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Assert authority. Networking.


Greetings and introductions


I. Translate


1.Как прошли выходные?    
2. Эллин, Вы знакомы с Питером Теносом.    
    3. It’s nice to see you again. How have you been?  
4. Я хотел бы представить Вас …    
5. Рад познакомиться с Вами.  
    6. Please call me by my first name.  
  7. Please sit wherever you are comfortable.  
8. Давайте начнем.    
  9. We’ve got a lot to do today.  
  10. Now that we’re all here we can continue and get down to business.  
  11. Shall I sit here?  


12.Я надеюсь, что Вы довольны тем, что мы для Вас сделали на настоящий момент.    


II. Communicate


1. Greet your partner.


2. Introduce your colleague to your partner.


3. Offer a sit to your partners.


4. Suggest that you should begin negotiating


III. Choose the best answer


1. What kind of eye contact is appropriate when shaking hands with someone?

a) Looking down at the floor while shaking hands is appropriate.

b) You should look one another in the eye while shaking hands.

c) It’s best to glance at one another, and then look away.


2. Is it customary to include a person’s job title when making introduction before a meeting?

a) Yes.

b) No.

c) Only, if your partner call you by your first name.


3. What phrase could you give to start a meeting?

a) We can wait.

b) Well, let’s get started.

c) Please, sit wherever you’re comfortable.


4. What should you say when you want to start a meeting, but some people are still standing?

a) If you’ll take your seats now, we can get started.

b) Sit down, please.

c) The meeting is starting now, so everyone should sit down.


Open a meeting

I. Translate


  1. Let’s begin, shall we. Now that we’re all here.  
  2.Before we go too far I’d like …  
3. Питер присутствует на переговорах, чтобы обсудить изменения нашей кампании.      
    4. We’ll get to all that in a minute.  
5. Давайте сосредоточимся и обдумаем, чего нам необходимо достичь сегодня.    
.   6.Our objective today is to get an idea of … and brainstorm on ways we can make it happen.  
  7. Should we hold questions for later?  
8. Обращайтесь за разъяснениями в любой момент.      
9. Возможно, кто-то смог бы меня вкратце проинформировать, что было сделано на настоящий момент.  
10. Возможно, лучше всего это сделаете Вы.    



II. Communicate


1. Open a meeting



2. Ask somebody to explain the situation to you in a few words.



3. Come up with the idea.



4. Get everyone focus on your speech



III. Choose the best answer

1. Which of the following phrases do you think is appropriate for opening a meeting?

a) Before we go too far let me say this.

b) Our objective today is to get an idea of what our client is looking for.

c) You are probably the best person for that.


2. When you want to stop somebody from talking about something before you are ready to, what phrase do you use?

a) Ask for clarification any time.

b) We won’t hold the questions until later.

c) We’ll go to that in a minute.


3. What phrase could you use to ask for a short explanation of a situation?

a) Could someone brief me?

b) Let’s discuss changes in our campaign.

c) I’ll hold my questions until later.


4. If you want to come up with some new ideas what would you ask the people in the meeting to do?

a) Ask them to hold their questions for later

b) Ask them to brainstorm on the subject.

c) Tell them to be quiet and listen to you.


5. How do you get everyone to focus on the goals you have set for the meeting?

a) You ask them to listen to your excellent idea.

b) You ask somebody to brief them on the situation.

c) You say: ‘Let’s take a minute to review what we hope to accomplish in today’s meeting’.



Listen to others

I. Translate


  1. We started a company 10 years ago.  
2. Мы сосредоточили все свои усилия на этой стратегии.    
  3. We’ve been there with you every step of the way.  
  4. This angle has worked fine.  
5. Хорошо, просто для того, чтобы убедиться, что я все понял …    
6. Продолжайте, пожалуйста.    
  7. We’d like to think about a fresh approach.  
8. Итак, вот чего мы достигли на настоящий момент.    
9. Почему бы нам не начать с обсуждения целей нашей новой кампании?    



II. Communicate

1. Offer your partner to express his point of view.



2. Tell your partner that you are listening to your partner attentively.



3. Come up with a new item on the agenda.



4. Give an introductory phrase to summarizе a meeting.



III. Choose the best answer

1. How do you show your partner that you’ve been paying close attention to what he is saying?

a) You remain silent and don’t say a word.

b) You make comments when he pauses that reinforce and add to what he is saying.

c) You talk to somebody else quietly while he is talking to the group.


