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I dont read fan fiction, for just that reason.

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  1. He turns and his smile is thin, starved for reason.

12) With so many people enjoying your work, has this put a block around your neck to deliver something that you think that they want or do you just write what you want and hope that its received with the same success as your other work. How has this effected you as an author and how do you pick yourself up when one novel or two doesn't get the same acclaim as the rest that you lovingly slaved over?

No, there's no block. I write what I want, but I also consider what my readers will want. As to criticism... hey, no-one has ever written a book that got universal acclaim. Frederick Forsyth's Day of the Jackal was rejected by one publisher as having no originality of plot and no chance of success. Wuthering Heights was reviewed as an appalling novel, which few people would read and would be forgotten about in months. Most of the best selling first novels you - or I - could mention were rejected by publishers. Stephen Donaldson's ground breaking Thomas Covenant series in the Eighties was rejected by 40 publishers. Its the same with fans. Occasionally I glance at Amazon for reviews of my work. You'll find someone giving a novel one star and saying its crap, or that I've lost my way, and the next reviewer saying its a five star book and one of the best they've ever read. So, I dont need to pick myself up. Water off a duck's wossname.

13) Actors are always being suggested to play certain characters from your novels, have you ever written a novel and envisaged a certain actor/actress playing a part, if so, who, what book/role and when?

Legend, where I always pictured Brian Blessed as Druss. Jon Shannow was Clint Eastwood from Pale Rider. Sigourney Weaver as a blond Sigarni in Ironhands Daughter. Mel Gibson was the rat who ate through the roof in White Wolf. [Okay, the last one isnt true, but then I loathe the little git]

14) You've mentioned that you hate the idea of first person killer games for your novels, if a game was based on your novels such as Total War (one where you command armies to fight the war) was to be suggested what would you do? In the same vein as this have you considered entering programmes such as Time Commanders (currently on BBC2, Sunday Nights) where you can do just that?

Yeah, a Total War version would be cool. I love that series. In fact, just won as the Parthians in Rome Total War. No mean feat when you consider their infantry. Time Commanders is just silly. I watched one episode where they fought the Battle of Hastings and had Harold on a horse. Harold fought on foot with his huscarles. Even the battle formations were wrong. Laughable.

15) What goals have you set yourself to do before you hit the big 6-0 (a few years off but everyone has a dream or two to achieve before a certain age) or have you accomplished everything that you wanted to do so far?

My only goal right now IS to hit sixty. Almost all my dreams have already been achieved. All that can happen now is to get more of what I already have - or perhaps less.

16) Religious philosophy seems to be quite a big thing in your work, how do you reflect that in your own life and why do you think that it is or isnt so significant?

We've tended to ditch codes in the modern world along with so much else of worth. Now we have bred a generation of young people who believe in little and who live in cynicism, pursuing materialistic goals. This leads inexorably to a government who can go to war on a lie, kill thousands of civilians, destroy the infra structure of a largely defenceless country, and see their popularity rise in the polls. That same government can set about destroying civil liberties our ancestors gave their lives for - trial by jury, innocent until proven guilty. All the principles of justice and fairness hurled out of the window. Why do they get away with it? Because there is no philosophy taught anymore in schools. We are not taught to think. We are taught to have opinions. Oh yes, and to know which designer brand of trainers give us the greatest street cred.

17) With your recent completion of your own personal library what do you feel is the pride of your collection and why?

I have a signed copy of Stephen Pressfield's Gates of Fire, and 120 old Louis Lamour westerns, which I have been avidly re-reading these last few weeks.

18) With other writers sanctioning official merchandise of thier own creations, what have you considered doing this with (excepting the weaponry made by Raven Armoury) or is it something that you hope is never tackled?

Raven Armoury produce beautifully crafted weapons, and I am happy for them to produce the Swords of Night and Day. Their Snaga is a thing of beauty.

