепко» для сеньора), and he did not know what it was (а он не знает, что это такое). Then the fairy said (после чего фея сказала), "It is only the wicked lawyer who is in love with your wife and wants to get rid of you (все дело в злом адвокате: «это только злой адвокат», который любит твою жену и хочет отделаться о тебя).


should [Sud], certainly ['sq:tnlI], hang [hxN], know [nqu]


He told her that he should certainly be hanged this time, for he had been ordered to make a "tiens-bon-la" for the Seigneur, and he did not know what it was. Then the fairy said, "It is only the wicked lawyer who is in love with your wife and wants to get rid of you.


You must do what I tell you and the lawyer will be punished (ты должен сделать, что я тебе скажу, и адвокату не поздоровится: «адвоката накажут»; to punish — наказывать, казнить), for we shall make a "tiens-bon-la" that will satisfy the Seigneur (потому что мы сделаем «держи-ка там крепко», которое понравится сеньору; to satisfy — радовать, доставлять удовлетворение). Go to your home and tell your wife (иди домой и скажи своей жене) that you are commanded to make a 'tiens-bon-la' for the Seigneur (что тебе приказали сделать «держи-ка там крепко» для сеньора; to command — требовать, командовать, управлять) and that you have nothing to make it of (а тебе не из чего это сделать).


punish ['pAnIS], satisfy ['sxtIsfaI], command [kq'mRnd], nothing ['nATIN]


You must do what I tell you and the lawyer will be punished, for we shall make a "tiens-bon-la" that will satisfy the Seigneur. Go to your home and tell your wife that you are commanded to make a 'tiens-bon-la' for the Seigneur and that you have nothing to make it of.


Tell her to put two days' provisions in a bag for you (скажи ей положить в мешок для тебя провизии на два дня; provisions — продовольствие; bag — мешок, сумка), and when she has them all ready (и когда она все приготовит), go to your room and take the latch off the window (отправляйся в свою комнату и открой щеколду окна; to take off — убирать, поднимать, открывать; latch — щеколда, засов, защелка, задвижка, шпингалет). Then say good-bye to your wife (потом попрощайся с женой: «скажи до свидания»), and walk about the country until it is dark (и поброди по округе, пока не стемнеет; country — деревня, сельская местность). As soon as you are gone (как только ты уйдешь) your wife will send for the lawyer (твоя жена пошлет за адвокатом) and invite him to supper (и пригласит его на ужин).


provision [prq'vIZ(q)n], ready ['redI], country ['kAntrI], gone [gOn], invite [In'vaIt]


Tell her to put two days' provisions in a bag for you, and when she has them all ready, go to your room and take the latch off the window. Then say good-bye to your wife, and walk about the country until it is dark. As soon as you are gone your wife will send for the lawyer and invite him to supper.


Before he comes (до того, как он придет), and after it is dark (и после того как стемнеет; dark — темно), you must come back to your house (ты должен вернуться к своему дому) and get in at the window and hide yourself under the bed (залезть /внутрь/ через окно и спрятаться под кроватью). Now, the lawyer will not eat without first washing his hands (так вот, адвокат не будет есть сперва, не вымыв руки). When he comes, your wife will send him into the room where you are hiding to wash (когда он придет, твоя жена пошлет его в комнату, где ты прячешься помыть руки; to hide — прятаться), and when he takes hold of the wash-basin you must cry out, "tiens-bon-la (и, когда он возьмется за рукомойник, ты должен выкрикнуть: «держи-ка там крепко»; to take hold of smth. — браться, хвататься, держаться; to cry out — выкрикивать)."


window ['wIndqu], without [wI'Daut], wash-basin ['wOS"beIsn]



Before he comes, and after it is dark, you must come back to your house and get in at the window and hide yourself under the bed. Now, the lawyer will not eat without first washing his hands. When he comes, your wife will send him into the room where you are hiding to wash, and when he takes hold of the wash-basin you must cry out, "tiens-bon-la."


Take this wand that I will give you (я тебе дам волшебную палочку: «возьми эту волшебную палочку, которую я тебе дам») and anything you wave it at when you cry 'tiens-bon-la' (и все, на что ты взмахнешь ею со словами «держи-ка там крепко»; to cry — кричать, вопить) will hold fast to whatever it is touching (прилепится к тому, кто его трогает: «крепко схватит того»; to hold fast — крепко держать; to touch — трогать, касаться)." Then she gave him another wand and went her way (и она дала ему еще одну палочку и пошла своей дорогой; to give — давать; another — еще один, другой; to go one’s way — идти своей дорогой).


fast [fQ:st], touch [tAtS], wand [wOnd], another [q'nADq]


Take this wand that I will give you and anything you wave it at when you cry 'tiens-bon-la' will hold fast to whatever it is touching." Then she gave him another wand and went her way.


