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Thanksgiving Day

Читайте также:
  1. I smile. I only been cooking white Thanksgivings since Calvin Coolidge was President.
  2. Weird Thanksgiving Day Facts

Inauguration Day

On April 30, 1789, George Washington was inaugurated as the first President of the United States of America. Inauguration takes place upon the commencement of the President serving their term of office.

President Washington was sworn in by Robert Livingston, the Chancellor of the State of New York, at the Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City.

Washington wrote to James Madison:

"As the first of every thing, in our situation we serve to

establish a Precedent. It is devoutly wished on my

part, that these precedents may be fixed on true



Washington's second inauguration ceremonies took place on March 4, 1793, with William Cushing, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, administering the oath of office in the Senate Chamber of Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Since that time, presidential inaugurations have been held (with few exceptions) on the 4th of March every four years through and including the year 1933.

In 1933 the Twentieth Amendment of our Constitution (which sets the beginning and ending dates for elected federal official's terms) was ratified. Section 1 of the Twentieth Amendment states:

Quot;The terms of the President and Vice President shall

end at noon on the 20th day of January, and the terms

of Senators and Representatives at noon on the 3d

day of January, of the years in which such terms would

have ended if this article had not been ratified; and the

terms of their successors shall then begin."


From January 20, 1937 to (and including) January 20, 2009, presidential inaugurations have been held (with few exceptions) every four years on the 20th day of January. Our country's next presidential inauguration will be on January 20, 2013.

On March 4, 1801, at the Senate Chamber of the US Capital, Thomas Jefferson was the first President to take his oath in Washington, DC. Most successive Presidents have done the same, however, those who have had to assume office upon the death or resignation of a serving President, take their oath at their immediate locations.

Presidents who must assume remaining terms of office due to death, resignation, or removal of a previous President do not have inaugurations.

When March 4th or January 20th has fallen on a Sunday, tradition is that the President elect takes his oath privately and assumes his office on the official day (one President taking his oath on the Saturday before) ~ but public 'Inauguration Day' festivities do not start until the following day, i.e. March 5th and January 21st respectively.

Since 1901, the Congressional Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has organized all ceremonies at the US Capital. And since 1953, military participation in the inauguration ceremonies has been coordinated by the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (now called the Joint Task Force-Inaugural Committee).

Since 1937, the Vice President elect also takes the Vice Presidential oath of office during the same ceremony as the President elect takes the Presidential oath of office, with the Vice President elect's oath being administered first. Prior to that time, the oath for the Vice President elect has been administered in the Senate. The oath taken by the Vice President is not mandated by our Constitution and it has had several variations since 1789. Since 1884, however, the same oath that is administered to other government officials, such as the members of House of Representatives and the Senate, is being used.

Washington's Birthday

George Washington, born on February 22, 1732, was the first President of the United States of America (April 30, 1789 – March 4, 1797).

We find these words in The U. S. National Archives (Prologue Magazine ~ Winter 2004, Vol. 36, No. 4): "Historic dates, like stepping stones, create a footpath through our heritage. Experienced by one generation and recalled by those to come, it is through these annual recollections that our heritage is honored. In 1879 the Forty-fifth Congress deemed George Washington's birth date, February 22, a historic date worthy of holiday recognition."

George Washington's birthday had been publicly celebrated in our country since his first term in office ~ and in 1880, 20 Stat. 277 (United States Statutes at Large) implemented the February 22 date as a federal holiday for government offices in the District of Columbia. Named "Washington's Birthday", said observance was later expanded to include all federal offices in 1885 by 23 Stat. 516. After almost two centuries of celebrating the birthday of the "Father of Our Country" on February 22, the Uniform Monday Holiday Act (Pub.L. 90-36) placed the date of observance on the third Monday of February.

Signed into law on June 28, 1968 and taking effect on January 1, 1971, the Act of Congress moved several federal holidays (Washington's Birthday, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, and Veterans Day) from their fixed dates to 'designated Mondays', creating three-day weekends for federal employees. Please note: Veterans Day was returned to its originally date of November 11 and removed from the 'designated Monday' category of federal holidays by another Act of Congress in 1975 (effective 1978).