Interview (23/08/05)

1) You're very proud of the fact that you've never missed a deadline and work diligently in order to obtain this, now with the October Deadline that you've set yourself for the second novel in the Troy Trilogy, are you likely to be visiting any other countries to promote your work after this date and how far afield have you traveled in order to promote yourself? I know that recently there has been interest expressed in Poland as well as the States and how well do you think that you novels translate into other cultures? How do your non english speaking fans relate to your work?

I'm heading off for Italy, Greece and Turkey, but more as a break than a research trip. Which, in one way, is irritating because if I called it a research trip I could claim it back in tax. I do get fan letters from around the globe and the points they make pretty much mirror those from the english speaking countries. My work tends to appeal to people who have a strong sense of honour, morality, and basic decency. Nationality doesn't come into it.

2) How do you feel the internet has affected your popularity and do you tend do keep an eye on any particular sites for updates? Whats the weirdest thing that you've uncovered about yourself? (Doenst have to be true but just something that surprised you when you heard about it.)

I've seen all sorts of nonsense about me on the Net. Apparently I am also a writer named Peter Morwood, which would surprise Peter. I am gay. I am an ex soldier with SAS experience. The Net is like the old American West, lawless, exciting, often ludicrously stupid, often remarkably wise. I tend not to visit sites based around my work, though I have in the past dipped in occasionally. I have been approached to have an official site, but I don't have the time to help service it. Time management is my biggest problem.

3) A great many of your novels have hidden stories behind them when they were being created, what is, if any the tale relating to "Knights of dark renown"?

I'm not sure what you mean by hidden tales. You mean real life incidents, as with Legend and Waylander? Knights of Dark Renown has no secret history. One of the things that has fascinated me for years is the way heroes and villains are mostly interchangeable, depending on perspective. Crazy Horse, the Sioux chieftain who destroyed Custer at the Battle of Little Big Horn was a villain to Americans and a hero to the Sioux. Napoleon was a villain to the British and a hero to the French. Knights of Dark Renown played with this theme. It has always been one of my favourites.

4) Future plans are something that you tend to keep quiet about, mentioning in regard to these your own mortality, however what are your plans after the Troy Trilogy? Is it likely to be a standalone to get away from a series for a while or is it going to be something completely different?

I am researching the life of a Byzantine hero, who has all the makings of a great character. The problem is that just because his life is interesting doesn't mean I can make him work on the page. Often my biggest headaches are caused by the characters supposed to be the leading man. Sometimes they don't work as well as some of the subsidiary characters. Time will tell, but my gut feeling is the next book with have a Byzantine flavour.

5) Tolkien found inspiration for his work from all round the world, how would you say that your surroundings have effected your writing and is there any particular landscape that has influenced you to create a tale, using it as centre stage?

My heritage is Scottish, and I first visited the highlands some twenty years ago. At around the same time I went to Iceland, and saw the fabled rainbow bridge. I like desolate landscapes, and I love mountains. I rock climbed in Wales when I was young, in the Triffyn range. I don't think you can feel the land from within a city. Out in the open, at night, with a small fire and the wind rippling the tent, you can almost hear the old memories whispering to you.

6) To what degree were you influenced by Tolkien? Are names such as "Anduin" (a river in Middle-Earth) and "Harad" (a land in the Middle-Earth) occuring in your books a bow towards JRR Tolkien?

Pretty much. Tolkien's work meant the world to me when I was young. I lived and breathed Lord of the Rings, desperate to be like Aragorn or Boromir. As a child I wasn't naturally tough. Bigger kids terrorised me, and I spent a lot of time running away and hiding from them. But I learned about the gifts bravery can supply, by reading Tolkien, Robert E Howard, Fritz Leiber, L Sprage de Camp, and many more. One day, when I was around twelve, I stopped running. After that life got easier. More painful, but easier.

7) How would you say that your mood reflects in your writing, for example the first shannow novel was written at a personally hard time in your life?