The baker did as the fairy had told him (булочник сделал, как ему сказала фея; to tell — говорить), and his wife was very glad to learn that he was going away (а его жена была очень рада узнать, что он собирается уехать; to learn — узнавать, изучать); and she packed up a large bag of provisions (и она собрала ему большой мешок с едой; provisions — мн. ч. провизия, запасы провианта; provision — обеспечение, предоставление, снабжение) and sent him off (и проводила его; to pack up smth. — упаковывать, собирать что-л.; to send off — отсылать, провожать). As soon as he was out of the house (как только он ушел из дома; to go out — выходить) she sent a note to the lawyer (она послала адвокату записку) telling him that her husband was gone away for two days (в которой говорилось, что ее мужа два дня не будет дома: «муж ушел на два дня») and that she would like to have him come to supper (и что она хотела бы, чтобы он пришел на ужин).


learn [lq:n], provision [prq'vIZ(q)n], husband ['hAzbqnd], come [kAm]


The baker did as the fairy had told him, and his wife was very glad to learn that he was going away; and she packed up a large bag of provisions and sent him off. As soon as he was out of the house she sent a note to the lawyer telling him that her husband was gone away for two days and that she would like to have him come to supper.


The baker walked around the country until it was dark (булочник бродил по деревне, пока не стемнело; to walk around — бродить без цели; around — вокруг), and then came back and hid himself under the bed (а потом вернулся и спрятался под кроватью; to come back — возвращаться). His wife told the servant to set the table and prepare a nice supper (его жена сказала служанке накрыть на стол и приготовить хороший ужин; to tell — говорить), and then she went to get ready to receive the lawyer (а потом пошла подготовиться к приему адвоката; to receive — принимать, получать). Soon the lawyer arrived (вскоре пришел адвокат; to arrive — приходить, приезжать).


country ['kAntrI], servant [sq:v(q)nt], prepare [prI'peq], receive [rI'si:v], arrive [q'raIv]


The baker walked around the country until it was dark, and then came back and hid himself under the bed. His wife told the servant to set the table and prepare a nice supper, and then she went to get ready to receive the lawyer. Soon the lawyer arrived.


The servant showed him into a room (служанка провела его в комнату; to show into — ввести, провести /в комнату и т. п./) where he might wash his hands after his day's work (где он мог бы помыть руки после рабочего дня: «дневной работы») before he sat down to his meal (прежде чем садиться за еду; to sit down — садиться; meal — еда, трапеза). The baker was under the bed in the room (булочник был в комнате под кроватью). There was some water that was not very clean in the wash-basin (в рукомойнике была не очень чистая вода; wash-basin — таз для умывания), and when the lawyer took hold of the basin to throw the water out (и когда адвокат взялся за таз, чтобы выплеснуть воду; to take hold — браться, хвататься; to throw out — выбрасывать, выплескивать), the baker, who was under the bed (булочник, который был под кроватью), waved his wand and cried out "tiens-bon-la," (взмахнул своей волшебной палочкой и выкрикнул «держи-ка там крепко») and the lawyer's hands stuck to the basin so that he could not let go (и руки адвоката прилипли к тазу так, что он не мог оторваться: «не мог уйти»; to stick — прилипать, присасываться, приклеиваться) and the basin stuck to the wash-stand (а таз прилип к умывальнику).


meal [mi:l], basin ['beIsn], stuck [stAk]


The servant showed him into a room where he might wash his hands after his day's work before he sat down to his meal. The baker was under the bed in the room. There was some water that was not very clean in the wash-basin, and when the lawyer took hold of the basin to throw the water out, the baker, who was under the bed, waved his wand and cried out "tiens-bon-la," and the lawyer's hands stuck to the basin so that he could not let go and the basin stuck to the wash-stand.


He called out to the servant to come and help him (он позвал служанку прийти и помочь ему), but she was busy about the supper and did not hear him (но она была занята приготовлением к ужину и не услышала его; to be busy — быть занятым). So then he cried out as loud as he could, "Madame, Madame (тогда он закричал так громко, как только мог: «мадам, мадам»)." When the baker's wife heard him (когда жена булочника услышала его), she was dreadfully frightened and ran in to see what was the matter (она ужасно испугалась и побежала посмотреть, что случилось; dreadfully — ужасно, страшно, чудовищно; to be frightened — испугаться; to run into — вбегать; what’s the matter? — что случилось, в чем дело?).


busy ['bIzI], heard [hq:d], dreadfully ['dredfulI], frightened ['fraItnd]


He called out to the servant to come and help him, but she was busy about the supper and did not hear him. So then he cried out as loud as he could, "Madame, Madame." When the baker's wife heard him, she was dreadfully frightened and ran in to see what was the matter.


