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Hepatitis viruses

Читайте также:
  1. Computer viruses
  2. Hepatitis A
  3. Hepatitis B
  4. Hepatitis C
  5. Hepatitis D
  6. Hepatitis E


22. Rather often the cause of acquired immunodeficiencies is the infectious damage of organism which is characterized by causative agents' reproduction directly in immune system cells and destruction of these cells. Choose such disease among given below.

A. infectious mononucleosis, AIDS.

B.tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis

C.Poliomyelitis, hepatitis A infection.

D. Cholera, shigellosis.

E.Epidemic typhus, Q-fever


23. 179/ A patient, 20-years-old, has been diagnosed with HIV-infection. What population of cells is the most sensitive to HIV?

a. Hepatocytes

b. T-helpers

c. Endothelial cells

d. Epithelial cells

e. B-cells

24. 199/ Human immunodeficiency virus, having on its surface antigens gp41 and gpl20, interacts with the target cells of an organism. Which human lymphocytes marker can be complementary connected with gpl20 of the virus?

A. CD 4.

B.CD 3.

C.CD 8.

D.CD 19.

E. CD 28.

200/. Blood serum examination of a patient with signs of immunodeficiency has shown antibodies to proteins gpl20 and gp41. Which disease is confirmed by this result?

A. TORCH-infection

B. HLTV-1-infection.

C. HIV-infection.


E. ECHO-virus infection.


198/ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is caused by human immunodeficiency virus. What cells of human body are target for this virus?

A. plasma cells.


C.natural killers (NK-cells).

D. basophiles.

E. T-helper cells.

25. 180/ It is known that human immunodeficiency virus belongs to Retro viridae family. What basic feature characterizes this family?

A. Simple viruses, which affect only human beings.

B. Contain RNA of negative polarity.

C. Presence of reverse transcriptase enzyme.

D.Nucleic acid does not integrate into the genome of the host.

E. DNA-containing viruses which cause chronic infections.


26. “B” A young man appealed to anonymous cabinet for diagnosis of HIV-infection first time. Which test can be used for diagnosis of HIV-infection at this patient?

a. Immunoenzyme assay (ELISA)

b. Immunoblotting test

c. Radioimmune assay

d. Immune-electron microscopy

e. Immunofluorescence test

27. There is a laboratory for diagnosis of HIV-infection in the large dental department. What diagnostic kits should be such laboratory equipped with?

a. Cell cultures for virus isolation

b. Test-systems for antibody detection with ELISA

c. Special nutrient media kits

d. Standard diagnostic sera

28. A patient with reccurent and resistant to therapy oral candidasis appealed to dentist for medical aid. It was revealed he had been having fever and weight loss for long time before. What investigation should be made in this case?

a. Immunological and serological testing for HIV-infection

b. Bacteriological tests for disbiosis

c. Isolate pure culture of causative agent and detect its sensitivity to antibiotics

d. Check the state of humoral immunity

e. Detect the amount of specific antibody to Candida

29. For diagnostics of HIV-infection blood serum is tested by revealing of special antigen with ELISA. What enzyme-linked antibody is used in this case?

a. Against protein gp41

b. Against protein p24

c. Against protein gp120

d. Against protein p17

e. Against human immunoglobulin


30. “B” Which method of donor blood checking has to be used to ensure absence of HIV in it?

a. Revealing of viral nucleic acid

b. Revealing of virus by infection of lymphocyte culture

c. Revealing of IgM antibody

d. Electron microscopy of T4 lymphocytes

e. Revealing of causative agent antigens

31. 187/ During immunoblot analysis protein gp120 has been revealed in blood serum. What infection can be diagnosed by this antigen detecting?

A. Virus hepatitis B.



D. Syphilis.



32. “B” Medical meeting was hold after revealing some cases of HIV infection among patients of dental clinics and rooms at which epidemiologists from Center of HIV-infection prophylaxis spoke about recommendation. Which measures of prevention could be recommended for dentists to prevent professional infection?

a. To work in individual protectors (gloves, glasses)

b. To wash hands after examination of each patient

c. To use new sterile tool set for each patient

d. To require a medical certificate from each patient

e. To disinfect a room with quartz lamp

33. “B” HIV-infected woman gave a birth for baby in probationary department of maternity hospital. Which from the listed diagnostics methods of HIV-infection is the most reasonable for this baby?

a. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)


c. Neutralization test

d. Complement fixation test

e. Radioimmune assay

34. “B” Which stage of HIV-infection is person a source of infection at?

