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She told me she had not been watching TV for three years.

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  1. A) Work in groups of three. Make a list of at least five chemical products which are manufactured on a large scale.
  2. BOOK THREE: BELLA 1 страница
  3. BOOK THREE: BELLA 10 страница
  4. BOOK THREE: BELLA 11 страница
  5. BOOK THREE: BELLA 12 страница
  6. BOOK THREE: BELLA 13 страница
  7. BOOK THREE: BELLA 14 страница

Guilty, innocent, under suspicion, fur, kinda, relief, permission, anxious, seriously wounded, moody, grouchy, advertisement, strong desire, advertise, embarrass, wealth, request, journey, sensual, absent-minded, moan, ambitious, peacefully, loud, award, adventurous, available, weird, documentary, supportive, appreciate, greasy, sincere, considerate, access, fortune, imaginary crowds, opportunities, fiancé, tear, sliced loaf, desperate, blurry, explore, although.

The seventh level training test Intermediate level

1) We (be) such good friends when we were kids.    
2) I (do) a lot of stupid things in my life.    
3) She (leave) school last year.    
4) (You / see) any good films recently?    
5) How many times (you/read) this book?    
6) Sam (not talk) to us since we came.    
7) They (wait) for us for half an hour before we finally arrived    
8) My husband (be) to China 3 times before we went there together  
9) How long (know/ you) her?    
10) When she came home, he already (cook) dinner.    
11) Before I (go) to London I (study) English for 2 years.  
12) 'You look tired.' - 'I (wash) the floor all day.'    
13) I (make) this report since Tuesday.    
14) I (have) this fish for seven years.    
15) How long (rain/ it)?      
16) Он сказал, что еще не звонил ей.    
17) В последнее время они часто ссорятся    
18) С тех пор, как он приехал, он надоедает мне.    
19) Я видела его в парке: он сидел на траве.  
20) Она сказала мне, что не смотрит телевизор уже три года.    



1.used to be 2.have done 3.left 4.have you seen 5.have you read 6.has not talked/has not been talking 7. had been waiting 8.had been 9.have you known 10.had already cooked 11.went, had been studying 12.have been washing 13.have been making 14.have had 15.has it been raining;

He said he hadn’t called her yet;

They have argued a lot recently;

He has been annoying me since he came;

I saw him in the park: he was sitting on the grass;

She told me she had not been watching TV for three years.

1. На прошлой неделе я искала платье.

2. На этой неделе я нашла туфли.

3. К настоящему моменту мы нашли место для вечеринки.

4. К настоящему моменту я уже три часа просматриваю журналы.

5. Я 3 часа вчера делала прическу.

6. Вчера я встретила друга. Я знаю его с детства.

7. Он живет с бабушкой с детства.

8. Бабушка проработала на фабрике всю свою жизнь.

9. С тех пор, как я начал изучать англ, я выучил неправильные глаголы.

10. С тех пор, как я выучил неправильные глаголы, со мной происходят интересные вещи.

11. Со мной всегда происходили интересные вещи.

12. Например, в прошлом году я была в Гонконге. Значит, я была заграницей 4 раза.

13. Когда я была в Гонг-Конге, это был первый раз, когда я была в Китае.

14. Мы долго думали и все-таки выбрали его.

15. Когда мы летели, я все время спала.

16. Ты такая уставшая, ты что спала?

17. Когда я пришла домой, я легла спать.

18. Вчера в 7 утра я делала макияж.

19. Я никогда не видела тебя без макияжа


1. I was looking for a dress last week.

2. I've found shoes this week.

3. So far we've found a place for the party.

4. So far I've been looking through the magazines for 3 hours.

5. I was making a hairstyle for 3 hours yesterday.

6. I met a friend yesterday. I've known him since childhood.

7. He's been living with his granny since childhood.

8. His granny has worked at the factory all her life.

9. Since I started studying English I've learnt Irregular Verbs.

10. Since I learnt Irregular Verbs interesting things have been happening to me.

11. Interesting things have always happened to me.

12. For example last year I went to Hong Kong. It means I've been abroad 4 times.

13. When I was in HK, it was the first time I had been in China.

14. We had been thinking for a long time and chose HK.

15. When we were flying I was sleeping the whole time.

16. You are so tired. Have you been sleeping?

17. When I came home I went to sleep.

18. Yesterday at 7 a.m. I was putting make-up.

19. I've never seen you without make up.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-30; просмотров: 67 | Нарушение авторских прав

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