2. Which of the following might you say during pauses to indicate that you are listening closely and that you understood what someone was saying?

a) I don’t see what you mean.

b) Uh-huh.

c) I didn’t get that.


3. How do you ask the group to confirm that you have understood correctly what they said in the meeting?

a) You repeat every word that they said.

b) You don’t ask questions, you just listen.

c) You say: “OK, just to make sure I understand”, then summarize what was said.



4. If you are unsure of what was being said how should you communicate this effectively?

a) You should write down every word instead of listening closely.

b) You should state what you believe was said and ask the group if you were right.

c) You should remain silent and hope for the better.

Identify issues

I. Translate

  1. Where would you like to see us go with a new campaign?  
  2. We want to project an image of efficiency and effectiveness.  
3. Это в некотором смысле оптимизированный подход.    
  4. It’s something along those lines.  
5. Компания будет воспринята клиентами как надежный старый друг.      
  6. I’m not sure you can pull it off, but go ahead and play with it.  
7. Посмотрим, какого результата Вы добьетесь.    
  8. Do you have anything in mind for me after this?  

II. Communicate

1. Identify the most important issues to start with.


2. Express that you don’t suppose the idea will work.



3. Express that you’ve identified all the issues.


III. Choose the best answer

1. What did Miles say to start the discussion of the issues that need to be settled in this meeting?

a) “Peter, can you tell us what the current status of the advertising campaign is?”

b) Peter, can you tell us your ideas on where you’d like to go with a new campaign?”

c) “Peter, would you like to negotiate a new contract with AdRad?”


2. What does Ellen do to help the group identify issues?

a) She explains more clearly what the others say.

b) She tells Peter what approach she wants to take to the news campaign.

c) She tells Rick to stop interrupting Peter.


3. How did Peter, Ellen and Miles show to Rick that his interruptions are not welcome?

a) They try to go on talking without responding to his comments.

b) They say encouraging things to him, such as, “What did you mean, Rick?”

c) They stop talking and ask him to explain himself.


4. What does Peter say to indicate that he doesn’t think the idea will work, but it is OK with him if they try to come up with something using it?

a) “I’m not sure you can pull it off, but go ahead and play with it.”

b) “It certainly has possibilities”.

c) “That’s not exactly what I had in mind.”



Close a Meeting

I. Translate

1. Мне хотелось бы подытожить все, что мы только что здесь обсудили.    
  2. We’ll work on the concept of combining traditional approach with streamlined efficiency.  
  3. We’ve met briefly.  
  4. Do you think you could come up with some paper this afternoon?  
5. Я не знаю, насколько я продвинусь в своей работе во второй половине дня.      
.   6. I don’t expect anything final, just some ideas we can bounce off of our partner.  
  7. Let’s get over some ideas.  
  8. Thank you. Shall I follow you?  

II. Communicate

1. Suggest summing up the outcome of a meeting.



2. Close a meeting



III. Choose the best answer

1. What does Miles say when he wants to end up the meeting and start wrapping up all the details?

a) “All right then. Just to sum up what we’ve discussed here.”

b) “We can bounce some ideas off of Peter”.

c) “Tiffany, do you think you could come up with some copy?”


2. What do both Ellen and Miles do in order to wrap up the meeting?

a) They say, “You all know what to do know”.

b) They sum up what every person needs to do after they leave the meeting.

c) They shake hands with Rick.


3. How does the group accomplish at the meeting?

a) They decide what action each person needs to take next.

b) They identify Peter’s problems and solve them all.

c) They have trouble deciding what to do next and can’t wrap up the meeting.


4. When wrapping up a meeting what is the last thing you should say?

a) “I’ll swing by to check with you after the meeting”.

b) “Why don’t we get together over lunch?”

c) “Well, if there is nothing else”.


5. What would you say if you wanted to have a short impromptu meeting with someone?

a) “Let’s wrap this up”.

b) “Do you have a minute?”

c) “Well, if there’s nothing else…”

Follow-up by E-mail

I. Translate

  1. I need some details in terms of a schedule.  
2. Будьте добры, проинформируйте меня вкратце по существу вопроса.    
  3. Where does this project fit with the others we’re working on?  



II. Choose the best answer

1. What phrase would you use to ask for a very short verbal report on the situation?

a) “Would you, please, send me a report on the situation?”

b) “Would you mind sending me an e-mail explaining the situation?”

c) “Could you brief me on the situation?”


