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During the war he was a soldier for three years

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Page 25 (from the text) 11- 50

11. rude adj /rud/ 1. discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way: a rude reply. 2. without culture, learning, or refinement: rude, illiterate peasants. 3. rough in manners or behavior; unmannerly; uncouth. 4. rough, harsh, or ungentle: rude hands.

12. out advp /aʊt/ 1. away from, or not in, the normal or usual place, position, state, etc.: out of alphabetical order; to go out to dinner. 2. away from one's home, country, work, etc., as specified: to go out of town. 3. in or into the outdoors: to go out for a walk.

13. survey n, v. / v. sə:ˈveɪ; n. ˈsɜ:veɪ, sə:ˈveɪ/ verb (used with object) 1. to take a general or comprehensive view of or appraise, as a situation, area of study, etc. 2. to view in detail, especially to inspect, examine, or appraise formally or officially in order to ascertain condition, value, etc. 3. to conduct a survey of or among: to survey TV viewers. n oun 4. an act or instance of surveying or of taking a comprehensive view of something: The course is a survey of Italian painting. 5. a formal or official examination of the particulars of something, made in order to ascertain condition, character, etc.

14. two-thirds num

15. reason for n /ˈrizən/ 1. a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event, etc.: the reason for declaring war. 2. a statement presented in justification or explanation of a belief or action.

The) other ≠ another

▪(the) other /ði ˈʌðər/ adjective 1. additional or further: he and one other person. 2. different or distinct from the one mentioned or implied: in some other city; Some other design may be better. 3. different in nature or kind: I would not have him other than he is. 4. being the remaining one of two or more: the other hand.


▪an other /əˈnʌðə/ 1. being one more or more of the same; further; additional: another piece of cake. 2. different; distinct; of a different period, place, or kind: at another time; another man. 3. very similar to; of the same kind or category as: What we need today is another Thomas Jefferson.

Give me the other book to read

Give me another book to read

▪be impolite with others phrase

17. common adj /ˈkɒmən/ common·er, the common·est 1. belonging equally to, or shared alike by, two or more or all in question: common property; common interests. 2. pertaining or belonging equally to an entire community, nation, or culture; public: a common language or history; a common water-supply system. 3. joint; united: a common defense. 4. widespread; general; ordinary: common knowledge. 5. of frequent occurrence; usual; familiar: a common event; a common mistake.

18. include v /ɪnˈklud/ 1. to contain, as a whole does parts or any part or element: The package includes the computer, program, disks, and a manual. 2. to place in an aggregate, class, category, or the like.

19. colleague n /ˈkɒlig/ an associate /əˈsoʊʃɪɪt, əˈsoʊsɪɪt/

20. during prep ≠ for prep

▪during /ˈdʊərɪŋ/ 1. throughout the duration, continuance, or existence of: He lived in Florida during the winter. 2. at some time or point in the course of: They departed during the night.

For ►during the continuance of: for a long time.

During the war he was a soldier for three years

21. impolite n /ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt/ not polite or courteous; discourteous; rude: an impolite reply.

22. distract v /dɪˈstrækt/ (used with object) 1. to draw away or divert, as the mind or attention: The music distracted him from his work. 2. to disturb or trouble greatly in mind; beset: Grief distracted him.

23. research n /rɪˈsɜ:tʃ/ 1. diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc.: recent research in medicine. 2. a particular instance or piece of research.

▪research v /rɪˈsɜ:tʃ/ 3. to make researches; investigate carefully. 4. to make an extensive investigation into: to research a matter thoroughly.

24. respond to v /rɪˈspɒnd/ 1. to reply or answer in words: to respond briefly to a question. 2. to make a return by some action as if in answer: to respond generously to a charity drive. 3. to react favorably. 4. to correspond (usually followed by to).

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