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Fair of Face C. Hare

John Franklin, with whom I was at Oxford, invited me to stay with his people at Markhampton for the Markshire Hunt Ball. He and his sister were arranging a small party for it, he said.

"I've never met your sister," I remarked. "What is she like?"

"She is a beauty," said John, seriously and simply.

I thought at the time that it was an odd, old-fashioned phrase, but it turned out to be strictly and literally true. Deborah Franklin was beautiful in the grand, classic manner. She didn't look in the least like a film star or a model. But looking at her you forgot everything. It was the sheer beauty of her face that took your breath away.

With looks like that, it would be asking too much to expect anything startling in the way of brains, and I found Deborah, a trifle dull. She was of course well aware of her extraordinary good looks, and was perfectly prepared to discuss them, just as a man seven feet high might talk about the advantages and inconveniences of being tall.

Most of our party were old friends of the Franklins, who took Deborah for granted as a local phenomenon, but among them was a newcomer – a young man with a beard named Aubrey Melcombe, who had lately taken charge of the local museum. As soon as he set eyes on Deborah he said:

"We have never met before, but your face, of course, is perfectly familiar."

Deborah had evidently heard that one before.

"I never give sitting to photographers," she said, "but people will snap me in the street. It's such a nuisance."

"Photographs!" said Aubrey. "I mean your portrait – the one that was painted four hundred years ago. Has nobody ever told you that you are the living image of the Warbeck Titian?"

"I've never heard of the Warbeck Titian," said Deborah, "You shall judge for yourself," – said Aubrey. "I'll send you a ticket for the opening of the exhibition."

Then he went off to dance with Rosamund Clegg, his assistant at the museum, who was said to be his fiancé.

I did not care much' for Aubrey, or for his young woman, but I had to admit that they knew, their job when I came to the opening of the exhibition a few months later. They had gathered in treasures of every sort from all over the county and arranged them admirably. The jewel of the show was, of course, the great Titian. It had a wall to itself at the end of the room and I was looking at it when Deborah came in.

The likeness was fantastic. Lord Warbeck had never had his paintings cleaned, so that Titian's flesh tints were golden and carmine, in vivid contrast to Deborah's pink and white. But the face behind the glass might have been her mirror image. By a happy chance she had chosen to wear a very plain black dress, which matched up well to the portrait's dark clothes. She stood there still and silent, staring at her centuries-old likeness. I wondered what she felt.

A pressman's camera flashed and clicked. First one visitor and then another noticed the resemblance and presently the rest of the gallery was deserted. Everyone was crowding round the Titian to stare from the painted face to the real one and back again. The only clear space was round Deborah herself. People were moving to get a good view of her profile, without losing sight of the Titian, which fortunately was in profile also. It must have been horribly embarrassing for Deborah, but she never seemed to notice them. She went on peering into the picture, for a very long time. Then she turned round and walked quickly out of the building. As she passed me I saw that she was crying – a surprising display of emotion in one so calm.

About ten minutes later Aubrey discovered that a pair of Degas' statuettes was missing from a stand opposite the Titian. They were small objects and very valuable. The police were sent for and there was a considerable fuss, but nothing was found. I left as soon as I could and went to the Franklins. Deborah was in.

"Have you got the statuettes?" I asked.

She took them out of her handbag.

"How did you guess?"

"It seemed to me that your reception in front of the Titian was a performance," I explained. "It distracted attention from everything else in the room while the theft took place."

"Yes," said Deborah, "Aubrey arranged it very cleverly, didn't he? He thought of everything. He even helped me choose this dress to go with the one in the picture, you know."

"And the press photographer? Had he been laid on too?"

"Oh, yes. Aubrey arranged for someone to be there to photograph me. He thought it would help to collect a crowd."

Her coolness was astonishing. Even with the evidence of the statuettes in front of me I found it hard to believe that I was talking to a thief.

"It was a very clever scheme altogether," I said. "You and Aubrey must have put a lot of work into it. I had no idea that you were such friends."

There was a flush on her cheeks as she replied:

"Oh yes, I've been seeing a good deal of him lately.

Ever since the Hunt Ball, in fact."

After that there didn't seem to be much more to say.

"There's one thing I don't quite understand," I said finally. "People were surrounding you and staring at you up to the moment you left the gallery. How did Aubrey manage to pass the statuettes to you without anyone seeing?"

