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English for Computing

(Английский для программистов)


Сборник текстов и упражнений

по развитию навыков чтения научно-технической

литературы для студентов специальностей

553000, 552800, 220200 дневной формы обучения

(электронная версия)


Красноярск 2007

УДК 802.0



ст. преподаватель А. Н. Ефимова


Печатается по решению Редакционно-издательского
совета Университета


Маслова О. В.

English for Computing(Английский для программистов): Сб. текстов и упражнений по развитию навыков чтения науч.-техн. литературы для студентов спец. 553000, 552800, 220200 дневной формы обучения (электронная версия) / Сост.: О. В. Маслова, А. Г. Шахраманян; СибГАУ, Красноярск, 2007. 71 с.


Учебное издание


Маслова Ольга Викентьевна

Шахраманян Александр Германович

English for Computing

(Английский для программистов)


Сборник текстов и упражнений

по развитию навыков чтения научно-технической

литературы для студентов специальностей

553000, 552800, 220200 дневной формы обучения

(электронная версия)


Редактор А. А. Ловчикова

Подп. в печать 21.05.2007. Усл. печ. л. 4,2. Уч.-изд. л. 4,5.

С 18.


© Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический
университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева, 2007

© О. В. Маслова, А. Г. Шахраманян, 2007


ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ...................................................................... 4

LESSON 1............................................................................. 6

Programs and Programming Languages

Passive Voice

LESSON 2.............................................................................. 11

Personal Computing

Modal Verbs, Modal Verbs Expressions

LESSON 3.............................................................................. 16

Computer Networks


LESSON 4.............................................................................. 19

General Features of Operating Systems

Absolute Participle Construction

LESSON 5.............................................................................. 23

Computer Viruses


LESSON 6.............................................................................. 28

Machine Translation

Infinitive as the Adverbial Modifier

LESSON 7.............................................................................. 32

Information Systems

Complex Subject

LESSON 8.............................................................................. 35

Virtual Reality

Complex Object

SUPPLEMENTARY READING................................................ 39

ADDITIONAL TEXTS............................................................... 52

CONTROL EXERCISE.............................................................. 69

БИБЛИОГРАФИЧЕСКИЙ СПИСОК.................................... 71




Сборник ”English for Computing” предназначен для подготовки специалистов, обучающихся на факультетах информационных систем управления, а именно проходящих подготовку по специальностям: 553000 – “Системный анализ и управление”, 552800 – “Информатика и вычислительная техника”, 220200 – “Автоматизированные системы обработки информации и управления ”.

Данный сборник составлен на основе современных текстов учебника “Oxford English for Computing” (Keith Boecker, P. Charles Brown, Oxford University Press, 2005). Необходимость создания сборника обусловлена отсутствием специально разработанных учебников для обучения студентов, будущая профессиональная деятельность которых непосредственно связана с работой на компьютере. Сборник может быть успешно использован для проведения аудиторных занятий, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов в качестве источника разнообразных текстов для дополнительного чтения по специальности (раздел Supplementary reading).

Курс рассчитан на 68 часов аудиторной работы со студентами (2, 3 семестр при четырехчасовой сетке в неделю), либо на 34 часа самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы.

Целью сборника является развитие навыков научно-технической литературы по специальности и навыков коммуникативной компетенции, достаточной для возможности высказаться по актуальным вопросам компьютерной тематики. Сама тематика включенных в сборник текстов соответствует реально существующим направлениям подготовки специалистов компьютерного профиля: информационные системы, программы и языки программирования, системы машинного перевода, компьютерные сети, компьютерные вирусы и другие, что значительно расширяет и дает студентам возможность систематизировать имеющуюся информацию по специальности на английском языке.

Особое место в сборнике занимают грамматические упражнения, целью выполнения которых является обучение студентов навыкам перевода сложных грамматических конструкций, таких как инфинитив в функции обстоятельства цели, сложное подлежащее, сложное дополнение, пассивный залог, герундий, модальные глаголы и их заменители, причастие, абсолютный причастный оборот и др.

Сборник включает восемь уроков, каждый из которых построен по единому принципу: урок предваряет список активной лексики к основному тексту, далее следует основной текст, послетекстовые лексические упражнения и упражнения, направленные на развитие умения высказывать свои познания на тему компьютерной техники и программирования. Завершают урок грамматические упражнения, которые имеются в тексте каждого урока.

