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Читайте также:
  1. Living the Paleo Diet
  2. New method of investigation of bentic Foraminifera assembly across Paleocene - Eocene in north Schousf (Nehbandan), east of Iran
  3. The Ground Rules for the Paleo Diet
  4. The Paleo Diet Program
  5. U-Pb dating of zircons from paleoweathering profiles
  6. Vendian not synchronous carbonate sedimentation in Paleo-Asian Ocean

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page


Preface to the Revised Edition


PART ONE - Understanding the Paleo Diet


How Our Healthy Way of Life Went Wrong

Chapter 1 - Not Just Another Low-Carb Diet

Health Secrets of Our Ancestors

The Problems with Most Low-Carb Diets

Low Carb Doesn’t Mean Low Cholesterol

Healthy Fats, Not Lethal Fats

Saturated Fats, Reconsidered

Disease-Fighting Fruits and Vegetables

The Osteoporosis Connection

Toxic Salt

Lean Meat Helps You Lose Weight

Protein Increases Your Metabolism and Slows Your Appetite

Lean Protein and Heart Disease

Chapter 2 - The Ground Rules for the Paleo Diet

The Fundamentals of the Paleo Diet

The Seven Keys of the Paleo Diet

Just the Foods You Can Hunt and Gather at Your Supermarket

Meal Preparation and Typical Meals

The Paleo Diet: A Nutritional Bonanza

The Typical American Diet: A Nutritional Nightmare

Why You Can’t Overeat on the Paleo Diet

What to Expect on the Paleo Diet

Chapter 3 - How Our Diet Went Wrong and What You Can Do about It

Lean Meat Is Brain Food

Hunting Big Game

Restoring the Balance in Your Diet

How “Progress” Has Hurt Us

Hello Grains, Hello Health Problems

Big Mistakes in the 1950s

The Seven Major Problems in the Typical American Diet


PART TWO - Losing Weight and Preventing and Healing Diseases

Chapter 4 - Losing Weight the Paleo Diet Way

Determining Whether You Need to Lose Weight

A Doctor Loses 30 Pounds: Ben’s Story

Why Protein Helps Burn Calories

Losing 75 Pounds in Six Months: Dean’s Story

Protein Satisfies Your Appetite

Promoting Weight Loss by Improving Your Insulin Sensitivity

What You Can Expect to Lose on the Paleo Diet

Sharing Success Stories

Losing 45 Pounds and Healing Crohn’s Disease: Sally’s Story

Vegetarian Isn’t Better: Ann’s Story

A Nutritionist Loses 30 Pounds: Melissa’s Story

Losing Weight the Right Way

Chapter 5 - Metabolic Syndrome: Diseases of Civilization

Healing Metabolic Syndrome: Jack’s Story

How Insulin Resistance Increases Your Risk of Heart Disease

Other Diseases Related to Insulin Resistance

Chapter 6 - Food as Medicine: How Paleo Diets Improve Health and Well-Being

The Diet-Disease Connection

Metabolic Syndrome Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases

Diseases of Acid-Base Balance and Excessive Sodium

Digestive Diseases

Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Inflammatory Diseases

Autoimmune Diseases

Psychological Disorders

Vitamin-Deficiency Diseases

Dental Cavities


Skin Cancers

PART THREE - The Paleo Diet Program

Chapter 7 - Eating Great: What to Eat, What to Avoid

Making the Diet Work for You

What to Eat?

Lean Meats

Fruits and Vegetables

Nuts and Seeds

Foods You Can Eat in Moderation

Foods You Should Avoid

Chapter 8 - The Paleo Diet User’s Manual

Stocking Your Refrigerator and Pantry

Look for Lean Meats

Wild Game Meat—at a Gourmet Store Near You

Fish and Seafood

Eggs: Good or Bad?

How to Make the Most of Fruits and Vegetables

Nuts and Seeds

Omega 6 to Omega 3 Fat Ratio in Nuts and Seeds

Purchasing Oils


Individualizing Your Diet

Vitamins, Minerals, and Supplements

Food Availability and Preparation Issues

Dining Out, Travel, and Peer Pressure

Ask Your Friends and Family for Support

Chapter 9 - The Meal Plans for the Three Levels of the Paleo Diet


Level I: Entry Level

Level II: Maintenance Level

Level III: Maximal Weight Loss Level

Chapter 10 - Paleo Recipes

Basic Recipe Principles

Stone Age Food Substitutions



DOMESTIC LOW-FAT MEAT ENTRÉES - (Beef, Chicken, Veal, Pork, Organ Meats, Game Meats)










Chapter 11 - Paleo Exercise

Exercise Plus Paleo Diet Equals Health: Joe’s Story

“Exercise”: A Funny Idea to Hunter-Gatherers

Physical Fitness: Naturally, and with No Exercise Programs

Exercise and Obesity

Why Should You Exercise?