a. At all stages of infection

b. Acute HIV-infection

c. Chronic (latent) HIV-infection

d. Persistent generalized HIV-infection

e. AIDS-associated complex

“07” After examining of the patient with aphthous stomatitis with corresponding candidiasis a stomatologist has decided to exclude HIV-infection. Which assay is helpful for clearing of this case and for primary diagnosis?

a. Phase-contrast microscopy

b. Gel precipitation test

c. Immunoenzyme assay

d. Inhibition of hemagglutination test

e. Hemagglutination test


35. “B” A patient, which applied to hospital for results of ELISA, was given with primary diagnosis of HIV-infection. Which serological test should be used for confirmation of diagnosis?

a. Immunoblotting

b. Agglutination test

c. Complement fixation test

d. Thermoprecipitation test

e. Immunofluorescence test

36. 165/ During checking the donors' blood at a hemotransfusion station antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus have been revealed in the serum. What method is recommended for the confirmation of HIV-infection diagnosis?

A. Complement fixation test.

B. Electron microscopy.

C. Western blotting (immunoblotting).

D. Immunofluorescence test.

E. Radioimmunoassay


1/ A patient with unknown fever, immunodeficiency state, gastrointestinal disorders nd nervous system failure has been given with diagnosis “AIDS”. Which methods of laboratory diagnostics have to be used for confirmation of diagnosis?

a. Polymerase chain reaction, immunoblot, immunoenzyme assay

b. Complement fixation test

c. Agglutination test

d. Hemadsoption test

e. Hemagglutination test


“2013” A patient consulted an immunologist about diarrhea, weight loss within several months, low-grade fever, and enlarged lymph nodes. The doctor suspected HIV infection. What immunocompetent cells must be studied first of all?

A. Helper T-lymphocytes

B. B-lymphocytes

C. Plasma cells

D. Monocytes

E. Suppressor T-lymphocytes



167/ A patient has been prescribed a combination of preparations, which inhibit HIV reproduction in the specialized clinic. To what group do the preparations, which are obligatory used in complex antiviral treatment, belong?

A. Interleukin.

B. Broad spectrum antibiotics.

C. Nucleosides analogs.

D. Nystatin.

E. Biseptol.

166/ HIV-infected patient is examined time to time to estimate the signs of process activation. Name the most important sign that arise at AIDS development.

A. Number of neutrophiles is getting less

B. Kaposi’s sarcoma. T-helpers number is less then critical data

C. T-suppressor number is getting higher

D. T-helpers number is less then critical data

E. Revealing of antibody to gp41

“04” during examination of patient with AIDS two positive results of ELISA were obtained. Which test must be used for exception of false-positive results for ELISA?

  1. Luminescent microscopy
  2. Molecular hybridization
  3. Immunofluorescent test
  4. *Immunoblot
  5. Radioimmune assay

“04” A patient 29 y.o.was admitted to hospital with pneumonia. At microbiological assay of sputum Pneumocystus carinii was revealed. Which infectious disease only does this etiological form of pneumonia develop at?

A. Plague

B. Influenza

C. Ornitosis

D. *HIV-infection

E. Legionelosis

OB-12 Quite often the cause of secondary immunodeficiency is an infection involvement, when the causative agents propagate directly in the cells of immune system and destroy it. The following diseases are characterized by:

A Infectious mononucleosis, AIDS

B Tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis

C Poliomyelitis, type A hepatitis

D Dysentery, cholera

E Q-fever, epidemic typhus

b-12 The immunoblot detected gp120 protein in the blood serum. This protein is typical for the

following disease:

A HIV-infection

B Virus B hepatitis

C Tuberculosis

D Syphilis

E Poliomyelitis


b-12 HIV has gp41 and gp120 on its surface interacts with target cells of an organism. Which of the following human lymphocyte antigens is gp120 complementary bound with?

A CD 4

B CD 3

C CD 8

D CD 19

E CD 28


Examination of a young man in the AIDS centre produced a positive result of immune-enzyme

assay with HIV antigens. Patient's complaints about state of his health were absent. What can

the positive result of immune-enzyme assay be evidence of?

A HIV infection

B Being ill with AIDS

C Being infected with HBV

D Having had AIDS recently

E HBV persistence


Hepatitis B virus

175. High-sensitivity methods are used for checking the presence of virus hepatitis B antigens in donors' blood. Which test should be used?

A. *Solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. (ELISA)

D. Complement fixation.

B. Immunoelectrophoresis.

C. Indirect hemagglutination.

E. Indirect immunofluorescence.


196. HBs-antigen has been revealed during enzyme immunoassay in serum. What infection can be diagnosed by this antigen detecting?

