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Battle For The Soul

Читайте также:
  1. Battle of Gallipoli
  2. Battle of the Marne: 6-10 September 1914
  3. Battle Team vs Team (Баттл Команда на Команду)
  5. Chapter Thirty-One The Battle of Hogwarts

Chapter 1


Do not let the people go deeper than under your clothes. Neither in the soul, nor under the skin.

The flaps of carved massive doors swung open apart with a thud, letting two rulers of the kingdom Remiart in. Older spouse, His Majesty Irian the second marched ahead, dressed in marching camisole, smelling of dust and road. The road was long and there was no time to change clothes. Practical black fabric tight, like a second skin, encircle the man, ideally emphasizing the relief of the body and broad shoulders, developed long and exhausting workouts.

Not for nothing that Irian was considered the best warrior of the kingdom. The strongest - and that's not just words. steel of his sword, more than once sprinkling the blood in battle, absorbed the screams of terror and fear of fallen enemies, who died from the hand of master. He was invincible, fought alongside regular soldiers, inspiring them with confidence and not letting lose heart. His enemies were afraid of him, considering him a cruel tyrant, knew no mercy. It was true. He was respected by ordinary soldiers, believing that their king will stand next to them to defend their Motherland. People fell in love with him, hated him, wanted to kill him, but awarded only respectful view, or an ironic smile, followed by immediate death. Someone thought he was a demon, some angel, but he was just a man with an admixture of blood of the dark elves in the veins.

High boots of rough skin rose to mid-thigh, and at each step hollow echo of heavy steps of the monarch caused a shiver all the participants. Long strands of the dark brown hair went down the back and shoulders, curlicue lying down the clothes. Always beautiful face was contorted with anger and undisguised irritation now, thin lips twisted into a sinister smile, and dark brown, with splashes of purple eyes blazing with fury. Strong flavor of Alpha made ​​even hardened warriors to shrink and slightly omit the shoulders, recognizing the strongest.

Slightly behind the ruler on the left side, closer to the heart, walked his young wife - Her Highness, Crown Princess Danas - Anry. Light figure hidden under loose clothing was like a mystery to everyone present. Silk shirt with the color of ripe cherries, black pants on tight shapely legs and low boots with a small heel. Any step of her did not break the silence; it seemed that omega moves through the air. Straight posture, as befits members of the ruling family, hands hidden in the folds of the thrown over cape of dark drape with fur trim. Per long, carelessly falling on the face bangs of blue-black hair was difficult to discern the subtle facial features. Just full lips, which was impossible to read a single emotion, was possible to see in the darkness of the room. Sweetish odor of omega attracted by the uniqueness and originality, but it was easy drowned by smell of the ruler, overriding attracted to his wife by his own aroma.

Dimly lit, cold room was causing uncontrollable fear. It seemed that in the corners, there, in the dark, where did not get the light of candles was someone very dangerous, hiding behind the veil of darkness from time to time, until the ruler shall command to appear before him - it was.

Irian sat at the head of a long table, carelessly throwing off his dusty coat from his shoulders, and began to attentively study the documents brought to him by the Secretary. Anry sat in her chair quietly, leaning forward a little, and, unlike her husband, did not advertise the fatigue after a long journey. Every movement was perfectly honed and worked out, and now in front of all was a beautiful doll that did not do any unnecessary gesture.

A long way, which ran along the border, the successful signing of a peace treaty with the elven settlement and started negotiations with the dwarves - quite a good month, that's just too tiring, but Anry could not afford even a small weakness.

She carefully scanned each of the assembled members of the board. Forty people, soldiers and politicians was feeling the close look that seemed burned them through, making its way up to the soul, and twisting it to wrong side. It was. Anry reads each like an open book, diligently searching for someone who had already given information to orcs for a few months, one because of who were killed several hundred soldiers and one who will certainly die today.

Here were dozens of men. There were alphas, and there were betas. All their auras were bright, clean shimmered with shades as it should be, and only one turned red and threatening red, with streaks of black, closely intertwined near the heart and like the threads entangled the figure. "Bingo!" - Flashed through the head of omega, and just now she allowed herself a sarcastic smirk, which immediately was replaced by indifference. The audience shuddered as they felt how in an instant the atmosphere became oppressive and heavy.

Irian tilted his head to his wife, from which the unruly strands fell off the shoulder and slipped across the face of Anry. Omega said a couple of words to her husband's ear, and receiving an affirmative nod, got up from her seat, intending to leave. Immediately all present, including the spouse, stood up, tracing with retreating figure, held their breath, praying that this beautiful vision quickly disappeared. Slammed the sash of massive doors, muffling the sounds coming from the hall for meetings, and only now young omega allowed herself to make a tired sigh, feeling the ache in temples from the impact. And noticing how her magical reserve was devastated and how trembling her legs, unable to keep the body’s weight.


Feel the strength leaving me, just flow out from the body, breaking away from numb fingers and breaking of the stone floor.

"Help me," - mentally ask for help, holding hand over roughened masonry of the walls, feeling the cold, the same as I have inside.

There was a barely audible rustling; the wall next to me is expanded, creating a passage, passing me in its darkness. Do not thinking, take a step inside, glad that no one was nearby, otherwise it would have to go on foot up to the bedrooms, and this is the way almost through the half of the palace.

After a few steps, find myself in my room. Still feel the smell of dampness and dust, but it's so familiar and soothing that I cannot help but smile.

"Thank you" - also mentally and I know that I was heard.

Leaning against the wall and slowly crawl over it, losing support underfoot. How I am tired. Immediately I carefully picked up and forced to stand up.

- Any, you look lousy.

I recognize that voice. Kurin - one of the few who are allowed to contact me at, "You."

- Tired, - all that I can say, because there is no strength in me anymore.

Further all is happening as in a sleepy veil. Kurin brings me to the bath, carefully undresses and helps to stand under the stream of warm water. She soaps my body, washing away road dirt from the tired skin, and wipe dry with a towel. Silk pajamas flows on the skin, water drips from the regrown hair, gliding over the neck and making the way along the spine, but I do not pay attention to anything, relaxing in the capable hands of someone you can trust. Cool silk of bed sheets better than any pleasure, soft blanket - like salvation. And sleep takes hold of me completely.

Morning comes too early and I do not ready for this. On the edge of the bed sits to ugliness pleased Kurin and drills me burning through look, and managing to look cute.

- What do you want? - Will not go away though.

- How did it go?