When she found the lawyer stuck to the wash-stand (когда она обнаружила, что адвокат приклеился к умывальнику; to find — находить; to stick — прилипать) which was very large and heavy (который был очень большим и тяжелым), she took hold of him with both hands to pull him away (она схватила его двумя руками, чтобы оторвать его; to take hold — хватать, браться; to pull away — вырывать, выдергивать; to pull — тянуть). Then her husband cried out from under the bed "tiens-bon-la," and the wife could not let go the lawyer (после чего ее муж выкрикнул из под кровати «держи-ка там крепко» и жена уже не могла оторваться от адвоката: «отпустить адвоката»; to let smb. go — отпускать что-л., разрешать уйти).


large [lQ:G], heavy ['hevI], which [wItS], pull [pul]


When she found the lawyer stuck to the wash-stand, which was very large and heavy, she took hold of him with both hands to pull him away. Then her husband cried out from under the bed "tiens-bon-la," and the wife could not let go the lawyer.


Then the baker went out and called in some of his friends (потом булочник вышел и позвал нескольких своих друзей; to go out входить; to call in — приглашать /зайти/), and they ate the supper and drank the wine (и они съели ужин и выпили вино; to drink — пить) that had been prepared for the lawyer who was stuck to the wash-stand (которые были приготовлены для адвоката, который прилип к умывальнику; to prepare — приготавливать, подготавливать), and the wife who could not let go the lawyer (и для жены /булочника/, которая не могла отойти от адвоката).


call [kO:l], friend [frend], prepare [prI'peq], wash-stand ['wOS"stxnd]


Then the baker went out and called in some of his friends, and they ate the supper and drank the wine that had been prepared for the lawyer who was stuck to the wash-stand, and the wife who could not let go the lawyer.


When morning came (когда наступило утро), the baker took the wand that the fairy had given him (булочник взял волшебную палочку, которую ему дала фея) and told his wife and the lawyer (и сказал жене и адвокату; to tell — говорить) that if they wanted to get loose they must do as he told them (что если они хотят освободиться, они должны делать все, что он им скажет; to get loose — освободиться; loose — свободный, непривязанный, неприкрепленный). With his wand he loosened the basin from the wash-stand (с помощью волшебной палочки он открепил таз от умывальника; to loose — отпускать, откреплять, разъединять, ослаблять). Then he made them go out into the street (потом он приказал им выйти на улицу; to make smb.do smth. — заставлять, принуждать), and he started them towards the Seigneur's palace (и повел их ко дворцу сеньора; to start — начинать, браться, отправляться, пускаться в путь, трогаться).


loosen ['lu:s(q)n], start [stRt], towards [tq'wO:dz]


When morning came, the baker took the wand that the fairy had given him and told his wife and the lawyer that if they wanted to get loose they must do as he told them. With his wand he loosened the basin from the wash-stand. Then he made them go out into the street, and he started them towards the Seigneur's palace.


As soon as they all came out into the light (как только они вышли на свет), the baker saw that there was a hole in his wife's dress (булочник увидел, что на платье жены была дырка), so he pulled some grass and twisted it into a wisp and filled up the hole (поэтому он сорвал немного травы, сложил ее в пучок и заткнул дыру; to pull — рвать, тянуть; to twist — скручивать, сплетать). Presently they came to a cow (некоторое время спустя они проходили мимо коровы: «они подошли к корове»; presently — вскоре, ныне, сегодня, сейчас, теперь; to come — приходить) that was feeding by the side of the road (которая паслась у дороги; to feed — питаться, кормиться, есть /о животных/).


light ['laIt], presently ['prez(q)ntlI], cow [kau]


As soon as they all came out into the light, the baker saw that there was a hole in his wife's dress, so he pulled some grass and twisted it into a wisp and filled up the hole. Presently they came to a cow that was feeding by the side of the road.


