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For about 2500 years humankind has struggled with basic questions about who we are, what we are heading for, and what kind of reality we are part of. Two thousand, five hundred years is a short period in the lifetime of a species, and still less in the lifetime of the Earth, to whose surface we belong as mobile parts.

Joy of life and meaning of life is increased through increased self-realization. That is, through the fulfillment of potentials each has, but which never are exactly the same for any pair of living beings. Whatever the differences, increased self-realization implies broadening and deepening of self.

Because of an inescapable process of identification with others, with growing maturity, the self is widened and deepened. We ‘see ourselves in others’. Self-realization is hindered if the self-realization of others, with whom we identify, is hindered. Love of our self will fight this obstacle by assisting in the self-realization of others according to the formula ‘live and let live’. Following Kant we then act morally nor immorally.

We must really understand that self realization is not a goal of life... it is the end of the journey itself. After having reached the stage of self realization... every self realized soul has but to leave for the abode of God (Baikuntha as in Hinduism). Call it self realization or enlightenment... the moment one reaches this stage... there is nothing more which can be achieved further.

Before we dwell on the subject of Self Realization we need to understand the real meaning of gaining self realization.

Nowadays so many self realization centers all over the world like self realization fellowship in Seattle, self-realization Boston, Atlanta self-realization and Mt. Washington Self Realization claim to offer self realization. Before one starts on the journey of self realization... the concept of self realization must become absolutely clear.

Self realization is the process by which any human being can realize his real self. And what does this real self mean? It means that our soul (atman) within our body which is the real self within every being (and for that matter every living being) reaches the fag end of its cosmic life.

Self realization is not easy to achieve! Why would God the Almighty make the cosmic journey a long one and that too consisting of 8.4 million manifestations? It is not a simple joke. The process of self realization has to be understood in totality before one proceeds on the path of self realization within his lifetime and reaches the end.

After having passed through such a long journey on the path of evolution... In the present life if a human being indulges in fulfilling wanton desires... it shall be made clear that such indulgences shall never lead to self realization.

Before we reach the stage of self realization we need to gain absolute control over the senses and the mind. The control of the senses and the mind can be established by practicing yoga in the Shavasana pose and also Neti as practiced and advocated by Maharishi Ramana.

You can receive your Self Realization (connection with your Self) while sitting in front of your computer. The only condition is your sincere desire to have it. During the experience you will keep your left hand with the palm upwards on your lap and place the right palm on various parts of the body on your left side, while keeping your eyes closed for the entire duration. This way you will be free of distractions and able to keep your attention inside. After the end of the meditation, you are feeling relaxed and your thoughts have slowed down or gradually disappeared.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 85 | Нарушение авторских прав

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