New Polite Noise
We have learnt another polite noise today! Its name is “Social English”. It will help you in many different situations. Copy it in your notebook.
Polite Noise Social English
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*ya – Americans often say “See ya!”
1Not at all! Don’t mention it = не за что!
2Make yourself at home! = Чувствуйте себя как дома!
No problems!
New vocabulary
dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ - опасный
to be worried about smb/smth – волноваться о чем-либо(ком-либо)
it’s far away – это очень далеко
a sort of – типа, вроде
ballet /'bælei/ course - курс балета
I don’t like that at all – мне это совсем не нравится
earn extra money – заработать дополнительные деньги
manage - удаваться
mobile, cell-phone – сотовый телефон
turned off - выключенный
careful – осторожный
journey – путешествие
for the rest of my life – до конца жизни
Fill in the gaps ( заполните пропуски )
London is such a ________________ place.
She shouldn’t _________________ home.
Ballet isn’t a ______________ job.
She is living in a flat in London with her________________
She has to earn some ______
She_____________ home sometimes, but not a lot.
We are _____________ and of course we worry.
Answer the questions
Why did Evie come to London? | |
When did she come? | |
Where is she living? | |
Who is she living with? | |
What’s she doing in London? | |
What does her boyfriend do? | |
What does she do at weekends? | |
What does she think of living in London? | |
What does she think of her parents? |
Practice homework
1. Polite Noise: Learn!
2. New words: Learn!
3. Write an essay (эссе) in homework notebooks (at least 10-15 sentences). Topic: “Is there a generation gap between you and your parents?”
If you have problems with listening, here is the script for you:
Ian Mitchell:
My daughter Evie is living in London now. She went there four months ago, and I'm really very worried about her. She says she's having a great time but I just think London's such a dangerous place for a young girl, and she's still only 18. She shouldn't live so far away from home. Her mother went with her to help her look for somewhere to live. But I didn't go. I don't like London - I don't like big cities.
Why did she have to go there? I don't understand. She says she wants to be a dancer, and she's doing a sort of course, a ballet course or something. But ballet isn't a real job, and you don't earn much money being a dancer, do you? She's a clever girl. I think she should go to university. She's living in a flat in London - with her boyfriend, I think, and I don't like that at all! We've never met the boyfriend - Michael, I think his name is. He hasn't got a job and so Evie has to earn some extra money - she works at the weekends as a dancer in a theatre or club, I think. I just hope it's a nice place. She phones home sometimes, but not a lot, and we phone her, but so often her mobile's turned off or she doesn't answer. When I do manage to talk to her, she just tells us that we should get a mobile so she can text us. She says we shouldn't worry. How can we not worry? We're her parents we miss her and of course we worry, sometimes I can't sleep at night. She really must come home more often.
Evie Mitchell:
I want to be a professional dancer, so I came to London four months ago to start a course at the English National Ballet School. If you want a good dance career, you have to go to a good school and you have to start young - I'm almost 19, nearly too old! I know my parents are worried about me living in London, but it isn't dangerous. You just have to be careful, that's all. It was difficult in the beginning. I didn't know anybody, and London's such a big place. But I love it now. There's lots to do and see.
I'm living in a small flat near the ballet school with Francine, another dance student. We're good friends now. And I've also got a boyfriend! His name's Marco and he's doing the same course. He still lives with his parents, quite close to our flat. His parents are really kind, and I often spend the evenings with them. I want to take Marco home to meet my parents. But the train journey is expensive. And I haven't got much money. London's really expensive, so Francine and I have to work every weekend. We teach children's dance classes at a school nearby. It's good fun, actually!
I phone my parents three times a week! My dad always sounds so worried! He shouldn't be. I try to tell him not to worry but he doesn't listen. I love my mum and dad very much, but I can't live at home for the rest of my life. They really must come to London to visit me. And I think they should get a mobile. Then I could send them text messages, and maybe they wouldn't worry so much.
Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 105 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Part 2: Individual Long Turn | | | Galatians 3:21-26 |