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The Capture of Cerberus

Кафедра английского языка № 5


Учебная разработка к книге

The Labours of Hercules” Agatha Christie


Для студентов I-II курсов

Института внешнеэкономических связей


Составитель: доцент Пронкина Н.П.


Москва 2004

Методическая записка


Данная учебная разработка предназначена для работы с книгой по домашнему чтению «Подвиги Геракла» Агаты Кристи на I курсе в группах продолжающего потока и II курсе в группах начинающего потока Института внешнеэкономических связей.

Основной целью пособия является развитие разговорных навыков на материале книги. Студентам предлагается ответить на вопросы по содержанию книги, воспроизвести диалоги между персонажами книги, высказать собственные суждения в отношении персонажей, прокомментировать их высказывания и поступки.

Работа с лексикой рассматривается как вспомогательное средство для достижения цели разработки – развития разговорных навыков. Лексические единицы выделяются к некоторым видам заданий, чтобы:

1) облегчить для студентов процесс подготовки к занятию по домашнему чтению;

2) сделать процесс чтения целенаправленным;

3) сохранить язык и стиль автора.

Они могут служить своеобразным планом для ответа на поставленные вопросы. Студентам также предлагается написать перевод ситуаций с использованием лексики по содержанию двух или трех рассказов. На заключительном занятии планируется общее обсуждение всей книги.


Доцент Пронкина Надежда Петровна

The Labours of Hercules

By Agatha Christie




Assignment One (pp. 5-6)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. Describe Hercule Poirot and his flat.

to be furnished in a modern style

to gleam with

to resemble

a small neat figure

striped trousers

a bow tie

2. What are his plans for the future

to be interested in

to make arrangements

to have a personal appeal

in twelve months’ time

to bet

a farewell performance

3. Who gave him the idea of accepting 12 cases before retirement, under what circumstances and why?

to have time to study

richness of the spirit

selected cases

to accept twelve cases

special reference to


to be in a hurry

to wait for

self-imposed Labours

II. Comment on Dr. Burton’s words: “It always will be like this. Just a case or two, just one case more – and so on. Your Labours aren’t the Labours of Hercules. Yours are labours of love.”

Labour I

The Nemean Lion

Assignment Two (pp. 7-16)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What was Miss Lemon and what was she like?

to trust

without imagination

to have an instinct

to be a born secretary

2. What was Poirot’s first case? Why did it interest him?

to investigate

the kidnapping of


a pet

to make an appointment

to be attracted to smth by its striking unimportance

to turn one’s talents to

3. Why did Sir Hoggin decide to apply to Poirot?

Describe Sir Hoggin.

to remind smb of smb/smth

to do with soap

to be in the habit of doing smth

a fee

to make inquiries

to be the best man at smth

to apply to smb

to grudge the expense

to be cheated

4. When and under what circumstances did the dog disappear? What did Sir Hoggin tell Poirot about it?

to be stolen

to get a demand

to be out with smb

a companion

to approve of smth/doing smth

to send off the money to the address given

to confess

to get angry

to calm down

after all

to happen to smb

to stand firm on smth

5. What information did Poirot get from Lady Hoggin and her companion about the kidnapping of the dog?

to interview smb

the full circumstances of smth

an abominable crime


It was all my fault

to walk along

to be on the lead

to be just about to do smth

can’t help doing smth

a park attendant

to inclose smth with smth

to have nothing to do with

to have excellent references

to look after

6. It was the habit of Hercule Poirot to leave nothing untested. Is it true or false? Prove it.

II. Comment on Lady Hoggin’s words:

“Amy Carnaby? Oh! She’s quite all right. I’m sure she had nothing to do with it.”


Assignment Three (pp. 16-25)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What happened to Mrs. Samuelson’s dog? Who was blamed for its disappearance?

