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Pre-text assignments. Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words:

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  1. Assignments
  7. Post-text assignments


Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation and memorize the words:

placement [ `pleismənt]

decay [di`kei]

numb [nam]

file down [‘fail ‘daun]

impression paste [imp‘re∫n ‘peist]

putty [`pati]

manufacture [`mænju`fækt∫ə]

acrylic [ə’krilik]


Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary:


placement розміщення, установлення

decay гниття, руйнування

numb спричинити задубіння, знеболити

file down спилювати

impression paste відтискна маса

putty мастика, пластилін

manufacture виготовити

acrylic акрилова пластмаса


Exercise 3. Read the text.


Preparing a tooth for a crown usually requires two visits to the dentist -- the first step involves examining and preparing the tooth, the second visit involves placement of the permanent crown. At the first visit the dentist takes a few X-rays to check the roots of the tooth and the surrounding bone. If the tooth has extensive decay or if there is a risk of injury to the tooth's pulp, a root canal treatment is performed. First, the dentist numbs the tooth and the gum tissue around it. Next, the tooth receiving the crown is filed down to make room for the crown. The amount removed depends on the type of crown used (for instance, all-metal crowns are thinner, requiring less tooth structure removal than ceramic or porcelain-fused-to-metal ones). If a large area of the tooth is missing, the dentist uses filling material to "build up" the tooth to support the crown. After reshaping the tooth, the dentist uses impression paste or putty to make an impression of the tooth. Impressions of the teeth above and below the tooth receiving the crown are also made to make sure that the crown will not affect the patient’s bite. The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory where the crown will be manufactured. If the crown is made of porcelain, the dentist selects the shade that matches the colour of the neighbouring teeth. During the first visit the dentist makes a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth while the crown is being made. Temporary crowns are made of acrylic and are held in place using temporary cement.

At the second visit, the dentist removes the temporary crown and checks the fit and colour of the permanent crown. If everything is acceptable, a local anesthetic is used to numb the tooth and the new crown is permanently cemented in place.


Exercise 4. Answer the following questions:

1. How many visits to the dentist does preparing a tooth for a crown usually require?

2. What does the dentist usually do at the first visit?

3. In which case may a root treatment be necessary?

4. Why does the dentist have to file the tooth receiving the crown down along the chewing surface and sides?

5. What does the dentist do if a large area of the tooth is missing?

6. What is impression paste used for?

7. What are the impressions made for?

8. Where are the impressions sent?

9. What is the reason for coverint the prepared tooth with a temporary crown?

10. What happens at the second visit?


Exercise 5. Find synonyms to the following words in the text:


To make, to choose, place, satisfactory, nearby, vast, to anaesthetize, to hold


Exercise 6. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Спочатку дантист анастезує зуб та ясневу тканину коло нього.

2. Під час другого візиту дантист знімає тимчасову коронку і перевіряє чи підходить розмір і форма постійної коронки.

3. Під час першого візиту, при підготовці зуба для коронки, дантист може зробити кілька рентгенівських знімків, щоб перевірити коріння зуба.

4. Якщо коронка виробляєтся з порцеляни, дантист вибирає той відтінок, який найбільш співпадає з кольором сусідніх зубів.

5. Підготовка зуба під коронку звичайно потребує двох визитів до дантисту.

6. Після надавання іншої форми зубу, дантист використовує відтискну масу або мастику, щоб одержати відбиток того зуба, який получить коронку.


Exercise 7. Put questions to the underlined words:

1. The second visit involves placement of the permanent crown. (1)

2. If a large area of the tooth is missing,the dentist uses filling material to "build up" the tooth to support the crown.(2)

3. If the tooth has extensive decay, a root canal treatment is performed. (1)

4. During the first visit the dentist makes a temporary crownto cover and protect the prepared tooth while the crown is being made.(3)

5. The tooth is filed down to make room for the crown. (2)

Exercise 8. Insert the missing prepositions prepositions:

1. … the second visit, the dentist removes your temporary crown and checks the fit and colour … the permanent crown.

2. Preparing a tooth … a crown usually requires two visits … the dentist.

3. Next, the tooth receiving the crown is filed down to make room… the crown.

4. Temporary crowns are made … acrylic and are held … place using a temporary cement.

5. The amount removed depends … the type … crown used.

6. First, the dentist numbs the tooth and the gum tissue … the tooth.

7. If, a large area … the tooth is missing, the dentist uses filling material to "build up" the tooth to support the crown.

8. … the first visit the dentist makes a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth … the crown is being made.