She rounded on me in a fury of surprise and indignation.

"Pass the statuettes to me?" she repeated. "Good God! Are you suggesting that I helped Aubrey to steal them?"

She looked like an angry goddess, and was about as charming.

"But – but – " I stammered. "But if you didn't who will?

"Rosamund, of course. Aubrey gave them to her while all was going on in front of the Titian. She simply put them in her bag and walked out. I'd only just got them back from her when you came in."

"Rosamund!" It was my turn to be surprised. "Then the whole thing was a put-up job between them?"

"Yes. They wanted to get married and hadn't any money, and she knew a dealer who would give a price for things like these with no questions asked and –and there you are."

"Then how did you come into it?" I asked.

"Aubrey said that if I posed in front of the Titian it would be wonderful publicity for the exhibition – and, of course, I fell for it." She laughed. "I've only just remembered. When Aubrey wanted to make fun of me he used to say I'd make a wonderful cover girl. That's just what I was – a cover girl for him and Rosamund."

She stood up and picked up the statuettes.

"These will have to go back to the gallery, I suppose," she said, "Can it be done without too much fuss? It's silly of me, I know, but I'd rather they didn't prosecute Aubrey."

I made sympathetic noises.

"It was Rosamund's idea in the first place," she went on. "I'm sure of that. Aubrey hasn't the wits to think of anything so clever."

"It was clever enough," I said. "But you saw through it at once. How was that?"

Deborah smiled.

"I'm not clever," she said. "But that old dark picture with the glass on it made a perfect mirror. Aubrey told me to stand in front of it, so I did. But I'm not interested in art, you know. I was looking at myself. And of course I couldn't help seeing what was happening just behind me..."

Answer the questions

What did the lady look like?

Was Deborah’s face familiar to people?

What was the jewel of the exhibition?

Was the exhibition arranged perfectly?

What was going on at the exhibition?

What was missing after the exhibition?

Did Deborah admit that everything was carefully planned?

What did they need the stolen statuettes for?

Give synonyms

To arrange-



a performance






wonderful publicity

Give Russian equivalents

To be perfectly prepared

To take for granted

a trifle dull

to be in vivid contrast to

The likeness

a put-up job

to stammer

a cover girl

“Beautiful… grand….. sheer beauty……..her beauty will take your breath away….charming……..” These are good examples of epithets. Find out what epithets are and try to find examples of epithets. Compose your own story and try to use as many epithets as possible.

Retell the text briefly. Give a character sketch of the main hero(es).

Give a character sketch of the main hero.

What is your attitude towards the main character of the story?

What are your emotions after reading the story? Did you like the plot?

Find grammatical phenomena and structures which you have studied during the semester


Текст 20

Caged by L.E. Reeve

Purcell was a small, fussy' man; red cheeks and a tight melon- like stomach. Large glasses so magnified his eyes as to give him the appearance of a wise and kind owl.

He owned a pet shop. He sold cats and dogs and monkeys; he dealt in fish food and bird seed, prescribed remedies for ailing canaries, on his shelves there were long rows of cages. He considered himself something of a professional man.

There was a constant stir of life in his shop. The customers who came in said:

"Aren't they cute'! Look at that little monkey! They're sweet."

And Mr. Purcell himself would smile and rub his hands and nod his head.

Each morning, when the routine of opening his shop was completed, it was the proprietor's custom to perch on a high stool, behind the counter, unfold his morning paper, and digest the day's news.

It was a raw, wintry day. Wind gusted against the high, plate glass windows. Having completed his usual tasks, Mr. Purceil again mounted the high stool and unfolded his morning paper. He adjusted his glasses, and glanced at the day's headlines.

There was a bell over the door that rang whenever a customer entered. This morning, however, for the first time Mr. Purcell could recall, it failed to ring. Simply he glanced up, and there was the stranger, standing just inside the door, as if he had materialized out of thin air.

The storekeeper slid off his stool. From the first instant he knew instinctively, that the man hated him; but out of habit he rubbed his hands, smiled and nodded.

"Good morning," he beamed. "What can I do for you?"

The man's shiny shoes squeaked forward. His suit was cheap, ill-fitting, but obviously new. Ignoring Purcell for the moment, he looked around the shadowy shop.

"A nasty morning," volunteered the shopkeeper. He clasped both hands across his melon like stomach, and smiled importantly. Now what was it you wanted?"

