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the White House - резиденщя президента США

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  1. A 3 bed village house in good condition in Magalas
  2. A Doll’s House
  4. American History X is a deeply disturbing and brutally violent film about the white skin head movement in contemporary United States culture.
  7. Arranging the house

the National Mall/Mall - Молл. Еспланада. Вщр1зок музейно- парково1 зони у MicTi Вашингтон! м1ж Капшшем i мемор1алом Лшкольну, хоч офищйно так зветься дшьниця м1ж KanimniЂM i памятником Вашингтону

the Oval office - "Овальний кабшет", робочий кабшет прези­дента США, використовуеться у значенш 4'президент США"

1600, Pennsylvania Avenue - "будинок номер 1600 на Пенсь львашя-авеню", поштова адреса Бшого дому, застосовуеться у значенш "президент США"

the Executive Mansion - резиденщя президента США the Library of Congress - Б1блютека Конгресу the Folger Shakespeare Library - Шексшр1вська б1блютека Фолджера. Мае найбшыпу у свт колекщю твор1в В. Шексшра. Б1блютеку було вщкрито в 1932 р.

Lafayette Square ['la:fi:'etskwer] - майдан Лафайета the Washington Monument - обелюк на честь Дж. Вашингтона the Lincoln Memorial ['Ндкэп-] - пам'ятник А. Лшкольну the Federal Bureau of Investigation - Федерадьне Бюро Розсл1- дувань. Шдроздш мшютерства юстици США. Займаеться розсль дуванням порушень федеральных закошв, а також веде контрроз- вщувальну д1яльнють.

the National Archives [-'airkaivz] - Нащональш apxien Union Station - Юнюн-стейшн, единий зал1зничний вокзал у MicTi Вашингтон!

the English Gothic Washington National Cathedral - Вашинг­тонский кафедральний собор. Храм у готичному стил1 з шд1ансь- кого вапняку. Шостий за величиною собор у свт та найкрупш- ший католицький храм у Захщнш швкул1

the Marine Corps War Memorial [тэ'п:п'кэ:г-], the Iwo Jima Statue ['i:wou'd3i:m9 -] - Вшськовий мемор1ал морсько'1 nixoTH. Офщшна назва скульптури "Пщняття прапору над 1водзимою"

the Vietnam Veteran Memorial - Мемор1ал ветерашв В'етнаму. Знаходиться бшя Дзеркального ставка у сад1 Конститу- цп на Нацюнальнш еспланад1, поряд з Мемор1алом Лшкольну

Arlington National Cemetery - Арлшгтонський нацюнальний цвинтар. Найкрупшший у США вшськовий мемор1альний цвин- тар у Micri Арлшгтош

Smithsonian Institution [smit'sounisn-] - Смггсоновський ш- ститут. Найкрупшший комплекс культурно-просвггницьких i нау- кових заклащв

the Joseph Hirthhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden - Музей i сад скульптур Хфшхорна. Музей сучасного американского та европейського мистсцтва. Був створений на ocHoai колекци финан­ систа Дж. Хфшхорна

Quiz 4 I

1. Answer the questions.

1. Why does the abbreviation D.C. always go with the name of the U.S. capital? 2. Where is the D.C. situated? 3. What is the occasion in Washington that has nothing to do with its politics? 4. Who created the design of Washington? 5. What is the pattern of the city? 6. What does the Capitol consist of? 7. What do the marble columns surrounding the lower part of the Capitol dome represent? 8. What can be seen inside the Capitol? 9. What is the Mall? 10. What gave the White House its name? 11. What can be seen inside the White House? 12. What street is nicknamed the "Processional Street of America" and why? 13. What did you get to know about the Marquis de Lafayette? 14. What can be seen in front/behind the White House? 15. What monument is called the "Pencil"? 16. What monument is located at the end of the Mall? 17. What is the Smithsonian Institution famous for? 18. What are the nick­names for the Pentagon? 19. What is the residential section of Wash­ington called? 20. What does the Iwo Jima Statue commemorate? What does it depict?

34. Complete the sentences.

1. An informal nickname for the U.S. flag is.... 2....is the seat of the U.S. Congress. 3....is a nickname for the Congress. 4....is the official residence of the U.S. President. 5....is an informal name for the President's office. 6. Another word for the White House is....

34. The headquarters of the Department of Defense is known as....

34.The most visited museum in the Smithsonian Institution is.... 9....is the world's largest office. 10. The main square in the D.C. is.... 11....is a street connecting the Capitol with the White House 12. Wash­ington stands on the...river. 13. The oldest Catholic college in New York, is called.... 14. The memorial commemorating all the marines who have died in battle is called.... 15....is a famous national ceme­tery in Washington.

35. Match an item from A with an item from B.

A. the Pentagon 2. a cemetery 3. the Congress 4. the Executive Mansion 5. the Capitol Building 6. Pennsylvania Avenue 7. the Wash ington Monument 8. cherry trees 9. the Lincoln Memorial 10. the Smithsonian Institution

B. a) the center of the city b) Arlington c) president d) George Washington e) the nation's attic f) an obelisk g) government h) laws i) Japanese j) the main street

4. Define the meaning of the American units of specific national lexicon. Dwell on the ways they are conveyed into Ukrainian (translated, transcribed, transliterated, explained etc): the District of Columbia, the White House, the Congress, the Executive Mansion, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Capitol, the Oval Office, Pennsyl­vania Avenue, the Mall, the Hill, Pierre L'Enfant, the Marquis de La­fayette, James Smithson, the Potomac River, the Processional Street of America, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Institution, the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Lafayette Square, the Pentagon, the National Air and Space Museum, George­town, Arlington National Cemetery, the Marine Corps War Memorial, the Iwo Jima Statue, the Korean War Memorial, the National Archives, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, the Tidal Basin, Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park, Union Station, the National Cherry Blossom Festival, Cedar Hill.



Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 119 | Нарушение авторских прав

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