to blame smb for

to say acidly

to make off with smb

to be gone

to be annoyed about smth

2. Were these two incidents alike? What was different?

to follow the same course

threats of violence to smb

the sum of the money demanded

3. What conclusion did Poirot come to about this case? What instructions did he give to his assistant?

evidence of smth

a talent for smth

a star performer

to feel more attracted to smb

4. Explain Poirot’s words: “Aha, the chief actor! I solute you, my little friend.”

5. Why did Amy organize all these thefts?

in one’s own defence

to have no training

to be terrified for the future

to pay the rent

influential friends

to look forward to

to get together

to think of smth

to put smth into smb’s mind

to mistake smb for smb

6. Miss Carnaby never felt like a criminal. Is it true or false? Prove it.

to carry out smth

to congratulate smb

to be in the first rank

to take smth away

to be scrupulous in doing smth

to seem wrong

to look at smb in horror

an artistic touch

to make sure

to be sentimental about smb/smth

to be absorbed over smb


7. How was Miss Carnaby found out by Poirot?

to be inevitable

to realize

to be one of a series

to have an invalid sister

to look for smth

once a week

8. Why do you think Poirot decided to help Miss Carnaby and in what way?

to promise

to extract



first class

to be a very fine actress

to persuade smb not to prosecute

9. How was the question of Poirot’s fee settled?

to write out a cheque

to hand smth to smb

to shake one’s head

to accept

to owe

a murder case

to start slightly

a former client

to be very like smb in appearance

a wealthy manufacturer

to poison smb

to come from smb’s lips

to tear smth into pieces

to consider smth as

a charity organization


to be careful

II. Comment on Sir Hoggin’s words:

“I’m not going to risk my neck for any damned platinum blond!”


Revise the words of the first two stories for a test.


Translate into English

1. Мисс Лемон была прирожденным секретарем и Пуаро доверял ей.

2. Лицо посетителя было ему знакомо и напоминало Пуаро кого-то.

3. Миссис Карнаби притворилась, что винит себя за похищение Шен-Тана и ответственна за его похищение, хотя провела операцию сама.

4. Пуаро был щепетилен в выборе метода расследования.

5. Ему не приходило в голову, что его манеры выдадут его. На первый взгляд он был спокоен и не волновался о положении вещей, но Пуаро был специалистом и не мог не подозревать его.

6. В этом медвежьем углу Мараскорд предложил взятку хозяину гостиницы и занял место официанта, которого уволили. Мараскорд нуждался в уединенном месте, чтобы изменить свою внешность, но попал в ловушку, как крыса в мышеловку.


Labour IV

The Erymanthian Boar


Assignment Four (pp. 26-33)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What brought Poirot to Switzerland?

to take advantage of smth

to be unknown to smb

to visit a place


2. What information did Poirot get in the funicular? Who was it from? What did Poirot know about Marrascaud?

to mount to some place in a funicular

a conductor

to inspect a ticket

a note written in pencil

a colleague

to be of great assistance to smb

to keep one’s eyes open

to get in touch with smb

on the spot

a cold-blooded murder

a bookmaker

the identity of the murderer

a well-known gang

to suspect of smth

a meeting-place

a ruthless killer

an odd coincidence

a wild boar

3. Who were the passengers of the funicular?

on the seat opposite smb

to give away

greyish hair

a surgeon

to play cards

to be nothing unusual about smb/smth

the only thing

a valley

4. Why did it seem to Poirot that the manager of the hotel was not at ease? What did he tell Poirot about the hotel and the guests?

a handsome man

an easy manner

to be at ease

to be worried about smth

to talk in a confidential manner

to judge smth

to be out of the season

an elderly gentleman

a nerve specialist

to come to some place for peace and rest

a worried look

a new experience

5. What news did Gustave bring to Poirot? What did he tell Poirot about the visitors and the staff?

instead of

to take a look around

to occur

an accident

a cause

at night

in the meantime

to be cut off

to communicate with

to arrange

a distinguished man

to be an expert

in disguise

at first glance

at least

a harmless man

to think smth over

to ascend into a rat-trap

the latter

to need smb’s co-operation

to be involved in smth

it occurred to me

to let smb know of smth

to keep one’s eye on smb

the reason for

to share smth

II. Comment on the following:

“And the rendezvous is for the purpose of sharing this money, you think? It is the most obvious idea.”

