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Academic vocal.

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II International contest-festival


Terms of the festival: November 29 - December 1, 2013.

Location of the festival: Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Administration and founders of the contest-festival:

Administration of the contest-festival is presented by Organizing Commitee (further Committee) headed by the Chairman. Qualitative structure and members of the Committee are approved by the founders.

Administration of the festival


Media partner: Federation of health and cultural programs (Ukraine)

Eauropean Association of Creativity Contests (Slovakia)

Purposes and tasks of the contest-festival:

Popularization of the First Capital of Ukraine as a cultural and education center of the eastern part of Europe;

Promotion and development of vocal art;

Preservation of the traditions of the vocal school;

Consolidation of international connections among groups and independent performers of the member states;

Aesthetic and spiritual development of young people;

Revealing of young talanted performers and provision of support in improvement of the performance skills.

Participation conditions of the contest-festival:

The participants of the contest may be groups and independent performers of 6 - 25 years old and more.


Pop vocal;

Folk vocal;

Academic vocal.

Age categories: pop and academic vocal

Category A: 6 – 9 years;

Category B: 10 – 12 years;

Category C: 13 – 15 years;

Category D: 16 – 19 years;

Category E: 20 years and more.

Age categories: folk vocal

Category A: below 12 years “juniors”;

Category B: below 17 years “middle schoolers”

Category C: below 25 years “students”

Category D: 25 years and more “adults”

Quantitative structure: solo, duet, ensemble (8 microphones are available )

Program requirements:

The performers’ competitive program should comprise two pieces.

“Pop vocal” nomination: 1 – song in the performer’s native language, 2 – a song chosen by the contestant (the order should be as stated). All pieces are performed to the sound track “-1”. Solo performers may use “back-vocal” parts that do not coincide with the main part. Duets and Ensembles must not use “back-vocal” parts!!! During the contest-festival REPLACEMENT of contest pieces IS NOT ALLOWED.

For “academic vocal” nomination – two diverse pieces.

In the “folk vocal” nomination folk vocal pieces are performed: 1 - a-capella (acoustic singing), 2 – with the accompaniment (“-1”or live accompaniment). Total performance time for Categories A and B mustnot exceed 7 minutes, for Categories C, D, E must not exceed 8 minutes. Musical accompaniment must be provided on a CD or USB Flash carrier in the CD audio format. THE CARRIER MUST BE IN DUPLICATE!!!


Jury of the contest-festival:

Celebrities of Ukrainian and foreign stage, directors, famous vocal coaches and outstanding cultural and art figures. (The exact list of jury members will be approved closer to the date of the contest-festival but not later than by November 1, 2013)

Criteria of assessment of performance skills of the contest members:

Quality of the performed material;


stage ethics;

interpretation of the musical composition;

emotionality of the performance;

technical skills of the performer;

compliance of the costume with the style of the nomination and the performer’s image;

compliance of the repertoire with the age category and performing skills of the contestant.

The order of summing-up the results of the contest-festival “KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL SONG FORUM”:

The jury takes decision in respect of each nomination by virtue of voting. The decision of the jury is recorded in the protocol signed by all jury members and is not subject to any review. All the contestants who win prizes in each nomination (1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes) get the title of the “Laureate of the II International contest-festival “KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL SONG FORUM” ” as well as a diploma, a valuable prize and festival souvenirs. According to the decision of the jury a title of “Diploma winner of II International contest-festival “KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL SONG FORUM” may be granted together with a special diploma and a prize. All participants of the contest receive commemorative diplomas of the “Participant of II International contest-festival “KHARKIV INTERNATIONAL SONG FORUM”. Special prizes may be granted upon decision of the Jury or Administration of the festival.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 218 | Нарушение авторских прав

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