There was not much grass there and the cow was hungry (травы вокруг было немного, и корова была голодна), so when she saw the wisp of grass sticking from the woman's dress she began to eat it (поэтому, когда она увидела пучок травы, торчащий из платья женщины, она начала его есть; to see — видеть; to begin — начинать); but the baker waved his wand and cried "tiens-bon-la" (но булочник взмахнул своей палочкой и крикнул «держи-ка там крепко»; to wave — махать) and the cow's teeth stuck in the grass and the grass stuck to the dress (и зубы коровы прилипли к траве, а трава прилипла к платью; to stick — прилипать). They all went along until they came to a house where there was a large dog on the doorstep (они все шли и шли: «они все продолжали идти», пока не подошли к дому, на пороге которого сидела большая собака; to go along — идти дальше, продолжать путь).


hungry ['hANgrI], began [bI'gxn], teeth [ti:T], along [q'lON], doorstep ['dO:"stqp]


There was not much grass there and the cow was hungry, so when she saw the wisp of grass sticking from the woman's dress she began to eat it; but the baker waved his wand and cried "tiens-bon-la" and the cow's teeth stuck in the grass and the grass stuck to the dress. They all went along until they came to a house where there was a large dog on the doorstep.


When the dog saw the people (когда собака увидела этих людей = эту странную процессию), he jumped over the fence to see where they were going (она перепрыгнула через забор, чтобы посмотреть, куда они все идут; to jump over — перепрыгивать; over — через; fence — забор, изгородь). The cow gave him a switch with her tail across the nose (корова стегнула хвостом собаке по носу; to give a switch — ударять, стегать прутом или хлыстом) the baker cried "tiens-bon-la," and the dog stuck to the cow's tail and went along with the rest (булочник крикнул «держи-ка там крепко», и собака прилипла к коровьему хвосту и пошла вслед за остальными).


people [pi:pl], jump [GAmp], switch [swItS], across [q'krOs]


When the dog saw the people, he jumped over the fence to see where they were going. The cow gave him a switch with her tail across the nose, the baker cried "tiens-bon-la," and the dog stuck to the cow's tail and went along with the rest.


When the old woman who owned the dog saw him going off in this manner (когда старушка — хозяйка собаки: «которая владела собакой» увидела, что ее пса уводят у нее на глазах: «таким /странным/ образом»; to own smth. — владеть чем-л., in this manner — таким образом), she was very angry (она очень рассердилась); she called him but he would not come (она позвала его, но он к ней не пошел); then she ran out with the broom that she was using to sweep the floor (тогда выбежала с метлой, которой подметала пол; to run out — выбегать; broom — метла, веник; to use — использовать, пользоваться, применять; to sweep — подметать), and began to beat the dog to drive him home (и начала бить собаку, чтобы загнать ее домой; to begin — начмнать; to drive — управлять, загонять).


broom [brum], floor [flO:], angry ['xngrI], would [wud], use /глагол/ [ju:z]


When the old woman who owned the dog saw him going off in this manner, she was very angry; she called him but he would not come; then she ran out with the broom that she was using to sweep the floor, and began to beat the dog to drive him home.


But the baker cried out "tiens-bon-la" again (но булочник опять выкрикнул «держи-ка там крепко») and so the broom stuck to the dog and the old woman could not let go the broom (и метла прилипла к собаке, а старушка не могла отпустить метлу). The old woman's husband was quite lame (муж старушки сильно хромал: «был довольно хромым»; lame — хромой, увечный); he ran after his wife, limping along with a stick (он побежал за своей женой, опираясь на палку: «хромая с палкой»; to run after — гнаться, догонять). He could not go very fast (быстро идти у него не получалось), but he went as well as he could to see what his old woman was beating the dog for (но шел изо всех сил: «так хорошо, как только мог», чтобы увидеть за что же старушка бьет собаку; to go — идти; fast — быстро, быстрый; to beat — бить, колотить).


husband ['hAzbqnd], fast [fQ:st], woman ['wumqn]


But the baker cried out "tiens-bon-la" again and so the broom stuck to the dog and the old woman could not let go the broom. The old woman's husband was quite lame; he ran after his wife, limping along with a stick. He could not go very fast, but he went as well as he could to see what his old woman was beating the dog for.


When he came up (когда он /их/ догнал; to come up — догонять), he took hold of the woman's dress to pull her away (он ухватился за платье женщины, чтобы оттащить ее; to take hold — хвататься), but the baker cried out "tiens-bon-la" again and the lame farmer had to go limping along with the others (но булочник опять крикнул «держи-ка там крепко» и хромому фермеру пришлось ковылять вслед за остальными; to have to do smth. — быть должным что-л. сделать).


farmer ['fRmq:], again [q'ge(I)n], others ['ADqz]


When he came up, he took hold of the woman's dress to pull her away, but the baker cried out "tiens-bon-la" again and the lame farmer had to go limping along with the others.