Assignment Five (pp. 33-42)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What information of the hotel staff did Poirot get from the cook?

to wander aimlessly round

to be suspicious

to be communicative

to come round to the subject

to replace smb

to be dismissed

to see off

2. What happened some time after midnight in Poirot’s room?

to fumble with the lock of the door

to sit up

to put on the light

to be a bit drunk

the gleam of a razor blade

to advance on smb


to do a good job on smb



3. Who rescued Poirot and how did it happen?

to turn round

to stand in the doorway

to hold a gun

to be good at doing smth

to raise one’s hands

to turn the key on smb

the laugh is with me

in time

to be very much in smb’s debt

4. Why did Poirot and Mr. Schwartz rush to Drouet’s room? What did they see there?

to stare at smb

on the list

to cut up smb

to be busy on smb

on the top floor

to bandage

an injured face

to dress a wound

a risk of sepsis

5. What made the three men go to the unused wing?

to explain the situation

deep abnormality

the particulars of smb’s childhood

as for me

to have an idea

to break off

in blood

to lead from/to

to follow the marks

6. What did they find in the bedroom of the unused wing of the hotel?

to push the door

to utter an exclamation

to crush

to be known as

an unskillful waiter

to bend over

to pin smth to

7. How did Poirot account for Marrascaud’s living in the unused wing?

to masquerade as

to offer a bribe

to remain hidden

8. What did Schwartz think of the reason for his being killed?

to share out the money with smb

out of the way place


to find out

to touch smth with

to settle smb’s account

9. Who came to the hotel three days later and why?

to greet smb

to take smb alive

to see to smth

to start up

to cheat

to be imprisoned

to make an attack on smb

10. What was Poirot’s line of enquiry? What made him suspicious?

in the course of one’s profession

to pass as a detective to smb

to act the part of

to get on smb’s track

like a rat in a trap

to need a retired place

to specialize in facial surgery

to offer a fee

to change smb’s appearance by means of

to be betrayed

to kidnap

to take smb’s place

II. Comment on Poirot’s words:

“To capture alive the wild boar of Erymanthea …”



Lavour VI

The Stymphalean Birds


Assignment six (pp. 43-50)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. Where was Harold Waring taking a holiday? Why had he chosen that place?

to walk up the path

on the terrace

a political career

to be free from

to take a holiday in

to have a rest from

to be overcrowded

2. Describe Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Clayton. Did Harold like them? Why?

an elderly woman

a married daughter

in a rather old-fashioned style

gentle and shy

a woman of character

a masterful manner

a sense of humour

to be good company

to arouse smb’s interest

3. Where did Harold see two sisters for the first time? What impression did they make on him? What did they look like?

to shiver

there is smth odd about smb

a curved nose


a loose cloak

to flap

to think to oneself

to be like birds of ill omen

the resemblance between smb

a long claw-like hand

birds of prey


to be distracted from smth by

to be of very good family

4. What did Harold learn about Mrs. Clayton’s husband?

to go for a walk

a widow

to be responsible for

to be insanely jealous

to have a violent temper

to be devoted to smb

5. What were Harold’s feelings towards Mrs. Clayton?

a wave of indignation and pity

to sweep over smb

to recall smth

to realize

smb’s interest in smb


to be tied to

6. What was Harold grateful to Mrs. Rice and Elsie for?

like many other …

to be a bad linguist

to worry smb

to be grateful to smb for smth

to act as interpreters for smb

7. Who did Harold see in the pinewood? What did Elsie tell Harold about her husband?

a stroll

an unmistakable sound

to go in the direction of

with one’s face buried in one’s hands



to hesitate

to terrify smb

to get in a rage

to make a scene

to complain of

to justify smb

to feel uneasy

8. What happened in Harold’s room in the evening?

to rush into

to look frightened to death

to take a step

to support

to be of medium height

to shake with rage

to flirt with

to seize smb’s arm

to dash after smb

9. How did Phillip Clayton die?

to give a cry

to snatch up

to throw smth at smb

to fall down like a log


to take in the situation like lightning

to cause embarrassment and misunderstanding

for smb’s sake

to catch one’s breath

to be dead

II. Comment on the following words of Mrs. Rice:

“Alcohol is responsible for a lot of unhappiness”.


Assignment Seven (pp. 51-58)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. Why did a cold fear grip Harold on hearing that Clayton was dead?