Indeed, what else is she interested in?!

- Excellent! We signed an agreement with the elves, now in case of an attack of orcs we will have support from the south. With dwarves started fruitful negotiations, and I think we will be able to agree, just have to pay. Glad?

Stretching with whole body on a bed, still basking in the half-asleep, and slowly sit down.

- Glad - agrees, after some thought, and follow my way into the bath exhales wearily. - How do you do it?

- What do you mean? - Do not always understand what she meant.

- You're beautiful even sleepy, every movement honed to the millimeter. You seem to swim - conventional omegas cannot so - in her voice no envy, rather admiration.

Each omega whose was born with this gene, by nature more delicate and fragile than betas and gammas. Smell that inherent only to omegas begins to produce from birth and is fully formed by the beginning of puberty, it usually occurs at the age of fourteen - fifteen years.

After this age omega as formed personality, have the right to enter into lawful marriage, tying matrimonial obligations with alpha. As a rule, alpha chooses omega by smell, but appearance also has not a small value. All Omegas have their unique grace and sophistication, but I have developed all these habits since childhood, as soon as it became known that I would become the wife of the future ruler. It became a necessary measure.

- Years of training - as always walk away from the answer and hide behind a wooden door.

Spend with my fingertips along the wall, and mentally pronouncing: "Hello." Immediately under the fingers held mild shaking, and involuntary smile crawled on the face.

At breakfast in the company of a true friend, time flies inevitably fast. Thanking for the food and waiting until Kurin tidy up the dining table, quickly change clothes and leave my room.

Soft black pants streaming on my legs, not constraining movements, light shirt with wide sleeves cools the skin and warm vest without sleeves, buttoned on the chest does not give to freeze, despite the short length that ends around the waist. Soft short boots silently glide across the floor, leaving me unnoticed, so clash with Irian was a surprise even for me.

- Oh! - Cry out and immediately bounces off him, but strong hands in one motion bring me back into place.

- Do not hurt? - straight notes of his voice did not express any emotion, and his eyes, though proud, but still tired.

- No, I'm sorry, I did not see you.

- Nothing - deploying me in the opposite direction, hugging the waist, pulling me to his side, and holds tightly, not allowing to step back.

- You're still up? - I ask, rather, out of politeness, because the silence begins to on the nerves.

- No, - terse answer says that his thoughts are occupied with something else.

The undisputed right hand of my spouse follows right behind us. I have recently begun to consider Day the shadow going step by step to Irian that just stopped paying attention to his presence.

Day really was like a shadow, always staying in the dark, protecting Irian from any problems, whether it is an attack or a political mistake, which I cannot always notice. No one knows where he came from and how long he serves to Irian. Someone even claims that his shadow was already near Crown baby, protecting him from the birth, and someone says that he has appeared recently, but the fact that he is always be there. People consider him a demon, raised from the bottom of the world, because of what he is doing in the fight, difficult to call except but the madness. He personally trained Irian to wield weapons and if these two strongest met in battle, it is not clear who would have won. Irian undeniably is strong, but the potential that was hiding inside of Day - just a mystery, because there are almost impossible to unravel the shadow of His Majesty.

Unusually tight pants made ​​of thick cloth tucked into short boots, a black jacket made of skin an unknown animal on the shoulders with armored sleeves and a hood, which does not fall even in battle. Consider his appearance is almost impossible, but the one who did it, was ready to swear that he demonically beautiful. Only occasionally could be considered closely compressed lips, on which cannot be read any emotion. Hands in black gloves on his neck a wide collar, baldric of knives on his belt, and a huge sword, fixed behind him, with which he does not leave. His whole appearance screams about danger. Maybe that's why he's always in the dark, to mere mortals do not go crazy?

We stopped in front of the door to the chamber of his Majesty. Irian, turned around and pulled me to him tightly hugging by the waist.

Throw my head up, trying to look into his eyes.

- Will you come? - Even feeling dead tired, he is insatiable.

- You should rest - smooth tone of the voice did not waver, even when the grip on the waist became suffocating close.

Leaning, weightlessly kisses me on the corner of the lips and releasing hidden behind his bedroom door. Do not wipe the mouth with the hand in disgust, even don’t wince and sigh, just turn around and go on my own affairs. During the three years of marriage, I had grown accustomed to his attention.

As expected, Day was not in the hallway. Sometimes it seems to me that he is able to disappear, because it is almost impossible to guess where he will be in the next minute.

All day doing anything, I try to escape, knowing that Irian remained dissatisfied with my refusal and certainly will call me to him this night. For the month there are accumulated quite a few affairs in the capital. Though I am the omega by birth, but still is the younger ruler. So there is a big burden of responsibility on my shoulders too.

A knock at the door distracts my attention from the papers. Just now I notice that it begins to get dark, and the red sun, sinking below the horizon, colors the sky in the bloody haze.

- Come in.

The door opened noiselessly and on the doorstep showing a pretty girl. From the bow her green hair fell down, hiding her face and tired the yellowish- brown eyes. Fragile shoulders slumped and her hands folded in the lock on the chest. If I did not know that she is beta, I feel free to call her omega - too beautiful and refined.

- Your Highness, His Majesty waiting for you, - in her voice apparent regret, I can not help but smile.

- Thank you, Kurin, today you can be free.

She is removed with the bow, throwing at me a sad look. It's in my chambers, under the protection of spells, we can afford to be just friends, and for everyone she is my servant, whose gave me the oath of allegiance to the blood, not more than that. It's easier for us, I do not want to expose her in danger. Who knows what will come to mind of the enemies, if they manage to find my weak point? Earlier I did not deliver them such pleasure.

I get up from the seat, once again looking at a burning like fire sky and leave the office, closing it on the magic seal. Still need to have time to freshen up, and time is not so much. His Majesty does not like to wait. Ah, again training is canceled, and I so wanted to stretch muscles...



Chapter 2

Cool jets of water nice slide on the skin, removing fatigue from the body, but not from the soul. I've stopped worrying about my fate long ago and accepted what fell to my share, but the severity that many years kept inside of me, did not wash off even with water.

Turning off taps, catching the last drops of water by the skin, and leave the bathroom, wrapping a towel around the hips. It makes no sense to dress up, anyway remain naked. So wiping the body dry, I cover a long silk robe with color of overcast night and smile to my reflection.

Before my eyes the image of a beautiful Omega, who looked about twenty, with piercing eyes of steel pink shade. The rarest color of the eyes. Maybe it's attracted His Majesty to me, who knows.

