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Elements of fiction

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The fiction writer might use the following to create artistic effects in his or her story:

· antagonist: the character that stands in opposition to the protagonist

· character: a participant in the story, usually a person

· conflict: a character or problem with which the protagonist must contend

· climax: the story's highest point of tension or drama

· dialogue: the speech of characters as opposed to the narrator

· plot: a related series of events revealed in narrative

· point of view: the perspective of the narrator; usually refers to the voice, first or third person.

· protagonist: the central character of a story

· resolution: the plot component in which the result of the conflict is revealed

· scene: a piece of the story showing the action of one event

· setting: the locale and time of a story that creates mood and atmosphere

· structure: the organization of story elements

· subplot: a plot that is part of or subordinate to another plot

· theme: a conceptual distillation of the story; what the story is about

· suspension of disbelief: the reader's temporary acceptance of story elements as believable, usually necessary for enjoyment

1. Find the English equivalents:

Рассказ о придуманных событиях и местах, давать фактическую информацию о реальности, привлекательность художественной литературы, вызывать целый спектр человеческих эмоций, отвлекать мысли, сопереживать, настоящие события, оказывать огромное влияние на, охрана авторских прав, электронные библиотеки, царство особой художественной литературы, положительный герой, отрицательный герой, кульминация, сюжет, развязка, сцена; обстановка, время и место действия; второстепенная сюжетная линия; неизвестность, нагнетание обстановки


2. Answer the questions

1. What is fiction?

2. Why doe fiction appeal to people?

3. What is fiction based on?

4. What is fiction in narrow sense? What genres does it have?

5. What challenge did internet present to the fiction authors?

6. What new forms of fiction did internet give birth to?

7. Is fiction important for humanity?

8. What are the elements of fiction?


An autobiography (from the Greek auton, 'self', bios, 'life' and graphein, 'write') is a biography written by the subject or composed conjointly with a collaborative writer (styled "as told to" or "with"). The term dates from the late eighteenth century, but the form is much older.

Biographers generally rely on a wide variety of documents and viewpoints; an autobiography may be based entirely on the writer's memory.


A memoir is slightly different from an autobiography. Traditionally, a memoir focuses on the "life and times" of the character, while an autobiography has a narrower, more intimate focus on his or her own memories, feelings and emotions. Memoirs have often been written by politicians or military leaders as a way to record and publish an account of their public exploits. In the eighteenth century, "scandalous memoirs" were written (mostly anonymously) by prostitutes or libertines: these were widely read in France for their juicy gossip. In more recent times, memoirs are also life stories which can be about the writer and about another person at the some time. Modern memoirs are often based on old diaries, letters, and photographs. The term "memoir" has begun to replace "autobiography" in its popular use. Until the last 20 years or so, few people without some degree of fame tried to write and publish a memoir. But with the critical and commercial success in the United States of such memoirs Angela's Ashes and The Color of Water more and more people have been encouraged to try their hand at this genre.

Mark Twain was probably the first popular person to include photography in his autobiography. He was specially interested and involved on the taking of the pictures to control his photographic persona.

Biography (from the Greek words bios meaning life, and graphein meaning write) is a genre of literature based on the written accounts of individual lives. While a biography may focus on a subject of fiction or non-fiction, the term is usually in reference to non-fiction. As opposed to a profile or curriculum vitae, a biography develops complex insight and highlights different textures of personality including intimate details of experiences. A biography is more than a list of impertinent facts like birth, education, work, relationships and death. It also delves into the emotions of experiencing such events.

With the technological advancements created in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, multi-media forms of biography became much more popular than literary forms. Visual and film images were able to elaborate new dimensions of personality that written forms could not.


1. Find the English equivalents:

Написанный совместно с соавтором, Основываться на разных точках зрения и документах. Перечисление общественных деяний. Пробовали свои силы в этом жанре. Описание жизни человека. Краткая биография. Отражает различные особенности человека.

Анализирует эмоции.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-26; просмотров: 169 | Нарушение авторских прав

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