to be unable to

to hit smb right on

an accident

to confirm

to see smb’s point

a good deal of time

under rather compromising circumstances

to arouse smb’s jealousy

either … or …

to be in danger

to be condemned to death for smth

to commit

to accuse of

to survive a scandal

2. What did Mrs. Rice suggest doing to hush the accident up officially?

on an impulse

to shake one’s head

to wire

to be worth doing

a chance of doing

to conceal smth

to hush smth up

to bribe

due to natural causes

3. What happened on the following morning?

to take part in

the police proceedings

to read out

to have a heart attack

in a superior mood

4. What made the whole thing a thousand times worse?

to join smb for

as usual

to comment on

to keep one’s eyes on smth/smb

all the old fear and despair

to blackmail

5. Who did Harold meet by the lake and what did they talk about?

at last


to hold smth in one’s hands

blood-sucking harpies

a moustached stranger

to murmur

to be in trouble

to be of any assistance to smb

to be certain

the latter

in silence

to have one’s own way of doing smth

as to

to come out

to be ruined

to do harm

to be put through hell


to free smb from

6. What pleasant news about the Stymphalean birds did Harold get from Poirot in the morning?

in spite of

to be impressed by

to exercise one’s ingenuity


to be wanted by the police


birds of prey

7. How could Poirot free Harold from his Stymphalean birds?

to make one’s living

a male impersonator

to play the part of

to make up


to trade on smth

an excuse

to arrange

to be in charge of

a negotiation


to take an aversion to smb/smth

to make a fool of smb

II. Comment on the following words:

“…in these little Balkan countries you can bribe anyone and everyone – and the police are probably more corrupt than anyone else … It’s just a question of bribing high enough…”

Labour VII

The Creatan Bull


Assignment Eight (pp. 59-68)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. Make up a dialogue between Diana Maberly and Poirot. What was the reason for her visit?

to be engaged

to break off an engagement

on the contrary

to go mad

to leave the Navy

to give a reason

to manage an estate

a pretext

a godfather

an unusual occurrence

in the neighborhood

to give rise to

local talk and rumours

a fuss

a fiancé

to consult a doctor

to believe in

to approve of smth

to be pleased

to fix smth up

at least

2. What impression did Hugh Chandler make on Poirot?

magnificent physique


a mass of hair

a specimen of healthy manhood

on smb’s arrival

to speak in a low voice

to involve smb in smth

to give in

all the same

3. What information did Poirot get about the Chandlers through Colonel Frobisher?

to look old and tired

to drop one’s voice


to become violent

to take to an asylum

to be afraid of

to be fond of

to be drowned

to be devoted to

at the end of

to bring up

to be married to

to be aware

the reason for


find out

4. Why did Admiral Chandler force his son to leave the Navy?

to do with

to investigate

to be full of

to question smb

to leave the service

to have a scandal

the only thing

5. Why was Admiral Chandler against Hugh’s being examined by the doctor and against Poirot’s investigation?

a study

can’t help doing smth

an outsider

a trace of abnormality about smb

to roar

to shut smb up between four walls

a wild beast

6. What information did Poirot get about Frobisher and Hugh through Admiral Chandler?

a friend of smb

to be in love

to be lucky

to marry smb

to be out in the boat

to stay at home

to overturn

to hold smb up

as long as

7. What happened to Hugh when he was all wrong?

to sit on a bench

to turn one’s face towards smb

to be sane/insane

to get worse

to take a long breath

for one think … for the other

to dream

for instance

to race about

to taste smth in one’s mouth

to have hydrophobia

to be thirsty

to swallow

to escape

to hand on smth to smb

to be frightened of

to lock smb in

at night

to turn smb from a man into …

8. How did Hugh happen to cut his chin?

to spend much of one’s life in

to be keen on smth

to reflect on smth

to remark

to startle smb

to be nervous

to have a rash over

to do one’s best for smb

to keep away from smb

II. Comment on Colonel Frobisher’s words:

“All the same, you know, there are some things that you can’t fight…”


Assignment Nine (pp. 69-77)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What was Poirot’s conversation with Diana about? What was he afraid of?