2. What phrase is appropriate to express the idea that an agreement was reached on some details?

a) “We argued about some of the details”.

b) “We settled all the details”.

c) “We worked out some of the details”.


3. What phrase can be used to subtly suggest that you may not agree with someone’s idea?

a) “He seems to think we may need to.”

b) “He knows what we need to.”

c) “He is positive that we need to”.


Keep the Boss informed

I. Translate

  1. Let’s give him a simple project at first; he needs to get his feet wet.  
2. Вы можете разработать какой-либо проект, чтобы представить его завтра клиенту?    
  3. Who’s calling the shots on this project?  

II. Choose the best answer

1. What expression can you use to communicate the idea that a person is trying something for the first time?

a) “She is getting her feet wet on this one.”

b) “She’s calling the shots.”

c) “She’s coming up with new sketches”.


2. What is another way of asking who was assigned to work on a team?

a) “Who have you got working on the team?”

b) “Who is leading the team?”

c) “Who’s coming up with the team?”


3. What phrase can be used to indicate that a person is creating material to present to others?

a) “He’s working out his problems in front of us.”

b) “He’s working up some sketches for us.”

c) He’s putting down some sketches to show them.”


4. What expression would you use to say that Ellen is making the decisions on this project?

a) “Ellen is a genius at working up new ideas.”

b) “Ellen is calling the shots on this one.”

c) “Ellen is working up some ideas for the project.”


Setting Deadlines

I. Translate

  1. Everyone seems to have a good grasp of the new image we want to project.  
2. Подождите и Вы увидите, что у них получится.    
3. Я надеялся, что Вы, как всегда, продемонстрируйте блестящие результаты работы уже через пару недель.    
4. Выработка окончательной концепции займет у нас много времени.    
  5. Our pace may be deliberate but it’s not glacial.  
  6. First we develop the process, and then we refine it.  
7. Давайте наметим срок завершения работ на 30 июля.    
8. Мне это подходит.    
9. Если Вы не укладываетесь в эти временные рамки, нам придется обратиться к кому-то еще с просьбой выполнить эту работу.    


II. Choose the best answer

1. What expression would you use to ask a business associate to do a good job on a very difficult task?

a) “Could you develop the concept, then refine it?’

b) “Could you work your magic on it?’

c) “Could you go through the usual process?”


2. What expression could you use to tell a business associate that his proposed idea satisfies your requirements?

a) “That’s a new concept.”

b) “That proposed idea is deliberate.”

c) “That works for me.”


3. If you thought that everyone present seemed to understand a presentation very well, what expression might you use?

a) “Everyone worked their magic on the presentation.”

b) “Everyone seems to have a good grasp of the presentation’

c) “Everyone is working on the presentation.”


4. What phrase could you say to a client who is asking for unreasonable things?

a) “It’ll knock your socks off.”

b) “How could you forget?”

c) “Let’s be realistic.”

5. What expression should you use to tell a business associate that you are happy with their idea and you want to see how it turns out?

a) “Yes, the process.”

b) “Let me put it this way.”

c) “Great, I look forward to seeing it.”


6. What phrase should you use to ask how long it will take to produce a product?

a) “What kind of time frame will that have?”
b) “Wait until you see it.”

c) “I look forward to seeing it.”


7. When it is clear that a business associate does not understand what you’re talking about, what phrase could you use to start another explanation?

a) “You seem to have a good grasp of the situation.”

b) “Shall we set a time frame?”

c) “Let me put it this way.”


8. What phrase would you use to ask a client to tell you about what he wanted your company to do for him?

a) “You have a good grasp of the situation.”

b) “Let me put it this way.”

c) “What did you have in mind?”






Requesting a return call. Take a phone message. Automated Phone Instructions.

I. Translate.


    1. I’m sorry, Mr. X is unavailable.  
2.Мы получили предложение на покупку его недвижимости в Испании.      
    3. They want a response today or they’ll withdraw the offer.    
  4. What’s their hurry?    
  5. I have to talk to Mr. X right away or the deal’s off.    
    6. Sounds to me like they’re bluffing.    
7.Вы не можете сделать так, чтобы он позвонил мне как можно скорее?      
8.Мой номер 3495…      
9. Набрав этот номер, мы попадем прямо к вам или нам ответят из приемной?      