Black hair falls down on my neck with ragged strands, creating a lightweight mess on the head. And naughty bangs climbs into the eyes, as if deliberately hiding my face from everyone. From under the robe open at the chest, you can see the skin color of melted milk, shoulders a little more advanced than must have Omega, but as soon as I relax, this difference becomes virtually invisible.

Shake my head, trying to drive away the veil before the eyes, and spreading the shoulders proudly, heading to the exit. Under bare feet sag nappy carpet in the hallway, tickling the skin and caressing her nicely.

Corridor is completely empty. On this floor only members of the royal family and their attendants have the right to stay. Even the guards standing outside the door leading onto that floor, but it is more a tribute to tradition than protection – it is impossible to pass through the magic network without a key.

I slightly open the door carefully and enter without knocking, I have that right. Soft twilight of the room does not hurt the eyes and the smell of smoldered candles and vanilla envelopes from all sides and relaxes. You are as usually stand near the window, and in the fingers clamped elegant crystal goblet with wine. Slowly I come to the bed, towards untying the belt of the robe, feeling under the fingers silken cloth. Slightly pull the shoulders, silk flowing to my feet by waves, lying on a soft carpet with shimmering puddle, leaving me helpless under the gaze of your cold eyes.

You are looking at me; skin feels as smoothly slides your sight, repeating curves of my body. With graceful movement I go down onto the huge bed in the center of the room, provoking by sexuality of my movements. It lives in me, my essence, which is stronger than me, otherwise it is impossible. Of course, I can plop down with muzzle into the bed with a running start, but it is beneath my dignity. I am harboring the blanket to hide from you. No hate or fear, rather indifference. But soon the body will want you, by surrendering the onslaught of skillful caresses. You made my body want you, but not the soul.

Glass with clink descends on a glass table, heavy footsteps could be heard quite close, the rustling of fabric and the bed next to me flexes. I feel your scent, it is impossible not to feel it: strength, power - everything is enclosed in it. All also do not look at you, knowing how you devour me with your eyes, how your long fingers tremble with anticipation, how you frown, and lips are spread out into a bawdy grin. Well, take it, my body belongs to you, enjoy, but do not dare to climb into my soul, it's not for you.

Hot fingers touch the delicate skin on the fragile shoulders, a little pushing, forcing lie down completely. Obey, I just cannot help it. Blanket flies towards, sprawled on the carpet with fancy folds. Consider ceiling without interest, as yet I can see something, until my nature has got the upper hand, feeling an alpha close to. I do not regret that I was born omega. I regret that my life has been decided for me, not allowing me to make a major choice. Fingers glide over the body, sometimes leaving purple stripes from the nails on the skin. Against the will the body begins to respond, and familiar warmth spreads in the lower abdomen. Breathing quickens, lips dry out, and hands compress the silk sheets until the whitened knuckles. Slipping your hand under my neck, you lift my head and bite into my parted lips with greedy kiss. Already enough of me? Today you are fast.

I feel velvet of your skin under the fingers, slowly betraying myself. Kisses go down below. I feel excitation. Do not look at you, fighting the urge to not start begging to take me and do not torment. Excitation is almost painful; all my body is throbbing, asking for more.

Fingers clench your shoulders, feeling how sensitive skin with excitement. Your rare groans drunk, pouring ecstasy in so crowded pot of excitation.

- Look at me! - Your order, which cannot fail to comply.

I throw open my eyes, meeting with completely drunk lust look. Your hands glide over the body, rough caress circles my head, ripping reality without letting me know what is happening. All body seemed crowded living energy, instead of blood - pure adrenaline, instead of the mind - the madness. Sharp flash of pleasure shot through the whole body, fingers cramped and eyes welled with tears.

- Present me a child - your whisper in my ear, almost pleading.

- No, - I answered without hesitation.

Curse or a gift, but one of the best magicians of the past imposed spell on all omegas that omega can only get pregnant when she really wants it and no matter if the sperm of the partner got into the body or not. So he asks, each time hoping to hear a positive response. But he'll never hear it from me… Never.

- Will you stay? – He asks when it begins to lighten behind the window.

- No, - I answer and do not looking at you, just throwing a dressing gown over my shoulders, and slip out the door.

Never stay in his room and don’t let him in my one. It seems that the whole body steeped in his aroma, every cell of me now has his scent. The smell of passion, for which there is no sense, but only the desire, almost animal.

Coming into my room, corner of my eye I catching fleeting shadow melted into the twilight of the corridor.

Accompanied. Thank you.

Wash off a smell of sex from myself and, brushing the body with special oil to remove your scent, go to the window. Curtains are half draw, skipping a little piece of heaven which growing brighter into the room. Climb on the windowsill, not royally tucked leg under me and leaning back against the wall, to cast a glance at the brightening sky. The first rays of the sun dazzle, prompting its light all around, awaken all living things to wake up from sleep. So I look at the sun, on this pure vision, dreaming that my soul is cleansed. I just cannot miss the sunrise, wishing all the dirt inside of me disappeared with the first rays of bright light. And so it happens. Really get easier.

Flashes of memories stand before my eyes like all is happening right now. All those feelings and emotions that have been passed many years ago, remain alive, forcing me, day by day, to remember those days more clearly than I would like.

"When in the manor of Nilian was happened a happy event, and in the love was born baby-omega, all were just over the moon. And what a surprise it was for the head of the family, when Crown Prince of the Kingdom Remiart came to look at newborn. You were only twelve, I was one day from birth and then you have acknowledged me yours.

Approaching to the bed with a huge four-poster emblazoned on the day of the feast and a little pushing finest tulle towards, you just looked at the sleeping baby a few minutes.

But only thunder rang out and lightning shined outside the window, as the baby opened her eyes and began to cry. Even then, being almost a child, you were not afraid to take me in your arms and trembling pressed to your chest, and, looking into my eyes, quietly, but to hear everything said:

- MY!

There was a silence, and only the storm gained momentum, becoming stronger and more frightening. No one of the parents dared to argue, but you did not really need their consent. Just my mother-omega lowered her eyes, even then taking my pain on herself. Baby fell asleep in your arms, wrapped up your warmth and caress. It was the only time in my life when you were so caring.