The man stared closely at Purcell, as though just now aware of his presence. He said, "I want something in a cage."

"Something in a cage?" Mr. Purcell was a bit confused. "You mean – some sort of pet?"

"I mean what I said!" snapped' the man. "Something in a cage. Something alive that's in a cage."

"I see," hastened the storekeeper, not at all certain that he did. "Now let me think. A white rat, perhaps? I have some very nice white rats."

"No! Not rats. Something with wings. Something that flies."

"A bird!" exclaimed Mr. Purcell.

"A bird's all right." The customer pointed suddenly to a cage which contained two snowy birds. "Doves? How much for those?"

"Five-fifty," came the prompt answer. "And a very reasonable price. They are a fine pair."

"Five-fifty?" The man was obviously disappointed. He produced a five-dollar bill. "I'd like to have those birds. But this is all I've got. Just five dollars."

Mentally, Mr. Purcell made a quick calculation, which told him that at a fifty cent reduction he could still reap a tidy profit. He smiled kindly "My dear man, if you want them that badly, you can certainly have them for five dollars."

"I'll take them." He laid his five dollars on the counter. Mr. Purcell unhooked the cage, and handed it to his customer. "That noise!" The man said suddenly. "Doesn't it get on your nerves?"

"Noise? What noise?" Mr. Purcell looked surprised. He could hear nothing unusual.

"Listen." The staring eyes came closer. "How long d'you think it took me to make that five dollars?"

The merchant wanted to order him out of the shop. But oddly enough, he couldn't. He heard himself asking, "Why – why, how long did it take you?"

The other laughed. "Ten years! At hard labour. Ten years to earn five dollars. Fifty cents a year."

It was best, Purcell decided, to humor him. "My, my! Ten years. That's certainly a long time. Now"

"They give you five dollars," laughed the man, "and a cheap suit, and tell you not to get caught again."

The man swung around, and stalked abruptly from the store.

Purcell sighed with sudden relief. He walked to the window and stared out. Just outside, his peculiar customer had stopped. He was holding the cage shoulder-high, staring at his purchase. Then, opening the cage, he reached inside and drew out one of the doves. He tossed it into the air. He drew out the second and tossed it after the first. They rose like balls and were lost in the smoky gray of the wintry city. For an instant the liberator's silent gaze watched them. Then he dropped the cage and walked away.

The merchant was perplexed. So desperately had the man desired the doves that he had let him have them at a reduced price. And immediately he had turned them loose. "Now why," Mr. Purcell muttered, "did he do that?" He felt vaguely insulted.

Translate into English

1 Он прописывал лекарства для больных канареек

2 Он был владельцем зоо магазина

3 Он считал себя профессионалом

4 На дворе был сырой зимний день

5 Его костюм хоть и был новым, однако выглядел дешево и плохо сидел.

6 Разве этот шум не действует вам на нервы?

7 Хозяин хотел выставить посетителя из магазина.

True or false

It was a nasty winter day.

The owner of the shop was a real professional.

He could hardly find answers to the questions about pets.

A pleasant-looking visitor came to the merchant’s shop.

The proprietor’s daily custom was to perch on a high stool, behind the counter, unfold his morning paper, and digest the day's news.

The owner immediately understood that the visitor wasn’t going to treat him well.

The owner wasn’t going to give the customer a discount.

The customer bought the doves for five dollars.

He tossed the doves into the air.

“a tight melon- like stomach” is an example of such stylistic device as similie. What other examples of simile can you give? Compose a story and use as many examples of simile as you can.

Retell the text briefly. Give a character sketch of the main hero(es).

Give a character sketch of the main hero.

What is your attitude towards the main character of the story?

What are your emotions after reading the story? Did you like the plot?

Find grammatical phenomena and structures which you have studied during the semester

Текст 21

The TV Blackout by Art Buchwald

A week ago Sunday New York city had a blackout and all nine television stations in the area went out for several hours. This created tremendous crises in families all over New York and proved that TV plays a much greater role in people's lives than anyone can imagine.

For example, when the TV went off in the Bufkins's house panic set in. First Bufkins thought it was his set in the living-room, so he rushed into his bedroom and turned on that set. Nothing. The phone rang, and Mrs. Bufkins heard her sister in Manhattan tell her that there was a blackout.