В качестве специального задания предлагается найти данные предложения и перевести сложные грамматические конструкции, характерные для англоязычной научно-технической литературы, что будет способствовать более глубокому усвоению грамматики.

Рекомендации студентам

Качество ваших знаний будет зависеть от систематичности знаний, большую часть работы должна занимать самостоятельная подготовка. Каждый последующий урок построен на материалах предыдущих, поэтому требуется строгая последовательность в изучении и усвоении материала.

Предлагаемый лексический минимум подлежит активному усвоению, т.к. он является основной лексической базой для чтения научно-технических текстов по вашей специальности.

Мы рекомендуем готовится к занятиям в определенной последовательности:

1. Проработайте активную лексику, уделив особое внимание чтению трудных для произношения слов.

2. Проработайте грамматический материал, найдите в основном тексте предложения на изучаемую грамматику.

3. При работе над основным текстом особое внимание уделите переводу сложных грамматических конструкций, а также стилистически грамотному изложению прочитанного на русском языке.

4. Уделите особое внимание поиску дополнительной информации (журналы, статьи из Интернета, лекционный материал по курсу ”Введение в специальность” и др.) в целях углубления и расширения изучаемого материала.

Составители сборника надеются, что он окажется интересным по содержанию, а предлагаемые упражнения помогут студентам грамотно и компетентно высказываться по актуальным вопросам в области информатики и компьютерных технологий.


TEXT Programs and Programming Languages

GRAMMAR Passive Voice

& Active Vocabulary

to deal with high-level language instruction to process to compile compiler to interpret machine code to transform to result in to consist of formulae to introduce purpose to involve calculations data application scientific general-purpose artificial intelligence package to convert various to accept particular input,output to execute user payroll manufacturer employee to lease to code to correspond to one’s needs

Task 1. Read the following text

Programs and Programming Languages

  Computers can deal with different kinds of problems if they are given the right instructions for what to do. Instructions are first written in one of the high-level languages, e.g. FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, PL/1, PASCAL, BASIC, or C, depending on type of problem, which must be solved. A program, which is written in one of these languages is often called a source program, and it cannot be directly processed by the computer until it has been compiled, which means interpreted into machine code. Usually a single instruction, which is written in a high-level language, when it is transformed into machine code, results in several instructions. Here is a brief description of some of the many high-level languages: FORTRAN acronym for FORmula TRANslation. This language is used for solving scientific and mathematical problems. It consists of algebraic formulae and English phrases. It was first introduced in the United States in 1954. COBOL acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language. This language is used for commercial purposes. COBOL, which is written with English statements, deals with problems that do not involve a lot of mathematical calculations. It was first introduced in 1959. ALGOL acronym for ALGOrithmic Language. Originally called IAL, which means International Algebraic Language. It is used for mathematical and scientific purposes. ALGOL was first introduced in Europe in 1960. PL/1 Programming Language 1 was developed in 1964. It combines features of COBOL and ALGOL. Consequently, it is used for data processing as well as scientific applications. BASIC acronym for Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It was developed in 1965 at Dartmouth College in the United States for use by students who require a simple language to begin programming. C was developed in the 1970s to support the UNIX operating system. C is a highly portable general-purpose language. Other such languages are APL (developed in 1962), PASCAL (is named after Blaise Pascal and developed in 1971), and LISP and PROLOG, both of which are used for work in artificial intelligence. LOGO is a development of LISP which has been used to develop computer-based training (CBT) packages. When a program is written in one of these high-level languages and designed to do a specific type of work such as calculate a company’s payroll or calculate the stress factor on a roof, it is called an applications program. Institutions either purchase these programs as packages or commission their own programmers to write them to meet the specifications of the users. The program which is produced after the source program has been converted into machine code is referred to as an object program or object module. This is done by a computer program called the compiler, which is unique for each computer. Consequently, a computer needs its own compiler for the various high-level languages if it is expected to accept programs which are written in those languages. For example, in order that an IBM RS/6000 may process a program in FORTRAN, it needs to have a compiler that would understand that particular model and the FORTRAN language as well. The compiler is a systems program which may be written in any language, but the computer’s operating system is a true systems program which controls the central processing unit (CPU), the input, the output, and the secondary memory devices. Another systems program is the linkage editor, which fetches required system routines and links them to the object module (the source program in machine code). The resulting program is then called the load module. This is the program, which computer directly executes. Although systems programs are part of the software, they are usually provided by the manufacturer of the machine. Unlike systems programs, software packages are sold by various vendors and not necessarily by the computer manufacturer. They are a set of programs which are designed to perform certain applications. They conform to the particular specifications of the user. Payroll is an example of such a package which allows the user to input data – hours worked, pay rates, special deductions, names of employees – and get salary calculations as output. These packages are coded in machine language (0s and 1s) on magnetic tapes or disks which can be purchased, leased, or rented by users who choose the package that most closely corresponds to their needs.