I fell asleep to wake up in the harsh reality and learn that my life is not my anymore. Since that night I fear thunderstorms, knowing that it always brings unhappiness, but was not afraid of the dark, because the darkness - it's part of me, enveloping the soul and hiding my senses, to which I was capable of. Sometimes I think that I am a soulless doll, but why heart hurts? "

- Any, you need to lie down, - fragile palm of friend rests on my shoulder, pulling me out of the memories, like from the icy water. In her eyes clearly read the condemnation, but it's not annoying.

- I’ll do it- smile to her with sincere. She is in general the only person in the castle who saw this smile. With the help of friend I am leaving a wide window sill and go to sleep.

When I wake up, outside the window is already beginning to dark. I love this time of day, it is customary for me and gives peace of mind. Crawl out of bed and bring myself up. Without thinking, I pull on the body soft pants the color of ripe cherriesб to match them shirt with a wide-sleeved and an open neck and a black vest. I paint the eyes with black pencil, making them even more expressive, and winking to myself, heading to the side wall.

Fingers usual glide over the stonework, passing through a power which the castle generously shares with me, and in response to I am doing the same thing, feeding it with my own power. Just a couple of touches, and I already know that Irian went with a group to the border areas and will arrive tomorrow morning. Well, good news, the whole day I provided to myself.

"Conduct me" - ask mentally, and immediately wall moved apart in front of me, opening the passageway into the absolutely darkness.

Without a hesitation step in it, feeling how smell of mildew and age-old dust envelops me. I do not need to carry a lamp to see where to go; I know that will not fall down. All the corridors of the castle are studied by me to the last Stone.

Actually, line of my life is not quite normal. In our world wizards are born extremely rare, and often it happens among alphas or betas. There were only two omega-magicians: one of them gave the first explosion, and nearly destroyed all the inhabitants of our world, but it was thousands of years ago, and the other cursed omegas, not allowing them to give birth without mutual love. I wonder what I should to do, if we consider that should not wait anything good from omegas.

My magical potential opened in five years, it happened suddenly and accidentally. I played in the garden and noticing a withering bush of roses, took up its branches. Ignoring the sharp thorns, which immediately disappeared, without injuring the delicate skin, mentally wanted him bloomed. And so it happened. Mom was there and, staying in silent shock, couldn’t recover for a long time. Later I learned that she, too, had the makings of magic, but too little to develop them. But she knew a lot and taught me all this. In her library were founded many useful books from which I scooped knowledge. It had remained our secret, even my father did not know. It was believed that people like me are obliged to serve the good of all, but my mom did not want such a fate for me, and all kept in secret.

It was she who taught me how to communicate with castles. And what was my surprise when, on arrival here, the castle itself came with me to communicate. And not just established contact, but as well contracted by associating itself with me and feeding me with its energy. I could move from any part of the castle to another in record time. I could get from my room to the border areas without difficulty, because, as it turned out, my castle was the repository of great power, which covers the entire kingdom and goes deep into the earth.

That's where I'm going. There, in the depths of the dungeon, where you do not be able to see a single person, whether he is a magician or a mere mortal, even if you smash castle on parts and remove it all inside, my secret dungeon will remain secret as well. This repository is my laboratory, where I do experiments and potions that are indispensable in life. The last of them is the ability to remove odor of Alpha from the body, leaving only my one.

Dimly lit room greets me familiar bouquet of various odors, but today I'm not going to leave here. I pass on to where you can see the inconspicuous door and going inside, squinting from the bright sun. Sufficiently large room, brightly lit with natural light, air in the room is cool and the temperature is a little lower than it should be. This place is on the top of one of the icy mountains on the northern border. Uninvited travelers do not come here. They just do not missed by the castle. Yes, and to rise to the top, you need to have superhuman strength and a large reserve of magic, because either you will pick from the steep cliff and break on the rocks, or will freeze to death, without reaching up to the middle of the path. But with the help of magic here is quite warm and, can be said, cozy. Small windows near the ceiling pass daylight, good lighting the whole space. In the corner there is shelving with weapon. There are mainly swords and blades here; I cannot stand massive weapons, although I also know how to possess it. This is my second mystery, and it came to me from my father. As a skilled warrior, he began to teach me weapon ownership from my first steps, hired the best teachers to whom magicians erased the memory according to the contract after that. My skill was improved, and I soon realized that my magic was woven into a weapon, almost making me invincible. It is nonsense to omega owned weapons. No, there were cases in history when omegas were warriors, really good soldiers, but it was so rare that they are not often remembered. Omegas, as a rule, prefer to stay at home, keep quiet lifestyle, engaging management and parenting, and the role of breadwinner and protector was took Alphas and betas as stronger.

All Steel Wheels of black blade habitually fits in the palm. Whenever I take this sword in my hand, the fingers of the other hand starts to tingle slightly, as if something is missing. Vest flies on the floor, after it shirt goes, leaving thin black strip of thick fabric only the top covering the breasts. Wag of the sword, and the muscles habitually tense, standing out by relief through the skin. Exact hits to an invisible target, not stopping to move until I feel the muscles begin to burn, and that's where the fun begins. I Interwoven magic network with the sword, calling its strength, and mentally appeal to the castle, leering smile. Immediately in front of me one by one begin to grow out of the ground stone monsters, height and weight of who are exceed me dozens of times. There are exact deadly attacks. Focusing is on the limit. One wrong move and you can lose your head. There are no concessions or favors, all in pure madness when you are responsible for your life by yourself. About an hour later, when the sword begins to tremble in my hands, body tingles from the incessant jumping and attacks, all calms down when head of the last monster was cut off.

Stones, loose lying around my feet, absorbed into the ground, leaving the floor pristine. I return the sword to his place, wipe with the towel and only now realize that something is wrong. My back at the moment tensed, feelings strained, but I do not make any sudden movements. Quietly turn around and, with a completely detached view, gaze at the dark figure near the wall.

- Can I find out what you're doing here? - My voice did not waver, but the irritation is clearly starting to get the best of me.

- You were not in the castle - his voice is mesmerizing, it seems it pours from the gorge of the mountains, spacing around the hollow echo.

- And is it an excuse to invade my ownership? - Dissatisfied notes slip out of me.

- I'm sorry - that's just no guilt in his voice.

Only now I notice that half naked and embarrassing, raise my shirt, quickly pulling it toward myself. I bet I could hear the grin. Traitorous blush is spreading across my cheeks, though my face remains unchanged.

- Are you having fun?

- You can say so. Not every day you see her Highness, the youngest ruler Anry, embarrassed - an obvious mockery, slowly begins to push the entire royal in me, and the desire to nail individual personality grows with each passing second.