to have courage

to make smb afraid

to catch a murderer

to prevent a murder

to pass the night at

2. What arrangements did Poirot and Diana make before spending the night at Hugh’s house?

there is no time to lose

an experiment

to make no questions about smth

to follow smb into

on the upper floor

to find smth easily enough

a washbasin with hot and cold water

to take smb some time to do smth

3. Where did Poirot call at on the way back? Why did it strike Diana?

to call out

to be back in time for dinner

It struck her

to mind doing

in the middle of


to be away

4. What happened towards early morning?

to draw back the bolt



a huddled figure

here and there

to be dead white


to catch one’s breath

to regain consciousness


5. What did Hugh decide to do in the morning? Was it the only way out?

to get a hare

to take smth off

to load a gun

the only way out

6. Could Hugh believe that he was sane and hadn’t killed animals? How did Poirot make Hugh believe it?

neither of us


to prove

to be insane

on each occasion

to give a strong sleeping-pill

to put a blood-stained knife into smb’s hand

to be just about to do

to come across


to drive smb mad by the administration of drugs

to be prescribed freely

for eye treatment

to obtain

to arouse suspicion

to extract from

to apply externally

to cause a rash

to lead to

to produce symptoms

dryness of the mouth and throat

a hallucination

to test

7. What was the motive for murder Poirot had been looking for? Who and when did he suspect?

to look for a motive for murder

the eternal triangle

to inherit smth from smb

to plan a revenge

to turn one’s hatred against smb

to put smth into smb’s head

to pay the penalty

to object to smth/doing smth

8. What did the two men see and hear Admiral Chandler do?

to pick up a gun


the last of

II. Comment on Poirot’s words:

“I thought of a possible motive, the eternal triangle: two men and a woman.”


Revise the words from Labour IV and VI for a test.




Translate into English

1. Политическая карьера Харольда складывалась хорошо. Он был привлекателен и свободен от романтических привязанностей.

2. Миссис Клейтон по старомодному была прелестной. Миссис Райс была женщиной с характером, уверенная в себе, но у нее было чувство юмора и она была интересным собеседником.

3. Миссис Райс была очень привязана к своей дочери, которая была связана с жестоким, грубым человеком, ее мужем. Он жутко ревновал ее и устраивал ей ужасные сцены, если она только поговорит с другим мужчиной. Всему виной был алкоголь.

4. Диана была помолвлена с Хью и очень его любила, но он расторг помолвку по причине того, что сходит с ума, но Диана была борцом и не хотела сдаваться.

5. Хью не был безумен. Адмирал Чендлер внушил ему это. Он спланировал месть. Он хотел свести Хью с ума приемом лекарств. Он знал, что атропин свободно прописывают для лечения глаз и его можно добыть не вызывая подозрения: При наружном применении он вызывает сыпь и определенные симптомы, которые Адмирал сам испытал.



Labour IX

The Girdle of Hyppolita


Assignment Ten (pp. 78-91)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. Why did Poirot take the case of the stolen Rubens?

to lead to smth

the circumstances of the theft

to take a case

a masterpiece

to place smth on display

in broad daylight

the unemployed

the hungry

in curiosity

to smuggle over to

to pass into smb’s possession

to be on the alert

to fail

to accept a task

2. What interested Poirot in the case of the missing schoolgirl? What did Inspector Japp tell Poirot about Winnie King?

to drop in

to kill two birds with one stone

to be on one’s way from … to …

in company with

to cross the channel

to pass through the customs

to get into the train

on the outskirts of

to make sense


3. What kind of a girl was Winnie King?

a plain-looking kid

to grow into beauties overnight

to study the photo

to represent

a plait

a dental plate on one’s teeth

to wear spectacles

to have a romantic heart

by chance

by the side of

4. Where was the girl found?

to pick up the receiver

to be over

to be doped

to put back the receiver

5. Who did Poirot get more information about the girl from and what did he find out?

to have no idea

to be busy on one’s own job

to solve the problem

to have concussion

to be responsible for

to hold smb to ransom

to lose one’s nerve with smth

a conjuring trick

a middle-aged woman

to be a flashy piece of goods

to suspect smb of doing smth

6. What confirmed Poirot’s theory and what made the problem so interesting?

to slow down

to risk being killed

to vanish into thin air

a signalman

in good condition

to look pleased

to confirm a theory

7. What did Miss Pope tell Poirot about Winnie and her parents? When did she make the acquaintance of them?

to be never wrong in one’s judgement

a decided taste for art

general studies

to complete

to specialize in art and music

to instruct smb in

to have not the slightest idea

to blame

8. Who called to see Miss Pope and what for?

to throw light upon smth

to demand

to inspect smth

to overlap

to pass over smth

to submit

to live by routine

on arrival

9. Why did Poirot think that the picture on the wall was a most unsuitable picture to be hanging in the school?

to go up to

to bring smth as a surprise

to unhook a picture

to have no artistic merit

to prove

the odour of turpentine

to fill the room

10. What story did Poirot tell Miss Pope?

to have a resemblance to smth

on the train

to disguise oneself

11. When, where and how was Winnie kidnapped?

to take smb’s place

so far

an impostor

to be acquainted with

to go out of the window

to pay attention to

12. What was the reason for such a senseless masquerade?

to smuggle smth from

a customs man

to be on the alert for smth

to be famous


to collect smb’s luggage


13. What did Miss Pope see in the picture?

to admit

to be suitable

by magic

a classical scene

a work of art

to throw smth over one’s shoulder

to be narrow-minded

II. Comment on Poirot’s words: “It has a resemblance to the story of the Ugly Duckling that turned into a Swan”.


Labour X

The Flock of Geryon


Assignment Eleven (pp. 92-105)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. Who came to Poirot one day? What was the reason for her visit?

