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The Law and You

A The other weekend I bought a jacket for my son in a sale. When I got home he said it was too small and refused to wear it so I went back the next day and asked them to exchange it for a larger size. Unfortunately they didn’t have a larger size and when I asked for my money back they refused, saying that no refunds were given on sales goods. Are they within their rights to do this?

refuse [rI'fju:z] – отказывать, отказываться

refund [rJ'fAnd] – зд. возвращение (денег), возмещение расходов.

B Myself and two friends have been renting a house near thecollege we go to for the last two years. The landlord has now decided he wants us to leave and has more or less said that we have to be out within the next two weeks. We have nowhere else to go and with exams coming up shortly we would rather stay where we are. Friends of ours are saying he can’t get us out unless we have signed a contract agreeing to go. Is this right?

to rent a house – снимать квартиру, дом

landlord – владелец дома или квартиры, сдаваемых внаем.

shortly – зд. вскоре

C I have been living in what used to be a very quiet area for about a year now but in the last few months it has changed completely – if I had known this would happen I would never have bought my house. Opposite me there is now a fish and chips shop which fries day and night except for Sunday – the smell is disgusting and so are all the empty paper bags all over the street. It doesn’t close until after midnight so every night there are people shouting, radios blaring, car doors slamming – I never seem to get a night’s sleep these days and it’s beginning to affect my work. Is there anything I can do?

a fish and chips shop – зд. магазин, торгующий рыбой с жареным картофелем

empty paper bags – пустые бумажные пакеты

radios blaring – зд. рев радиоприемников

car doors slamming – хлопанье дверьми автомобилей

to affect smb’s work – зд. отрицательно влиять на чью-либо работу


2. Look at the letters above once more. What do you think the answers will be? Discuss your answers in groups.


A. a) They must give you your money back, or a credit note.


b) They are not obliged to do anything.

B. a) He can get you out if he needs the house back for his family.


b) Your friends are right.


C. a) There is nothing you can do except move.


b) If the disturbance happens regularly you can ask a solicitor

to write them.


3. Make sure that you know the following:

radio phone-in – радиопередача “Ответы специалистов на вопросы радиослушателей по телефону”

a resident solicitor – зд. местный адвокат, юрисконсультант

to give smb the benefit of one’s advice – зд. поделиться с кем-либо своими профессиональными знаниями, опытом; посоветовать

caller – зд. тот, кто звонит по телефону

tenant – (временный) владелец, арендатор, квартирант

to pay rent – платить за квартиру

provide – зд. обеспечивать

linen – зд. белье

to keep phoning up – продолжать звонить

to keep on at a person – разговаривать беспрестанно; бранить кого-либо

to get smb down – зд. (разговором) выводить из себя

Well, a couple of things there – И еще пара вопросов есть

to keep pestering – продолжать надоедать, докучать

a court order for possession – судебный приказ о владении имуществом

to sue smb for harassment – возбудить против кого-либо дело за постоянное беспокойство, тревогу

to regain – зд. получить обратно

to assume – зд. п редполагать

the whole issue – зд. предмет обсуждения

to be protected by Legal Aid – быть защищенным специальным законом о правах студентов

to be obliged – быть обязанным

sales items – зд. товары, находящиеся в продаже

a receipt – чек

a purchase – покупка

bad customer relations – плохие отношения с покупателем, клиентом


Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 69 | Нарушение авторских прав

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