amp; Vocabulary

payroll – list of employees and the amount of money to be paid to each of them

Task 2. Match the word combinations of the left column with their Russian equivalents

1) secondary memory devices a) объектный модуль
2) central processing unit b) программный пакет
3) computer-based training (CBT) packages   c) язык высокого уровня
4) computer’s operating system d) устройства памяти второго уровня
5) object module e) обработка данных
6) load module f) компьютерные тренировочные пакеты
7) software package g) центральный процессор
8) high-level language h) операционная система
9) mathematical and scientific purposes i) загрузочный модуль
10) data processing j) математические и научные цели

Task 3. These are answers to questions about the text. Write the questions

1. No, it’s quite wordy, so it is used for commercial purposes.

2. To support the UNIX operating system.

3. An applications program.

4. It is done by the compiler.

5. It fetches required system routines and links them to the object module.

6. No, they are also sold by other vendors.

Task 4. Find the passages in the text where the following ideas are expressed. Give the line references

1. Systems programs control the work of the computer system. (line)

2. Software packages are not always sold by the manufacturer. (line)

3. Usually, every high-level instruction translates into many more in machine code. (line)

4. Systems programs are usually provided by the manufacturer. (line)

5. Programmers may be required to write software for their employers. (line)

Task 5. Using the line reference given, look back in the text and find the reference for the thick words

1) …if they are given the right… (line 1)

2) … it cannot be directly processed… (line 7)

3) … it is called an applications program… (line 43)

4) …commission their own programmers… (line 44)

5) …to write them to meet… (line 45)

6) … that would understand… (line 54)

7) … which controls the central… (line 58)

8) …links them to the object… (line 61)

9) They are a set of programs… (line 68)

10) …which can be purchased… (line 74)

Task 6. Using the line reference given, refer back in the text and find words or phrases that have a similar meaning to:

1) converted (lines 5-12)

2) give the responsibility to (lines 40-46)

3) brings (lines 56-65)

4) are compatible with (lines 66-76)

5) matches (lines 66-76)

Task 7. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. Mind grammar

1. The first digital computers were programmed in machine language: the strings of binary digits were actually processed by the machine.

2. Later programming was done in assembly language, in which the basic semantic units were the individual instructions executed by the machine.

3. Today communication with computers is carried out mainly in high-level languages, in which complex statements are interpreted by the machine and automatically compiled into programs.

4. A source program cannot be directly processed by the computer until it has been compiled by special program, which is called compiler.

5. Really serious and large programs and software packages are written in high-level languages, because the use of a low-level language for this purpose increases developing time and costs too much.

Task 8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Программы для первых компьютеров были написаны на машинном языке, т.е. в кодах, непосредственно воспринимаемых компьютером.

2. Программы на ассемблере очень просто переводятся в машинные коды, это делается с помощью специальной программы, которая тоже называется ассемблером.

3. Язык программирования высокого уровня Фортран был разработан в 1954 г. в фирме IBM под руководством Джона Бэкуса.

4. Для других применений было разработано множество различных языков высокого уровня, но широкое распространение получили лишь немногие из них, в частности, Си и Си++, Паскаль, Бейсик, Форт, Лисп, Пролог и др.

5. Язык Си был разработан, чтобы поддерживать и развивать операционную систему UNIX, которая в те годы была очень популярной.

6. Многие особые задачи решаются прикладными программами, например, расчет фактора давления на компоненты машины.

7. Существующие языки программирования не отвечали требованиям математиков, и был разработан специальный язык для обработки математических формул и выражений.