A draft of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act (Uniform Holidays Bill of 1968) indicated request to change the name of 'Washington's Birthday' to 'Presidents' Day' to honor both President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln's birth date being February 12) on the third Monday of February. Though the move of the celebration of Washington's birthday from February 22 to the third Monday of February did place the observance in the week between the dates of the two President's birthdays and although it did place it closer to the date of Lincoln's birthday, the Act did not combine the observance of the two birthdays, did not include the celebration of Lincoln's birthday, and did not officially establish 'Presidents' Day'. 'Washington's Birthday' remained as the first federal holiday established to give recognition and honor to an individual American citizen.

Some confusion can come in when discussing the 'name' and 'purpose' of the 'holdiay', as US States are able to define and determine their own holidays (which can differ from federal holidays). Many do designate 'Presidents' Day', which serves to celebrate the observance of both President's birthdays.

An attempt to create an annual 'Presidents' Day' on March 4th (the original 'Inaguration Day') to honor the Presidency itself (the office ~ and not any particular President) began in 1951 when Harold Stonebridge Fischer formed the "President's Day National Committee". The Senate Judiciary Committee stalled the bill which would do so, however, believing it would be too much to have three observances (Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, and Presidents' Day) so close together. On the other hand, some Governors did proclaim March 4th Presidents' Day in their own jurisdiction (later moving the date to the third Monday of the month of February).

During the 1980s, a new business practice caught on in our country whereby merchants would run 'Presidents' Day' sales. Abundant advertisements for such became common each February, and the marketing term 'Presidents' Day' increasingly grew in popularity.

The official legal name, however, for the federal holiday remains 'Washington's Birthday'. It was established to honor George Washington and his accomplishments. He was a gallant military commander in our country's War of Independence, gave outstanding leadership in the founding of our country, and set many precedents in unifying our republic, developing the Presidency, and establishing our national government.

A man of high personal integrity, well liked by all, these words were given by Congressman Henry Lee as he eulogized Washington:

"First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, he was second to none

in humble and enduring scenes of private life. Pious, just, humane, temperate, and sincere;

uniform, dignified, and commanding; his example was as edifying to all around him as were

the effects of that example lasting.... Correct throughout, vice shuddered in his presence

and virtue always felt his fostering hand. The purity of his private character gave effulgence

to his public virtues.... Such was the man for whom our nation mourns."

Like Memorial Day and Veterans Day, the celebration of Washington's Birthday brings about another opportunity to remember to pay honor and tribute to the beloved veterans of our country. In 1932, on what would have been Washington's 200th birthday, the Purple Heart which recognizes injuries received at war, was brought forth in direct relation to the first military badge of merit created and given to soldiers by Washington.

The Badge of Military Merit (the original Purple Heart) was established by order of George Washington on August 7, 1782, said order including the following statement

"Let it be known that he who wears the military order of the purple heart has given of his blood

in the defense of his homeland and shall forever be revered by his fellow countrymen."

Memorial Day

In the United States, we set aside 'Memorial Day' to remember and give honor too all those who have given their lives in the military service of our country. Memorial Day is a Federal Holiday, and is presently observed on the last Monday in the month of May each year.

Since 1950, the President of the United States has issued, in accordance with Congressional joint resolution (see US Code Title 36, Subtitle I, Section 116), a Presidential Proclamation which calls all Americans to a solemn remembrance of our beloved heroes. The most recent Proclamation (2009) reads in part:

"For over two centuries, Americans have defended our National security and protected our founding principles of democracy and equal justice under law. On Memorial Day, we honor those who have paid the ultimate price in defense of these freedoms. Members of the United States Armed Forces have placed our National safety before their own for generations. From the first shots fired at Lexington and Concord to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, these brave patriots have taken on great risks to keep us safe, and they have served with honor and distinction. All Americans who have enjoyed the blessings of peace and liberty remain in their debt. As we remember the selfless service of our fallen heroes, we pray for God's grace upon them. We also pray for all of our military personnel and veterans, their families, and all those who have lost loved ones in the defense of our freedom and safety. Today, as we commend their deeds, we also bear a heavy burden of responsibility to ensure their sacrifices will not have been in vain. This means that, as we uphold the ideals for which many have given their last full measure of devotion, the United States must never waver in its determination to defend itself, to be faithful in protecting liberty at home and abroad, and to pursue peace in the world."