So they all went to the Seigneur's palace (так они все пошли ко дворцу сеньора) — the lawyer with the heavy wash-basin (адвокат с тяжелым умывальником), the woman holding on to the lawyer (женщина, вцепившаяся в адвоката), the cow trying to eat the wisp of hay (корова, пытающаяся съесть пучок сена), the dog barking at the cow and sticking to her tail (собака, лающая на корову и прилипшая к ее хвосту; to bark at — лаять на), the old woman with her broom (старушка с ее метлой), and the lame farmer limping along with his stick (и хромой фермер, ковыляющий со своей палкой).


cow ['kau], heavy ['hevI], broom [brum]


So they all went to the Seigneur's palace—the lawyer with the heavy wash-basin, the woman holding on to the lawyer, the cow trying to eat the wisp of hay, the dog barking at the cow and sticking to her tail, the old woman with her broom, and the lame farmer limping along with his stick.


The baker knocked at the door and when the Seigneur opened it he said (булочник постучал в дверь, и когда сеньор открыл ее он сказал): "Oh, my Seigneur, you ordered a 'tiens-bon-la' (о, мой господин, вы заказали «держи-ка там крепко») and I have brought you one (и вот, оно перед вами: «и я принес вам одно»), the best that was ever made (самое лучшее из всех, которые я когда-либо делал; to make — делать). If you will be pleased to try it (если вы соизволите попробовать его; to try — попробовать, испытать), I hope you will be content (я надеюсь, вы будете довольны; to be content with — быть довольным)."


seigneur ['seInjq:], brought [brO:t], pleased [pli:zd], content [kqn'tent]


The baker knocked at the door and when the Seigneur opened it he said: "Oh, my Seigneur, you ordered a 'tiens-bon-la' and I have brought you one, the best that was ever made. If you will be pleased to try it, I hope you will be content."


The Seigneur took hold of the basin to take it away from the lawyer (сеньор схватился за умывальник, чтобы оторвать его от адвоката; away — прочь), the baker cried "tiens-bon-la" again, and the Seigneur was held to the basin as fast as the others (булочник опять крикнул «держи-ка там крепко», и сеньор прилепился к умывальнику так же крепко, как и все остальные; to hold — держать). He tried hard to get away (он изо всех сил пытался оторваться), but the "tiens-bon-la" was good and would not let go (но /волшебное слово/ «держи-ка там крепко» было сильнее: «было хорошим» и не отпустило его; to try — стараться, пытаться; hard — тяжело, с силой).


away [q'weI], basin ['beIsn], fast [fQ:st], would [wud]


The Seigneur took hold of the basin to take it away from the lawyer, the baker cried "tiens-bon-la" again, and the Seigneur was held to the basin as fast as the others. He tried hard to get away, but the "tiens-bon-la" was good and would not let go.


Then the Seigneur asked the baker what he would take to let him off (после этого сеньор спросил булочника, что бы он взял за то, чтобы отпустить его; to let off — освободить, отпустить). After a long time the baker said he would let him go (булочник долго думал, а потом сказал, что отпустит его: «после долгого времени булочник сказал») if the Seigneur would give a great sum of money every year to himself and to each of his fifteen children (если сеньор будет каждый год давать большую сумму денег ему и каждому из его пятнадцати детей). The Seigneur consented (сеньор согласился), but the baker said he must have a deed made by a notary (но булочник сказал, что он должен заверить сделку у нотариуса; to make a deed — заключить сделку; deed — документ /за подписью кого-л./, дело, запись).


money ['mAnI], every ['evrI], consent [kqn'sent], notary ['nqutqrI]


Then the Seigneur asked the baker what he would take to let him off. After a long time the baker said he would let him go if the Seigneur would give a great sum of money every year to himself and to each of his fifteen children. The Seigneur consented, but the baker said he must have a deed made by a notary.


So they sent for the notary and the deed was made (и так, они послали за нотариусом и заключили сделку: «сделка была заключена»; to send for — посылать за кем-л.), and the Seigneur signed it on the wash-basin (и сеньор подписал ее прямо на тазике). The baker waved his wand backwards (булочник взмахнул своей волшебной палочкой в другую сторону; backwards — наоборот, задом наперед), the "tiens-bon-la" was broken (чары «держи-ка там крепко» развеялись; to break — ломать), and they all went away happy again (и они все были опять счастливы и пошли домой; to go away — уходить), and the baker's wife never again deceived her husband (и жена булочника больше никогда не обманывала своего мужа; happy — счастливый).


sign [saIn], backwards ['bxkwqdz], deceive [dI'si:v]


So they sent for the notary and the deed was made, and the Seigneur signed it on the wash-basin. The baker waved his wand backwards, the "tiens-bon-la" was broken, and they all went away happy again, and the baker's wife never again deceived her husband.