She hung up and said to her husband, "It isn't your set. Something's happened to the top of the Empire State Building."

Bufkins looked at her and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm your wife, Edith."

"Oh," Bufkins said. "Then I suppose those kids' in there are mine."

"That's right," Mrs. Bufkins said. "If you ever got out of that armchair in front of the TV set you'd know who we are."

"Oh! they've really grown," Bufkins said, looking at his son and daughter. "How old are they now?"

"Thirteen and fourteen," Mrs. Bufkins replied.

"Hi, kids!"

"Who's he?' Buskin’s son, Henry, asked.

"It's your father," Mrs. Bufkins said.

"I'm pleased to meet you," Bufkins's daughter,Mary, said shyly.

There was silence all around.

"Look," said Bufkins finally. "I know I haven't been a good father but now that the TV's out I'd like to know you better."

"How?" asked Henry.

"Well, let's just talk," Bufkins said. "That's the best way to get to know each other."

"What do you want to talk about?" Mary asked.

"Well, to begin with, what school do you go to?"

"We go to High School," Henry said.

"So you're both in high school!" There was a dead silence.

"What do you do?" Mary asked.

'I’ m an accountant, ' Bufkins said.

"I thought you were a car salesman," Mrs. Bufkins said in surprise.

"That was two years ago. Didn't I tell you I changed jobs?" Bufkins said.

"No, you didn't. You haven't told me anything for two years."

"I'm doing quite well too," Bufkins said.

"Then why am I working in a department store?"

Mrs. Bufkins demanded.

"Oh, are you still working in a department store? If I had known that, I would have told you could quit last year. You should have mentioned it," Bufkins said.

There was more dead silence.

Finally Henry said, "Hey, you want to hear me play the guitar?"

"You know how to play the guitar? Say, didn't I have a daughter who played the guitar?"

"That was Susie," Mrs. Bufkins said.

"Where is she?"

"She got married a year ago, just about the time you were watching the World Series."

"You know," Bufkins said, very pleased. "I hope they don't fix the antenna for another couple hours. There's nothing better than a blackout for a man who really wants to know his family."

Answer the questions

What happened once in New York city?

Was a TV blackout a trifle or a real disaster?

How did the family of Bufkin react when a TV blackout happened?

Who was to be blamed for the TV blackout?

Were there any advantages of a few hours’ break from watching TV?

Give Russian equivalents

created tremendous crises


to hang up

to set in

to go off

a dead silence

an accountant

a department store

Translate into English

Я полагаю, что все эти дети мои.

Когда телевидение отключили, дом охватила паника.

Ты должен был сказать об этом раньше.

Ты все еще работаешь в универмаге?

Надеюсь они не починят антенну в ближайшие несколько часов.

Она вышла замуж год назад, как раз в то время, когда ты смотрел чемпионат мира.

Retell the text briefly. Give a character sketch of the main hero(es).

Give a character sketch of the main hero.

What is your attitude towards the main character of the story?

What are your emotions after reading the story? Did you like the plot?

Find grammatical phenomena and structures which you have studied during the semester

Part 2 Listening Tasks

№1 Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. The young men ran away

a) when they saw the old lady in the window

b) when they saw that the window was broken

c) as soon as they heard the explosion

2. When the detective came to the old lady's house

a) she told him who had fired the gun

b) she told him where one of the young men lived

c) she told him where the young men were hiding the gun

3. The chief officer told the detective to give the gun back to the young men

a) because the detective hadn't got a permission to take it away

b) because the young man had been just playing with the gun

c) because he wanted to know who the gun belonged to

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where were the three young men playing with a gun?

2. Why was the old lady able to recognize one of the young men?

3. Why was the owner of the gun afraid to admit it?

4. How did the owner of the gun give himself finally away?

Ml. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. One of the men fired the gun______________________________

2. The detective found the men and the gun___________________

3. When the detective said he hadn't got an officer's permission the young men______________________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Polly decided to go to art college

a) because she had a friend there

b) because she had left school

c) because she knew the head of the art college

2. Polly's parents didn't have objections to her going to art college but

a) they had no money to pay for her college course

b) they had no money to keep her at home any longer

c) they did not think Polly would do well at college

3. At the museum which Polly took her parents to one day

a) her father saw a copy of the picture he had bought ten years before

b) she showed them Van Gogh's «Sunflowers»

c) they recognized a lot of famous paintings

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What were Polly's father and mother?