The Proclamations request Americans to unite to pray for permanent peace, usually designating a particular time for that prayer. American flags are flow at half-staff from dawn until noon throughout our land. And, in accordance with The National Moment of Remembrance Act (Public Law 106-579 -- signed into law in December of 2000), each American is asked to pause at 3:00 pm (local time) to remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in the military service of our country.

Memorial Day is sometimes still referred to by it's original name, 'Decoration Day' ~ called thus, in relation to the practice of 'decorating' the graves of Civil War soldiers with flowers. These annual Spring time tributes began in May of 1866 and were observed in both the north and the south. On May 5, 1868, Major General John Logan, the National Commander of the Grand Army of the Republic (a Union Veteran Organization), issued General Order No. 11, proclaiming May 30th 'Decoration Day' nationwide:

"The 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village, and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit."

The first celebration of such was held at Arlington National Cemetery on May 30, 1868, with General James Garfield giving the tribute speech on the veranda of what was once the home of General Robert E. Lee. More than 20,000 graves of both Union and Confederate soldiers laying at rest on the hallowed ground of Arlington were then decorated by those who had come to pay honor.

Over time, some twenty-five cities stepped forward claiming to be the 1866 'birth place' of the observance of this great tribute. In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson and our federal government declared it to be Waterloo, N.Y., giving it this distinguished honor.

After World War I, those to be honored by this observance broadened to include the fallen of all American wars. In 1882 the name 'Memorial Day' began being used, growing in popularity particularly after World War II, and becoming the 'official name' under Federal Law in 1967.

The Uniform Holiday Bill, passed by Congress on June 28, 1968, moved the observance of 'Memorial Day' from the date of May 30th to the last Monday in the month of May. (Said Federal Law taking effect on the federal level in 1971; Public Law 90-363.)

Since that time, many have been advocating to have the observance returned to the traditional date. Beginning in 1987, Hawaii's Senator Daniel Inouye has introduced measures at the Congressional level to do so. The 2002 Memorial Day Address of the Veterans Of Foreign Wars states:

"Changing the date merely to create three-day weekends has undermined the very meaning of the day. No doubt, this has contributed a lot to the general public's nonchalant observance of Memorial Day."

To this day, the national ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery continues annually, with the President or Vice-President of the United States speaking to the thousands who have gathered to honor our war dead. Wreaths are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers and American flags are placed on graves across the Cemetery. People across our land visit cemeteries, march in parades, and attend events to signify their great debt of gratitude to those who have given so much that we might live in the Land of The Free!

Moina Michael, who initiated the idea and was the first to wear a red Poppy on Memorial Day, also wrote this poem in 1915 in response to the famous 'In Flanders Field':

We cherish too, the Poppy red

That grows on fields where valor led,

It seems to signal to the skies

That blood of heroes never dies.

Coast Guard Birthday

Semper Paratus ~ Latin for 'Always Ready' ~ Is Both the Motto and the Theme Song of the United States Coast Guard!

The United State Coast Guard is a unique branch of the Armed Forces of our country. It has a dual mission of: 1) a maritime law enforcement mission (holding jurisdiction in both international and domestic waters) and 2) a federal regulatory agency mission.

Maritime Law (also known as Admiralty Law) is a body of law which encompasses both 'domestic law' (which governs maritime questions and offences) and 'private international law' (which governs questions and offences that deal with private entities with vessels in the oceans). A federal regulatory agency has the right and responsibility to regulate and supervise in matters through the use of autonomous authority.

The Coast Guard was established on August 4, 1790 when the United States Congress authorized the then Secretary of the Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, to create and establish a maritime force (1 Stat. L. 145, 175). Due to the lawlessness on the seas and a struggling homeland economy dependant upon tariffs, Hamilton had been adamantly urging Congress to create a 'Revenue-Marine' to enforce the tariffs and other maritime laws. The Revenue-Marine was established and began to operate under the authority of the United States Department of the Treasury.