All of my novels come from a deep and personal place. There is nothing cynical in my writing. I believe in heroes, and I believe in what the old tales teach us. Too often we just see the sword fights and the action, and don't stop to look beyond, at the nature of heroism. Tolkien did. Think of it. The Ring is a symbol of the power of evil. The good guys are given a chance to use it against the enemy and win. They understand that to do that merely replaces one evil with another. The analogy went further. The closer the Ring got to Mordor, the more powerful its pull became. The more perilous the situation, the more likely we are to put aside thoughts of good and evil and just do what is deemed necessary. You think Blair would have butchered around 30,000 Iraqi civilians, if he'd understood that message? We need heroic role models now more than ever before. Someone once said that evil thrives when good men do nothing. Evil is thriving. We live in an age when 1000 murdered Iraqis a month gets barely a mention, while pages and pages of newsprint are devoted to a Swede managing a football team that loses a friendly.

8) How on earth do you manage to create these worlds with all their history?

Beats me! Maybe I should get a life.

9) With authors either producing or commissioning others to write companions for thier worlds would you ever consider this as a project for your own works or is there ever likely to be a roleplay based on your novels or are there similar complexities such as the "movie contracts" which appear every so often? (George RR Martin has recently agreed to a roleplay based on his Fire and Ice series.)

Again it is a question of time. I get loads of offers for things like games and movies. All of them would require my time. In order to hit my deadlines I work pretty much non stop.

10) All your novels have the good guys eventually winning, usually at a high cost, is there ever likely to be a novel when a "bad guy" will succeed where others have previously fallen, defeating who the reader perceives as the good guy, either way, why do you feel this would be the case?

Not if I lived a thousand years. I've seen the bad guys win in real life, doing the moral equivalent of ripping the gold teeth from the mouths of the murdered. Why in heaven's name would I want to bring that into my own working life? The sad fact is that the ruthless and the vile have far more chance of material success than the hard working and the decent. Nothing new in that. As the wonderful Bob Dylan once observed: Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king.

11) You've envisaged certain actors/actresses to play certain characters when you've been writing the novels but do you draw them or even sketch them? If not how do you tend to remember the attributes and physicallity to each character?

Often I don't. Proof readers pick up that people's eyes change colour. Most of my characters are still based physically at least on people I know. Occasionally I might see an actor and think: He'd be good. But not often.

12) What do you think of the two current literary phenomenons that are Harry Potter and the Da Vinci Code, and why do you think they are so popular?

I've not read Potter, but friends tell me they are fantastic. One friend is 65 and loves Rowling's work. The child of another friend is nine, and loves the work. Anyone who can write novels that appeal across that kind of age range is a genius. The Da Vinci Code was published at a time when conspiracy theories were exploding all across the world. It is a great beach read, and one which I enjoyed immensely. Most of it I'd seen before in a non fiction book called The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, so I guessed the ending. But its smartly paced, with a credible and sympathetic hero, and it carries the reader to a satisfying conclusion. Having said that most good thrillers do the same. So I guess I must have missed something.

13) With your only foray outside the fantasy world being White Knight, Black Swan have you ever considered writing other screenplays or scripts for film or TV? If so what can you tell us about this, if not what turned you off the idea?

Once again it is a question of time. I'd love to work on a tv or film script. Especially as my daughter just lent me a movie called Chronicles of Riddick. This could have been a five star movie had there been the slightest attention to the realities of human nature. As it was the movie was a leaden turkey, which totally wasted the talents of Vin Diesel, an actor of genuine screen presence and charisma. As I watched it I thought: ˜Why the Hell are you not making movies, G?

14) With Troy being mentioned in other novels by yourself (Ghost King, Last Sword of Power) and with the first novel having no sign of the Sipstrassi, are the Feragh likely to make an appearance to "meddle" with the affairs of man or are they something that you wish to be left well alone? How do you feel they would effect the way in which the tale is being told and why does it seem to be so important that magic is being largely ignored in the first novel, will this continued in the other two of the series?

I had to give a lot of thought to this. In essence all of my fantasy worlds are actually the same place at different historical times. I have thrown little clues into different stories to indicate this fact. When I was first considering Troy I thought I would hold to this. The more I researched it, though, the more I thought it needed to be without physical magic. In the end I decided to set it apart from the fantasies, and approach it as an historical novel.