Exercise 9. Define the following words:

1. alloy

2. impression paste

3. manufacture

4. encase

5. adjacent

6. resin


Exercise 10. Put the sentences in the correct order:

The dentist makes a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth.

The dentist takes a few X-rays to check the roots of the tooth.

The new crown is permanently cemented in place.

The impressions are sent to a dental laboratory where the crown will be manufactured.

The dentist numbs the tooth and the gum tissue around the tooth.

A root canal treatment is performed.

The dentist removes the temporary crown and checks the fit and colour of the permanent crown.

The dentist uses impression paste or putty to make an impression of the tooth.

The tooth receiving the crown is filed down to make room for the crown.


Exercise 11. Give a summary of both texts.


1.A root canal treatment may first be performed if …

a) the tooth is cracked

b) the tooth has extensive decay

c) an all-metal crown is used

d) an all –resin crown is used

e) the tooth holds a dental bridge in place

2.Temporary crowns are usually made of …

a) putty

b) metal

c) porcelain

d) acrylic

e) porcelain-fused-to-metal


3.All-resin dental crowns are …

a) the most expensive crowns.

b) those which withstand biting and chewing forces well

c) the best choice for the front teeth.

d) temporary crowns

e) less expensive than other crown types.



4. The tooth receiving the crown is filed down …

a) to have a better shape

b) to prevent decay of the tooth

c) to make room for the crown

d) to be built-up later

e) only if it is necessary


5. If a large area of the tooth is missing…

a) the dentist uses filling material to "build up" the tooth

b) the dentist extracts the tooth

c) the dentist may take a few X-rays to check the roots of the tooth

d) only ceramic crowns can be used

e) this tooth can’t hold a dental bridge in place


6. Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns ….

a) are the cheapest crowns

b) are used only for the front teeth

c) are temporary crowns

d) can be colour matched to the adjacent teeth

e) have no drawbacks


7. The impressions are…

a) sent to patient’s home

b) used as temporary crowns

c) sent to a dental laboratory where the crown will be manufactured

d) made of metal

e) made by the patient himself


8. At the second visit, the dentist removes the temporary crown and checks…

a) if the tooth is still there

b) the condition of the roots of the prepared tooth

c) if it can be used again

d) if the patient really needs a crown

e) the fit and colour of the permanent crown


9. All-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns provide…

a) the best natural colour match than any other crown type

b) a vast field of work for the dentist

c) a lot of discomfort for the patient

d) the best resistance to biting and chewing forces

e) the whitest colour


10. Metal crowns are a good choice for…

a) all the patient’s teeth

b) the front teeth

c) out-of-sight molars

d) people with metal allergies

e) cracked teeth


11. The crowns, when cemented into place, …

a) cause decay of the adjacent teeth

b) can never be taken out again

c) must be never cleaned with a tooth paste

d) encase the entire visible portion of a tooth

e) partially encase the visible portion of a tooth


12. Preparing a tooth for a crown usually requires … visits to the dentist.

a) one

b) two

c) three

d) four

e) five


13. Compared with other crown types, less tooth structure needs to be removed with … crowns.

a) all –resin

b) all-ceramic

c) porcelain-fused-to-metal

d) temporary

e) metal


14. Sometimes … can show through as a dark line, especially at the gum line if your gums recede.

a) the roots of the tooth

b) the metal underlying the crown's porcelain

c) the pulp

d) some blood

e) some impression paste


15. Impressions of the teeth above and below the tooth to receive the dental crown will also be made ….

a) in case the patient needs crowns for those teeth as well

b) for scientific investigations

c) to make sure that the crown will not affect the patient’s bite

d) for the dentist to remember which tooth needs the crown

e) to be kept in the dental laboratory


16…. last the longest in terms of wear down.

a) All-resin dental crowns

b) Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns

c) Metal dental crowns

d) Temporary dental crowns

e) All – ceramic dental crowns


17… the best choice for front teeth.

a) All – ceramic dental crowns

b) Metal dental crowns

c) Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns

d) All-resin dental crowns

e) Temporary dental crowns


18. All-metal crowns are … than all-porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal ones.

a) thicker

b) better

c) worse

d) thinner

e) lighter


19…. is placed over a tooth – covering the tooth to restore its shape, size and strength.

a) some impression paste

b) a chewing gum

c) a temporary crown

d) some cement

e) a dental crown


20. After reshaping the tooth, the dentist …

a) extracts it

b) uses impression paste to make an impression of the tooth

c) takes a few X-rays to check the roots

d) puts a crown on it

e) covers it with a temporary crown



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