In 1794, they began intercepted slave ships that were illegally importing slaves to the United States. Between 1798 and 1801 they fought on the seas alongside the newly formed United States Navy during the 'undeclared war' between the United States and France. And, they were the enforcers of the Embargo Act of 1807, which outlawed practically all European trade in American ports until 1808. In 1832, the then Secretary of the Treasury Louis McLane assigned additional duties along with the main function of being an armed maritime law enforcement service. The new duties included coming to the aid of mariners in distress and/or need. Congress, in 1837, made this an official part of their duties.

The Revenue-Marine was later renamed the 'United States Revenue Cutter Service' by act of July 31, 1894 (28 Stat. 171). And on January 28, 1915, President Woodrow Wilson signed into law an act which would combine the Revenue Cutter Service with the Lifesaving Service (shore based stations of volunteers which assisted ships wrecked near shore) ~ this forming the United States Coast Guard (38 Stat. L., 800). Title 14 of the US Code states: "The Coast Guard as established January 28, 1915, shall be a military service and a branch of the armed forces of the United States at all times.".

In 1939 the United States Lighthouse Service was also incorporated into the Coast Guard, and in 1942 the Navigation and Steamboat Inspection Service. In 1946, the Bureau of Marine Inspection was abolished as an independently agency and became a permanent part of the United States Coast Guard. It is important to take note of these individual agencies and what they brought to the whole of the make up of the Coast Guard. Of particular note would be the search and rescue procedures of the Lighthouse Service. This lifesaving mission is often seen today by many to be the Coast Guard's main and most important service.


Through the years, though most often operating under the authority of the United States Department of the Treasury, during periods of war the President of the United States has the authority to ~ and did ~ transfer by Executive order the operations of the Cutter Service (Coast Guard) to the Department of the Navy. On April 1, 1967, the Coast Guard was transferred from the Department of the Treasury to the newly formed Department of Transportation by Executive Order 167-81. On March 1, 2003, it was again transferred to another newly formed Department, the Department of Homeland Security, under who's authority it remains today.

POW/MIA Recognition Day

Today, the third Friday of September, is observed annually in America as POW/MIA Recognition Day. From morning to evening, solemn ceremonies of remembrance are held throughout our country which pay homage to our wartime Armed Forces personnel who have been or are being held captive and to those who are missing in action.

The unknown fate of US servicemen missing in action from the Vietnam War and associated theaters of operation in Southeast Asia, was to bring forth US Public Law 101-355 on August 10, 1990. In said law, our 101st Congress designated the National League of POW/MIA Families' black POW/MIA Flag, "as the symbol of our Nation's concern and commitment to resolving as fully as possible the fates of Americans still prisoner, missing and unaccounted for in Southeast Asia, thus ending the uncertainty for their families and the Nation".

This flag now stands proud to honor and represent all POW/MIA of our nation from all U.S. wars, and it was flown today, Friday September 18, 2009, in ceremony after ceremony held by a grateful nation to honor our heroes who have sacrificed so much.

Our government has established the Defense Prisoner of War / Missing Personnel Office who oversees policies on the rescue of live soldiers and the recovery / identification of American remains. Please see their website for information: http://www.dtic.mil/dpmo/

We must never forget our brave men and women who have given so much that we might live free. Some still await today their journey home. Some, like the ex-prisoner of war that I heard speak today ~ forced to march 500 miles in the snow and ice, beaten and abused by guards, watching comrades fall to their death on the frozen ground ~ some, like him, never fully return..... And some, just never to be seen again.

Yes, we must remember ~ we must always remember! At present, there are an estimated 88,000 Americans still unaccounted for since WWII. Today we give special honor to them~ we remember ~ and we stand with their loved ones who still wait their return!