A. Syphilis.

B.Virus hepatitis A.


D. Tuberculosis.

E.*Virus hepatitis B.


*At donor blood assay one from the markers of hepatitis B infection was revealed. What marker detection does not allow to use this blood for hemotransfusion?







b-12 The donor who for a long time didn't donate the blood was investigated with IFA method. Anti-HBs antibodies were revealed. What does positive result of IFA in this case mean?

A Previous hepatitis B

B Acute hepatitis B

C Acute hepatitis C

D Chronic hepatitis В

E Chronic hepatitis С


*A man, 25-year-old, has fever and jaundice. There were not neither HBsAg nor antibody to HBs-antigen in the blood assay asked by doctor. Which from additional test, most probably, may confirm presence of hepatitis B infection?


Antibody to HBeAg

Antibody to HBcAg




*2013* A patient M. complaining of fever, general weakness, and jaundice, was admitted to infectious department. A doctor suspected hepatitis B infection based onto event, that patient had hemotransfusion some months ago. What basic methods of laboratory diagnostics in case of hepatitis B are?

A. *Serology and gene diagnostics

B. Isolation of a virus into cell culture and identification due to CPE

C. Virion detection in the blood at electron microscopy

D. Isolation of a virus into chicken embryo

E. Isolation of the virus in laboratory animals (neutralization test)


*06* 185. The causative agent of hepatitis D (delta-agent) is a defective virus. It can replicate only in cells already infected with one of the viruses. Which one is possible with?

A. Human immunodeficiency.

B.Hepatitis A.

C.Hepatitis E.


E. *Hepatitis B.


191. A patient with a very grave course of hepatitis B has been administered the examination for detecting the possible concomitant agent, which complicates the course of the basic disease. What agent is this?


B.Hepatitis C virus.

C.Hepatitis G virus.

D.Hepatitis E virus.



b-12 *01*, *02* 192. During an operative intervention (surgery) a patient had blood transfusion. In this blood the presence of the following causative agent should be checked:

A.*Hepatitis B virus.

B.Hepatitis A virus.

C.Hepatitis E virus.




*02* A patient with jandice has next result of laboratory assay: HBsAg -, HBeAg -, antiHBsG +, anti HBsМ-, HСAg+. Which diagnosis is confirmed on the base of these data?

Hepatitis C

Chronic hepatitis B with low replicative activity

Repeated infection with hepatitis B

*Hepatitis C, last hepatitis B

Recurrence of hepatitis B


*03* During examination of a donor, which has not being given blood for a long time, antiHBs-antibody was revealed with ELISA. What does positive result indicate in this case?

About chronic hepatitis C

About acute hepatitis C

About chronic hepatitis B

*about recovery after hepatitis B

About acute hepatitis B


Hepatitis A virus

76. A patient with viral hepatitis A was admitted to an infectious hospital. What antibodies will be synthesized first in response to this virus reproduc­tion?

A. IgA.



D. IgD.

E. IgE.


188. In a settlement there is registered an outbreak of hepatitis associated with water factor. What virus could induce this outbreak?

A.Hepatitis G.

B.Hepatitis C.

C.Hepatitis D.

D.*Hepatitis A.

E.Hepatitis B.


* A month after returning from summer camp a child was hospitalized into infectious department. A doctor suspected hepatitis A infection based onto complaints. What is the most probable way of hepatitis A infection in this case?


Via contact

By inhalation of dust

transmissive (via vector)



*07* A outbreak of hepatitis has been registered in region, that is connected with water factor. Which virus could cause this outbreak?

Hepatitis G virus

Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis D virus

*Hepatitis A (E!) virus

Hepatitis B virus


Hepatitis E virus

*A person with general weakness, subfebrility, icteritious sclera and skin visited a hospital. It is known from history, that he was at seaside and ate seafood without cooking 2 weeks ago. Which markers detection allows confirming diagnosis “acute hepatitis E”?

*IgM anti-HEV

IgM anti-HAV

IgG anti-HEV

IgG anti-HAV

37. 169/ A patient with a very grave course of hepatitis B has been administered the examination for detecting the possible concomitant agent, which complicates the course of the basic disease. What agent is this?

A. Delta-virus.

B.Hepatitis C virus.

C.Hepatitis G virus.

D. Hepatitis E virus.

E. HBs-antigen.

172/ High-sensitivity methods are used for checking the presence of virus hepatitis B antigens in donors' blood. Which test should be used?