ONCE long ago (однажды очень давно), when the Blackfeet Indians dwelt on the Canadian prairies (когда в канадских прериях жили Черноногие индейцы[1]; black — черный; feet — ноги; to dwell — жить, обитать, находиться, пребывать; prairie — прерия, степь, саванна), it happened (так случилось) that a band of the people were camped near the mountains (что отряд людей разбил лагерь рядом с горами; band — отряд, группа людей; people — люди, народ). It was spring-time (стояла весна; time — время) and the warm winds blew over the prairies laden with the scent of wild flowers (над прериями носились теплые ветры, пропитанные ароматами диких цветов; to blow — дуть; to lade — грузить, нагружать, погружать /with/; scent — /приятный/ запах, аромат; to scent — обонять, чувствовать запах).


blackfeet ['blxk"fi:t], prairies ['preqrIz], people [pi:pl], mountain ['mauntIn], scent [sent], wild ['waIld], flower ['flauq]


ONCE long ago, when the Blackfeet Indians dwelt on the Canadian prairies, it happened that a band of the people were camped near the mountains. It was spring-time, and the warm winds blew over the prairies laden with the scent of wild flowers.


One hot cloudless night (одной жаркой безоблачной ночью; cloud — облако, туча) two girls slept in the long prairie grass beside their tents (две девушки спали в высокой степной траве у своих вигвамов; to sleep — спать) with no covering but the sky (и одеялом им служило только небо: «без какого-либо укрытия, кроме неба = укрываясь только небом»; to cover — покрывать, укрывать). The elder awoke before dawn (старшая из них проснулась перед рассветом; elder — старший по возрасту), and saw the Morning Star just rising (и увидела, как как раз восходит Утренняя Звезда; to see — видеть; rising — восход, появление над горизонтом; вставание /с постели, из сидячего положения/). Very beautiful and bright he looked in the clear morning air (прекрасным и очень ярким выглядел он /Утренняя Звезда/ в прозрачном утреннем воздухе; to look — выглядеть, казаться, смотреть; clear — чистый, прозрачный, светлый, ясный, безоблачный), with no smoke or dust to hide him (без всякой дымки или облаков, скрывающих его; smoke — туман, дымка, дым, копоть; dust — пыль, облако, клубы пыли).


cloud [klaud], night [naIt], dawn [dO:n], awoke [q'wquk], beautiful ['bju:tqfql], bright [braIt]


One hot cloudless night two girls slept in the long prairie grass beside their tents with no covering but the sky. The elder awoke before dawn, and saw the Morning Star just rising. Very beautiful and bright he looked in the clear morning air, with no smoke or dust to hide him.


The girl looked long at the Star (девушка не отрываясь: «долго» смотрела на Звезду), and she had strange fancies (и странные фантазии роились у нее в голове; to have — иметь), and imagined that he was her lover (и представляла, что он был ее возлюбленным). At last she called her sister and said (наконец она позвала сестру и сказала), "Look at the Morning Star (посмотри на Утреннюю Звезду). He is bright and wise (он ярок и мудр). I love only the Morning Star (я люблю только утреннюю звезду), for he is more beautiful than man (потому что он прекраснее, чем человек)."


morning ['mO:nIN], star [stQ:], strange ['streIndZ], fancies ['fxnsIz], lover ['lAvq]


The girl looked long at the Star, and she had strange fancies, and imagined that he was her lover. At last she called her sister and said, "Look at the Morning Star. He is bright and wise. I love only the Morning Star, for he is more beautiful than man."


One day in the autumn (однажды осенью: «одним осенним днем») when the flowers were faded and the grass was yellow with age (когда цветы завяли, а трава пожелтела от времени; age — старость, возраст) and the cool winds blew over the prairie and the birds were flying south (и холодные ветры носились над прерией, а птицы летели на юг; to blow — дуть), as the girl was returning home from a long walk (когда девушка возвращалась домой после долгой прогулки) she met a young man on the trail (она встретила на тропинке молодого человека; to meet — встретить; trail — тропинка, след). In his hair was a yellow plume (в его волосах было желтое перо = пушок), and in his hand a small shrub with a big spider-web hanging to it (а в руке небольшой куст, с прицепившейся к нему паутиной; spider — паук; web — паутина).


autumn ['O:tqm], flower ['flauq], wind [wInd], blew [blu:], south ['sauT], return [rI'tq:n], young [jAN], plume [plu:m]


One day in the autumn when the flowers were faded and the grass was yellow with age and the cool winds blew over the prairie and the birds were flying south, as the girl was returning home from a long walk she met a young man on the trail. In his hair was a yellow plume, and in his hand a small shrub with a big spider-web hanging to it.