Gold Star Mothers Day

It is with both pride and sadness that we annually remember the Gold Star Mothers of our United States Armed Forces on the last Sunday of the month of September. Our pride in their valor, courage, and strength goes beyond anything we can express. Brave Americans who have raised their children to be outstanding citizens and committed patriots. Women who understand and cherish the American way and who have given all that we might live with freedom, dignity, and peace.

The memory of their precious child shall never fade, their lives living on in the daily life of all we are allowed to be and into the future in all that we can become. Gallantly, our Gold Star Mothers carry on for the promises yet to be fulfilled and the dreams yet to be lived.

It is the last Sunday of September that as a nation we stop to honor these women and to express our debt of gratitude for a gift which never can be repaid. The President of the United States issues proclamation for this honor according to US Code, Title 36, 111, section B stating:

(b) Proclamation.— The President is requested to issue a proclamation calling on United States Government officials to display the flag of the United States on all Government buildings, and the people of the United States to display the flag and hold appropriate meetings at homes, churches, or other suitable places, on Gold Star Mother’s Day as a public expression of the love, sorrow, and reverence of the people for Gold Star Mothers.

The proclamation for this year can be found here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Presidential-Proclamation-Gold-Star-Mothers-and-Families-Day-2009/

As Blue Star Mothers we recognize our Gold Star Mothers as forever sisters, so loved among us, so treasured and cherished; they will always be a part of the Blue Star Family. Gold Star Mothers have also formed a support group unique unto themselves, the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. which can be found at: http://www.goldstarmoms.com/

Formed shortly after World War I to provide support for those who had lost children in the war, the organization has gone on to provide care for the veterans of our Armed Forces, give service to the troops of the United States during war time, foster patriotism and respect for our country and those who serve it, and gain Congressional charter as a Patriotic Organization under Title 36 of the U.S. Code.

The mama who founded what we know today as the Gold Star Mothers of America, Inc. was Grace Darling Seibold who lost her son, First Lieutenant George Vaughn Seibold, in August of 1918 in aerial combat over France. And we all are certainly humbled as we remember member Aletta Sullivan who on November 13, 1942 lost five beloved sons during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal when the USS Juneau (CL-52) went down.

Heart sacrifices always to be remembered, we wish to give special honor on Sunday, September 27, 2009 to the mothers of our country's defenders who have lost a child serving in the Armed Forces of our nation.

Navy Day

In 1922, the Navy League of the United Stated selected October 27th as 'Navy Day', a day in which to recognize and celebrate our Naval Forces. Chaired by former Navy League National President Breckenridge, the first national Navy Day celebration was held that year with Navy shore stations and ships hosting 'open houses' across the nation. With great pride and enthusiasm, people gathered to see the Navy on display!

The Secretary of the Navy, Edwin Denby, received the following note from President Warren Harding at that time:

"Thank you for your note which brings assurance of the notable success which seems certain to attend the celebration of Navy Day on Friday, October 27, in commemoration of past and present services of the Navy. From our earliest national beginnings the Navy has always been, and deserved to be, an object of special pride to the American people. Its record is indeed one to inspire such sentiments, and I am very sure that such a commemoration as is planned will be a timely reminder."

"It is well for us to have in mind that under a program of lessening naval armaments there is a greater reason for maintaining the highest efficiency, fitness and morale in this branch of the national defensive service. I know how earnestly the Navy personnel are devoted to this idea and want you to be assured of my hearty concurrence."

President Calvin Coolidge, Harding's successor, continued support of Navy Day and our Naval Forces, stating in a letter dated August 29, 1923, that our United States Navy is our nation's "first line of defense".

Chief of Naval Operations designate Navy Day (10/27) and the Navy Birthday (10/13) to be the two dates to be celebrated Navy wide on an annual basis. Parades, educational lectures, government proclamations, and celebrations sometimes lasting several days, have given rise to a greater appreciation for our Navy and Naval heritage as we have marked the celebration of Navy Day across our country.