TEXT Personal Computing

GRAMMAR Modal Verbs, Modal Verbs Expressions

& Active Vocabulary

personal computer computing company mainframe computer world-wide standard compatibility manufacturer research operating system graphical interface mouse to click on smth. icon to represent to perform chip, microchip function command-based network memory processor software hardware application computer game technology data base world-wide scale to control

Task 1. Read the text

Personal Computing

  In 1952, a major computing company took a decision to get out of the business of making mainframe computers. They believed that there was only a market for four mainframes in the whole world. That company was IBM. The following year they reversed their decision. In 1980, IBM decided that there was a market for 250,000 PCs, so they could set up a special team to develop the first IBM PC. It went on sale in 1981 and set a world-wide standard for IBM-compatibility which, over the next ten years, was only seriously challenged by one other company, Apple Computers. Since then, over seventy million PCs made by IBM and other manufacturers have been sold. Over this period, PCs have become commodity items. Since IBM made the design non-proprietary, anyone can make them. The history of the multi-billion dollar PC industry has been one of mistakes. Xerox Corporation funded the initial research on personal computers in their Palo Alto laboratory in California. However, the company could not capitalize on this work, and the ideas that they put together went into the operating system developed for Apple’s computers. This was a graphical interface: using a mouse, the user clicks on icons, which represent the functions, which must be performed. The first IBM PC was developed using existing available electrical components. With IBM’s badge on the box it became the standard machine for large corporations to purchase. When IBM were looking for an operating system, they went initially to Digital Research, who were market leaders in command-based operating systems (these are operating systems in which the users type in commands to perform a function). When the collaboration between IBM and Digital Research failed, IBM turned to Bill Gates, then 25 years old. He was to write their operating system. Bill Gates founded Microsoft on the basis of the development of MS-DOS, the initial operating system for the IBM PC. Digital Research have continued to develop their operating system, DR-DOS. Many people consider it as a better product than Microsoft’s. However, without an endorsement from IBM, it has become a minor player in the market. Novell, the leaders in PC-networking, now own Digital Research, so thing may change. The original IBM PC had a minimum of 16K of memory, but this could be upgraded to 512K, if necessary, and ran with a processor speed of 4.77MHz. Ten years later, in 1991, IBM were making PC’s with 16Mb of memory, expandable to 64Mb, running with a processor speed of 33MHz. The cost of buying the hardware has come down considerably as the machines has become commodity items. Large companies are considering running major applications on PCs. In contrast, many computers in people’s homes are just used to play computer games. The widespread availability of computers has in all probability changed the world forever. The microchip technology which made the PC possible has put chips not only into computers, but also into washing-machines and cars. Some books may never be published in paper form, but may only be made available as part of public databases. Networks of computers make information available on a world-wide scale.

& Vocabulary

commodity items — item which can be produced and traded freely

non-proprietary — not belonging to any single company

capitalize on — profit from, turn to one’s advantage

Task 2. Match each word with the correct definition

1) mainframe a) the set of software that controls a computer system
2) mouse b) a very small piece of silicon carrying a complex electrical circuit
3) icon c) a big computer system used for large-scale operations
4) operating system d) the physical portion of a computer system
5) software e) a device moved by hand to indicate position on the screen
6) hardware f) a visual symbol used in a menu instead of natural language
7) microchip g) data, programs, etc., not forming part of a computer, but used when operating it.

Task 3. Using the line reference given, look back in the text and find words that have a similar meaning to:

1) international (lines 7-10)

2) contested (lines 7-10)

3) errors (lines 15-17)

4) paid for (lines 15-17)

5) buy (lines 20-25)

6) first (lines 33-36)

7) recommendation (lines 36-39)

8) improved (lines 39-42)

Task 4. Answer these questions about the text

1. How many mainframes did IBM think it was possible to sell in 1952?

2. How many PCs have now been sold?

3. Who paid for the initial research into PCs?

4. Which company later used the results of this research to develop their operating system?

5. What are command-based operating systems?

6. DR-DOS is acronym. What does it stand for?

7. Since the invention of the IBM PC, many of its features have been improved. Which of the following features does the text notmention in this respect?

a) memory

b) speed

c) size

d) cost

8. Give three examples from the text of how the availability of computers has “in all probability changed the world forever”.