He was very beautiful (он был очень красивым), and he wore fine clothes of soft skins (и был одет в изысканную одежду из мягкой кожи; to wear — носить, одевать), and the odour of his dress was that of the sweet-grass and the pine (и от его платья исходил сладкий запах травы и сосны; odour — запах, аромат, благоухание). As the girl drew aside from the trail to pass (когда девушка отступила с тропинки, чтобы обойти его; to draw aside — отходить в сторону, отклоняться; to pass — проходить мимо), he put forth his hand and stopped her (он протянул руку и остановил ее; to put forth — вытягивать, протягивать). "Stand aside (не подходи: «стой в стороне»)," she said (сказала она), "and let me pass (и дай мне пройти)." But he answered (но он ответил), "I am the Morning Star (я — Утренняя Звезда).


clothes [klquDz], odour [qudq], drew [dru:], aside [q'saId], answer ['Q:nsq]


He was very beautiful, and he wore fine clothes of soft skins, and the odour of his dress was that of the sweet-grass and the pine. As the girl drew aside from the trail to pass, he put forth his hand and stopped her. "Stand aside," she said, "and let me pass." But he answered, "I am the Morning Star.


One night in spring (однажды весенней ночью) when the flowers were blooming (когда все было в цвету: «когда цвели цветы»), I saw you sleeping in the long grass outside your tent (я видел тебя спящей в высокой траве возле твоей палатки; to see — видеть; outside — снаружи), and I loved you (и я полюбил тебя). I heard you say you loved only me (я слышал, ты говорила, что любишь только меня; to hear — слышать), and now I have come to ask you to come with me to the sky to the home of my father, the Sun (и теперь я пришел просить тебя отправиться со мной на небо в дом моего отца, Солнца), where we shall live together (где мы будем жить вместе) and you will have no more troubles nor cares (и у тебя больше не будет ни волнений, ни забот). It is the Land of Little People (это Земля Маленьких Людей), the Land of the Ever-Young (Земля Вечной Молодости), where all are happy like children (где все счастливы, как дети), and no one ever grows old (и никто никогда не стареет)." Then the girl remembered the hot cloudless night in the spring-time (тогда девушка вспомнила ту жаркую безоблачную ночь весной) when she slept in the tall grass (когда она спала в высокой траве; to sleep — спать), and she knew now that Morning Star was to be her husband (и теперь она знала, что Утренняя Звезда должен стать ее мужем; to know — знать)


love [lAv], together [tq'geDq], trouble [trAbl], care ['keq], remember [rI'membq], husband ['hAzbqnd]


One night in spring when the flowers were blooming, I saw you sleeping in the long grass outside your tent, and I loved you. I heard you say you loved only me, and now I have come to ask you to come with me to the sky to the home of my father, the Sun, where we shall live together and you will have no more troubles nor cares. It is the Land of Little People, the Land of the Ever-Young, where all are happy like children, and no one ever grows old." Then the girl remembered the hot cloudless night in the spring-time when she slept in the tall grass, and she knew now that Morning Star was to be her husband.


And she said (и она сказала), "I must first say good-bye to my father and mother (сначала я должна попрощаться с отцом и матерью: «сказать до свидания»)." But Morning Star said (но Утренняя Звезда сказал), "There must be no leave-taking (не должно быть никаких прощаний)," and he would not let her go home (и он не захотел отпустить ее домой). He fastened his yellow plume in her hair (он вставил ей в волосы свое желтое перо; to fasten — прикреплять, привязывать, связывать), and gave her the shrub to hold (и дал ей подержать куст; to give — давать). He told her to place her feet upon the lowest strand of the spider's web (он сказал ей поставить ноги на нижнюю прядь паутины) and to hold the uppermost strand in her hands (и взяться за верхнюю прядь руками). Then he told her to shut her eyes (потом он сказал ей закрыть глаза; to tell — говорить).


father ['fQ:Dq], mother ['mADq], leave-taking ['li:v"teIkIN], would [wud], uppermost ['Apqmqust]


And she said, "I must first say good-bye to my father and mother." But Morning Star said, "There must be no leave-taking," and he would not let her go home. He fastened his yellow plume in her hair, and gave her the shrub to hold. He told her to place her feet upon the lowest strand of the spider's web and to hold the uppermost strand in her hands. Then he told her to shut her eyes.