to apologize for

to bother

to lie like a log

to consult smb

to be anxious about

orthodox religion

a sect


to have doubts

to become a victim of smth

2. What did Miss Carnaby tell Poirot about the Flock of the Shepherd, the head of the movement and the members of the sect?


an estate by the sea

to centre round

to depend (up)on

a ramp

3. What really worried Miss Carnaby and what did she find out about the deaths of the devotees?

a devotee

to make no protest

to belong to

a near relative

to have no right/doubt

suspicious circumstances

to take place in

to make a will

4. What did Poirot ask Miss Carnaby to do? What instructions did he give her?

to find out

a woman of great courage and determination

to be associated with smth

a mare’s nest

to pretend

to persuade

to manage

5. What feeling did Poirot have after speaking to Chief Inspector Japp? Why did he believe that case to be the 10th Labour of Hercules?

to look up


to be expelled from

to be keen on smth

to write smth on the subject


a genuine fanatic

to die of

to suffer from

to connect smth with smth

a coincidence

to destroy

6. Make up a dialogue between Miss Carnaby and Poirot about her meeting with Dr. Anderson and Miss Carnaby’s impression of him.

to obey

to rely on

to benefit

a revelation


to care about

to inherit

a distant relative

to accept smth

to be indifferent about smth

to be attached to smb

an ardent believer

to make smb one’s compliments on smth

to be set for smth

7. What scene could one witness in a small restaurant in the sleepy little town of Newton Woodbury? Who were the actors? What did they talk about?

to be breathless

to be odd

to have visions

to stare at smb

to spy on smb

to suspect smb of smth

heart and sole

to do spying work


8. Where and in what way did the Festival take place?

to assemble

before the setting of the sun

a raised platform



to seem magnificent

to be dressed in

to be prepared for smth

to hold out one’s arm

to move along

9. How and when was Dr. Anderson arrested and what impression did the arrest make on everyone?

to stand by smb

to grasp

to get oneself free

the former

a warrant

a martyr



a syringe

10. What did Inspector Japp and Poirot thank Miss Carnaby for?

first class work

to be flattered


to keep the dodge of the sanctuary

to do the best

to overhear

to let smb down

to increase

11. What scheme did Dr Anderson devise and what was the secret of his popularity?

to devise a scheme

under a different name

to make cultures of

to inject a dose of smth

to give the sensation of smth

the spiritual joys

a dominating personality

mass hysteria

12. What was Dr. Anderson’s second aim in view?

to make a will

a lonely woman

in one’s gratitude and favour

to be the cause of smth

to be introduced into

to occur

to arouse suspicion

to cultivate a substance

to delay

to intensify


to take the risk

13. Did the police have enough evidence to convict that dreadful person?

to have evidence

to convict

to commit a murder

to arrange

II. Comment on Miss Carnaby’s words:

“… I see design where there may be only coincidence.”


Labour XII

The Capture of Cerberus


Assignment Twelve (pp. 106-115)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What did Poirot think to himself about, swaying to and fro in the tube train?

to sway to and fro

in the tube train


to sparkle with intelligence

to be alike

to be devoid of charm

to lack

to stop at a station

2. Who did Poirot see on the opposite escalator and why was he puzzled?

to carry upwards

the surface of the earth

to raise one’s eyes

on the opposite escalator

to descend

to be decorated with

to move in opposite directions


to lean over

at the rush hour

at the foot of

in turn


3. What mood did Poirot come home in and who helped him to find out about “Hell”?

in a mood of pleasant excitement

the magic fascination

to admit smth

to rouse

a woman in a thousand

to be efficient

to ring up for a table

to reserve a table for two

to require explanations

to run a night club

4. What was “Hell” like?

to pass through

a neon sign

to show one letter at a time

to direct smb to

to pave the way to

on one’s left


to label

to be fixed on

to pick up smth

to be lighted with

to play hot music

5. Who did the Countess introduce Poirot to and what did she tell him about them?

the terror of evildoers

to lead a life of

an elderly man

to give advice

a check coat

to have a degree

not to make the most of oneself

the young people of nowadays

to light up with pride

for smb’s sake

to adore

to talk about the welfare of smb

6. What attracted Poirot’s attention in Hell?

to exchange some words with smb

to attract smb’s attention


to live a life of ease and pleasure


neither … nor

in fact

to seem to smb

to be on business

7. What was Poirot’s reason for visiting Scotland Yard on the following morning? What did Chief Inspector Japp tell Poirot about Hell?