Task 5. The article states that “many computers in people’s homes are just used to play computer games”. Discuss the following questions

1. In what other ways are computers used at home, or outside work?

2. If you already have a PC, how do you use it? (If not, how would you use one?)

Task 6. Find in the text all sentences,in which modal verbs and their expressions are used. Translate these sentences

Task 7. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. Mind grammar

1. First computers were very large and expensive, and they surely cannot be compared with the modern ones, which can process information thousand times faster.

2. The IBM PC architecture, developed by IBM, still remains the standard for personal computers, though there is no warranty that this situation may not be changed in future under the influence of competitors’ products.

3. The industry of information technologies develops very fast, and no one can predict what it will look like tomorrow.

4. The personal computer becomes an indispensable instrument for everyone and man’s life can hardly be imagined without it.

5. The Microsoft Windows, operating system developed by Microsoft, is one of the most popular and widely spread now, in spite of the fact that other systems are more crash-resistible and can execute some particular operations more efficiently.

6. The price of a computer is so low now that even not a very rich man can afford having such a device at home.

Task 8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Mind grammar

1. Персональные компьютеры – это универсальные устройства, которые могут выполнять любые действия по обработке информации.

2. Персональные компьютеры являются наиболее широко используемым (widely used) видом компьютеров, их мощность постоянно увеличивается, а область применения может расширяться.

3. Ввод чисел в компьютер и вывод их для чтения человеком может быть осуществлен в привычной десятичной системе – все необходимые преобразования могут выполнить программы, работающие на компьютере.

4. До появления интегральных схем транзисторы изготовлялись по отдельности, и при сборке схемы приходилось их соединять и спаивать вручную.

5. Применение микропроцессора Intel 8088 позволило значительно увеличить потенциальные возможности компьютера.

6. Разнообразные программы для компьютера позволяют превратить его в рабочее место конструктора (designer) или статистика, менеджера или инженера, редактировать (to edit) на нем документы или играть в компьютерные игры.

7. Пользователи персональных компьютеров могут самостоятельно расширять возможности своих компьютеров.


TEXT Computer networks

GRAMMAR Participle

& Active Vocabulary

to link communication rapid reliable distinction terminal access to transfer to provide remote bulletin board query expensive to perform to parse to reduce to improve fibre optics protocol

Task 1. Read the text

Computer networks

43 Computer networks link computers by communication lines and software protocols, allowing data to be exchanged rapidly and reliably. Traditionally, networks have been split between wide area networks (WANs) and local area networks (LANs). A WAN is a network connected over long-distance telephone lines, and a LAN is a localized network usually in one building close together. The distinction, however, is becoming blurred. It is now possible connect up LANs remotely over telephone links so that they look as though they are a single LAN. Originally, networks were used to provide terminal access to another computer and to transfer files between computers. Today, networks carry e-mail, provide access to public databases and bulletin boards, and are beginning to be used for distributed systems. Networks also allow users in one locality to share expensive resources, such as printers and disk-systems. Distributed computer systems are built using networked computers that co-operate to perform tasks. In this environment each part of the networked system does what it is best at. The high-quality bit-mapped graphics screen of a personal computer or workstation provides a good user interface. The mainframe, on the other hand, can handle large numbers of queries and return the results to the users. In a distributed environment, a user might use his PC to make a query against a central database. The PC passes the query, written in a special language (e.g. Structured Query Language – SQL), to the mainframe, which then parses the query, returning to the user’s PC only the specific information requested, network traffic is reduced. If the whole file was transmitted, the PC would then have to perform the query itself, reducing the efficiency of both network and PC. In the 1980s, at least 100,000 LANs were set up in laboratories and offices around the world. During the early part of this decade, synchronous orbit satellites lowered the price of long-distance telephone calls, enabling computer data and television signals to be distributed more cheaply around the world. Since then, fibre-optic cable has been installed on a large scale, enabling vast amounts of data to be transmitted at a very high speed using light signals. The impact of fibre optics will be considerably to reduce the price of network access. Global communication and computer networks will become more and more a part of professional and personal lives as the price of microcomputers and network access drops. At the same time, distributed computer networks should improve our work environments and technical abilities.

Task 2. Before reading the text, match these words and phrases with their definitions

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 145 | Нарушение авторских прав

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