15) When you wrote your other Greek Novels, you seemed to pick an obscure character from the past in Parmenion to create some freedom for yourself, how did you go about picking the lead character Heliakon for the Troy trilogy, and what do you think he will offer to the saga of Troy?

Easy answer is that in Homer, the only Trojan prince to escape the fall of Troy was Aeneas [who I've called Helikaon.] For me the end of the trilogy has to have an uplifting, feelgood aspect. Hard to do that when everyone's dead.

16) Troy seems to be a tale thats inspired man for millenia, how would you say that your take borrows from the traditions that encouraged others and what would you say makes it a tale worth the telling?

That question needs to be directed at someone independent who has read both works.

17) When the Troy trilogy has been completed, you'll have accomplished something that you've yearned to do for years. What other Dreams do you have that you want to see fulfilled? (May all your dreams bar one come true, springs to mind for this.)

That's a good question. I cant say that I have any dreams left. Which is one of the reasons I know how true that Arab blessing is. When I was young I was filled with dreams. One by one I achieved them all. [Well, except for the pure fantasy ones, you know, where Halle Berry rings and says how she'd like me to spend a weekend with her in a cabin in the mountains. And would I mind if she brought Jennifer Lopez as well?]

18) You've said that you don't tend to read authors of the same genre as yourself, what do you tend to read and how do certain authors, manage to make it to your reading pile, Deborah Miller being a recent example of this?

Publishers send me manuscripts by new writers and ask whether I'd read them. Occasionally one will grab me. Deborah Miller's was one like that. Hence the cover quote.

Interview (06/07/06)

1) The lands of the Drenai all have a name, however what is the collective name for the world and is it different for the name of the continent to which they all inhabit? Please let us know all names concerned.

It is very tempting to just come up with a name for the world, and pretend it was all part of a great plan. The truth is a tad more prosaic. I wrote the original Drenai story, called Siege of Dros Delnoch, while waiting for cancer tests. I did not expect the story ever to be published, and literally chose the name Drenai because it sounded similar to Dorsai, which came from a series of books by Gordon R Dickson. These were splendid sci fi novels about a warrior race.

Once the books became succesful I wrote more based in the same world, and found myself slowly building different cultures, and discovering others.

2) We have heard of Missael the man, Missael the god and the other pantheon deities. Are the two one in the same and how did the world come to change from the ancient pantheon to the source and are the demons also ancient humans or are they part of the Illohir?

Missael the man and god are one and the same. Once Alexander the Great died he was deified. Several hundred years later there were shrines and temples to him. For me Missael was like an in joke. The ancient world of the Drenai, remembered now only in folk lore, talked of the days of Missael, when fire rained down from the sky. These were missiles. The ancient world was ours. As to the Illohir and the demons I have a rough story in mind about them, and dont want to say too much about it now.

3) What is, in your opinion, the best novel you have written so far, or the most you've enjoyed writing, so to say?

The best is not for me to say. Ask a hundred fans and seventy [or more] will say Legend is the best. But look around on the net and you will find other fans talking of Lion of Macedon, Morningstar, Waylander, Ravenheart, and others. The most enjoyable was Legend. It was written without the pressures of publishing, the expectations of critics and fans, and the need to pay bills through writing. It was just a joy to put together, written quietly in evenings or lunch hours.

4) What would you recommend to anybody who wants to write fantasy, specially people who read your work and are inspired by it?

Writing is an acquired skill. You dont get good at it unless you write and write and write. Many people tell me they'd love to write a book, or that they will one day 'when they have the time'. Writing is like marathon running. You dont just pull on a pair of trainers and run 26 miles. You work at it, building stamina, struggling through cramps and muscle strains. Writing is no different. My advice to writers is dont talk about it, do it.

5) Upon the completion of the Troy series do you plan to write something else about the ancient civilizations, or will you go back to the Drenai? Yet you have also mentioned an interest in the Native American tribes, are we likely to see a standalone or the continuation of another series such as the Rigante?