- Get out of here. How did you get here?

- So do I get out or answer a question?

- You're trying my patience.

- Well, how did you get here?

- Do you think you have the right to ask me such questions? - Abruptly straighten up, entering into a familiar role, and then spit on everything, especially his unemotional deprives me of the desire to keep the mask, tired plunk down on the floor with my legs crossed and resting the elbows in them absolutely not feminine.

There are dreary and depressing in my soul. If Day tells to Irian what I'm doing here and in general, that I was not in the palace, he will destroy me. I will be deprived of the last joy in life, and this is bad.

- Calm down, I will not tell him - Day appeared next to me and sat down in front of me on his heels.

His dark hood hiding his face, and it was not clear whether he's lying or not.

- And why so much care? – I do not believe him.

- I want so.

I'm fucking tired of seeing his hood, and I do not like to talk when I do not see the eyes of the interlocutor, so I did a quick lunge by hand, smacking a hood from his head and, loosing balance as well as he, fall on him.

It all happened so fast that I did not even have time to understand anything. I get up, resting hands in his chest, and what was my joy to see the hood on his face again. How is this possible if I take it off? Could it be that he deliberately leaned back so that we have fallen, and hid his face from me?

Only now I notice that his hands are on my waist and literally burn the skin. I jump up, not like a queen, as if boiling water scalded me, and I hear his laugh again.

Not that I loved my husband, rather the contrary, but it does not mean that I feel great happiness when another alpha touches me. I get into former position, deliberately searing him with gaze. He slowly gets up and just sits down in front of me, unashamedly wondered:

- Didn’t any alpha touch you except your husband?

It took my breath from his audacity, and the face was glowing even more.

- You forget with whom you are talking! - My voice is cold, and I feel that he stopped smiling.

- I apologize - he slightly bows his head in respect.

I look at him: on the strong shoulders covered with a dense skin, on the corner of armor sticking out of his back and on which is mounted a sword, on hands carelessly dropped on hips crosswise hidden under gloves, and something fascinating in his image, something secret that I want to consider. I am drawn to him by the hand, without making any sudden movements, as hunter gets to the wild beast, and hooking thick cloth of the hood by fingertips, pulling it off from his head.

Fabric falls on his back, and trembling spreads along my spine, and the tips of fingers go numb from the strain. They did not lie. He really looks like a fallen angel. Clearly delineated oval of the face, expressed cheekbones, graceful chin, straight nose and thin lips, by which cannot be read a single emotion. But his eyes! They are simply mesmerizing. It seems that if you look into his eyes a little longer, just drown in the deep blue. They are not blue, no, they are dark blue. Eye colors of the deep sea, slightly refluent black. Any omega envies such a little closed eyelids and long thick eyelashes. Hair the same color as the eyes, except a little darker, and descend on the face by thin strands of different lengths. I'm not sure, but I think, in the back, they gathered in a ponytail.

I catch myself thinking that I brazenly examine him and, slid at last on the lips, turn away, and when I turn back - the hood again on its place. But how is it possible if he does not budge?

- And why do you need this hood? - Decide to clarify, because it starts to annoy me.

- It is more convenient.

- Complexes? - Although looking at him, others must have complexes.

- Not at all.

- A very promising answer – I get up on feet and going to leave, because the atmosphere begins to push, and I feel myself uncomfortable.

- Where did you take such rare curiosities in your arsenal? - His voice slows me halfway and I turned to see him with interest looks at my collection. - Let's say I can believe that the legendary elven sword is a gift of ambassadors, that two ice blades are found, but where did you take a good half of the demonic steel?

- Um... and from where such knowledge in demonology? - Not going to answer him.

- This one I personally forged - finger points on my sword, forged of black steel, the one who responded to my strength, and with whom I often train.

The fact that he forged it, leads me to bad ideas and gives rise to the thought, although I never thought he was an ordinary man.

- Do you want to pick up?

- Yes, - he agrees immediately.

- No, it is mine - Folding arms over the chest crosswise, ready to defend my property.

- Why do you need it? It paired - and this is interesting.

- Where's the other?

- I have, - smooth notes of his voice are deceptive, and I feel the excitement in his voice.

- Do not you want to please your queen, and give her...?

- No, - brazenly interrupted me, however, without any pressure.

- Why paired blades separately? – Usually it is rare phenomenon, especially if the blades are forged by the demon, then a piece of his soul imbedded in it, and it's enough simply to call it, and the sword will appear on the first call.

- Lost in battle.

Lose a weapon in the battle akin to shame for the demon. Most likely, the sword just abandoned his creator.

- If you softy, this does not mean that I have to lose weapon because of this - I had already tuned to listen to sentimental story.

- He is mine! - His voice becomes more demanding.

- All the same. I will not give it to you.

Apparently, tired to listen to me, or speechless from my impudence, Day confidently came up to the shelf, held out his hand and wanted to take the sword. And what was his surprise when the magical protection network of the entire arsenal and of sword personally, that I am very pleased, threw him to the nearest wall like a feather by the hurricane. I worry for him? No. Look how he jauntily get to his feet, and even doesn’t shake a speck of dust from his shoulder.

- It turns out that it's still my sword, - and before he could say anything, I hiding behind the door, which immediately melted away behind my back, grow into a stone. Now if you open the door from that side, then find yourself on the street, on the side of an icy mountain.

Back to my room, feeling the emotions from an overabundance of a headache, and just being in the room, I hear a knock. I came up to the door, and what was my surprise when, from that side turned Day.

- What do you want? - Do not even ask, how he got here, it is in principle impossible, although interestingly enough.

- I will come - whether asked whether said, and pushing me by the shoulder, walked into my room.

I was speechless by such impudence and all that I could is to close the door. Even Irian is not allowed this. Bedroom of omega, the more the ruling omega is integrity. Even my servants do not come here, except Kurin, and there is such surprise.

- You have no right to do so, - I stand in front of him and did not know what to do.

No, I can push him out by force, but it is beneath my dignity, and I would not want to raise the noise, yet not enough to Irian learned about this incident. But if Day take in head to threaten, I'll kill him.

- You've got a face like you gathered to kill me.

- You're close to the truth. And may I ask when I allowed you to contact me at "you"? - His rudeness goes beyond all limits.

A noticeable tension hung in the air.

- Excuse me, more of this will not happen again - the sincerity of his words is captivating and tiredly drooping shoulders, I pass into the room and sat down in a chair, looking at him with the question and not inviting to sit down.