10. Он захочет узнать – кто сделал это предложение, его объем и сумму и т.д.      
11. Возникла срочная проблема.   11. There is some urgency though.  
12. С ним можно связаться по номеру…      


II. Соmmunicate.

1. Ford Forum Company phone is ringing. Answer it.


2. Say you need to talk to someone urgently.


3. Remind your partner of being in different time zones. (6 hours difference)


4. Suggest repeating the phone number, to be on the safe side.



III. Choose the best answer.

1. What can you hear the moment you are connected with a company or a firm?


a) May I help you?

b) Thank you for calling …

c) Stay on the line.


2. What should you say if you want to be sure you have heard a number correctly?

a) Would you like to repeat your message?

b) Let me read it back to you.

c) I don’t understand you.


3. To make sure the caller isn’t going to hang up the phone – you must say


a) Wait, wait!

b) Don’t go away!

c) Please, stay on the line.


Doing business at a distance.

I. Translate.

1. Что за предложение? Почему срок его действия истекает сегодня?      
2. Они хотят все решить немедленно (заключить сделку.)      
  3. This house had been on the market for 6 months and this is the first serious offer we’ve gotten.    
4. Они не нашли ничего подходящего.      
  5. It seems they think that after 6 months you’ll settle for less.    
    6. It won’t hurt you to counter.      
7. Какое предложение, на Ваш взгляд, будет разумным в сложившейся ситуации?      
  8. I might as well give it away!  
  9. They’ll come up. But I don’t know how far.    


  10. The properties that are selling are going well below the initial asking price.    
    11. These folks are tough to read.    
12. Я полагаюсь на Вас. Надеюсь, вы сможете договориться с ними о более высоких ценах.      
13. Я сегодня сообщу Вам их решение.      


II. Сommunicate.

1. Ask your partner to explain his not being active enough.


2. Ask your partner to listen to reason.


3. Show that your decision on the bottom price is final. (450 thousand dollars)


III. Choose the best answer.

1. How can you meet your partner halfway?

a) You counter

b) You suggest going to a picnic

c) You change your initial offer


2. What do you think your counterpart means when he says that the contracted product is “worth five “

a) He wants the goods to be sold within 5 days

b) The goods should have a value of 500,000 thousand dollars

c) The value of the product is equal to 5 similar


3. If someone offers to sell you the business for 10 grand – what does it mean?


a) The business costs 10,000,000 dollars

b) You can buy business for 10,000 dollars

c) You pay 1000 for business


4. What should you say if you are going to phone your partner again?


a) I’ll call at your place today

b) I’ll call back today

c) I’ll call on you today


Negotiate by phone

I. Translate.

1.Шведская компания увеличила сумму оферты.    
2.Согласились ли они на ….?    
3.Для них вопрос решен (Они не пойдут на новые переговоры.)    
4.Я не ожидал, что мы остановимся на столь низкой цене.    
  5. You can hold out if you are not comfortable with this.  
6.Я полагаю, что это наилучший вариант для Вас.    
  7. I’ll have my attorney take a look at it.    
  8. I told you that my secretary would get hold of me immediately.  
  9. It’s the first real interest anyone’s shown in the place.  

II. Communicate.

1. Greet your partner and ask him about the reason for calling you.



2. Try to calm down your partner.



3. Tell your agent you won’t strike a deal with the close-fisted buyers.



II. Choose the best answer.

1. What does a buyer say to show he won’t increase his offer?


a) We are in negotiations.

b) It’s our final offer.

c) You are too quick.


2. When a businessman says to his agent “That’s the best you could do?” - He means


a) His agent has done an excellent job.

b) He accepts his agent’s job.

c) He is dissatisfied with his agent.


3. If you are trying to negotiate a deal when might you say “Let them walk “?


a) to show that you won’t make any more offers under the circumstances

b) to hint that you are almost ready to lower the price

c) to suggest that you are almost ready to accept the other person’s offer



Request checks

I. Translate


1. Я хочу, чтобы Вы сегодня передали запрос на выписку чека.    
2. Попросите бухгалтерию выписать чек на сумму 15000 долларов США.    
3. Чек должен быть выписан в пользу AdRad.    
  4. He wants check postdated with Friday’s date.  
  5. Request that the funds be transferred from savings to account payable.  
6. Прошу Вас проверить всю информацию на чеке перед отправкой его AdRad.    
7. Помните, что потребуется две подписи.    
8. Пожалуйста, попросите бухгалтерию дать мне текущие балансы и по сберегательному и по текущему счету.    