For reasons too personal to go into I have no plans at the moment for what will follow Troy. I would like to visit the Rigante one more time. I would also like to complete the Skilgannon series. There is also a Byzantine character who fascinates me, and would make a wonderful book. Time will tell.

6) Of all the characters that you have created, which one has given you the most joy to write?

Druss the Legend. I love that old boy more than I can say. I dont think I ever wrote a single line of his dialogue. I just threw a situation at him and the words leapt on to the page. Just as if he was speaking himself. Once years ago, when typing a Druss piece in a newspaper office during a lunch hour I suddenly said: 'Damn, I wish I'd said that!' My friend George looked at me as if I was loony. 'You did say it DG,' he said, softly. 'I was watching you type it.'

'No,' I said. 'That was Druss. I cant come up with dialogue like that.'

7) With over thirty novels to your name how do you keep your characters so fresh and interesting?

Damned if I know - but looking ahead to the next question. I have to admit that some people dont think I do...

8) Every so often reviews are written that claim you are too formulaic, how do you react to comments like this and how do you see your own work?

My work is formulaic. I write about heroes in desperate situations, outnumbered and facing annihilation. This is where my interest lies - ordinary men and women in extraordinary situations, requiring massive courage. It is inevitable that readers will feel a sense of similarity - even deja vu - when reading my stories. How do I react to criticism? Depends who is making it. If it is a fan who feels let down by a piece, then I am concerned. If it is a reviewer who pans me I couldnt care less. No writer is going to please everyone, and if he attempts to he will only increase his chances of pleasing no-one.

9) Magic appears throughout the majority of novels, what are the rules of magic as you see them and are they there purely to be used as a plot device or are you delving into something deeper of the human psyche through mans means to use anything that comes to hand?

The magic I generally use in the novels is a mixture of the 'modern' - tekekinesis, telepathy, faith healing - to the more generally accepted fantasy magic of witchcraft, spells, demons and were beasts.

10) How do you keep track of characters and events from previous novels in future projects?

With enormous difficulty, and the help of researchers. It can be a huge embarrasment to be on tour and have a fan ask you a deep question about a character you just dont remember.

11) Certain characters in the latest novel appear to have influences in the real world, for example when we see Odysseus is he based upon yourself as a storyteller or is it something else?┬ If so what?

I dont know quite how Odysseus came to be formed. I had one idea for him, but when I started writing his whole personality just came out differently. So I went with it. I think he works well, and he always makes me smile. Yet another character who writes his own dialogue.

12) Rumours have been circulating yet again that you are currently in negotiations for the film rights to some of your books.┬ What is the case to this latest rumour and how likely are we to see a film of one of your books?

(In case any of it appears to be true, Iт¤™m available to appear, take photo's, consult etc. Did I forget to mention that I'm cheap? LOL) I still refuse all film offers. Not prepared yet to surrender my characters to Hollywood Hell. [This high principled view would change in a heartbeat if I was to run out of money!]

13) Throughout the time that you have been writing how would you say that the worlds changed and how would you say that your writing style has change to accommodate the new beliefs or are you steadfast and use the worlds events to put your own views across?

Not enough hours in the day to tackle that one with any depth. The world we live in has changed beyond all recognition to the world I grew up in. For me the toughest change to take has been the way cowardice has become an accepted - even preferred - lifestyle choice. Governements encourage us to be cowardly, the police insist we are cowardly, schools┬ are forced to promote the need for cowardice. Think about it. Back in the Sixties if you saw a crime being committed you were encouraged to be a 'have a go hero'. Tackle the criminal. If you got hurt doing so you'd likely get a medal. Now Governments tell us not to get involved, police advise us to stay safe.┬ Now if someone breaks into your house you need a manual to work out how to deal with it. Whack him in the head and he dies and you are likely to be charged with manslaughter and jailed. If he whacks you in the head he'll be out in no time.

Recently a woman was stabbed and left bleeding to death because police refused to go into the house in case the criminal was still there. When my father was mugged some years ago, and badly beaten up, a policeman told me he was partly to blame, because instead of handing over his pension money as he should have┬ he was stupid enough to punch one of the muggers.