- I need my sword, - So that's it.

- You know perfectly well that the sword has recognized me, and then rightfully belongs to me. Make yourself a new, if you're an expert - trying to be detached, but it turns frankly lousy.

Next to him my ice mask is literally bursting at the seams. Against the background of his calmness and indifference is simply impossible to be yourself. Like for the two of us getting too much ice and weaker begins to lose itself.

- It's impossible. These blades - my first and only job, and I need them both – what a stubborn creature.

- Then give me a second one and you'll come to look at them sometimes - I think, it’s a great alternative.

- You do not want to hear me.

- I still do not want to see you, but this fact does not make you to leave.

- Let's find a compromise? I will fulfill your every desire, and you'll bring me a weapon - just a demon tempter.

- No.

- May I know what you have liked in this particular sword? You have more interesting specimens in your collection.

- Well, if you need it, so it's not as simple as it seems, so it just necessary for me, but in general - I'm got used to it - his laugh makes me wince. It seemed to me that blew cold.

- I'm sorry; I did not mean to scare you.

- Something is wrong – I jump to the feet and approaching to the wall, press my hand to it.

Feel a strong vibration shakes the whole body, and the pictures starts jumping before my eyes like flashes.

- Irian wounded, - look up at Day, not hiding anger, - your job - to protect him!

- This trifling wound - he shrugs, and my worldview makes a somersault and breaks millions of fragments of his short-sightedness.

- Get out of here!!! - I shout at him that in principle I could never afford myself.

He, frizzing for a moment, just bows his head in reverence and melts in my eyes, dissolves in the air. Quickly bring myself up, change clothes, and, smearing with oil, leave rooms. I need to find out what has happened to the king.



Chapter 3

I walk along the corridors quietly stomping on the soft carpet. Coming across to me courtiers and guards bow in reverence and omit their eyes. Retaining my usual face of cold alienation, I walk down the hall, led by an invisible thread which was send me by a castle.

Unbidden thoughts intrude into my head, forcing to dig into myself. I myself can not quite understand what I feel to Irian. No, love is not here, and never will be, resentment is too strong. But no doubt here is a sense of respect and reverence, as a ruler and husband. Irian has always been a good defender of his people, jealously defended every inch of land and personally participated in the battles that can boast not every king, and it really is worthy of respect. As a husband, he fulfills all its obligations, as far as possible taking care of me; really, I do not need it, but nonetheless. He never abused me, does not beat and humiliated. He can deny me something, it is quite in his manner, and whether it is the will, he would have kept me away in the tower from all. But there is no harm from him, except for the fact that he brazenly took my life for himself, not asking my permission for this.

Approaching to the office, I understand that nobody plans to miss me. Without reducing the speed, go straight to the door, and the solders have no choice as to bow their heads and open the door for me, although it seems to me they have been ordered not to do so.

In the office of His Majesty are six people, including the king and the worker in the corner. The boy so scared that he was afraid even to rise from the floor. Ignoring aimed at me eyes, nod to the guy that he was gone, and after a few moments in the office becomes one person less.

There is an ardent discussion of the new security plan, as I understood from the conversation, the orcs have made a sortie on our territory but were defeated and now one of them being interrogated in prison.

Go round the table, ignoring the incessant screams behind my back and, taking a tray with medications, omit it on the table in front of Irian. Remove from him marching camisole, seeing as shirt soaked with blood on the sleeve, and with scissors cut off the sleeve, knowing that the shirt cannot be saved. Stab wound, just below the shoulder. Thin strip extends to the elbow, oozing blood, but all is not so bad, the wound is not deep and I should not even sew it. Carefully treated, wiping blood and grease the healing ointment. Blood almost ceases to flow and, waiting until all dry, rewind arm with bandage. See how Irian assembled, as rolling muscles under my fingers, I notice as a bead of sweat of the voltage runs down the temple. He cannot bear to show weakness, even such the forced, that's why he is angry at himself.

When I finished, fold already unnecessary medication back on the tray and rearrange it on the table. I wipe the blood from the fingers, and, throwing the bandage aside, intend to leave.

- Stay - his commanding voice comes to me at the door.

I would like to go away, but I have no right to disobey, so I come back to the place and stand behind him, a little left of center. An hour passes over, when the meeting comes to an end and commanders leave office. When the door is closed, Irian leans back in his chair and running his hand for it touches my clothes and attracts me to himself and puts on his knees.

- What do you think about all this?

- I think - this is a provocation. They intentionally knock us from the boundaries that we pulled the troops in the capital. Soon there will be an attack, I'm sure. - the voice did not waver, as always, quietly say what I think, knowing - he will listen to my words.

- You look tired, - his fingers touched my cheek, removing strands of bangs to the side and opening my eyes.

- You too, - I leave the answer.

A few seconds of eye contact, just one look, and his eyes begin to glow. He leans towards me, clutching me tightly around the waist and with the second hand pulling on the neck, covering my mouth with his. Stringy kiss quickly gaining momentum, feel his heartbeat quickened and his breathing became more ragged. When the lungs begin to burn from lack of oxygen when his hand caressing my stomach full swing, sliding on it with impatient fingers, take off from him to take a sip of oxygen. I see in his eyes undisguised desire and only now I understand what it is. My smell has changed. Become more concentrated and sweet – cycle begins. And how could I forget about it, crocked with chores and forced trip. This period in the life of each omega happens with regularity every three months. Body ceases to listen to you, the excitement floods the mind, wanting to quickly merge with alpha, abdomen mercilessly pulls, and the whole body shakes from small anticipates trembling. Only one smell, which is coming from the excited alpha, is enough to start to go crazy. Just three or four days, but this is almost too sweet torture exhausting to wait for it with joy. Alpha, feeling intensified flavor of omega during an exacerbation, goes crazy. Just like now.

Slipping his nose on my neck and plunging a smell, drawling growled, making me tremble in his hands. Body began to uniquely react to touches, and at the temples was sweat. This feeling of helplessness that comes during this period, just kills. I looked at him, not changing countenance, but I know that cheekbones covered a slight blush and lips slightly reddened.

- Irian, not here - I rest my hands on his chest, when I see the determination in his eyes.

- Here, - almost growl through gritted teeth.

A knock at the door is like a bolt from the blue. I get up from his lap, barely tearing his hands from my hips, and bring myself in a relative order, nod, letting him know that I am ready.

- Come in! - Obvious irritation already heard in the hallway.