to pay a visit to

on the surface

to make money

a dummy

to have got an interest in smth

at the taxpayers’ expense

on a large scale

to exchange smth for smth

to supply

so far

to raid some place

to get in a jam

to search

all is well that ends well

to be a success

8. What attracted Poirot to this case?

to try one’s hand at

to be worth doing

the drug racket

to destroy


II. Comment on the following words: “It is difficult for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heavens.”


Assignment Thirteen (pp. 116-125)

I. Answer the questions using the words given below.

1. What and why did Poirot try to find out speaking to the Countess in Hell?

to have much affection for smb

to see smb in the jam

to own

to have a partner

a criminal past

to burst out laughing

to deal in smth

to tear into pieces

to mistrust

a sense of humour

to be in danger

2. The Police were planning to raid the place on Thursday night. They thought it would be a success. Prove it.

3. What happened in Hell on Thursday night?

to study the surroundings

to go with a swing

to be plastered with diamonds

to rise to one’s feet

to go out/on

to be halfway

round the corner

to speak in a whisper

smb/smth in question

in this/that case

4. What was the result of the raid?

to pick up the receiver

not to have the faintest idea

to speak the truth

to be wrong about the whole thing

to be mixed up in smth

to cut off smb’s exclamations

5. Why did Poirot invite the Countess to his place on Friday morning? What did he want to find out?

to sail in

by mistake

to take smth off

to feel smth hard

by touch


to put up the money

to betray smb

now that

to embroil smb with

6. How and why did Mr. Higgs induce Cerberus to follow him out of Hell?

to be filled with

to beat the floor with

to introduce smb to smb

to be a master in one’s profession


to resist

not to work the same way with smb

a specially trained dog

to carry smth in one’s mouth

to spit smth out

for hours

7. What was found in the dog’s mouth and how did the Countess react to it?

to step forward

a package

to be wrapped in smth

to demand

to be worth

to bring ruin and misery to smb

to swear to smb

to be used for that purpose

8. Who was the real organizer of the dope racket?

to take time and trouble

to convict

to see smb framed

to take the rap

to make an exchange

an accomplice

to produce smth

to fit smth back

to make an arrest

II. Comment on Hercule Poirot’s words: “From the Nemean Lion to the Capture of Cerberus”, he murmured. “It is complete”.


Revise the words of the last three stories for a test.




Translate into English

1. Хотя обстоятельства кражи неизвестного шедевра Рубенса были обыкновенными, Пуаро взялся за это дело, так как владелец картинной галереи был его другом. Произведение было выставлено напоказ и украдено средь бела дня. Картину контрабандным путем переправят во Францию и там она перейдет в руки миллионера, которого Мистер Симпсон хорошо знал.

2. Инспектор Джеп зашел к Пуаро и попросил помочь в расследовании пропавшей школьницы по дороге из Англии в Париж. Вини, некрасивая девочка с двумя косичками и выравнивающими скобками на зубах, вместе с 18 другими школьницами пересекла пролив, прошла таможню, села в парижский поезд и исчезла в воздухе на окраине Парижа. Пуаро заинтересовался этим делом и решил убить двух зайцев, расследуя и этот случай.

3. Мисс Карнаби волновалась за одну из своих подруг, которая была ревностной верующей в секте «Стадо Пастуха». Несколько женщин умерли при загадочных обстоятельствах после того, как составили завещание и оставили все свои деньги главе секты, который обещал им духовные радости, а сам совершал убийства.

4. Знакомая Пуаро, которую он не видел несколько лет, управляла ночным клубом и пригласила его туда. Мисс Лемон позвонила, чтобы заказать столик на двоих. Комната не была большой и была освещена маленькими красными лампами. Джазовый оркестр играл зажигательную музыку.




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