2. What were they saving money for?

3. What had they expected Polly to do after leaving school?

4. Why did Polly's parents feel proud of their daughter?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. Polly's friend Josephine was_________________than Polly. •

2. Polly was offered a job_________________________

3. Polly's mother was free on______________________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Sam was never thinking about his driving

a) because the roads were nearly empty

b) because the market was only a few kilometres away

c) because he knew his truck very well

2. At the crossroads Sam usually

a) turned and went over the main road

b) continued over the small road

с) turned in the direction of the market

3. Sam didn't stop at the crossroads that morning

a) because there were no signs

b) because there was no fear of an accident

c) because he thought the policeman wouldn't notice it

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where had Sam lived all his life?

2. What made Sam think of the crops for the next year's harvest?

3. Why was Sam always in a hurry?

4. Why did Sam stop after he had crossed the road?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. Sam had married______________________________

2. Sam got up_______________________________

3. Sam took a load off to market_______________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. After having attended classes in art for a few months Sebastian a) left the bank

b) realised that he only enjoyed painting

c) decided to go and see other artists' paintings in foreign museums

2. In the bank Sebastian sometimes had to deal with a man who was

a) a real artist

b) the owner of a picture shop

c) an art critic

3. Sebastian invited the man to his home

a) because he wanted to know his opinion of his pictures

b) because he wanted to show him one of his pictures

c) because he wanted to sell him his studio

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What manner did Sebastian paint in?

2. When did the visitor arrive at Sebastian's home?

3. Why was Sebastian disappointed when he watched his visitor's face?

4. What did visitor like most m Sebastian's studio?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. When Sebastian was at school_____________________-----

2. After leaving school Sebastian got a position as__________.------in

a bank.

3. Sebastian went to evening classes_________________a week.


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задами;

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончани предложения.

1. Sleep is a subject

a) many people don't know much about

b) all people understand

c) all people are interested in

2. The correct amount of time for sleep

a) is 8 hours each night

b) varies from individual to individual

c) has been discovered by scientists recently

3. For making your sleep efficient it makes sense

a) to buy the highest quality bedding

b) to support those who suffer from insomnia

c) to use a bed with a soft surface

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What do scientists tell us about sleep?

2. What do surveys show?

3. What factors determine an individual's sleep needs?

4. What can help people who suffer from insomnia?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. Six hours of sound, restful sleep ________________________

____________hours of tossing and turning.

2. The better your physical condition______

3. When you sleep your best you can_________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. The narrator doesn't like Tokyo mainly

a) because its population is 4 million more than in London

b) because there are always too many people walking along the streets

c) because there are too many trains on the platforms

2. In the morning you can see students

a) trying to get into the train

b) pushing passengers into the trains

c) helping passengers get out of the trains

3. In Tokyo trains people will go to sleep

a) if they make a long journey

b) if they are in a seat

c) if there is someone to wake them up at the station

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the population of Tokyo?

2. How do the Japanese drive?

3. What is the worst time to be in the street in Tokyo?

4. What would you see on a London train?


III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. Usually the taxis are shared________________________________

2. In Tokyo there is a station_______________________________.

3. Japanese trains always______________________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. John Cleef's father left Holland

a) when John was six years old

b) after playing for a Dutch football club for six years

c) to play for a London football team

2. John began to think of football as a career

a) when a talent scout spoke to his parents about him

b) after a special schoolboys' football match

c) after he signed a contract with the club

3. John has been lucky

a) because he is one of the ten young players who will have a career in football

b) because he is one of the young players who are called apprentices

c) because his club provides an opportunity for the young players to continue schooling

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What did Mr. Cleef say to the talent scout1?

2. How old was John when he signed a contract with the club?

1 a talent scout — зд. a person who looks for talented young players.

3 how does an apprentice's day at the club start?

4 What does being in peak physical condition mean for the young players?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. No-one in John's family was surprised when he started__________

2. John watches football______________________________

3. John's father is proud of him______________________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Twenty years ago

a) there were 22 000 police-officers in England

b) there were 1 500 police women in England

c) the number of police women was three times smaller than today

2. Twenty years ago police women

a) were mostly engaged in directing traffic

b) could not be met on the beat

c) were only given routine office work to do

3. Today women police-officers

a) are always in the front line

b) share the same conditions with men

c) refuse to do what you could call social work

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. How are women police-officers paid?

