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The rise of nationalism led to the adoption of .

Читайте также:
  2. The fear that national identity is under mortal threat is common to both Irish andBasque nationalism

The most evident characteristic of a civil law system is...

5. The civil law tradition makes...

6. Private law involves...

7. Public law is composed of...

Exercise 3. Match the following legal terms with their definitions:

1. code a) a traditional practice that is so long-established and universal that it has acquired the force of law
2. contract b) system of accepted laws and regulations that govern procedure or behavior in particular circumstances or within a particular profession
3. custom c) the law of a state dealing with the rights of private citizens; a system of law based on Roman law rather than common law or canon law
4. civil law d) a session of an official body that has authority to try cases, resolve disputes, or make other legal decisions
5. court e) a formal or legally binding agreement



Exercise 1. Write sentences using the following terms.

civil law, legal system, civil code, private law, marriage, constitutional law, criminal law, personal injury, custom, administrative law, court, contract, public law, to adopt a code, legal proceedings, common law.


Exercise 2. Choose the right preposition in brackets according to the contents of the sentences (with, on, from, in).

1. The role of judges in civil law jurisdictions differs considerably... that of judges in common law systems.

2. The term civil law was used to combine all non-English legal traditions together and contrast them... the English common law.

3. Civil law is based... written legal codes, a hallmark of the Roman legal system.

4. The tendency... civil law is to create a unified legal system by working out with maximum precision the conclusions to be drawn from basic principles.


Exercise 3. Substitute the words in italics with the words from the active vocabulary.

1. Civil law is typically contrasted with case law.

2. Civil law is made by legislators who strive to supplement and modernize a system of laws or written rules, usually with the advice of legal scholars.

3. The civil law system assumes that there is only one correct solution to a specific law problem.

4. In civil-law countries, the official written agreement of carriage first achieved distinct form in the early 19th century.

5. The manner in which legal actions are conducted in civil law jurisdictions demonstrates a great concern for the protection of personal privacy.


Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the words of the active vocabulary.

marriage; civil law (2); common law; contract; code; personal; injury

1. … … judges administer the law, but they do not create it.

2. Systems of … … and … … also differ in how law is created and how

it can be changed.

3. Private law includes the rules governing civil and commercial relationships such as..., divorce, and... agreements.

4. Laws regulating marriage, contracts, and payment for... are examples of civil law.

5. The... is a systematic and comprehensive accumulation of legal rules and principles.


Exercise 5. The verbs below can all be used to form nouns. Find in the text the words which have related meanings and make up your own sentences with them. Pay special attention to where the stress is.

Example: To administer – an administrator (n.) e.g. The pension funds are administered by commercial banks.

to proceed, to accumulate, to adopt, to govern, to injure


Exercise 6. Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

адміністративний кодекс, приватне право, публічне право, правова система, процесуальні дії, конституційне право, шлюб, договір, звичаєве право, цивільно-правова система, суд, кримінальний, правові принципи, розв'язувати конфлікти, термін, походити.


Exercise 7. Complete the words using definitions.

1. harm done to a person's or an animal's body, for example in an accident і _ j _ _ y
2. connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution _ d _ _ _ _ st _ a _ _ _ _
3. the legal relationship between a husband and wife; the state of being married m _ rr _ _ _ _
4. the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state _ _ v _ r _ _ _ _ _
5. the place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged _ _ _ _ t
6. a question to be decided in court m _ tt _ _


Exercise 8. Translate into English.

Цивільне право виникло в Стародавньому Римі. Цивільне право регулює шлюб, угоди, сплату завданої особистої шкоди тощо. Традиційно цивільне право порівнюють із загальним правом. Загальне право є основою правової системи більшої частини Великої Британії, Канади та США. Цивільно-правова традиція передбачає відмінності між приватним та публічним правом. Приватне право стосується регулювання цивільних торговельних правовідносин. Конституційне право, кримінальне право та адміністративне право складають приватне право.



Exercise 1. Point out sentences with Participles II in the text and explain the use.


Exercise 2. Read the text. Use the correct form of the participle.

Civil law systems do not have any process like the common law practice of discovery – the pretrial search for information conducting / conducted by the parties involving / involved in the case. In civil law systems the judge supervises the collection of evidence and usually examines witnesses in private. Cross-examination of witnesses by the opposing / opposed party's attorney is rare. Instead, a civil law action consists of a series of meetings, hearings, and letters. This eliminates the need for a trial and, therefore, for a jury.


Exercise 3. Fill in articles where necessary.

Civil law countries today include many countries in... Asia, including... Japan and... South Korea, countries of... Africa, including... Ethiopia,... Latin American countries, and most... European countries, most notably... France and... Germany.... United States and... United Kingdom and its commonwealth countries are common law, not civil law, countries. However, because of their French origins,... Quebec in... Canada, and... Louisiana in... United States have adopted and followed the civil law tradition.



Exercise 1. You have three minutes to list the expressions in the box under one of the three headlines:

Agreeing / Half agreeing / Disagreeing

1. You're absolutely right. 2. I don't think that's true. 3. I disagree, I m afraid. 4. I take your point, but... 5. Absolutely! 6. Do you really think so? 7. To a certain extent, but... 8. I see what you mean, but... 9. That's true in a way, but... 10. That's right. 11. Well, it depends. 12. I would agree with that.

Use these statements to agree or disagree with the following sayings.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 100 | Нарушение авторских прав

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