Schools are now being forced to cancel adventure holidays, because youngsters might get hurt rock climbing, or mountain walking, or kayaking.

We need to rediscover the virtues of individual heroism.

14) With George RR Martin and now Marriane de Pierres having Roleplays available for their worlds, is there any likelihood for a Gemmell Roleplay to come out or is there something that holds you back and what are your views on this?

Not something I've ever really thought of.

15) Troy has been a tale long in the telling that you have always wanted to write, now that you are two thirds into the project is it how you envisaged it or is it more a case of the tale is really taking it out of you and something that you have wished that you never started?

I've enjoyed Troy, but it has been a mighty tough exercise. The research has been endless, the re-writes prodigious, and the attention to detail has sapped my stamina enormously. Hopefully when it is finished I'll look back and think it was all worth it.

16) Your writings take full use of weaponry and armour, how do you keep track of what is and what is not available to the people of the world, for example we know that in Winter Warriors gunpowder for fireworks is available yet it hasn't appeared as an item of war yet. Is there any particular reason for this or is it more a case of your own dislike of the weapons. For example in The Last Guardian, one of the comments is 'Where is the skill in weapons like these?'

I keep in touch with armourers and swordsmiths, and am currently studying bronze age weaponry. I had fun with Jon Shannow and his pistols, but the Jerusalem Man books were really just a homage to the works of Louis Lamour, my favourite author. You cant get his works in the UK any more. I have been tempted recently to acquire the rights to his best novels and publish them myself.

17) Throughout the Drenai novels the Joinings level of intelligence has been changing from natural cunning through to human speech, is there a reason for this or is it just something that you thought would work well, for example Gravas would have created problems without being able to speak to Stavi in Hero in Shadows, so some means of development was required.?

As with all developments there would be advances in the Joinings technology. Giving them speech was a push, because the vocal chords of a wolf are just not geared for complicated sounds. But you are right. For Stavi to form relationships with the Joinings there had to be a level of vocal communication.

18) At the website I've been having fun creating Gemmell Merchandise (for example toy joinings and t-shirts) is there anything that you'd like to see made that has yet to be attempted or is there anything that takes your fancy?

I'm waiting to see whether Raven Armoury ever complete the Swords of Night and Day. I'd like to see that. And I would dearly love to see Waylander's crossbow created. Years ago someone suggested a Druss doll. Pull the string and it would say: In your dreams, laddie.'

Which is what I said to the guy who suggested it.

Stella Gemmell Interview

1) Why did you decide to finish the third part in David's Troy Trilogy and how are you finding writing the novel?

Dave was always very conscious of his mortality, and one of his fears was that he would die during the writing of a book. In the past, I know, he'd discussed with Stan Nicholls the possibility of Stan finishing a book for him if it came to that. If he had died during the writing of one of the fantasies, a one-off novel, I think I'd have spoken nicely to Stan, or James Barclay - both good friends - and, if they had the time, maybe tried to reach an agreement with the publishers that one of them would complete the book for Dave.

Troy was different. I'd not only done the original research for the books, I'd also lived with the characters for over three years. Dave would talk about his books all the time while he was writing, we'd discussed them at length, and I'd read every word, every scene, several times. I felt I knew Helikaon and Odysseus and Andromache better than I knew my own family. And, for the first time in this trilogy, I'd started contributing scenes for the books myself, beginning with Lord of the Silver Bow when Gershom watches as the Xanthos sail into Blue Owl Bay.

I felt Fall of Kings had to be finished, and I was the best person to do it. I knew the main plot developments, the intended fate of each character and, unusually, Dave had already worked out a rough chapter plan for the rest of the book.

Nevertheless, as an untried writer as far as the publishers were concerned, I was still reluctant to suggest to Transworld that I finish it. When I finally plucked up courage and put it to Selina Walker, Dave's editor, she was pleased and said she had not suggested it to me thus far only because she thought it would be too hard for me emotionally. In fact, it's just what I needed emotionally - a project that would keep me meaningfully occupied, and still working with my wonderful Dave.