  9. The memo on the check should read: write memo on the check and in the books.  
  10. If the amount on the check exceeds $10,000 it will require two signatures.  



Read bank statements

II. Translate

  1. Opening balance  
  2. Total deposits (credits) and other additions  
  3. Total withdrawals (debits) and other subtractions  
  4. Closing balance.  
  5. Checks sequenced.  
  6. Automated withdrawal payroll account
  7. Interest earned  

II. Choose the best answer

1. Whose bank account does this statement refer to?

a) The Statement is for Central Commerce Bank’s savings account.

b) It’s the checking account of Divertido Toys Inc.

c) It refers to the checking account of International Toys.

2. How much money was in the account on March 15th?

a) $46,307.60

b) $21,533.00

c) $154,352.23


3. When was check 1056 processed by the bank?

a) on April 1st

b) on March 16th

c) on the 17th of March


4. Which check cleared the bank on March 17th?

a) 1057

b) 1056

c) 1061


5. What does the amount of $503.97 represent?

a) The interest earned.

b) It stands for the total deposits

c) It shows the closing balance.


Talk with bank personnel

I. Translate

1. У Вас были проблемы с использованием нашего банкомата.    
2. Я вставила карточку, ввела ПИН код и попыталась снять 200 долларов США.    
3. По-видимому, у Вас проблемы с наличием средств на счете.    
4. У Вас недостаточно средств на чековом и сберегательном счетах.    
  5. There’s plenty of money in both accounts.  
6. Ни на одном счете нет достаточных средств для покрытия списания.    
7. За что здесь взимается комиссия в 10 долларов?    
8. Вы удерживаете эту сумму за возврат чека?    
  9. You’re saying I bounced a check?  
  10. If you wish to contest it you can take it up with our accounts manager.    

II. Communicate

1. Предложите Вашу визитную карточку.


2. Сообщите Вашему партнеру, что он, по Вашему мнению, испытывает трудности.


3. Сообщите Вашему партнеру, что, возможно, произошла ошибка.



III. Choose the best answer


1. What can you say to politely point out someone else’s error?

a) You made a stupid mistake here, see?

b) Don’t be ridiculous

c) There must be some mistake.


2. What is the fee for bouncing a check in this bank?

a) $10

b) $200

c) $20


3. Did Cindy bounce a check?

a) Both Cindy and Dean agree that she did bounce a check.

b) Dean says that she did but she disagrees.

c) Dean thinks she didn’t but she insists that she did and wants to prove it.


4. What can you say if you’re in too much of a hurry to do something that is suggested to you?

a) I don’t have time

b) I wish to contest it.

c) This can’t be right


Request a wire transfer

I. Translate

  1. They told me at the front desk to see you about wire transfer.    
2. У Вас есть счет в нашем банке?    
3. Вы будете платить чеком или Вы хотели бы произвести списание с Вашего счета?    
  4. I have a withdrawal slip right here.  
  5. You haven’t filled in the amount.  
6. Я хочу включить комиссионные в сумму списания.      
  7. Who is the recipient?  
  8. Please fill out this form and sign it at the bottom.  
  9. With the fee it comes to $600.  



II. Communicate

1. Сообщите, что Вы хотите произвести перевод денежной суммы.



2. Попросите Вашего собеседника заполнить формуляр.



3. Попросите Вашего собеседника поставить подпись внизу документа.



4. Попросите Вашего собеседника произнести слово по буквам.


III. Choose the best answer


1. How does Tiffany want to pay for the wire transfer?

a) She wants to withdraw the money from her account.

b) She’s using a letter of credit from her other bank.

c) She’s going to write a check for it.


2. What should you take with you when you go to pick up money from a wire transfer?

a) Take some form of identification.

b) You should have your spouse or a close friend with you.

c) You should take a checking account statement.


3. What can you say if you need help understanding someone’s name?

a) I see.

b) Could you spell that, please?

c) Speak faster, please.

Request a Letter of Credit

I. Translate

  1. Your goods sell well.  
  2. What else do we have to work out?  
3. Итак, для начала, какой способ оплаты Вы предпочитаете?    
4. Обычно мы требуем оплатить полную сумму контракта аккредитивом.    
5. Должны ли быть в аккредитиве особые условия?    
6. Условия довольно стандартные. Нам нужно, чтобы аккредитив был подтвержденным и безотзывным.    
7. Большинство наших аккредитивов предусматривают платеж наличными при предъявлении документов.    
  8. I’m not sure that’ll work for us.  