The specific date for this special day of honor and celebration was selected by the Navy League in recognition of the birthday of President Theodore Roosevelt, who had served as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy and who adamantly supported the concept of Navy Day and the ideals of the United States Navy. October 27th was also the anniversary date of the report issued by a special committee of the Continental Congress in 1775 calling for the purchase of merchant ships which established our

Pearl Harbor Day

Separately, between November 10 -18, under the command of Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, a Japanese Naval Fleet consisting of six aircraft carriers with 360 planes and 25 support vessels, left Kure Naval Base in Japan to assemble near the Kurile Islands on November 22, 1941, as a military striking force.

On November 26, the Strike Force moved out to position themselves, arriving some 275 miles northwest of Hawaii on December 6. This was a major strategic military movement on their part, as it was from there that they launched their surprise aerial attack on the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu Island, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941.

Hawaii Operation, Operation Z, as it was called by the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, launched its first strike December 7, 1941, at 0600 hours (6 AM in the morning - local time, Hawaii) resulting in the appearance of the first dive bomber over Pearl Harbor at 7:55 AM. 49 bombers, 40 torpedo planes, 51 dive bombers, and 43 fighter planes made the first wave of attacking aircraft ~ with 54 bombers, 78 dive bombers, and 36 fighter planes to follow in the second wave.

The deadly attack continued from 7:55 AM until 9:45 AM, destroying much of the American Pacific Fleet, knocking out most Hawaii based combat planes, claiming over 2,400 lives, and leaving behind over 1,300 wounded. (Please note that exact casualty/wounded figures and specifics on damaged/destroyed equipment will be found with minor variations dependant upon the official source from which they are taken.) Most sources state that the Japanese sank or destroyed nineteen ships, including all eight of our battleships (four sank, four damaged), three light cruisers, three destroyers, and several support vessels. Estimates of aircraft loss are given at 164 destroyed and 128 damaged. Horrifically, sources state 2,334 soldiers, sailors, and Marines killed along with 68 civilians; and 1,382 wounded. (US: Army KIA 222, WIA 360 ~ Navy KIA 2004, WIA 912 ~ Marines KIA 108, WIA 75 ~ CIVILIANS: KIA 68, WIA 35).

The first attack wave was commanded by Captain Mitsuo Fuchida; the second by Lieutenant Commander Shigekazu Shimazaki; a third, intended to destroy fuel storage tanks (containing 4.5 million gallons of fuel oil), torpedo storage areas, and most repair and maintenance facilities on the island was not launched, as the Japanese Force headed homeward fearing a counter attack to be immanent. Sources state that the Japanese lost to be 65 men and 29 planes.

Our American commanding officers on Oahu at the time of the attack were: Commander in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Husband E. Kimmel, and our US Army Commander for Hawaii, Lieutenant General Walter Short.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was to deam the date of this attack the "date which will live in infamy", as he addressed a joint session of Congress (and our nation via radio) at 12:30 PM on December 8, to request a Declaration of War against Japan.. By 4:00 PM both the Senate and House had given vote, the Senate responding with a unanimous vote in support of the war ~ the House with only one desending vote by pacifist Jeanette Rankin from Montana. President Roosevelt then signed the declaration, bringing the United States into World War II. You can see Roosevelt's original document (there is also audio) at: http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/ODDECWAR.HTML

The Japanese strike on Pearl Harbor was meant to destroy any possible threat the United States Navy's battleship force stationed in the Pacific might pose to the Japanese Empire's expansion program (expansion and conquest). It resulted in shocking Americans, unifying our country, and ending all isolationist-interventionist debates and positions people held in relation to the War (which had actually been started by Germany in March of 1938 when it began occupation of Austria and then Czechoslovakia.)

Because of treaties signed between the nations known as the Axis powers (Japan being one), the attack against Pearl Harbor brought the United States into World War II, joining with the Allied powers.

Military volunteers came by the thousands, the draft which was established by the Selective Service Act of 1940 was implemented, items on the home front became rationed (gasoline, sugar, butter, rubber, nylon, coffee, tea, etc.) so the war effort would have all that was needed, the auto industry stopped making cars and started making vehicles and planes for the war effort, women took men's places in the workforce that had gone to fight. America was united and the 'war cry' of our people was, "Remember Pearl Harbor"!