But I found the work very hard. There's a great difference between writing the odd scene to order - which, as a journalist, I found fairly easy - and writing off my own initiative. I had never written a battle scene before, for instance, and one of my first moves was to research Dave's own books to find out how to construct one. Nervously, I ran all the major fight scenes past James Barclay (so we all know who to blame for any mistakes!). It sounds like a cliche, but I would not have been able to manage without the unstinting support of all our friends, fellow writers, Selina, who's been at my side every step of the way, and Dave's agent Howard Morhaim. And from last July 28 until the present Transworld have vindicated what Dave always said about them - they're the best publishers a writer could possibly ask for.

Fall of Kings is finished now. I submitted the edited draft two weeks ago. Dave's fans were never backwards in coming forwards with their opinion, and I'll find out what they think in September.

2) During the writing of "Fall of Kings" which, if any scenes, have been particularly difficult to write?

Yes, well, battle scenes. When she heard I was finishing Fall of Kings, a friend of mine told me, 'But Stella, you don't know a broadsword from a broad bean!' which I thought was a bit unfair. But it is true that I'd read a thousand Gemmell battle scenes without ever really thinking about the craft involved. I'd just thought, I suppose, 'Well that's just one of the things Dave's good at.' It's not like that, of course. He was good at battle scenes, the best - in his early years because he loved writing them, and in his later years because he'd had so much experience. But every word was measured, and every move planned - as his friends know - in this office I'm sitting in, with the swords and daggers and axes, and handguns and rifles and, oh, one tomahawk and one crossbow. But it was a steep learning curve for me.

The scenes I found easiest were those involving the characters I'd originally created in Silver Bow - including Odysseus and Priam, both wonderful men to write. And Banokles who, although Dave created him and he was a Gemmell character through and through, just leaped off the page. A Rick's Bar character, as DG would say.

3) How do you feel the completed book will be received and how do you think you will feel upon completion of the novel?

I have put my heart and soul into Fall of Kings; it's the best I can make it. I know Dave is pleased with me, because he always loved a trier. It doesn't really matter to me what anyone else thinks.

4) You mentioned that you will be taking some time to rediscover yourself after completing Fall of Kings. What, if any future plans do you have in regard writing such as a biography based on David or some stories based in his worlds?

I have no plans for any future writing at this time. I'm going to take a while to live with myself and find out who I am without my husband. A biography is not something I would rule out, though. Biographies of authors write themselves, in part, because so much is already written down. Dave had an interesting life, he was an unusual man in so many ways, and I think there's a splendid book there, but not just yet. Maybe not for many years. I have no interest in writing anything based on his previous work. Dave's work is done. Let's leave it at that and cherish what he's left us.

5) A number of fans have been enquiring into the possibility of other products relating to David's creations. What if any products can be expected or is that something that you wish to steer clear of?

Once a year or so we'd go up to Forbidden Planet for a book signing and Dave would cringe at some of the products on sale. (Although I must quickly add that he had a lot of time for 'the Planet' and his friends there. And I am the proud possessor of a beeping Star Trek communicator. And for two consecutive Christmases I gave Dave the swords Sting and Glamdring.) I guess there are products and products. At the top end of the scale Simon Fearnham at Raven Armoury made a wonderful Snaga for Dave, which is my prize possession, and which everyone who comes to this house gets to see. Simon is now working on the Swords of Night and Day.

But any product needs judging on its merits. Action figures of Star Trek or Star Wars characters work because we all know what they look like. But everyone has his or her own vision of Druss or Skilgannon or Bane, and any figurine is going to disappoint a sizeable majority of potential buyers. By the by, the French publishers Bragelonne have produced some wonderful small-scale versions of Snaga which Dave was very pleased with.

6) Which of David's books is your own personal favourite?

