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Tabula rasa is

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  1. Is a tabulation of activities to be included on a project schedule. The list should include

Zeno of Elea developed paradoxes (apories) about

Absence of Motion



Who is the author of “The Canon of Medicine”?

Ibn Sina



Who was called as Philosopher of Arabs?


Al Kindi



Who said that: “ Man is a measure of all things”?



Socrates’s main interest in philosophy was

Social Philosophy, Ethics



The Socratic main value was formulated as

Virtue is knowledge



The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books “The City of God”, “Confessions”




Apologetics, Patristic and Scholasticism are the periods of…

Medieval philosophy



Eidos Urania is a concept of philosophy of...




Who of the labeled philosophers is a Sufist?



According to Existentialism, existence is always

Individual being in absurdity.



According to Kierkegaard, the third existential sphere is


Religious sphere


According to whom, “Freedom is conscious necessity”?



The author of “Three Truths”:




The author of “Traces of Shamanism among the Kazakhs”:




One of the outstanding French existentialist:

Albert Camus


Division to Subjective spirit, Objective spirit, Absolute spirit comes from philosophy of…?




Division to Me, not-Me, synthesis of Me and not-Me comes from philosophy of…?




One of the main Nietzsche’s concept was called

Will to power



The second Kant’s work is…

Critique of Practical Reason



Hegel’s outstanding work is…

“The Phenomenology of Spirit”


Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel belongs to


German classical philosophy


In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant formulated the Categorical imperative:

Act only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that become a universal law

In his “Critique of Practical Reason” Kant considered the ideas of…

Hypothetical and Categorical imperatives


In metaphysics, Kant claimed, the situation is reverse. Reason, in its attempt to reach absolute truth, comes to



The basic problem arises, according to Kant, in three fields:

Math, physics, metaphysics


The basic problem, as Kant formulated it in his “Critique of Pure Reason”, is to determine:

How is a priory synthetic judgment possible?



A posteriori means

After experience



A priori means

Before experience



Immanuel Kant was born in



The first Kant’s greatest work is

“The Critique of Pure Reason”


The second Kant’s greatest work is

“Critique of practical reason”



The third Kant’s greatest work is

“The Critique of Judgment”



Immanuel Kant belongs to the

German classical philosophy



Leibniz’s main philosophical work.



Descartes divides the world into a metaphysical dualism of two finite substances:

Extended and thinking


The famous Descartes’s formula “Cogito, ergo sum” is translated from Latin as

I think, therefore, I am



Which method Descartes used to start his philosophy?




Who is the author of “Discourse on Method”?




According to Plato, everything can be divided in:

Thing and idea



The method that comes from common to local knowledge is…




Causa Sui, according to Spinoza, is

Cause of itself



Tabula rasa is

Pure table


The author of “Summa Theologica”

Thomas Aquinas


Who was the author of second and third volumes of “Capital”




Heliocentric system of the world was proposed by:




One of the main philosophic works of Baruch Spinoza:



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