Thanksgiving Day

Today, the people of the United States celebrate one of our National Holidays, 'Thanksgiving'. We gather with one another to give thanks for our many blessings, to enjoy family and home, and to remember loved ones who are not able to be with us on this day.

It was on September 25, 1789, while Congress was in session, that Congressman Elias Boudinot from the state of New Jersey stated that he “could not think of letting the session pass over without offering an opportunity to all the citizens of the United States of joining, with one voice, in returning to Almighty God their sincere thanks for the many blessings he had poured down upon them.” He proposed to both the House of Representatives and the Senate that they make joint request of President George Washington that he should issue proclamation for a day of thanksgiving for "the many signal favors of Almighty God."

On October 3, 1789, President George Washington issued the first "Thanksgiving Proclamation", which declared November 26, 1789 a national day of 'thanksgiving and prayer' for our country. You can read, hear, and learn more about the proclamation here: http://lifeofgeorgewashington.org/georgewashingtonsthanksgivingproclamation.html

Although the issuing of the Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation ceased in the early 1800s for some 45 years, the tradition was re-instituted by President Abraham Lincoln when he gave his 'Proclamation of Thanksgiving' on October 3, 1863 http://www.historyplace.com/lincoln/thanks.htm which declared that the last Thursday of November 1863 would be set aside for a nationwide celebration of thanksgiving.

Since that time, 'Thanksgiving' has been observed annually in the United States. During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the observation date from the last Thursday of November to the third Thursday to allow for extra shopping time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, with Congress enacting what was called the 'fourth Thursday compromise'. Though his reasoning was to boost our economy by extending the holiday shopping season, public protested was huge and rapidly became politicized. In the year 1939, some states celebrated a 'Democratic Thanksgiving' on the third Thursday of November and others celebrated a 'Republican Thanksgiving' on the fourth Thursday of November.

Public outrage continued, even calling Thanksgiving 'Franksgiving' until December 26, 1941, when Congress passed a law ensuring a unified American celebration of Thanksgiving, declaring a National Holiday to be celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

There are numerous claims to the date and location of the 'First Thanksgiving Celebration' from which we model our present day American observance. Record shows that the Spanish explorer, Francisco Vasquez de Coronada led a 'thanksgiving' celebration at the Palo Duro Canyon, in West Texas in 1541. And on September 8, 1565, 800 settlers gathered for a 'thanksgiving' meal in the Spanish colony of St. Augustine, Florida, with their leader, Pedro Menendez de Aviles and the Timucuan Indians.

On June 30, 1564, René de Laudonnière, the leader of the colony of French Huguenots who had established the settlement which is now Jacksonville, Florida, recorded that they had sang and celebrated "thanksgiving' unto God. Colonists in Jamestown who had diminished from 409 to just 60 survivors, called for a celebration of 'thanksgiving' when ships filled with food and supplies arrived from England in 1610. And on December 4, 1619, when 38 colonists landed at another place in present-day Virginia that they called Berkeley Hundred, they also were to celebrate 'thanksgiving'.

In 1621, the most famous of 'thanksgiving' celebrations (and the one most Americans attribute to being 'the first traditional thanksgiving feast/celebration') took place between the surviving Mayflower Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Native Americans in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Too, the settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony observed a celebration of 'Thanksgiving' on July 8, 1630.

Colonists recorded that 'when the sailing ended and the ships were accounted for', there was a 'day of thanksgiving' in all plantations. Passengers aboard the Arbella proclaimed they had celebrations of 'thanksgiving' while on route. Yet, as no American Nation existed at any of these times, none of these 'thanksgiving' celebrations held national pronouncement or proclamation.

It wasn't until George Washington stopped his troops in the open fields in 1777 while on route to Valley Forge that the first observance of 'thanksgiving' took place in the new United States of America.

Today, November 26, 2009, is Thanksgiving Day in our country. And, no matter which past feasts and celebrations we look to as our 'First Thanksgiving', today is our day in which to set aside the time, as a Nation, to give gratitude and thanksgiving for all of our many blessings.

Please see this year's Presidential Thanksgiving Proclamation at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/presidential-proclamation-thanksgiving-day

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