II. Communicate

1. Спросите Вашего партнера, какие условия платежа его устраивают.


2. Предложите платеж аккредитивом.


3. Уточните условия аккредитива.


4. Сообщите, что Вас не устраивает с аккредитив с немедленной оплатой.

III. Choose the best answer

1. Why does George say that Cindy’s specific requirements for the LC seem reasonable?

a) He thinks they are too confusing.

b) He thinks Cindy’s requirements are fair.

c) George thinks the requirements are ridiculous.


2. If you need payment right away, what can you stipulate on a letter of credit?

a) reasonable and standard

b) payment at sight

c) usual practice


3. What point do George and Cindy disagree about?
a) Whether or not to make the LC irrevocable.

b) The payment amount

c) The date of payment


3. How do their opinions compare?

a) George wants to make payment at sight but Cindy wants more time.

b) Cindy wants payment immediately but George wants to wait several weeks.

c) George would like delivery after 60 days but Cindy says she can’t wait.


4. What can you say to show that you agree with someone’s suggestion?
a) We can’t wait that long.

b) Good idea.

c) I’m starving.

Read a Letter of Credit

I. Translate

  1. All drafts must be marked.  
2. Согласно указаниям Джорджа Элдера. импортера товара, и за его счет, настоящим мы открываем в Вашу пользу безотзывный аккредитив.      
  3. The Letter of credit is not to exceed $10.000.00 and is available by your drafts drawn at sight.  
  4. The credit is available against the following documents: - Customs Invoice (original and two copies) - Certificate of Origin stating that the Customs Invoice covers the Products.  
5. Условия аккредитива должны соответствовать Унифицированным правилам документарных аккредитивов, разработанных Международной Торговой Палатой и действующих на момент открытия данного аккредитива.    



II. Choose the best answer

1. Why would you ask for an irrevocable letter of credit?

a) My customer would be able to change the terms of the letter.

b) An irrevocable letter is safer because it cannot be changed.

c) I would be able to change it myself if I needed to.


2. Who is the Beneficiary under this LC?

a) George Elder of International Toys

b) Hoi Polloi Toy Company

c) The International Chamber of Commerce


3. From whose account will the money be taken?

a) from Hoi Polloi’s account at Central Commerce Bank

b) from the account of International Toys at Central Commerce Bank

c) from the account of Charles Spears at Сentral Commerce Bank


4. What amount of money can the bank pay according to this LC?
a) Exactly $118,000

b) More than $118,000

c) $118,000 or less


5. If you took this LC to the bank today, when could you get your money?

a) After 5 days, because it says, “in effect on the date”

b) On May the 10th, because this is the date of the letter

c) Right away, because it says, “drawn at sight”

Dispute a Fee

I. Translate

1. Я не могу сейчас ответить на Ваш звонок.    
2. Прошу Вас оставить сообщение, и я вскоре Вам перезвоню.    
3. Я звоню Вам по поводу банковской выписки с моего счета, а именно списания 10 долларов комиссионных.    
  4. According to the statement the debit isn’t for a bounced check.  
5. Завтра утром со мной можно будет связаться по телефону 555 …    


II. Communicate

1. Позвоните в банк и уточните причины списания суммы с Вашего счета.


2. Сообщите, что в настоящий момент Вы не можете подойти к телефону и пообещайте перезвонить, как только Вы освободитесь.




III. Choose the best answer

1. What phrase can you use to introduce yourself in a phone message?

a) You should say,”Thank you for calling.”

b) No introduction is necessary when using a phone.

c) You can use the words, “This is …”


2. Why is Cindy Metz calling Dean Oliver?

a) She wants to pay $10 charge.

b) She wants her ATM card back.

c) She wants him to explain a fee on her bank statement.


3. What does Cindy expect Dean to do?

a) She expects Dean to pay $10 charge.

b) She expects him to wait for her to call him again.

c) She wants him to return her call.


4. When you leave a phone message, what is a good way to end it?

a) Give your phone number and say good-bye.

b) Say. “This is …” and give your name.

c) You should say. “Thank you for calling”.




Suggest a Discussion. Describe concepts.