Exercise and Blood Lipids

Exercise, Type 2 Diabetes, and Other Health Benefits of Exercise

Modern Exercises for Your Paleolithic Body

Chapter 12 - Living the Paleo Diet

The Right Reasons to Eat

One Day at a Time

APPENDIX A - Acid-Base Values of Common Foods (100-gram portions)

APPENDIX B - Comparison of the Total Fat in Domestic and Wild Meats

APPENDIX C - Practical Implementation of Parts of the Paleo Diet on a Global Scale







The Paleo Diet helps you lose fat, improve your health, and feel great. Why? Because the Paleo Diet works with your genetics to help you realize your natural birthright of vibrant health and wellness. My book’s success is due in large part to the revolutionary solutions provided by Professor Loren Cordain and his Paleo Diet message.” —Robb Wolf, author of the bestselling The Paleo Solution

“Loren Cordain’s extensive research demonstrates how modern westernized diets drastically depart from the original diet humans consumed for millions of years. In The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet Cookbook, Dr. Cordain shows how diets high in grains, dairy, vegetable oils, salt, and refined sugars are at odds with our genetic legacy and then shares his uncomplicated strategy for losing weight and getting healthy.” —Arthur De Vany, Ph.D., author of The New Evolution Diet

“We found Dr. Loren Cordain’s scientific research indispensable when we wrote The 30-Day Low-Carb Diet Solution. Cordain provides the most compelling arguments we’ve seen for why a protein-rich diet is the diet we were born to eat. His weight-loss plan simply works and his recipes are simply terrific.” —Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Mary Dan Eades, M.D., authors of Protein Power, The 6-Week Cure for the Middle-Aged Middle, and The Low-Carb Comfort Food Cookbook

The Paleo Diet is at once revolutionary and intuitive. Its prescription provides without a doubt the most nutritious diet on the planet. Beautifully written, The Paleo Diet takes us from the theory to the day-to-day practice of the native human diet.” —Jennie Brand-Miller, Ph.D., coauthor of the bestselling The Glucose Revolution series

“Dr. Loren Cordain’s approach to nutrition is logically compelling, readily understood, and at the cutting edge of health science. Not all scientists can translate their concepts into a straightforward, accessible format, but Cordain has accomplished this feat brilliantly.” —S. Boyd Eaton, M.D., lead author of The Paleolithic Prescription

“Finally someone has figured out the best diet—a modern version of the diet the human race grew up eating. Dr. Loren Cordain’s easy-to-follow diet plan reminds us that the healthiest foods are the simplest ones.” —Jack Challem, author of The Inflammation Syndrome, Stop Prediabetes Now, and Syndrome X

“In a world where we’re surrounded with information overload on dieting, this is a commonsense and effective weight-control approach that’s easy to follow.” —Fred Pescatore, M.D., author of The Hamptons Diet and The Allergy and Asthma Cure

The Paleo Diet lays out the basic nutrition plan not only for weight loss and good health but also for peak performance in athletic competition. It works.” —Joe Friel, author of The Triathlete’s Training Bible




Copyright © 2002, 2011 by Loren Cordain. All rights reserved

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey
Published simultaneously in Canada

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ISBN 978-1-118-00131-8 (ebk)



To Lorrie, Kyle, Kevin, and Kenny for making it all worthwhile



Дата добавления: 2015-10-28; просмотров: 145 | Нарушение авторских прав

Читайте в этой же книге: The Ground Rules for the Paleo Diet | Not Enough Protein | Vegetarian Isn’t Better: Ann’s Story | The Paleo Diet Program | Amaranth• Buckwheat• Quinoa Legumes | Toss together first five ingredients. Serve on top of lettuce bed. Serves two. CONDIMENTS, DIPS, SALSAS, SALAD DRESSINGS, MARINADES | Living the Paleo Diet |
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