2. Why don't police-women take part in dealing with very violent demonstrations?

3. When are policewomen even better than men?

4. How do women police-officers behave in dangerous situations?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. Resistance to police-women comes________________________

2. There is still a lot of respect_____________________________

3. If it comes to a fight women police officers_________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончанш предложения.

1. As the narrator glanced into a compartment next to his

a) he saw his old friend

b) he saw a man who lived next door to him in London

c) he saw a man who had been his neighbour once

2 The narrator was glad the man hadn't noticed him

a) because he knew that the man talked too much

b) because he had just finished a conversation with him

c) he didn't like talking to people when he was on holiday

3. The narrator heard the familiar voice of the man

a) as soon as he arrived at the hotel

b) when he entered the lounge

c) when he had ordered a drink

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where was the narrator going to spend his holidays?

2. What did the narrator do to escape from the man?

3. What did the narrator think about his chance of meeting the man again in the town?

4. What did the man insist on when he saw the narrator?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. When the train was approaching the station the narrator went into the corridor_________________________..

2. The narrator had_______suitcases.

3. The narrator got to the hotel by__________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задами

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончани предложения. я

1. Mr. Wood was unhappy

a) because there was a party in the flat below

b) because he heard the noise of loud music and voices above his head

c) because he had some work from the office

2. Mr. Wood tried to read a book but

a) he was too tired

b) he couldn't concentrate

c) it was too late

3. When Mr. Wood entered his neighbour's flat

a) nobody paid any attention to him

b) everybody saw that he was angry

c) the owner of the flat attracted his attention at once

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. For how long did Mr. Wood manage to ignore the party?

2. How did Mr. Wood try to go to sleep?

3. What was Mr. Wood wearing when he came to his neighbour's place?

4. Why did Mr. Wood's anger disappear?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1 The party began just-----------------------

2 Mr. Wood was tired and ready to go to bed by---------------------------

3 The party was over_________________..


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

|. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Tom's friends had advised him

a) not to travel by Tube after five o'clock in the afternoon

b) not to travel alone the first time

c) not to travel by bus

2. Tom did not get on the first train

a) but he moved nearer the edge of the platform

b) because he was pushed backward from the edge of the platform

c) because he was not sure if it was the right platform

3. Tom was alarmed as he got off

a) because he didn't know where to go

b) because he had never heard the name of the station

c) because he could not recognize the station

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What kind of person is Tom?

2. Why is five o'clock in the afternoon a bad time to travel in London?

3. Why did the people in the queue behind Tom grumble?

4. What did Tom do to know where to get off?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. Tom's first journey by Tube was not_______________________

2. Tom's station was___________________________along the line.

3. Tom explained his difficulty______________________________


Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Michael didn't tell anything to anyone

a) because the bullies had made him promise he would keep silent

b) because he thought he must solve his problems himself

c) because his mother and his sister were not interested in his problems

2. On the day before half-term

a) Michael handed in his English project

b) Michael stayed at school later than usual

c) saw a small boy from his school at the school grounds

3. The younger boy

a) recognized Michael

b) complained that some older boys had taken all his money from him

c) was surprised by Michael's question

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Where were the bullies from?

2. How often were the bullies out there waiting for Michael? 3. Why did Michael decide to go and find his teacher?

4. What was the teacher's reaction to Michael's words?

III. Восполните пропущенную часть предложения.

1. The boy was in the lowest class, so he was probably---------------

2. The teacher wanted to know if the bullies who had hurt the younger boy were____________________

3. The teacher was going to see __------------------------------- the next



Прослушайте текст два раза и выполните следующие задания.

I. Выберите и запишите правильный вариант окончания предложения.

1. Mrs. C. always went shopping

a) to the same supermarket

b) at the same time

c) with her friend

2. One day Mrs. C.

a) met two friends at the shop

b) bought a piece of cheese at the shop

c) took a piece of cheese from the shelf

3. Mrs. C. has become a different person a) because she has lost weight

b) because she doesn't enjoy life anymore

c) because she has had trouble with her heart

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What happened when Mrs. C. went out of the shop?

2. What did Mrs. C. try to explain to the shop-keeper?

3. What did the doctor advise Mrs. C. to do?

4. What did the judge tell Mrs. C.?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-29; просмотров: 475 | Нарушение авторских прав

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