    1. Can we get together after that?
2.Когда Вы освободитесь?    
3.В любое удобное для Вас время.    
4.Я вернусь к тому времени.    
5.Я попрошу не занимать малую переговорную.    
6.Я думал, что мы продвигаемся вперед.    
    7. You can’t reason with ….Once he gets an idea in his head, nobody can change his mind.  
8.А как он отреагировал на твою критику?    
  9. He’s brought a lot of business to this company.  
  10. The assignment was to come up with….  
  11. I’m sure he’ll reject them out of hand.
12.Вам не сложно будет заехать в офис Рика?    



II. Communicate


1. Ask your partner what has happened.


2. Try to calm down your partner by saying he should be patient and do nothing.


3. Ask who is your client at Food Forum.


III. Choose the best answer.


1. Your colleague wants to discuss something with you and you are busy at the moment – you say

a) Not right now

b) I’ll be back

c) Whatever’s best for you


2. You want your partner to have no doubts you’re accepting his proposal (He asks: Going to…?)

a) Works for me.

b) Now you be nice.

c) Sure.



3. You want to make sure you are understood

a) Catch it?

b) Get it?

c) Fetched it?


4. Your partner is about to say something inappropriate – you interfere


a) Hold your tongue

b) Be polite

c) Wait a minute


5. Someone’s feelings haven’t been hurt – you say

a) He didn’t smell a rat

b) It didn’t bother him

c) He’s OK


6. If you want to make your colleague doubt his words you may say

a) Like it or not

b) I don’t know

c) You never know




Discuss problems. Express opinions.


I. Translate.


  1. Rick and I batted around a few ideas.  
  2. What else did you come up with?  
  3. We didn’t have time to get much further.  
    4. What exactly is Mr….looking for?
5. Он сталкивается с конкуренцией повсюду. Каждая вторая сеть магазинов взяла на вооружение его нововведения, выгодно отличавшие его магазины.    
    6. Не wants us to come up with something that will make his company stand out.  
7.Может быть я смогу отложить встречу с г-ном… на пару дней, пока мы не придумаем что-нибудь стоящее.    
  8. And what would that achieve?  
9.Это только одна из идей, но она может сработать.    
  10. Would it do anything to draw customers in?  
11. Я считаю, что следует попробовать. В худшем случае он скажет «нет».    
  12. I was being facetious.  
    13. I admit I was wrong on that one. But I think I’m right on that one.  



II. Communicate.

1. What should you say if you don’t want to touch upon one or another problem?



2. How can you start a discussion and invite your colleagues to express their opinion.



3. What can you say when you are pretty pessimistic about the option (idea) discussed.



4. What words should you use to show that your opinion is worth being put through?


5. What words can you say when you’re sure that you are right.


III. Choose the best answer.

1. When you hate some idea you say

a) That’s not true.

b) The idea stinks.

c) What’s your hurry?


2. In the middle of the impromptu discussion summing up the results you can say

a) And so far all we have…

b) Get it?

c) You maybe right about it?


3. It’s impossible for you to distinguish one thing from another

a) I can’t stand them apart

b) I can’t tell one from another

c) I can’t set them apart


4. You consider the idea to be too extravagant

a) That would be cute.

b) That’s too good.

c) That might overdo it.


5. You agree with you r partner’s idea but only partly

a) Well, yes but to some extent

b) Well, no, not exactly

c) Well, yes in a way.



Convince the team. Charts and graphs. Interpret market research.



  1. Of course, it will fly.  
2. Нам бы хотелось проанализировать другие возможности, прежде чем мы подадим эту идею на рассмотрение.    
3. И как Вы полагаете, это согласуется с потребностями компании?    
4.Обойти конкурентов – это лишь часть нашей задачи.    
5.Им не надо пытаться разбираться, что к чему, достаточно, что им это просто нравится и вызывает приятные эмоции в отношении FF.    
  6. It isn’t that I don’t trust you.  
7.На самом деле, я считаю, что нам не стоит тратить время на обсуждение этой идеи.    
8.Я все же не вполне уверен, что это наилучшая стратегия.    
  9. We’d better have something solid to show him.
10…..опросы, проведенные группой маркетологов    


II. Communicate


1. Try to convince your colleague that you are right.



2. Say that it would be worthwhile to bat the idea around.



3. Say you still have some doubts.


III. Choose the best answer.


1. When you ask your partner to explain what he meant you say

a) What do I tell Mr….?

b) Can you tell what you had in mind when….?

c) Nobody will get it.


2. You disapprove the idea.

a) That’s bad.

b) This is never going work.

c) Call me a sceptic.