- Your Majesty! Excuse me, but a prisoner started talking and wants to talk with you personally, - said the guardian of the personal security of His Majesty, looking away to the side and trying to breathe through time.

- Lead. - Irian almost shouted, clearly unhappy with the fact that alphas had such a reaction to me.

- Day, - more quietly in the empty office. - Accompany Anry to her room.

From the wall, where the shadow from the cabinet falls to the wall, there are separated already a familiar figure. Day tilted his head and going to the door, opened it for me. Without turning on Irian, go out the door and go in the direction of my room. Barely manage to keep whining that, in principle, to me the first time. Smell, magnificent fragrance enveloped me on all sides like a safe cocoon, blocking even a smell of Irian. This cannot be. I've never smelt of Day, and now it is so strong and attractive that it becomes a shame from only one reaction of my body at him. Lost in thought, I do not notice as two guards led prisoner orc towards to me. Great beast, more of it cannot be called, with dense green skin and a massive lower jaw with protruding fangs. Disgusting spectacle.

Day turns in front of me so suddenly that I have not time to slow down and inadvertently bump into his back. He immediately oppresses me against the wall, closing me by his own body and putting the sword foward while the guards lead the prisoner.

He is so close that I feel on myself the warmth of his skin, and as I rest my palms on his back, I feel how he is tense, and it's crazy. Try not to breathe, otherwise just choke with excitement. This never has been to me, too harsh feeling, all too wrong. It becomes difficult to breathe and I have to bury myself forehead between his shoulder blades, because the consciousness begins to float. He tenses, but continues to stand still.

Before the eyes black-and-white flashes succeed one another, and I can’t stop this flow of visions. See a young omega, with clear blue eyes and a scattering of bright curls, her opening eyes, where you can drown from kindness. Everything is changing sharply, and she sits in the corner of the room, holding a big belly with hands and rocking herself from side to side. Her eyes no longer burn. There's a void, as if her soul sucked dry. New picture: the girl holds a baby in her arms, I can’t see the child, but her smile makes it clear that the child is loved. Outbreaks are terminated immediately, as Day had only to step back. Take a deep breath, sharply plunging the air, and I feel that it becomes easier.

- Are you all right? - He asks, touching my shoulder.

- Yes, thank you.

Look back and see that the corridor is empty and available. Take a few steps and rest my weight against the wall. Fatigue fell upon immediately, suppressing even excitement. Legs like cotton, refuse to obey, and there is like skeleton pulled out of the body, taking away any support.

Day picks me up and carries easily in the direction of the bedrooms.

- Let me go now! - it screams my pride, which, in spite of weakness, is not going to give up.

- Calm down, I'm just going to take you to your room.

What a shame! If someone sees this, there will be the end of my reputation.

- Nobody sees us. Do not worry - there is an impression that he is reading my mind.

- No, I do not read, you just have very bright eyes, and all can be read only by looking at them.

Shyly look away and bury my face in his shoulder, feeling that it becomes a little easier. I think I fell asleep because when I opened my eyes, we were already in my room. Jump off from his hands, blinking eyes, and I cannot understand anything.

- How did you go through the defense? - I have a strong weaving; here you cannot go without my consent, even with me in the arms.

- Talk to you later, you need to relax.

Turn around and bump into his chest. Thought: "Why does he come so close?" has remained in my head, when lifting my face by the chin, he barely touched my lips by his ones. This distorted me so much that I almost fell on the ground, remained standing only due to the fact that he put his arm around my back. I beat him in the face with all might, causing the hood flies off from his head. My eyes are burning with righteous anger, in his own - absolute peace of mind. There is neither lust, nor desire. Nothing. And it's a little scary.

- Get out - ask him, lowering the voice to a whisper, and look down. I'm not mad, though it is also, I'm upset. Heavily...

- I'm sorry - his words are melting in the air with him.

I'm alone and a few minutes just stand, pressing fingers to the lips. It’s such a fleeting kiss, a simple touch, but how many emotions, how many feelings it caused. The body is still burning like a fever, wherever he touched me, and I continue to feel his touch. They remained on the skin like burns, preventing forget them. Wash, not paying attention to the weakness, smeared with oil, because it seems like I'm drenched his scent from head to toe, to the tips of the hair, all of it. And climb under a warm blanket to immediately throw it aside.

Body faints with desire, muscles cramp. Want to touch myself, relieve stress, but I can’t, just can’t. I know that a few hours later Irian will come, that would call to him, and I will have no choice. No injury or fatigue will stop him; he will take what rightfully belongs to him. In the meantime, I should try to sleep.



Two days... two long days spent in sweet delirium. Bright flashes of orgasm flood body over and over again, sweeping away the shame and pride. Body aches, all the muscles are burning. Ecstasy, pleasure, fear. I see everything from the outside, not recognizing myself and crying in the soul. Pressed against the broad chest, clutching it stronger... moans... more... more... How many? Why is the body so tense? Darkness, take me... I can’t anymore. Passion, moan, lust... desire that has no end.

Two days as in a fog. No strength to eat or bathe, no strength to leave this room and captive of hot embrace. Body betrayed me, completely disabling the mind. It's painful and beautiful at the same time. Is it normal when you cry during an orgasm? Is it OK to die of passion and revive again? Yes? No, it's torture...

- You've become so sensitive, - your whisper hurts the ears, forcing back to reality, in which there is no place for me.

- Maybe, - I get up, barely stand on feet, and threw a silk robe over the shoulders, plowed his on the chest, a few long minutes struggling with a belt, but trembling fingers refuse to obey.

- You've changed. Don’t you want to tell me anything? – you lazily get up and came up to me, helping to tie the damn belt.

- No, - telling you in the chest when you pull me into your arms. And the first time in our life together I feel almost painful desire to alienate you from myself.

- Why did the period end on the day before?

- I do not know, probably tired. - I do not know the answer, but insanely happy that it happened.

- I want you to be moved into my room, - like a punch in the stomach, the air from the lungs.

Barely manage to remain on my feet, a stupid smile comes up on the face and blunt light of my eyes completely dissolves in his carelessly abandoned words.

- Is it an order? – I raise eyes to yours, do not hide my emotions.

- This is an invitation, - despite the quiet notes, there is heard pressure in your voice.

- Then I have to give up - do not try to escape from your hands, even though I want to run away...

- Get out! - I was set free, and despite the terrible weakness, go out the door.

Legs do not go, all the muscles ache from the constant stress, but I stubbornly go step by step, closer approaching to where a little bit, but I can feel protected.