After a brief time when he asked her to open her eyes, they were in the sky (вскоре: «после короткого времени», когда он попросил ее открыть глаза, они были уже в небесах). They passed on to a large tent (они прошли к большому вигваму). Morning Star said (Утренняя Звезда сказал), "This is the home of my father and mother, the Sun and the Moon (вот дом моего отца и матери, Солнца и Луны)," and he asked her to enter (и он попросил ее войти). As it was day (поскольку дело было днем), the Sun was away on his long journey (Солнце обходил свои владения: «Солнце отсутствовал в своем длительном путешествии»), but the Moon was at home (но Луна была дома) and she welcomed the girl as her son's bride (и она радушно приняла девушку как невесту своего сына).


brief [bri:f], eye [aI], journey ['dZq:nI], welcome ['welkqm]


After a brief time when he asked her to open her eyes, they were in the sky. They passed on to a large tent. Morning Star said, "This is the home of my father and mother, the Sun and the Moon," and he asked her to enter. As it was day, the Sun was away on his long journey, but the Moon was at home and she welcomed the girl as her son's bride.


And the girl lived happy in the Star country with her husband (и девушка жила счастливо со своим мужем в Звездной стране), and she learned many wonderful things (и научилась многим чудесным вещам). Not far from her home (недалеко от ее дома), near the tent of the Spider Man who weaved webs (рядом с вигвамом Человека-Паука, который плел паутины), a large turnip was growing about which she wondered greatly (росла большая репа, которая просто притягивала девушку; to wonder about — интересоваться; wonder — удивление, изумление). But the Moon seeing her wonder said (но Луна, видя ее удивление, сказала), "You may dig any roots that grow in the sky (можешь выкапывать любые коренья, растущие на небе; to dig — копать), but I warn you not to dig up the large turnip (но предупреждаю тебя — ни в коем случае не выкапывай эту большую репу). If you do, unhappiness will follow you (если ты это сделаешь, на тебя обрушаться несчастья: «несчастья будут преследовать тебя»; to follow smb. — следовать за кем-л.)."


live [lIv], learn [lq:n], wonderful ['wAndqf(q)l], greatly ['greItlI], turnip ['tq:nIp] follow ['fOlqu]


And the girl lived happy in the Star country with her husband, and she learned many wonderful things. Not far from her home, near the tent of the Spider Man who weaved webs, a large turnip was growing about which she wondered greatly. But the Moon seeing her wonder said, "You may dig any roots that grow in the sky, but I warn you not to dig up the large turnip. If you do, unhappiness will follow you."


After a time a son was born to the girl (спустя какое-то время у девушки родился сын; to bear — прич. прош. вр. — born рождать, производить на свет, носить, нести), and everywhere the girl went she carried the child (и куда-бы она не пошла она носила ребенка с собой). She called him Star-Boy (она назвала его Звездным Мальчиком). She often saw the large turnip near the tent of the Spider Man (она часто видела огромную репу рядом с шатром Человека-Паука; to see — видеть) who weaved webs (который плел паутину), but mindful of the Moon's warning, she was afraid to touch it (но, помня предупреждение Луны, она боялась трогать ее; mindful — помнящий).


son [sAn], child [tSaIld], mindful ['maIndf(q)l], warning ['wO:nIN], afraid [q'freId], touch [tAtS]


After a time a son was born to the girl, and everywhere the girl went she carried the child. She called him Star-Boy. She often saw the large turnip near the tent of the Spider Man who weaved webs, but mindful of the Moon's warning, she was afraid to touch it.


One day (однажды), however (тем не менее), her wonder overcame her (ее любопытство пересилило ее; to overcome — побороть, победить, превозмочь, преодолеть, подавить), and she decided to see what was underneath the turnip (и она решила посмотреть, что же было под репой). She tried to pull it up but it stuck fast (она попыталась вытянуть ее, но та очень крепко сидела /в земле/; to stick — держаться, липнуть), and she was unable to move it (и она не могла ее сдвинуть). Then two large cranes, flying from the east, came to her aid (тогда ей на помощь пришли два журавля, летящих с востока; crane — журавль, цапля), and catching the turnip with their long bill

Дата добавления: 2015-10-31; просмотров: 156 | Нарушение авторских прав

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