Legend. I can't say anything very original about why Legend was my favourite Gemmell. It was his first book, the one that remained closest to his heart. Although his technique improved and this themes became more sophisticated over the years, Legend was what Dave was all about. Read it, and you know everything about the man. I open a copy now and read a page or two, and Dave is instantly there, with his integrity, his loyalty, his cool insight into the inner darkness good men try to overcome, and his love for the man (or woman) who was prepared to go that extra mile, extra yard, for a principle.

7) David often mentioned that many of his characters were based on real people, ie Druss was based on his Step Father Bill, Which, if any of David's characters were based upon yourself?

That'll have to remain between Dave and me. No one else knows and no one will ever guess!

8) White Knight, Black Swan is seen as a Holy Grail novel by many fans, what is the likelihood of a reprint and when do you feel it should be released?

White Knight, Black Swan is rather a curiosity. It was written at a very particular time and place, the 1960s/70s when Dave was a young man in west London, and got involved in some dodgy doings with some very dodgy blokes. Its hero Bimbo is a archetypal Gemmell character, strong, honest, good-hearted, gallant towards women and with very old-fashioned moral principles. I haven't read the book for many years, but I feel it might be a little dated now. As a one-off it would not appeal to publishers who like series, or at least books which might lead on to other books.

9) With Legend being David's first published novel, is there any likelihood of a leather bound edition of the novel, such as the one planned originally by Orbit for the 20th Anniversary of the novels printing?

I've no idea. Obviously 2009 would be an ideal opportunity for a 25th anniversary Legend. I'd like to see it, and I'll suggest it to the publishers. People might have seen the Bragelonne 20th anniversary Legend. They also did a 20th birthday Waylander, which I received a couple of weeks ago. The boys at Bragelonne have always been terrific supporters of DG's work.

10) David never made it a secret how much he hated conducting research. How easy was it for you to immerse yourself into the ancient world?

I loved it! Dave originally asked me to do the research for Lion of Macedon, and it was a revelation to me how much I enjoyed it. We both became experts on the times, and I totally fell for Philip of Macedon, Alexander's father, who is a fascinating person (far more interesting than his psychotic son).

So I was thrilled to take on the late Bronze Age. The Trojan War was in about 1250BC and, being a thousand years before Alexander, much less is known of the times, which is both a bad and a good thing - bad because it's hard to find out just how the people lived, good because the writer is far freer to use his imagination. We've felt free to play fast and loose with history - for example, biremes like the Xanthos were probably not invented in the late Bronze Age, and the rams on them certainly weren't. Dave's view was, though, that Khalkeus was a genius, a Leonardo, ahead of his time, and was quite capable of building a bireme. The secret, of course, following the demise of the Xanthos, would have been lost for several hundred years...

Our touchstone was always Homer's Iliad, which is a wonderful read. I was surprised at some similarities between his battle scenes and Dave's. This might sound bizarre, but, for anyone who's interested, take a look at the death of Simoeisios in book 4 - not in the structure or the language, but in the compassion shown for a bit-part player who appears for just one paragraph to be killed by a hero. I thought Dave was the only writer who could pull that off so well.

11) With David having written 70-80,000 words for Fall of Kings, how did you go about writing the novel? IE was it a case of adapting to David's style or did you rewrite the novel from scratch so that it all flowed.

I just looked to see how far he'd got and carried on writing the next page. Dave's work was barely touched, except for light editing by me and Selina, and a couple of changes I had to make when I realised later on that I couldn't justify what he'd written earlier. For instance, I took out one three-page scene of Dave's introducing a character I realised I wasn't going to have the time or space to deal with properly. So no, if there was any adapting to be done, I've tried to adapt as far as possible to his style. Which is how it should be.

12) What do you think about DavidтАЩs fans reaction to his passing?

I'm being totally honest when I say the support of fans was enormously helpful to me in the first few days and weeks. I'd check the website several times a day and each time I read all the heartfelt tributes I felt I was being supported by a family of friends from all over the world. Dave always said he had an exceptionally fine bunch of fans, and they proved it in spades last summer.

13) Over the years there's been a few of rumours about the possibility of a Gemmell film. Which of David's novels if you have the choice, would you like to see as a film and why?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 137 | Нарушение авторских прав

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