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The process of Americanization

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The distinctiveness of these regions is disappearing. The Northeast, the South, the Midwest, and the West are becoming evermore alike due to the homogenizing influence of mass media and regional convergence towards national socioeconomic norms. Since the Second World War, interstate high-ways and communication lines have connected isolated rural areas to urban centers, fostering a high level of cultural interchange. Television has conveyed mainstream American culture1 to everyone, giving Americans a shared national experience and identity.

Americans’ mobility has also played an important part in leveling off regional differences. Americans have always been on the move in pursuit of opportunity. Steady movements from farm to city, east to west, and south to north brought about an intermixing of cultures. This process of Americanization has been accelerated by new migration2 trends. Poorer, less populous areas in the South and West are experiencing tremendous growth as people and businesses move out of the historically dominant Northwest and Midwest in search of new opportunities in warmer climates. The new migration has brought economic prosperity to the warm “Sunbelt” while economic stagnation has occurred in the “Frostbelt”.

The attractions of the Sunbelt are numerous. Many older couples have moved to the South in order to enjoy retirement in a less harsh environment. Others have moved to escape problems of urban crime, overcrowding, high taxes, and expensive housing. Most people move for better employment opportunities. Many corporations are relocating to the Sunbelt because of the more favorable business conditions.


1 mainstream culture – culture shared by the majority of the population

2 migration – the movement of persons from one country or locality to another


b) Practice translation of the following units from the text in pairs: стать похожим; обезличивать/обеспечивать однородность/усреднять; СМИ – средства массовой информации (печать, радио, телевидение, кино, реклама); автомагистраль между штатами; линии связи/коммуникации; разрозненные сельские районы; городской центр; культурный обмен; массовая культура (ведущая культура); совместный опыт; культурная идентичность (самовосприятие); сровнять/выровнять; региональные различия; находиться в разъездах/в движении; преследуя/в погоне за/в поисках; приводить к/вызывать; миграционные тенденции; в поисках; процветание; застой/стагнация; солнечный край – крайний юг США; "снежный пояс" – северные районы США; достопримечательности/общ. положительные моменты/приманка; многочисленный/обширный; выход на пенсию; перенаселённость; дорогие жилищные условия; работа/трудовая занятость; менять местоположение/переселять; благоприятный.


c) Now explain in 5-6 sentences the essence of the Americanization process. Use the following vocabulary and add whatever is necessary:

to become alike, influence of mass media, interstate high-ways and communication lines, to connect, mainstream American culture, mobility, migration.


Additional task: if u take it, make sure the students got everything.


8. Reading for Enrichment: read and translate the text “Washington, D.C.: A Planned City” (T. Karl. Discovering America) and correct the factual errors in the sentences below:

1. – Boston and Philadelphia preceded Washington, D.C. as the capital of the United States of America.

(New York and Philadelphia)

2. + Today Washington, D.C. is located on land ceded со the federal government by Maryland and Virginia.

3. – The site for the new capital had many physical and strategic advantages.

(The site selected was a semi-wilderness)

4. – Pierre Charles L'Enfant worked closely with the Congressional commission tо ensure that his plans for the new capital were implemented. (He was dismissed from the commission.)

5. – The city of Washington is divided into quadrants with the President's House in the center.

(the Capitol building as the center)

6. – All streets running east to west are numbered (from north to south) and the streets running north to south have the names of the different states. (the east-west streets are named)

7. – Driving in a straight direction from the capitol building, a person would pass Albermarle Street, U Street, and Davis Street in that order. (would pass U Street, Davis Street, and Albermarle Street)

8. – Because of the Configuration of rivers and streams, the Northwest quadrant is smaller than the Southwest. (The Southwest quadrant is smaller than the Northwest.)

9. – Where two or more main avenues cross, there is frequently a park like circle named for one of the past Presidents of the U.S.(for a prominent historical personage)

10. – The National Mall is located on what was once forest land.(swampy land)

11. – The Smithsonian Institution (several agencies of the federal government) is responsible for safeguarding the character of the National Mall.

12. – To enhance the beauty of the National Mall, no structures higher than five (12) stories tall are allowed in the vicinity.



Students’ Lesson 6. Country Studies. Today’s class will help you to deepen your knowledge in the US studies. You will speak of the USA as a country and a nation. Our target skills are those of proper pronunciation, translation, proper selection of information and its usage in speech.


1. Pronunciation drill. Find synonymic expressions and read them out:

the `thirteen American colonies а promise of loyalty
the American Revolution native population
The "Star-Spangled Banner" American Indians
The Pledge of Allegiance shared by the majority
native Americans the War for Independence
original inhabitants British overseas territory
mainstream the national anthem of the US


Study the information about the symbols of the USA. Listen to the sentences and show your red card if the statement is true and your blue card if it is false. Correct the wrong ones.

Put aside your lesson-plan: rely on your memory!


Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 129 | Нарушение авторских прав

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