List of topics
American Literature
(Additional 10 points)
- Organize a group of 2-3 people (not more). Choose a topic. ONE topic – for ONE group of students.
- Create a project concerning some creative work of American literature.
Your project should obviously consist of:
- theoretical materials collected by your group and presented in the folder (no strict rules for organizing it);
- theoretical materials should obviously include data concerning the writer’s life and creative works and the history of creating the book you are writing about;
- visual aids – p.e. pictures, photos, documents, real objects, music, multimedia;
- teaching materials on your topic.
TIPS – how to get “excellent”
READ the book you are going to present in the project.
2. Be as creative as possible!
- Present the writer. DO NOT print out traditional biography – the list of dates, several “boring” passages you’ve never read… Prepare the collection of the most interesting and significant facts about the writer. Illustrate the story with pictures. Choose some lines from this writer’s works, famous or interesting aphorisms. Find some documentary about this writer, choose the best shots. These are only several possible variants!
- Present the book. DO NOT retell it or copy the short retelling from some site. Again try to be creative: find the original cover, author’s illustrations (if any), photos of actors who presented the book in cinema/theatre. Find how this book was reflected in the art, in music. Find out how this book influenced other writers – choose some critical review or allusions to the book in other texts.
- Present the teaching materials. Imagine that you are going to conduct a lesson/ lecture on the chosen topic. Prepare some creative tasks, crosswords, riddles, quiz etc. Prepare samples of handouts, creative tasks. By the way, these materials may be helpful for your school practice.
- Important: to get “excellent” your project should be created in English.
If the project is excellent, each member of the group will get 10 points (or less, if there are some disadvantages).
During final exam any student may be asked several questions concerning the project (especially concerning the book the project was dedicated to); if he/she cannot answer – his/her points will be annulated.
List of topics
Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 88 | Нарушение авторских прав - 2015-2025 год. (0.008 сек.)