Lean by shoulder against the wall, smiling to myself, and slowly begin to slide down the wall, feeling its vibration by skin. Do not have time to slip on the floor, strong hands pick me and pressed to chest.

- Put. – It’s not request. It’s order.

Day seemed not hear me, tight cuddle and fast moving, carries me along the corridor. I hate such assistance. I feel that the whole smelling by aroma of Irian, and it becomes sickening from this. I cannot explain it, but I am ashamed, ashamed that Day feels it. Apparently I fell asleep because when I woke up, I was alone in my room on the expanded bed, completely naked.

I jump up, feeling that power is slowly returning to the exhausted body.

-Kurin! - call into the void.

I begin to shake from excitement. I cannot figure out my own thoughts, they are randomly jumping, running up from me in different directions, and there is no chance to catch any one. From the idea that Day could undress me, stomach reduces painful spasm, and the hands are covered with cold sweat.

- Any, you're excited. What happened? - Frightened Kurin comes out of nowhere and unsuccessfully trying to throw at me a bathrobe.

- Did you undress me? - Ask the most important question at the moment.

- Yes. When I came here, you were sleeping on a bed, covered with a blanket. I wiped and put you to bed properly. Don’t you remember how you came? You haven’t been here for two days, I was worried. - Genuine sorrow gives up heat to my heart.

- All right, thank you, - I embraced her by the shoulders and barely touched to his temple by dry lips, I'm going to the bathroom.

Well, not so bad, at least it seemed that way to me.



Chapter 4


Swing of the sword cut the air, leaving a barely perceptible whistle. Each stroke overtake the invisible target, honing learned techniques to perfection. There are thoughts and unforgotten memories, tearing me up inside, loom in my head.

"You are not worthy of my love, Irian. You yourself are all ruined. I remember this day as if it were yesterday. I had just turned thirteen. That light age when you believe in love until death, and other nonsense. You were twenty-five, an adult and an independent ruler, who recently ascended to the throne. Every year you come to see me, and the last two years did not appear. And now in front of me appeared a handsome young man, worthy of wearing the crown. Too beautiful and I can already see that spoiled. You gave me an appraising look, as if picking a stallion and, satisfactory snorting, went into the house without telling me a word. At that moment I realized that I was considered as a thing. At that moment, I had to rethink my views on life and grow dramatically. I remained standing where you left me, trampling our future, drowning it in your pride. I accepted my fate, so why won’t you accept it?

Why has never been convicted of treason? Although I wasn’t worried about it. Why do you want only me for three years, even not allowing someone to look in my direction? Why do you so jealously kept me for yourself, taking me into your bed, and forced to repeatedly sink into the abyss of pleasure, which fit to drown? You think I was born for you..."

Each flash of memories and a new swing of the sword, to the point of exhaustion, to shiver in the weaker fingers. But the sword stubbornly shoots up to a fraction of a second to fall down, slicing through gaps of memory, trying to destroy them, erase, forget...

- You are exhausted - shudder of surprise.

And how could I afford such an unforgivable mistake, lost in myself so deep that I missed the appearance of the enemy?

- I'm not your enemy - I feel that someone digs in my soul, reading my thoughts. Shake the head, making bangs falling over the eyes, hiding my soul, albeit a deceptive, but protection.

- What do you need? - There is not an ounce of goodwill, and never will.

- Decided to check if everything is ok with you.

- And when did the item to spy on me appear in your responsibilities? - Enough beating around the bush, there is no way to look for ways to hide all from Irian, I tired...

When he was so close to me? Why aren’t I again felt his coming? Sharply going right, bouncing off to a safe distance. A naked steel of blade shines in my hand, eyes are full of fire, and on lips a smile... not good smile.

- Remove, injure, - heard a clear mockery, spurred me even more.

Jerk from the place, too rapid for any man to reflect the impact, but there is not a human in front of me, and the sound of contact steel on steel cuts the silence of the spacious hall. Throw the eyes open with astonishment, not believing my own eyes. Day blocked the shot by reflecting it with one hand, but that with what he did it, knocked the air out of my lungs. This is an exact copy of my blade, one to one, even pattern on the handle is the same. That's only steel from which it is made is clearly not a simple one. It is white, slightly streaked with silver, but even this is nothing. From the sword comes such stream of force that the walls are slowly beginning to vibrate from an overabundance of magic in one indoors.

Series of blows, now from him. Dodge, trying to analyze his style of battlefield and come into shock. For a small series of blows, I counted more than seven techniques of swordsmanship, but it is almost impossible, because every punch clear, correct, honed over the years. Learn all of them is simply impossible for the age of a mere mortal.

Attack, realizing that there is no point to defend. Just a couple of blows and my sword flies to the side. The blow was so strong that with knocked out weapons I get sprained wrist. I have time to roll over and, jumping to the feet and picking up the weapon, exhibit a sword forward, touching with the tip of the blade neck of approached man. There is no sword in his hands, he breathes quietly, while I can hardly forbear, not to stretch with hands on the knees and bend from lack of oxygen.

- Come on, Your Highness, apply the final blow - a clear mockery, and not an ounce of fear.

For the first time from the moment I took up the weapon to my arms, my hand trembled. He, feeling it, beats the blade to the side, take a step toward me and, brushing back his hood, draws with the jerk me to him by waist and, bowing his head, kisses my lips parted in surprise. Eyes widen sharply, dropping the sword from the feeble hands, and froze in shock. The body breaks trembling, lungs burning from lack of oxygen, and in the chest is compressed tight ball of confusion and fear.

He interweaves his long fingers into my hair, hugging me closer. Feel how painful shrink muscles on the stomach and how lips burns from the kiss. I feel his tongue in my mouth and tried to push him, do worse. He kisses with a pressure, but in this touching of lips no animal savagery or dirty lust. Everything is so wrong, and unclear that becomes truly scary.

Tilt my head to the side, breaking the kiss, and pushed him, departing a few steps to the side. Still feeling the glow of embarrassment on the cheekbones.

- You will be execute for it – with intonation of my voice you can freeze the whole lake.

- No one will know – it seemed to me or he wanted to reassure me?

- You insulted me and my husband, your king, you will be punished, - turn around and walk to the door, wanting quickly to shake off the heavy look.

- Do not you like it?

- It does not matter.

- And why not? - He appeared in front of me too suddenly to have time to brake. Stick with nose in his shoulder and breathe heavily.

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