A. Solid-phase enzyme immunoassay. (ELISA)

D. Complement fixation.

B. Immunoelectrophoresis.

C. Indirect hemagglutination.

E. Indirect immunofluorescence.


194/ A patient is hospitalized with the previous diagnosis of hepatitis B. To diagnose the disease a serological reaction based on interaction of antigen and antibody, chemically linked to peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase, was carried out. Name this reaction.

a.Complement fixation test.

b. Radioimmunoassay.

c. Immunofluorescence test.

d. Enzyme immunoassay.

e. Immobilization.

“07” 186/ HBs-antigen has been revealed during enzyme immunoassay in serum. What infection can be diagnosed by this antigen detection?

A. Syphilis.

B.Virus hepatitis A.


D. Tuberculosis.

E. Virus hepatitis B.

182/ a patient (a dentist by profession) with signs of liver failure was hospitalized into infectious department. Which laboratory assay should be made to diagnose hepatitis B infection?

a. HBs-Ag revealing into patient’s blood

b. Virus isolation from patient’s stool

c. Virus isolation from patient’s urine

d. Detection of functional liver probes (bilirubin and cholesterol in the blood)

e. Detection of the enzyme activity (aldolase, transaminase and others)


38. “2013” In order to eliminate occupational risks dentists underwent vaccination. The vaccine should protect them from virus infection whose pathogen may be found into the blood of dental patients who either have had infection or are the chronic carriers. Which vaccine was used?

a. Gene-engineered HBs-antigen

b. Inactivated vaccine for hepatitis A prevention

c. Alive measles vaccine

d. Subunit influenza vaccine

e. Anti-rabies vaccine

39. “B” Doctor M. of surgery department has been vaccinated for prevention of virus hepatitis B. Which marker is revealed into the serum after immunization against hepatitis B?

a. Anti-HBs

b. HBsAg

c. Anti-HBe

d. DNA of HBV

e. HBcAg

40. “07” 183/ Dentists belong to a risk group of professional infection with hepatitis B. Indicate the effective way for specific active prevention of this disease among stomatologists:

a. Injection of specific immunoglobulin

b. Making all procedures in rubber gloves

c. Vaccination with recombinant vaccine

d. Injection of interferonogenes

e. Reliable sterilization of medical instruments

41. 195/ Dentists belong to a risk group of professional infection with hepatitis B. Choose the reliable medicine for active prevention of this disease:

a. recombinant vaccine with HBsAg

b. alive hepatitis B vaccine

c. specific immunoglobulin

d. antihepatitic serum

e. monoclonal antibody to HBsAg


6/ medical staff of dental clinic must be vaccinated against virus hepatitis B by creation of artificial active immunity. Which medicine must be used?

  1. Inactivated virus has been grown into chicken embryo
  2. Γ-globulin from donor blood
  3. Specific immunoglobulin
  4. Monoclonal antibody
  5. Recombinant vaccine from viral antigens


42. 159/ Modern diagnostics of hepatitis B infection is made by viral DNA detection in the patient’s blood. Which from given test is it made with?

a. Complement fixation test

b. Passive hemagglutination test

c. Polymerase chain reaction


e. Inhibition of hemagglutination test

43. 193/ A patient with viral hepatitis A was admitted to an infectious hospital. What antibodies will be synthesized first in response to this virus reproduc­tion?

A. IgA.


C. IgM.

D. IgD.

E. IgE.


A gene of hepatis B virus responsible for HBsAg production has been integrated with variolavaccine viral genome. Recombinant virus is planned to use as medicine for immunization. Which type does this vaccine belong to?

a. Combine

b. Gene-engineering

c. Associated

d. Synthetic

e. Chemical

Hepatitis viruses

“09” It is known infectious hepatitis B is systemic disease which is caused by hepatitis B virus and characterized mainly with liver damage. From the given later list of medicines choose the medidines for etiotropic therapy of this infection:

A. Acyclovir

B. Ftorquinolones

C. Penicillin

D. Tetracycline

E. Sulfonamides

B-2 /LB Workers of regional hemotransfusion station were immunized with recombinant vaccine. Indicate which disease was prevented in that case:

A. Hepatitis B

B. Syphilis

C. Leptospirosis


E. Influenza

B-12 During surgical operation a blood transfusion was made. The blood must be checked to find antigens of some disease. What disease is expected to be found?

A Virus of hepatitis B

B Virus of hepatitis A

C Adenovirus

D Enterovirus

E Virus of hepatitis E


b-12 The donor who for a long time didn't donate the blood was investigated with IFA method.

Anti-HBs antibodies were revealed. What does positive result of IFA in this case mean?

A Previous hepatitis B

B Acute hepatitis B

C Acute hepatitis C

D Chronic hepatitis В

E Chronic hepatitis С



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