3. You agree with your colleague.

a) Fair enough.

b) That’s not too bad.

c) He’ll go nuts…


Career advancement


Teamwork & problem solving


Teamwork. Request clarification



1.Мне поручено просмотреть документы, связанные со счетом ТТ…., но я не могу открыть соответствующую папку (на компьютере).    
    2. Just click on the new accounts icon.  
    3. I’ve got an idea for this project that I think will really blow them away.  
4.Я полагаю, было нехорошо с моей стороны….    
5.Но я не могу обещать, что смогу ответить на Ваш вопрос.    
6.Я думаю, что я смогу лучше это оценить когда…    
7.Он так ведет себя со всеми.    
  8. He’s got a lot on his mind these days.  
9.Говорят, что он ищет другую работу.  
  10. We don’t see eye-to-eye on many things.  



II. Communicate.


1. Try to interrupt a busy person in a polite way.



2. Try to calm down your colleague by saying you share his feelings.



3. Offer your help to your colleague facing difficult situation.


4. Say politely that you think that it’s not the best option.


III. Choose the best answer.


1. When you are very busy and have to complete some urgent work you say


a) I am blocked.

b) I am blown away.

c) I‘ve got a deadline.


2. When you are all for your partner’s proposal you say

a) Perfect.

b) Fine.

c) O.K


3. You want to say that everyone faces the same problem

a) Welcome home.

b) Welcome to the club.

c) You are welcome.


4. When you share some confidential information with your colleague you say

a) Off stage

b) That’s strictly confidential.

c) Off the record.


5. You want to sound impartial – you say

a) To be fair

b) To tell you the truth

c) Let’s not beat about the bush



Obtain help. Discuss sensitive issues.




  1. None of which hits the mark.  
  2. What do they specialize in?  
  3. Can you work the word “business” into a slogan?  
  4. Should I ask people for input?  
  5. If you ask them and then don’t use it they might feel slighted.  
6.Вначале я не обращал на это внимание, но сейчас это настоящая проблема.    
7. Я считаю, что Вы придаете слишком большое значение пустякам.    
  8. In the give-and –take of a meeting I get into the middle of it.  
  9. But when you start monopolizing the meeting…  
  10. All you have to do is jump in and I’ll shut up.  


  11. How about if we meet each other halfway?  
  12. That’s just shifting responsibility on me, and the way I see it, it’s your problem, not mine.  


II. Communicate.


1. Ask your partner to help you in a very polite form.



2. Respond to a polite request for help.



3. Ask your colleague about his problems.



4. Show that you don’t care much about feelings and emotions.


5. Accept the proposal.





III. Choose the best answer.


1. When you have no new ideas – you say

a) I’m stuck

b) I got blocked

c) I’m not coming with anything


2. When something isn’t worth saying – you say

a) It’s beside the point.

b) It’s nonsense.

c) It’s absurd.


3. Your partner’s opinion meets your approval but not in full

a) That’s true but not exactly.

b) That’s fine, up to a point.

c) I can’t but agree with you.


4. Your partner has convinced you

a) You’ve got a point.

b) You’ve got it right.

c) Up to a point.


5. You are meeting your partner halfway

a) I’ll settle for…

b) I can be happy with…

c) Let’s go Dutch.


Assert authority. Networking.



1. Я просто не хочу, чтобы нас прерывали.    
  2. You know, that Mr. has given notice.  
  3. I don’t have time for fooling around.  
  4. I need you to wrap up your work on the FF project.  
5. Наш последний срок сдачи был уже неделю назад.    
6.Я бы с удовольствием дала бы Вам больше времени, но нет никакой возможности.    
  7. I am working on an M.B.A.  
  8. I just skimmed through it. I haven’t much time recently.  
9.Это помогает деловым контактам и обмену опытом.    
  10. If you’ve come up this far in your career, you’ve probably got the credentials to be accepted.  


11.Я познакомилась со многими представителями рекламного бизнеса благодаря моим занятиям.    


II. Сommunicate.


1. Your partner closes the door firmly. You say



2. You’ve got a pleasant surprise – you say



3. Show that you’re ready for help.


III. Choose the best answer.


1. Your boss (partner) fixes the deadline putting you up against the wall –

a) That’s impossible!

b) That’s kind of tight.

c) Not good.


2. You don’t like the situation you are facing –

a) Hot!

b) Cool!

c) Not cool at all!


3. You want to make sure that you are not a nuisance in a very polite form.

a) Are you sure you don’t mind?

b) Is it OK with you?

c) I am at your service.

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